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Digital Marketing Therapy

by Sami Bedell-Mulhern

Digital Marketing Therapy supports nonprofits in raising more money online. Learn ways to utilize your website, social media, content and email marketing to support your online fundraising and retention efforts.


Ep 241 | Embracing Technology with Colin Sanburg

31m · Published 23 Jan 09:00

Technology can help your streamline so many things in your organization. This can include marketing communications, internal systems, donor stewardship and on and on. Getting everyone on board with new technology is the more difficult part. Learn ways to better communicate the need for new tech as well as how to embrace it in this episode.

What you'll learn:

→ why change is good.
→ ways to make decision making easier.
→ how to encourage your team to actually use the tech you have.
→ getting more buy in from your leadership on new tech tools.
→ testing to find what works.
→ reaching out to platforms to understand where they're headed.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[5:01] Change can be scary, but if we think about it as an opportunity instead can help with your mindset.Don't avoid the technology – you can't outrun it. Instead, think about all the ways it can provide opportunities. Start with the end goal in mind, or the problem you need to solve, then start researching. Don't worry so much about the how, just about how it can help you with efficiency.
[9:52] Do a time study to figure out where people are spending their time.This can help you bring up tasks that people could be automating or highlight areas where your tech can support them. It can also help you address roadblocks for people in why they aren't using it.
[13:40] When prepping to pitch a new tech solutions, come at it from multiple viewpoints.Be able to communicate the ROI to your executives or CSuite. Understand the objections of your team members so you can have solutions for those. Ensure you've connected with other team members to understand the impact.
[17:50] Don't feel rushed to pick a solution.Build in time to test 2-3 different solutions. This will ensure that the actual platform will truly work for your organization and the members of your team.
[23:09] Pricing isn't everything – remember to connect with the platforms.Ask them where they are in their development and what features they're planning on releasing in the near and distant future. You can also negotiate pricing. Don't forget to ask about nonprofit pricing.

Colin Sanburg

Colin started at 21 in a family business and quickly realized the business was a financial house of cards. Over several ugly years, he developed a passion for solving those profitability and cash flow problems and later scaled that business as owner and CEO. He reinvested profits from that first business to buy several other businesses and real estate. Along the way, Colin realized that no middle market or large business survives without mastering its finances, yet very few small business owners are financially focused. That realization led him to study every small business finance book he could find, complete several small business finance courses, including Strategic Finance at Harvard, and earn his Executive MBA from The University of Texas at Dallas.

Colin’s passion for connecting with and helping other entrepreneurs came from starting several mastermind groups and spending hundreds of sessions giving advice and support. Through it all, he became the go-to person in his circles for financial strategy and advice. Learn more at

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Ep 240 | You Have a Plan...Now What? with Cassandra Quinn

38m · Published 16 Jan 09:00

Planning is important. It helps you know where you're going and what that means for your growth and impact. Executing that plan is the second half of the battle. Knowing if things are working and your strategies are going to get you to the end goal is where a lot of people get stuck. Learn about how you can effectively keep you and your team on the right track to geeting things done in this episode of the podcast.

What you'll learn:

→ how to move from planning to doing.
→ identifying which tasks to do, delete, delegate, and defer.
→ when and how to pivot.
→ review your plans regularly.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[5:40] Different people are more comfortable in planning and some in executing.Having both people in the room and understanding the stregnths of each can help you organization navigate this process. Then its about creating ownership of different areas of the process and identifying the decision makes for different elements of the plan.
[9:33] Put your tasks in a matrix to help determine which tasks you are going to defer, delegate, do, or delete.For example, if something is high impact, low difficulty, then it's an easy choice to do. If it's high diffculty, low impact, then delete.
[13:48] When it comes to changing course pay attention to data and metrics.Understanding what elements aren't working makes it easier for you to determine what you keep doing and where you pivot. Break big projects or events into smaller goals so you know what really is or isn't working vs scrapping the entire thing, for example.

Cassandra Quinn

Cassandra Quinn thrives on closing the gaps between people, ideas, and solutions and she's on a mission to create a more joyful, fulfilling, and rejuvenated world that's rooted in inclusive prosperity, collective wisdom, and savvy stewardship.

Her current business partners with socially conscious companies to optimize operations, teams, and sales to maximize ethical profits and cultivate a positive work culture through a people-first, systems-led approach.

With 11 years of business ownership and diverse industry background, she leverages her expertise to guide and inspire her company's consulting, training, and fractional operations & leadership services.

As a proud Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Alumni Ambassador, a member of the Trusted Advisors Council, and a volunteer for the Leadership Team of the Chicago Chapter of Conscious Capitalism, Cassandra is actively involved in shaping positive business practices. Additionally, her company is a proud member of 1% for the Planet, which provides third-party accountability for members committing to corporate environmental responsibility. Learn more:

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Bonus: Going from Direct Seller to Coach with Becky Launder | Easy Style with Sami Podcast

0s · Published 11 Jan 09:00

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

Ep 239 | 10+ Tech Tools for 2024

11m · Published 09 Jan 09:00

Technology can really support your business. I'm sharing the tools that I can't live without in case you're looking for recommendations. Remember that technology is only as impactful as the problem it solves. Don't go down a rabbit hole for tools you don't need. To evaluate the tools you need with our free downloadable down below.

This post contains affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase, we may receive a small commission. We are only affiliates for products and services we use ourselves.

What you'll learn:

→ tools to help with organization.
→ making scheduling easier.
→ how we create websites and courses.
→ email marketing software.
→ essential tools for our podcast.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[3:57] Staying on task is a combination of digital and paper.All our projects live inside of ClickUp. It helps us stay on task and manage priorities. For day to day lists, I love my weekly dashboard paper planner from Ink + Volt.
[5:03] To manage time we use Toggl.We can see how long it takes us to complete things and ensure we're managing our time on the right tasks and projects. For teams, you could also use it to ensure you aren't duplicating efforts.
[5:48] Make scheduling a breeze with a digital calendar.You can use it with your team, donors, sponsors, etc. It can save time with the back and forth of trying to figure out what times work best. There are also several features that you can utilize if you need them like payments and separate calendars that show different types of availability.
[8:05] For website and course management we use WordPress, Divi by Elegant Themes and LifterLMS.While they may take a little more work on the front end, they are super easy to customize and edit without coding.
[8:48] ConvertKit is the email platform I use.There are several great ones out there but this is the one I've been using for years. Think about what else you need to integrate before picking one.
[9:32] When it comes to our podcasts we use Zoom,, and Headliner to create the elements we need.This allows us to create transcripts, videos for YouTube, and audiograms to promote the episodes. Content at Scale then allows us to repurpose blog posts into long form blog posts for our sister company, H & E Marketing Solutions.


Ink + Volt
Acuity Scheduling
Divi by Elegant Themes*
Content at Scale*
Google Workspace

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Ep 238 | Take Back Control of Your Calendar

12m · Published 02 Jan 09:00

Meetings are great – you can get a lot done. Typically, they requre more work afterwards and your calendar can quickly get filled up without time to get the actual work done. 2024 is the year you master your calendar and get things done. Not all meetings NEED to happen and really asking yourself the purpose and the end goal can go a long way. What you allow your schedule to become is ultimately on you. This episode gives you some tools to make sure you have room in your schedule to do all the things!

What you'll learn:

→ how to take control back with your calendar.
→ making scheduling easier.
→ blocking off personal items so you don't get double booked.
→ why its important to understand how you work best.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[3:35] Automating schedule through a digital calendar is extremely helpful and a great time saver.However, if you don't pay attention to the time you block off for other things it can get out of control quickly. Make sure you're managing your schedule appropriately to give you the time you need in your day for the tasks you need to do.
[4:32] Monthly, look ahead at your schedule and determine what tasks need to get done and block off time.This could be content creation, pulling data, reconciling finances, etc. Make sure you have time set aside so you don't get to the end of the month and have to scramble.
[6:12] Make sure your personal things are on your calendar as well.This could be gym time, kiddo obligations, lunch, etc. When its on your calendar its easier to not get double booked and you can reduce stress of the things you need to schedule and get done.
[8:15] Create focus time and block it off.Giver yourself at least one 2-3 hour block a week that you know you have to get stuff done. That way you don't have multiple meetings oddly spaced out and you can focus on one bigger project or task.
[9:54] Take meetings and schedule tasks when you work best.Not everyone works the same way. Allow yourself to do the tasks at the time you're at your best. For example, its better for me to have meetings in the afternoons and focus on big tasks in the morning. There are also certain days of the week where my schedule is better for meetings and better for tasks due to family schedules.


Acuity Scheduling

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Ep 237 | 10 Ways to Practice Self Care Daily

18m · Published 26 Dec 09:00

We often forget about the self care that can happen in the inbetween moments of our day. The little things that we can do to fill up our cup and keep us steps away from burnout. Self-care isn't just about the big things, and when I realized that it really helped me to figure out how to put self-care into the pockets of my day that I had space in. Even just five minutes could make a big impact! I'm sharing some of my favorite self-care strategies that only take minutes!

What you'll learn:

→ how I created my self-care list.
→ ways to prioritize in your day.
→ 10 ideas to create your self-care list.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[3:07] Creating my self-care list was harder than I thought.I had to really think about what filled my cup versus what was “trendy” or what other people said was top on their list. Things like meditation and reading a book wasn't something I got excited about. So I took the time to really think about what I enjoyed.
[4:06] Building this into my regular day looks like a lot of different things.If a meeting ended early, I could take some time for myself. Sometimes I'll purposefullyschedule breaks so I know have time in my day. It could also be letting yourself sleep in if you need the extra rest, or accepting the help someone is giving you.
[8:15] #1 – Grounding or laying on the floor.This is a good way to re-center yourself. It involves standing barefoot in the grass or dirt, or just laying flat on your back and just resting.
[9:46] #2 – Eating lunch away from your desk.First off – I have to remind myself to eat lunch! But then, it's also taking that time for myself and not working through it.
[10:54] #3 – Don't check your email before bed.Just put your phone down. There is nothing worse than checking your email before bed and seeing that email that is urgent, frustrating, or even exciting. You can't unwind and truly relax before bed when those emails come in.
[11:53] #4 – Play a game on your phone.Have a few moments between meetings or just need to take a break? Set a time and check out. Play your favorite game on your phone and allow yourself a few moments to relax.
[12:15] #5 – Take a walk or move your body.Depending on the time of year I might take a walk around the block. Or, sometimes I'll just run up and down the stairs a few times. You could also just walk around your house and listen to a fun podcast.
[13:05] #6 – Watch TV.I personally love a good reality tv show or rom com. Put something on you can use to escape for a moment and just relax. Don't forget to set that timer.
[13:40] #7 – Breathe.This seems simple but sometimes just pushing your chair back from your desk, closing your eyes, and taking a few deep breaths can really help.
[14:31] #8 – Play the piano, or your instrument of choice.I love playing the piano, but you could grab any instrument you like. It helps me relax and get out of a different mindset. Play something fun and relax for a moment.
[15:32] #9 – Call a friend.Connecting with people you love can really help with your mental health. Call and check in on someone and take a few moments to catch up.
[16:28] #10 – Get takeout.Whether its for lunch or dinner, give yourself a break. Get that meal you love and don't worry about having to cook (or do the dishes). Sometimes we just need it.

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Ep 236 | Minimizing Your Limiting Beliefs with Tracy Pleschourt

41m · Published 19 Dec 09:00

Do you ever wonder why some people find great success and grow faster and you might not be? Sure, it could be budget, staffing, marketing expertise, and on and on. But have you taken a moment to see how your mindset and limiting beliefs might be leading you to self-sabotage?

What you'll learn:

→ how mindset and limiting beliefs affect us.
→ her S E L F framework.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[7:07] It starts with understanding the neuroscience in your brain and the difference between your right and left side.The left side is your primitive brain and leads to fight or flight. It supports you in times of crisis and its goal is to keep you safe and alive.
[9:39] S E L F is her framework to help you stop with self-sabotage.It teaches you to lean on yourself and utilize yourself as the solution to your problems.
[14:46] S- start with a decision.What do you want? More importantly you have to answer, why do you want it??? This puts you in a place of power.
[18:55] E- eliminate the self-sabotage.Starts with understanding the narratives that you tell yourself. Then, how can you change the way you react to them so they don't interfere with what you want for yourself.
[22:09] L- leveraging your prodigy brain.By having awareness, you're already engaging your prodigy brain. This is where you can access empathy, discovery, innovation, etc.
[26:29] F- finish with a decision.Small steps lead to big change. What are the easiest steps you can take towards your goals.


1:1 Digital Marketing Therapy Sessions

Tracy Pleschourt

Founder, Self-Made U

Tracy Pleschourt, the Founder of Self-Made U and theHost of Secrets of the Self-Made Podcast helps men andwomen achieve their goals and solve all problems FASTby developing SELF-CONTROL!

Tracy has mastered and now teaches an operating system necessary to manage your mind and eliminate any obstacle, including overeating, overdrinking, time management, career & relationship changes and professional development.

Just a few years ago, Tracy was a successful advertising executive. Stifled by the rigorous, time-consuming demands of the corporate world, she traded in her 20 years of advertising to pursue her real passion: personal and professional coaching.

Tracy is a student of her own work and has stopped overeating, overdrinking, and created a multi six figure business while teaching others to do the same. Tracy dedicates her work to ambitious, life-long learners yearning for solutions and seeking a better way to create the results they desire and deserve. She instills
confidence and a call to action that leads to maximum achievement and happiness. Learn more:

Ep 235 | Getting Your Marketing Gen Z Ready with Tracy Grzybowski

36m · Published 12 Dec 09:00

As you move into 2024, do you have a strategy for engaging with Gen Z? Understanding how Gen Z ticks can help you put together a strategy for building community that connects for long term relationships. Bonus – engaging with Gen Z can also help you build better connections with your audience overall.

What you'll learn:

→ what is the real difference in how generations engage with brands digitally?
→ Gen Z isn't too young.
→ why giving back is important to them.
→ relationships need to come first, before the ask.
→ they need to see themselves in your communication.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[5:06] Different generations engage with brands in different ways .Gen X are more consumers of content. Millennials tend to share content more. Gen Z are creators of content.
[6:11] More than half of Gen Z is over 18 and already in the workplace.They are also more entrepreneurial in spirit and making money in non-traditional ways. By 2030 they'll be 30% of the US workforce, so now is the time to start experimenting with Gen Z engagement campaigns.
[10:32] Gen Z wants to work with brands that have a social or political affiliation.This can be a great way for you to connect with new sponsors that are recruiting Gen Z employees.
[13:34] Building relationships overtime is important.That's why starting now is important. You can start to engage with them and bring them into your community. Especially for small organizations, starting slowly will help you integrate communications to Gen Z as part of your existing marketing plan. You can also start by getting them in as volunteers and having them help you craft your marketing strategy.
[20:40] This generation is the most ethnically diverse.They want to see themselves in the communication and marketing elements you create. Be authentic in your communication, and remember to showcase broad stories of impact that they can also see themselves in.


[quiz] Should You DIY Your Website?

Tracy Grzybowski

Director of Marketing, Omnipress

Tracy Grzybowski is a marketing leader with over 25 years’ experience leading marketing strategy and execution for dozens of industries, including non-profit organizations. She is currently the Director of Marketing at Omnipress, an organization that serves the association and non-profit industry. She also spent several years serving on the Boards of various non-profit organizations, including most recently the Ed Nebbins Foundation. She's also mom to two Gen Z young adults who she uses as her sounding board for many of the insights she's going to share today. Learn more:

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Digital Marketing Therapy has 225 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 96:07:39. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 28th, 2024 23:11.

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