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Communicast: A Communication Skills Podcast

by Scott D'Amico

With Communicast, Scott works to distill down what it means to be a great communicator. Each episode features a conversation with a business professional about communication skills and how they have impacted their career and overall organization. Listeners will also glean tips around how to hone their own communication skills.

Copyright: 2023 Communispond


Jesse Cole: Swing Hard in Case You Hit It

26m · Published 02 Jan 10:30

Leaders are great repeaters. That is something that my guest this episode, Jesse Cole, truly embodies. Jesse is the owner of the Savannah Bananas, where along with his team, they are creating the greatest show in sports. In this episode, we talk about being “fans first”, the importance of backing up your words with action, and how mindset and stories can help you achieve your vision.

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Juli Lassow: The Key to Successful Partnerships: Effective Communication and Empathy

28m · Published 19 Dec 10:30

Focus on the audience. Lead with empathy. Ask great questions. That’s how my guest this episode, Juli Lassow, describes a great communicator. Juli spent 17 years at Target in progressively responsible leadership roles in sourcing, inventory management and buying. So, if you’ve ever gone into target for just a few things and came out with an overflowing cart, Juli is part of the reason for that. In this episode we chat about the importance of providing context for your questions, the difference between sympathy and empathy, and how to establish powerful partnerships.

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Key Moments:

The importance of effective communication and empathy in building partnerships (00:03:08) Juli discusses the role of communication and empathy in establishing strong partnerships and being an effective communicator.

Tailoring messages to fit the audience and testing for understanding (00:04:21) Juli talks about the importance of tailoring messages to the audience, listening effectively, and asking questions to ensure understanding.

The essential communication skills needed in the workplace (00:06:43) Juli highlights the need for effective cross-functional collaboration, understanding perspectives, and practicing business empathy in delivering complex retail experiences.

Leading with Empathy and Effective Communication (00:07:59) The importance of leading with empathy and effective communication in building strong partnerships, especially in complex retail organizations.

Creating an Environment for Input and Decision-making (00:09:48) The struggle of accepting input and feedback, creating an environment for input, making appropriate decisions, and effectively communicating the decision and the why behind it.

Openness and Transparency in Business Partnerships (00:11:28) The significance of openness, transparency, and communication in maintaining successful business partnerships, both internally within an organization and externally with suppliers and manufacturers.

The importance of adding context (00:16:07) Adding context to questions helps clarify and expand the conversation, building trust and transparency.

The influence of empathy on communication style (00:17:57) Brené Brown's teachings on empathy have had a significant impact on understanding and forming deep connections in communication.

Advice for developing communication skills (00:21:58) Show empathy for your audience, ask the right questions, and lean into your authentic communication style to connect meaningfully with others.

The importance of authentic communication (00:24:28) Discussion on the importance of being true to oneself and finding one's own communication style to effectively connect with others.

Shawn Harper: From Gridiron to Stage: How Communication Paved the Way

30m · Published 05 Dec 10:30

Connect. Involve. Upgrade. That’s the process my guest this episode, Shawn Harper, has used to make a successful transition from the NFL to the board room and stage as a keynote speaker. Shawn spent 7 years as a professional athlete and now is the President of American Services and Protection and a sought after motivational speaker. In this episode, we discuss being present, how to connect with people, and why listening and repeating back is such a critical skill.

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Roger Martin: Be IN Communication

37m · Published 21 Nov 10:30

Communication is a triangle and at any given time, we as communicators, only have visibility to two of its sides. That’s how my guest this episode, Roger Martin, approaches effective communication. Roger is the Co-founder and CEO of RockBox Fitness and beem Light Sauna. In this episode we discuss the difference between being IN communication and simply transmitting information, how office design can impact communication, and the difference between persuasion and manipulation.

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Ryan Estes: Communication Is a Lot Like Jazz

32m · Published 07 Nov 10:30

Use your words to paint a picture in someone else’s mind. That’s how my guest this episode, Ryan Estes, describes a great communicator. Ryan is a leader in the podcast space, having co-founded both Wildcast, a podcast advertising platform, and Kitcaster, a service that helps get you booked for podcast interviews. In this episode, we discuss how to use repetition to get your message across, why you need to adapt your approach based on your communication venue, and how communication is a lot like jazz.

I hope you enjoy.

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Ollie Craddock: Listen to Your Employees

28m · Published 24 Oct 09:30

Listen to your employees. It seems like common sense, but it isn’t common practice. In this episode, I chat with Ollie Craddock, CEO of Rungway, a firm disrupting the employee listening space. We discuss how to avoid blind spots, strategies to be more present, and the implications of the recent shifts in the workplace for leaders.

I hope you enjoy.

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The employee listening space [00:02:12] Discussion about traditional methods of employee listening and the role of Runway in disrupting this space.

The importance of listening in communication [00:06:47] The significance of listening in effective communication and the role it plays in leadership roles.

Leaders listening to feedback [00:08:44] Questioning whether leaders are actively listening to feedback from their employees and utilizing tools and technology to gather feedback from across the organization.

The blind spots and disconnection [00:08:58] Discusses the blind spots that occur when senior level people focus on processes and systems, while employees care about different things, leading to a disconnection.

The importance of storytelling in leadership [00:10:49] Explores how leadership has shifted from charismatic and visionary leadership to storytelling and creating excitement about the company's direction.

Passion and alignment in communication [00:15:26] Highlights the importance of passion and alignment between what is said, how it is said, and how it is expressed nonverbally in effective communication.

The importance of hiring and developing great people [00:18:35] Speaker 2 discusses the importance of hiring great people, developing them, and allowing them to work independently.

The power of being present and attentive in communication [00:19:12] Speaker 1 talks about the impact of leaders who are fully present and attentive during conversations, emphasizing the value of active listening.

Challenges of staying focused in virtual meetings [00:20:48] Speaker 2 discusses the challenge of staying focused and avoiding distractions in virtual meetings, highlighting the prevalence of multitasking and lack of full engagement.

The shift to remote and hybrid work [00:27:22] Insights on how the shift to remote and hybrid work has impacted leadership.

Opportunities to accelerate growth [00:27:22] The importance of adapting communication style to the changes in the organization to seize growth opportunities.

Improving communication skills [00:27:22] Encouragement to subscribe to Communicate podcast to continue learning from guests and the value of leaving a rating or review.

Matthew Krayton: Avoid the Echo Chamber

42m · Published 10 Oct 09:30

Get out of the echo chamber. Solid leadership advice from my guest, Matthew Krayton. Matthew is the founder of Publitics, a public affairs, politics, PR, and strategy consultancy. In this episode, we discuss the importance of patience in communication, why empathy matters, and how the combination of the two will help you to avoid appearing tone deaf.

I hope you enjoy.

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Key Moments:

The importance of authenticity in communication [00:09:23]

Discussion on how great communicators understand their strengths and deliver messages authentically.

The role of empathy in effective communication [00:11:32]

Exploration of how leaders tap into people's emotions and channel empathy in their communication.

Being true to oneself in communication [00:12:14]

Importance of understanding and embracing one's natural communication style to maintain authenticity and credibility.

The lack of empathy in workplaces [00:18:54]

Discussion on the lack of empathy and tone deafness in workplaces, and the importance of making employees feel included.

Leaders surrounding themselves with like-minded people [00:19:53]

Exploration of how leaders may create an echo chamber by surrounding themselves with people who think similarly, hindering effective communication.

The power of sharing struggles and being transparent [00:24:18]

Importance of sharing personal struggles and being transparent as a leader to foster empathy and create a culture where team members feel comfortable seeking help.

The importance of open communication [00:27:55]

Discussion about the negative impact of shutting down conversations with employees and the benefits of openly discussing struggles and learning processes.

Managing teams and making decisions [00:28:53]

Exploration of the challenges of managing teams and making decisions in the campaign space, emphasizing that being in charge doesn't mean excluding others from the decision-making process.

Patience and conflict resolution [00:30:18]

Highlighting the communication skills of patience and conflict resolution, and the importance of observing situations, understanding motivations, and treating conflicts as negotiations.

The importance of emotional journey in sales pitches [00:37:40]

Discussion on how sales pitches that evoke emotions and take listeners on a roller coaster journey are effective.

The undervalued importance of communication skills [00:38:50]

Emphasis on the lack of emphasis on communication skills in educational experiences and the misconception that other skills are more important.

The significance of being observant and present in communication [00:40:19]

Advice on the importance of being observant, noticing feedback, and understanding how people are reacting in order to improve communication skills.

Kelly Ann Doherty: Multiple Channels. Multiple Times.

37m · Published 26 Sep 09:30

Practice. Practice. Practice. That is the advice from my guest, Kelly Ann Doherty. Kelly Ann is the Chief Administrative Officer for Mr. Cooper where she has responsibility for HR, Corporate Communications, Brand Marketing, DEI, and much more. In this episode we discuss why you need to communicate via multiple channels multiple times, the importance of authenticity, and how practice will transform your skills.

I hope you enjoy.

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Key Points:

Kellyanne's career journey and passion for communication [00:01:04]

Kellyanne shares her career journey and how her passion for communication started from a young age.

The key attributes of a great communicator [00:06:02]

Kellyanne discusses the importance of knowing your audience, using the right communication modalities, and making an impact with your words.

The concept of campaigns for communications [00:09:37]

Using multiple channels and repetition to effectively communicate messages to team members.

The importance of authenticity in storytelling [00:10:53]

Stripping away formality and connecting with individuals through informal and authentic communication.

Experimentation and adapting to changing communication trends [00:12:09]

Being willing to try new communication methods, such as videos and viral content, to reach employees effectively.

The importance of tailoring communication [00:19:28]

Understanding the audience and tailoring communication to their needs and preferences.

The value of practice in communication [00:20:29]

The benefits of practicing conversations and presentations to improve communication skills.

The impact of passion and authenticity in communication [00:24:42]

The role of passion and authenticity in building trust and inspiring others in communication.

Ginger Heritage and the Importance of Storytelling in Employee Communications [00:29:11]

Ginger Heritage's emphasis on storytelling in employee communications and the importance of asking team members about their culture needs.

The Impact of a First Boss on Career Growth [00:30:45]

The profound impact of a first boss on career trajectory and the importance of a good people leader.

Advice on Developing Communication Skills: Practice and Listening [00:34:23]

The significance of practicing communication skills and the importance of listening in effective communication.

Jorge Camacho: The Chemistry of Communication

37m · Published 12 Sep 09:30

Intelligence opens doors, but it is your communication skills that enable you to walk through them. My guest, Jorge Camacho, taught high school Honors and AP Chemistry for 25 years before starting his own company, Virtually There Teaching, where he develops engaging videos and lessons to help turn Chemistry from a GPA killer to a class rank booster. In this episode we discuss the importance of meeting your audience where they are at, developing self-awareness, and how technology has changed the way we communicate.

I hope you enjoy.

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Key Points:

The importance of effective communication [00:00:55] Jorge discusses the importance of effective communication in teaching and how it can make or break the learning experience.

Developing self-awareness [00:06:52] Jorge talks about the need for teachers to be self-aware and willing to adapt their teaching methods if their message is not resonating with the students.

Working through resistance and finding resolution [00:06:05] Jorge emphasizes the importance of being able to work through resistance and find resolution in order to be an effective communicator, especially when dealing with challenging topics or situations.

The importance of effective communication [00:10:28] Exploring the significance of relatable content and navigating conflicts in communication.

Steps to move through conflicts [00:11:29] Four steps to handle conflicts and frustrations in communication: asking for permission, active listening, validation, and empathy.

Skills needed in the workplace [00:18:45] Discussion on the essential communication skills for the future workforce and hiring considerations.

The impact of technology on communication [00:20:02] Discussion on how the advent of the iPhone in 2005-2006 changed communication and led to a loss of personal connection.

The importance of interpersonal communication skills [00:21:08] Emphasis on the need for effective communication skills, such as asking direct questions and engaging in person-to-person conversations.

The need for adaptability in communication [00:22:30] Highlighting the importance of being able to shift and adapt in communication, especially in interpersonal interactions, and the lack of this skill in the incoming workforce.

The importance of effective communication [00:30:39] Jorge discusses the importance of effective communication and how personal development work and influential figures like Tony Robbins have shaped his communication style.

Adapting communication style [00:32:55] Scott and Jorge talk about the fear of adapting communication style and the importance of focusing on amplifying the message rather than one's image or personality.

The role of communication skills in success [00:34:11] Jorge emphasizes the role of communication skills in success, particularly in the information age, where being able to effectively communicate ideas and collaborate with others opens doors to more opportunities.

Pam Nemec: Communication Skills for Building a Strong Brand and Culture

38m · Published 29 Aug 09:30

Brand is built from the inside out. So, if you want a strong brand, focus on internal communication first. My guest, Pam Nemec, is the Founder and CEO of InsideOut, where she helps executives build leadership and communication systems. In this episode we chat about the importance of focusing not only on what you say, but also how, when and when. We discuss how to identify the various layers of your audience and why you should strive for reasonable.

I hope you enjoy.

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Key Moments:

The importance of communication in all aspects of life [00:00:22]

Discussion on how communication impacts every aspect of life, whether at home or at work.

Building a brand and culture through communication [00:02:42]

Exploration of how communication plays a role in building a brand and culture within an organization.

Creating processes and systems to support a strong culture [00:08:47]

Importance of building systems and processes to create and maintain a strong organizational culture.

Developing Trust and Relationships [00:12:17]

Building trust and relationships is crucial for effective communication, especially when delivering difficult or controversial messages.

Transitioning from Transactional to Consultative Communication [00:15:35]

Over time, communication professionals should aim to become trusted partners and consultants, offering valuable insights and perspectives.

The Importance of Patience in Communication [00:19:34]

Having patience and taking the time to understand the whole situation before communicating can lead to stronger and better-received messages.

The concept of communicating to multiple audiences [00:21:25]

Importance of considering different perspectives and tailoring messages to various audiences for effective communication.

The importance of speaking up and sharing opinions [00:23:58]

The value of being honest, trustworthy, and willing to speak up in challenging situations for personal and professional growth.

Influential leaders who shaped communication style [00:27:17]

The impact of leaders who valued and respected the opinions of all employees, leveling the playing field and building relationships for better decision-making.

The importance of inclusive leadership [00:31:17]

Scott and Pam discuss the importance of leaders being inclusive and valuing the opinions of all members of the organization.

The role of processes and systems in collaboration [00:32:32]

Pam emphasizes the need for processes and systems to facilitate collaboration and decision-making in larger organizations.

The significance of communication skills for career success [00:35:05]

Pam highlights the critical role of communication skills in propelling one's career and building a brand's culture within and outside the organization.

Communicast: A Communication Skills Podcast has 68 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 38:39:57. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 21st 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 12:12.

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