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1010 Thrive

by 1010 Thrive -- Home of the 1010 Podcast

A daily podcast each weekday sharing Biblical truth designed to help listeners find hope, meaning and fulfillment in life. Each weekday we will air a new episode that features a devotional grounded in our 10-10 principles.

Copyright: © 2020 1010 Thrive -- Home of the 1010 Podcast


Episode 880: Seeking God in a Time of Silence

10m · Published 19 Apr 07:00

Amos' prophecy of spiritual famine (recorded in Amos 8:11-12) might have been a stark reality in his time, but Jesus transforms this bleak picture. In Him, we find an overflowing well of living water, the Bread of Life that truly satisfies our soul's deepest needs, and a direct connection to the heart of God. May we never take this abundance for granted!  By nurturing our relationship with Jesus, the living Word, we can thrive spiritually, rely on His guidance, and experience the joy of walking hand-in-hand with our loving Father.


There can be times of spiritual famine when God's truth is obscured or neglected by society or even within the church itself. During such times, individuals and communities may experience a sense of spiritual dryness and distance from God due to a lack of adherence to biblical teachings or the dilution of doctrinal purity. By maintaining a strong connection to Scripture and a personal relationship with God, one can prevent or overcome these periods of spiritual famine. 

Episode 879: Amos and Social Justice-A Call to Action That Still Echoes Today

10m · Published 18 Apr 07:00

Amos's message resonates deeply with today's issues of injustice and exploitation, echoing the concerns of Jesus's own ministry. Both figures called for radical accountability, urging their audiences to prioritize genuine compassion and justice over superficial religious practices. Amos's forthright condemnation of social inequities and his urgent calls for repentance serve as a powerful reminder of the need for societal and spiritual renewal. Similarly, Jesus's outreach to the marginalized and his parables, like that of the Sheep and the Goats, underscore the intrinsic link between our treatment of the vulnerable and our relationship with God. These teachings compel us to not only reflect on our personal and collective morals but to actively engage in rectifying the wrongs of our world. By heeding the messages of Amos and Jesus, we are encouraged to transform our understanding of divine justice into concrete actions that uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals, thus embodying the kingdom of God on Earth.

Episode 878: Righteous Judge and Merciful Savior

10m · Published 17 Apr 07:00

The Book of Amos tells the story of a shepherd-turned-prophet who confronts social injustice in ancient Israel. Amos, chosen by God, exposes the wealthy who exploit the poor and a corrupt justice system. He warns of impending judgment but also offers hope for repentance and restoration.


Through symbolic visions, God expresses his deep desire for Israel's return. Despite their hypocrisy, God's love remains unwavering.  Repentance paves the way for a future filled with justice and prosperity.


Amos' message transcends time. We are called to fight for justice and advocate for the marginalized, just as he did. Empty rituals hold no weight; true worship translates into action that reflects God's love.


The book explores the seeming contradiction of God's nature – just and merciful. This tension reveals his character. His love for justice demands accountability for sin, while his boundless mercy offers a path back to him through repentance.


Amos' message, though seemingly harsh, is rooted in love. We are called to be agents of justice, acknowledging our own shortcomings, and holding onto the hope for a world transformed by God's love.

Episode 877: Jesus in Joel

10m · Published 16 Apr 07:00

Today’s episode explores how the prophet Joel's message resonates deeply with contemporary concerns about injustice and suffering. Joel Chapter 3, in particular, details God's final judgment and the establishment of His eternal kingdom, offering hope amid our longing for divine justice and restoration.


Joel prophesies a significant gathering in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, a symbolic location where God will judge all nations, emphasizing a future day of reckoning that surpasses any earthly court's capabilities. This prophecy underscores a divine accountability that awaits every nation and individual, addressing historical injustices that have gone unpunished.


We highlight how this divine judgment is not merely punitive but also a prelude to restoration if people repent. Joel promises a transformation where once-devastated lands will thrive again, signifying God’s power to renew and heal both land and spirit. This restoration is depicted as a reversal of fortunes, where areas once stricken by disaster will flourish, symbolizing the profound spiritual renewal God offers to those who return to Him.


By integrating these themes with New Testament writings, we demonstrate the continuity of Joel’s prophecies with Christian eschatological hopes, particularly as seen in the Book of Revelation. This connection assures believers of God's ultimate plan for a transformed world where He dwells among His people, fulfilling their deepest longings for justice, peace, and righteousness. The call to repentance and the promise of restoration offer a dual message of urgency and hope, encouraging a life oriented towards God’s ultimate justice and the anticipated renewal of all things.

Episode 876: Judgment and the Eternal Kingdom

10m · Published 15 Apr 07:00

Today’s episode taps into the global dissatisfaction with injustices, aligning these feelings with the prophet Joel's message about divine judgment and restoration. Joel 3 describes God's final judgment and the promise of His eternal kingdom, offering hope for those yearning for justice.


Joel predicts a divine courtroom where all nations face accountability, emphasizing a future where every injustice is addressed. He also promises restoration for those who repent, depicting a world where Judah thrives and enemies like Egypt and Edom become desolate. This suggests profound spiritual healing for those returning to God.


We connect Joel’s prophecies to the New Testament, especially Revelation, highlighting God's enduring presence in the New Jerusalem. This contrasts sharply with our current reality of sin and pain, resonating with our intrinsic yearning for peace.


In summary, this reflection on Joel 3 encourages believers to find comfort in God's justice and to align their lives with His kingdom, fostering hope and proactive faith in a challenging world.

Episode 875: I will Pour Out my Spirit

10m · Published 12 Apr 07:00

The prophetic book of Joel speaks of the promise of a spiritual outpouring, linking physical restoration with the coming divine spirit, suggesting a holistic renewal encompassing both physical sustenance and spiritual empowerment. This future outpouring, foretold by Joel and reaffirmed in the New Testament at Pentecost, signifies a new era of direct divine interaction, transcending historical and cultural boundaries, and culminating in a universal availability of God's presence and power.


Joel's narrative, while rooted in a specific historical calamity, transcends its context to articulate a timeless principle: God's sovereign ability to transform disaster into a catalyst for spiritual reflection, repentance, and renewal. This theme encapsulates a holistic vision of divine intervention, offering hope and a call to action for believers facing any form of adversity, urging a collective return to God's grace and sovereignty.

Episode 874: The Day of the Lord is Near

10m · Published 11 Apr 07:00

The prophet Joel provides timeless lessons on judgment, repentance, and restoration. Though his historical context is debated, the universal themes in his narrative resonate strongly. Joel opens with a vivid portrayal of a devastating locust plague, symbolizing divine judgment yet serving a deeper purpose: to call for sincere repentance and herald the promise of restoration and spiritual renewal.


Joel emphasizes the “day of the Lord,” a concept filled with dread yet hopeful, pointing to Christ's Second Coming and the final judgment and redemption of believers. The immediate crisis of the locusts, consuming everything in their path and leaving economic and spiritual ruin, mirrors the potential total judgment of God's day. Yet, in this dire warning, Joel interweaves a message of hope, urging a heartfelt return to God to avert disaster and embrace restoration.


Joel's call to action, blowing the trumpet in Zion, is not just a ritualistic alarm but a deep, communal call to repentance, impacting every societal level. Despite the harshness of judgment, Joel conveys God's compassionate character, promising mercy for those genuinely returning to Him.


This narrative aligns with the broader biblical theme of the Great Controversy, depicting God's ultimate plan for redemption and renewal. Joel's message transcends its immediate context, offering insights into divine justice, the impact of sin, and the transformative power of genuine repentance, leading to a deeper relationship with God and foreshadowing the eternal restoration to come.

Episode 873: Jesus in Hosea

10m · Published 10 Apr 07:00

Today we wrap up our brief study of the book of Hosea. This book, with its themes of unfaithful love, judgment, and the promise of restoration, points forward to Jesus Christ in both direct messianic prophecies and through deeper typological connections. Jesus fulfills and transcends Hosea's message, offering the ultimate demonstration of God's love and the final means of restoration for humanity.

Episode 872: Unveiling the Raw and Real- Hosea's Enduring Message

10m · Published 09 Apr 07:00

Hosea, known as a minor prophet due to the brief length of his book rather than the significance of his message, delivered profound insights into God's steadfast love and mercy in contrast to Israel's infidelity. His ministry, rich in theological depth, uses his marriage to Gomer as a metaphor for God's relationship with His people, highlighting themes of love, betrayal, repentance, and restoration.


The book of Hosea articulates themes such as God's unyielding love despite human failure, the severity of spiritual adultery through idolatry, and the necessity of genuine repentance leading to divine restoration. Hosea emphasizes God's sovereignty, the value of steadfastness, and the preference for mercy over judgment, offering a nuanced view of God's character as both just and merciful.


Hosea's narrative extends beyond a historical or cultural relic, presenting a dynamic love story that mirrors God’s pursuit of His wayward people. It serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance of prophetic messages, urging a life marked by justice, mercy, and a profound relationship with God. Furthermore, Hosea prefigures the messianic fulfillment in Jesus Christ, encapsulating the essence of divine love and redemption, making it a timeless call to understand and embody God's redemptive love in our daily lives.

Episode 871: Gomer, Part 2

10m · Published 08 Apr 07:00

Today’s special episode of 1010 Thrive unfolds the story of Gomer, a woman of complex reputation and beauty, and her transformative encounter with Hosea, a prophet conveying God’s messages of healing and unconditional love. Initially intrigued by Hosea's preaching in the marketplace, Gomer finds herself drawn to his message and presence. Despite her skepticism, a conversation ensues where Hosea speaks of divine plans and sees in Gomer a story yet to be completed and a heart yearning for more than what her current life offers.


As their paths cross again, Hosea invites Gomer to dine with him, expressing a belief that their meeting and potential union are part of a divine plan. Over time, Hosea shares his vision of a life together, one led by faith and in service to God's will. Despite her fears and the shadows of her past, Gomer agrees to embark on this journey with Hosea, symbolizing a step towards faith, redemption, and unconditional love.


Their marriage becomes an allegory for God's relationship with Israel, illustrating themes of faithfulness amidst betrayal and the enduring nature of divine love. Gomer’s infidelity and the birth of their three children, whose names carry prophetic meanings of judgment and hope, reflect Israel's unfaithfulness to God. Yet, Hosea's unwavering love for Gomer, including buying her back from prostitution, echoes God's unfailing love and willingness to redeem His people despite their sins.


The narrative closes on a hopeful note, with Hosea and Gomer's story underscoring the themes of repentance, restoration, and the power of God's love to renew. It highlights the potential for reconciliation between God and His people, promising a future of renewal and a return to being called “My People” and “Loved One.” This story transcends its historical context to offer insights into divine love, the gravity of sin, and the path to redemption through repentance and return to God.

1010 Thrive has 490 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 82:23:19. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 2nd, 2024 04:10.

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