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Urbanism Speakeasy

by Andy Boenau

The prohibition of good design is over! URBANISM SPEAKEASY will equip ordinary people to create happy, healthy communities. No fancy degrees or design pedigree required. Public space is supposed to serve your interest. Streets, retail districts, plazas, and parks can be designed to promote walking and bicycling - the building blocks of vibrant places. This show will give you storytelling and marketing tips to transform car-oriented places to people-friendly places. Your host is Andy Boenau. He's won artistic awards for podcasting, filmmaking, and photography. His contributions to improving the built environment have been acknowledged by various outlets covering design, engineering, and culture. https://twitter.com/Boenau https://www.linkedin.com/in/boenau/ Curious about bike share in your community? Download Andy's book of FAQ: http://bit.ly/BikeShareBook

Copyright: Copyright 2023 Andy Boenau


How to end your story

1m · Published 06 Jul 14:00

Stop at the end.

We’ve all enjoyed a movie only to suffer through a superfluous wind-down. Be quick about it.



Body of a short story

2m · Published 01 Jul 14:00

With the exception of tweets, your shortest stories will probably be summaries of experience on your corporate website or qualifications package. 

In these contexts you’re relating a single contract or type of experience in less than a page, with space reserved for pictures or graphics. 

I find project write-ups to be the most challenging format for short stories.



How to open your story

2m · Published 29 Jun 14:00

Getting to the point is timeless advice, more so in our era of flittering attention. 

Is the story about planning a new park? 

Start with the kids playing soccer at the edge of a grocery store parking lot. Open well and you’re halfway there. 



Point of view

3m · Published 24 Jun 14:00

You’ve got an idea for a plot. Now what? 

Every story has a method of narration. 

A project description for a procurement your office is issuing, a proposal for your firm to build a hydroelectric dam, an About Us page on your website, a bike share case study for a webinar -- each of these has a point of view.



Thrive in a boring industry

3m · Published 22 Jun 14:00

I have some encouraging news after teaching thousands of people like you in dozens of courses, workshops, and webinars. 

Few people in your industry are putting storytelling into practice. You may feel like you’re the last to learn a new skill, but you can make an immediate impression.

Clients will turn away from the piles of industry mediocrity and fix their gaze on you.



One screen playing two movies

4m · Published 17 Jun 14:00

Scott Adams is the brilliant creator of Dilbert. Besides his work on the painfully true comic strip, he's written a lot about persuasion.

One of the concepts he talks about quite a bit is the observation that two different people can watch the exact same thing at the same time and draw opposite conclusions. 

One screen playing two movies.

Here's how that applies to your marketing and storytelling.



Blogging and podcasting

4m · Published 15 Jun 14:00

Someone asked me recently if I had any advice for people who work in advocacy. I said Write, Publish, Repeat.

Doesn’t matter if you feel unqualified or out of your element. Write. Publish. Repeat.

Maybe it sounds like aspirational advice, but I have practical motives for sharing it.



Avoid defensive storytelling

3m · Published 10 Jun 14:00

In the last episode I told you one of my favorite quotes:

If you want to learn about a culture, listen to their stories. If you want to change a culture, change the stories.

One way to change the stories is to get out of a defensive posture. Avoid the point-counterpoint stories. Any boring politician or statistician can do that, and it persuades no one. 



Storytelling in 3 Words

3m · Published 08 Jun 14:00

One of my favorite quotes is from a writer named Michael Margolis: “If you want to learn about a culture, listen to their stories. If you want to change a culture, change the stories.” 

Thousands of books have been written about how to write. You could spend the rest of your days on earth learning about story formats, language, sentence structure, and so on. 

But I want to give you an easy way to get started. 

Storytelling in 3 words: Hero. Conflict. Resolution. 



Facts don't persuade anyone

3m · Published 03 Jun 14:00

Pie charts, line graphs, and bar charts are only as good as the tweetable caption. 

Tell bold stories with your data.

I promise you there's a way, no matter how boring you think the topic is.



Urbanism Speakeasy has 11 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 35:13. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 18th, 2023 01:19.

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