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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

by Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space just for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth with you. Christine Arylo, MBA, marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness application to expand your perspective, wake up your awareness, and give you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work, organizations, families and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing.

Copyright: © Christine Arylo 2023


240 What's Evolving Within You & Around You? 8th Anniversary Episode, Creating Space for What's Next

1h 11m · Published 26 May 18:37

So excited to be landing here with you on the 8th anniversary of The Feminine Power Time podcast for a special segue conversation and exploration we navigate and co-create the next - for ourselves, those we guide & influence and the world.

I have been asking myself, "What is next for this podcast? What is next for me? What is next for us?". Which led me to creating the centerpoint of our conversation today: "What is Evolving Within You? Around You?" ... How Do We Create Space for What's Next While Tending to the Now... How Do We Preserve What We've Already Created in Ways that Create Momentum?"

Another way of saying that to yoruself is ..."How do I allow the process to unfold through and around me ... stay attuned to my design ... accept (savor) where I am, while expanding into what is possible, even while I cannot see cleary yet?"

Per usual here at Feminine Power Time, I will share less answers, and more inquiries and perspectives to support us to move through the shifts happening, supporting us to evolve so we can elevate, with grace, power, purpose, sustainability, compassion and wisdom.

First, a personal share on:

  • My own evolution journey calling me to make shifts now that have been in motion for several years.
  • What changes and shifts of focus I am saying yes to + still exploring
  • How I am dancing between the next and the now

Second, practices, inquiries and perspectives to support you to work with what is evolving WITHIN you and AROUND including:

  • Evolve from Essence
  • Create a co-creative incubator space to play, listen, not have to create or know
  • Bring language to what is at the center of your vocation, wellbeing & life for this next bigger cycle
  • Feel for where the flow is going and leading you to naturally
  • 5 ways to preserve what you've created & garnered over the years, and receive from the momentum.

Third, what's next for Feminine Power Time, starting with:

  • Season 8 1/2 vs 9, A Spacer for us all called A Season of Light
  • Inviting you into a 3 month / moon cycle container devoted to those of us here on the planet to re-imagine, re-design and elevate - guiding, influencing, and supporting people and systems to elevate.
  • Inquiries and wisdom to receive INSIGHT and WISDOM to keep your light bright, stay centered and attuned to your design, and evolve and elevate into the next expression.

I look forward to sharing with you what's been on my heart for months now.

And for a Season of Light to come at a time those of us daring to do things differently and lead through our voices, choices and presence into the next era, can use as much light as we can open to receive.

And seeing many of you for the annual Mid Year Power Pause - starts June Solstice week - www.FlowPowerPause.com

See you there.


*** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on what is evolving within and around each of you.



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset, Realign, Refocus-for second half of the year www.FlowPowerPause.com .
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

239: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out (# 3 of 3)

55m · Published 03 May 14:28

As the world turns and shifts, things seem to go sideways, uncertainty rises, intensity & anxiety wratches up, how do you stay centered, calm and clear? How do you work WITH the energy vs be WORKED OVER by the energy?

These are fundamental inquiries and practices we have been exploring and implementing here at Feminine Power Time since we started this podcast in 2016 ... because we are in transformational times, and during such times, we need access to insight, tools and wisdom to dance through.

Consider this: What if this cycle of time is about breaking free of systemic and self created patterns that no longer serve? So we can rise into realities rooted in harmony, sustainability, wholeness and connection?

And while there may be forces that would do anything to keep things the same, the force of our collective heart power has the ability to lead the way forward into a better world for people & planet?

This is not wishful thikning or spiritual bypassing. It's co-creating the next while we stabilize in the now and heal from the past. Here's what we "do" ...

For this last part in our series, we will shine a light on some of the "Collective" patterns playing out- we are all influenced by these because we are part of the "WE" of people living on the planet. When you can name and see these patterns, they stop having power over you, and you gain power to lead your way and others way through.

Then I will share with you 3 'dance' patterns - wisdom to put it play within your life nowto dance through these collective shifts - these can support us to release the things we no longer neeed so we can be free to create and rise into this next evolution - of me + we.

Tune in to #3 of 3: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out

Join us for this year's annual Mid Year Power Pause - starts every June Solstice - to reflect, reset, refocus- www.FlowPowerPause.com

Here's a sneak peek at the practices/patterns to put into play the rest of this year that I'll walk us through.

  • Be Here Now
  • Take Space to Experiment
  • Focus on Your Part and Purpose for this Next Cycle
  • Preserve. Let Go. Create the Next.

See you there!

*** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague.And then conversate on how you can support each other through your transformation.



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset, Realign, Refocus-www.FlowPowerPause.com .
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

238: 3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ready to Release (#2 of 3 in Series)

40m · Published 12 Apr 13:49

How do we breakthrough patterns and imprints that we are ready to release? What are the practices? What works? How does this invisible transformation actually work to make shifts in the material world?

Consider this: Change takes place over time, but if we can't see the progress, we don't receive the energy we need to stay devoted and focused.

Good news - choosing to engage in what I call "Sacred Transformation" - yours and the worlds, isn't about waiting until all things are perfect and the way you'd like them to be ... that's a path for suffering for sure!

Sacred transformation - when you put the word sacred in front of transformation here's what you get: "change devoted to / for the sake of creating wholeness, without violence to self or others, done with respect." This is a way of working with and breaking through long-held pattern in way we can expereince, receive and I dare say enjoy (even in the struggle) all along the way.

As we see the shifts happening in little ways... we start to feel them in bigger ways... the dense shadow transforms with gratitude into a lighter brigthter frequency that maintains it's depth (and darkness now rooting in wholeness).... and we gain the energy to continue evolving and elevating.

Tune in to #2 of 3: 3 Pratices for Breaking Through Patterns Ready to Release.

And join us for this year's annual 40-Day From Burnout to Balance Practice - www.burnouttobalancepractice.com

Here are some of the practices for Sacred Transformation I'll share + here for you to explore.

  • Release + Embrace (Replace)
  • 4 S's - Space + Structure + Support + Sangha
  • 4 Stages of Transformation
  • Triangle of Transformation

See you there!

*** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on how you can support each other through your transformation.



  1. From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice -learn more.
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • 4 Stages of Transformation
  • Triangle of Transformation


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

237: How to Reveal Invisible Patterns Within You Ripe for Breakthrough - #1 of 3

48m · Published 06 Apr 17:41

Shadow patterns. Self limiting imprints. Sabotaging cycles and habits. That we just can't shake or seem to breakthrough.... or maybe we just haven't had the holsitic approach and wisdom and tools to get to the roots of where the "shadow frequency" keeps us stuck in cycles that no longer serve us. Or maybe we've been working these patterns for decades, and we are now ready to truly break free + breakthrough.

In this series: The Practice of Breakthroughing Patterns We No Longer Need, the last in our 8th season, we will take a 3-part journey to give you insight, wisdom and tools to:

  1. See and NAME the patterns that no longer serve you, and that are ready to release to you can elevate into the next expression of your career, relationships, wellbeing, expression, relationships, wealth -- because it's time!
  2. Break Apart the Old + Breakthrough to the New - breakthrough takes time and structure and focus, for which there are simple models and practices you can use.
  3. Share the Common Collective Patterns Up For Breakthrough - so you can surf with all of us to a better, elevated way vs. getting pulled under :)

Consider this: You can't change what you cannot see or don't have language for. And if you are not consciously working with the unconscious imprints within you, they are working you!

So let's embrace our power to transmute (elevate the frequency of) the patterns that may have served us at one time... and are not ready to be composted, with gratitude.

Tune in to #1 of 3: How to Reveal the Invisible Patterns Within You Ripe for Breakthrough where we set up the series + start to illuminate where to start looking for the patterns ready to come up and out of the shadow.

And join us for this year's annual 40-Day From Burnout to Balance Practice - www.burnouttobalancepractice.com

Here are some places to start looking

  • Where am I chasing, hoping, holding on, frustrated, resentful, pushing, struggling, proving, begging?
  • Where am I OVER-giving and UNDER-receiving -- time, energy, money, care, mindshare?
  • Who are the commong types of people I find myself in relationship with - personal and/or professional - that don't feel good, are imbalanced, or trigger me to chase, hope, frustrate...etc?
  • What cycles keep repeating? In my relationships, work, finances, health? That may have a "blip" up, and shift slightly but not significant enough to make a true difference or be in alignment with what I desire, need and require.

See you there!

*** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then share the insights you have around the patterns ready and ripe for breakthrough.



  1. From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice -learn more.
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

236: Power Pause: Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead - 4 Inquiries

42m · Published 24 Mar 17:14

Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time,4 Inquiries to Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead.One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do:

1. Illuminate the imbalances in the different realms of your life - so they don't become drama, disease, disaster and distress

2. Shift habits and patterns in your daily life that might have been aligned before, but need to shift as you head into this next cycle

3. Focus on and committ to the intentions, projects, relationships that are ready and ripe to grow and prosper

4. Set a new rhythm for your day and week that supports and sustains where you are now, and what you are creating and managing these next three months, into June Solstice.

When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.

And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.

Power pauses are leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team, and I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.

Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within the Feminine Wisdom Way Wisdom School, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations in which we do "Cyclical Strategic Planning."

I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.

Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.

In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 40 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries - like a mini Harmony Adjustment for your life

1. Look at your sacred work and career - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention?

2. Look at your relationships - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention ?

3. Look at your health, wealth, home - what in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention now?

4. What if you chose to create from a place of joy? What would JOY feel like in you or for you?

Bonus. What is ONE habit or pattern in your morning flow that isn't in harmony to keep doing into this next season? RELEASE this. Then what is ONE habit or pattern you can EMBRACE and place into your morning flow this next cycle?

We don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.

Tune in.

Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.

Invite a friend to do the Power Pause too and ask each other the questions. And support each other to make soul-aligned, supportive, sustainable choices.

With Great Heart



Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.

1. From Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice - www.BurnouttoBalancePractice.com

2. Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe -www.femininewisdomcafe.comJoin the conversation!

3. Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com

4. Re-Defining Relationships Podcast - Ep 149 https://christinearylo.com/2021/03/shift-your-relationships-2-of-3/

235: Releasing OVER-Responsibility. Embracing Enough. (#3 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series)

47m · Published 15 Mar 21:06

At the root of all the over-giving and over-self-reliance and much of the burnout and imbalance we experience is a big old old root ball called "OVER RESPONSIBILITY."

We've been imprinted and conditioned by our society and family systems to take OVER Responsibility for the needs of people, projects, and the planet - and we have willingly put way too much on our shoulders and backs, often as an unconscious way to deal with our fear, feelings of being undervalued, and not enough (no matter how outwardly successful things may look).

Consider this: What might have been in alignment to take responsibility for or embrace ownership of as your part, may not be in balance now or going forward.

Wisdom: The systems (both those you create, and those you work and live within) will take everything you give them, and there will still be more to give.

So... until we take a stand of self-advocacy + stop filling the gaps and taking more and more of the burden and responsibility, there is no incentive for anything to change ... in your work, team, family, friends, marriage, projects, even the things you care deeply about on the planet.

Which is why we will dive deeper in Ep 235: Releasing OVER-Responsibility. Embracing Enough. (#3 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series). Where are you taking OVER responsibility for:

  • The people in your life - personally or professionally - individually or community?
  • The projects you created or ones that were given to you?
  • The needs of the planet - as important as they are and as passionate as you feel, you know you are holding way too much of the burden or responsibility?

And then go deeper to reveal...

  • What is your part?
  • What is not your part?
  • What may be your part but you are not sure?
  • What are you afraid will happen (or not happen) if you step back or release?

Then we end with a two ways to make it practical in your life now ... see wisdom inquires below. Tune in!

With heart


p.s. TWO REQUESTS to help share the wisdom and connect with others.

-- Share this episode with a friend and share the ways you've stepped into OVER Responsibility. Then support each other to get into balance.

-- Leave a review with words that share why you listen or what others could expect. Thank you


  1. From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - learn more.
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • Book: Overwhelmed and Over It


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo


Wisdom Inquiries
Action : To balance the imbalance -- What can I Start? Stop? Shift?
Practice: Self-Sustainability Stands

I consider what is needed and what I have to/desire to give before I proceed.

If the support and space is not there, I am not moving forward at full-speed.

I stay in co-creation to reveal and proceed on the wise, harmonious path.

I stay present to the real needs and stay focused on my part.

I remember Grace is at the center of all challenges.

I glide from Grace. I move from strength.

234: Where Are You OVER-Giving & UNDER-Receiving? (#2 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series)

53m · Published 01 Mar 14:39

Many of us operate like banks that give more withdrawls than deposits, resulting in imbalances in our relationships, wellbeing, money, jobs, businesses and projects that lead to undue suffering, struggle, and sacrifice.

We OVERgive - time, energy, resources, care, and mindshare -- to projects, people, our passion and our purpose. We UNDERReceive the time, energy, resources, care and mindshare we need and desire. As a result, eventually we burnout, become resentful, get sick and discouraged, or quit.

We don't SEE the imbalance or the ways we OVEReffort, work, extend, etc. until we get to the drama, distress or dis-ease.

One of the breakthroughs I discovered in all my research around burnout and sustainable success and wellbeing is that we don't have to wait until the extreme imbalance hits our bodies, beings, bank accounts, relationships or brains.We can use the power of Cyclical Living to pause (usually around March Equinox) and take a look around our life, work, relational, & wellbeing design, illuminate the imbalances, and then take simple but significant steps to make shift happen.

Wisdom: If you can reveal the specific ways you overgive, you become empowered to shift the imbalances.

Which is what we will do together in this Ep 234: Where Are You OVERGiving & UNDERReceiving? (#2 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series). Where are you:

  • Giving more than is needed?
  • Giving more than is in harmony?
  • Giving more than you can afford to give?
  • Over extending? Over compensating? Over efforting?

And then go deeper to reveal...

  • Which OVERgiving imprints are running you, and where are the roots? Then you can make shifts that liberate you from patterns that don't serve anymore.
  • Practices to re-wire the giving/receiving equations & expectations so the exchanges stay in balance vs become imbalanced.

I do this survey of the landscape of my life, projects, relationships, purpose and work every year, because every year there is a new insight and something new to work with that supports me to do and see things differently. Tune in!

With heart


p.s. TWO REQUESTS to help share the wisdom and connect with others.

-- Share this with a friend and share your OVERgiving Imprints. Then you can support each other by giving each other permission to take the action that gets your giving and receiving into balance.

-- Leave a review with words that share why you listen or what others could expect. Thank you


  1. From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - starts in March
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • Book: Overwhelmed and Over It
  • QUIZ: Am I Overgiving? 13 Overs Mentioned in the Podcast. www.AmIOverGiving.com


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo


233: Goodbye OVER Self-Reliance - #1 of 3 in From Burnout to Balance Series

58m · Published 17 Feb 00:06

Self esteem, self confidence, ability to take care of oneself, sovereignty, self sufficient ... these are all good things to possess and embody. Monikers of internal strength. However, when one thing become over-used or valued, or the other side of the spectrum isn't present, things get out of whack, our lives and bodies become imbalanced, and we get stuck in situations and chronic challenges that keep us in survival or stress mode.

Consider this: "We have become so self-sufficient as self-empowered humans that we have become overly self-reliant."

Most people I encounter suffer from this invisible dis-ease of Over Self Reliance, we feel it but don't have the words to see it, and therefore transform it. We become so used to doing whatever needs doing, we don't pause to consider what help we need to do it. We don't consider if we don't have the resources we need, maybe we shouldn't take it on. We've grown so accoustomed to fight for what we need or just barely scrape by that we've gotten used to making do and doing more ourselves.

And honestly, there have beenmany times you and I have needed support or help, and it just wasn't there. That has been our shared reality. Yet, we are each being invited to shake off the over-self-reliance to find a more balanced exchange ... even if we cannot see how that is possible, yet.

Ask yourself: Where may I be operating from over self-reliance? One I may have needed before, but that now, at this phase in my reality, is not serving me?

WISDOM: Where you are OVER self-reliant, you are also UNDER supported, UNDER cared for and UNDER connected.

Today we kick off a series I've named From Burnout to Balance ... to illuminate the invisible ways we are operating like banks giving more withdrawls than receiving deposits, resulting in imbalances that lead to undue suffering, struggle, and sacrifice.

We start with Ep 233: Goodbye OVER Self-Reliance where we dive into:

  1. How Over-Self Reliance manifests - once you name it you gain the power to shift i
  2. Acknoweldging the truth of the over self-reliance and why it's been real for you
  3. Opening up to doing things differently going forward - and rebalance.

I will also walk you through inquiries to get clear on where over self-reliance is impacting you. Together we can all release this generational pattern and find the new ways to create relationships and realities that by nature create harmony and balance. So your radiance, briliance and light is supported for many years to come.

See you there,

P.S.->> Request - Share this podcast with one person and then connect and share where the OVER Self Reliance is, what the cost has been, and what it's time to do differently.



  1. From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - starts in March
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/


  • Receiving Mantra :I am held. I am connected. I am supported
  • Book: Overwhelmed and Over It
  • Article: The 8 Kinds of Burnout


  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo


232: Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead (Part 2): Find & Keep Your Shine in the Stretch

54m · Published 04 Feb 23:18

Last Feminine Power Time we talked about the "meta" and "collective" - what the themes, energy and patterns are in the larger field as we go into 2024. This gives us wisdom for how to move through this year.

Today, we turn to the "personal" - what are the themes, awarenesses, perspectives and ways of looking at our lives and our choices within them. So we can walk through 2024 centered, sustained, focused on what matters, using this catalytic time for our good and the good of all. Without burning out, running back to normal or missing the possibility.

Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead, 2024, Part Two. Find & Keep Your Shine in the Stretch.

I'll share with you a series of themed wisdom and inquiries + practices that I'm applying myself and using with all the leaders and communities I work with.

I will also take you through some embodied integration of the wisdom, so it really lands in your body, being and brain.

Here are some of the Wisdom Pearls you can put in your pocket to guide your choices now and in the months to come - use these proactively + also in the moments when you get the internal wobbles, or the external world or circumstances threaten to pull you into the swirl.


  • FIND THE FEMININE. When you get the wobbles, slow down to find the feminine flow - ask, What do you need to RECEIVE?
  • FIND MY CENTER. Get deeply rooted into the truth of who you are. From this centered place, then you make choices, take actions or just do the next step.
  • FIND MY PART. Know what is no longer yours to do, and release or shapeshift. Embrace what your part is and focus there, without apology or guilt.
  • FIND CONNECTION. Know the difference between growth pains and struggle, and suffering that creates distress.

See you there!


p.s. >> SHARE THIS EPISODE with a FRIEND --> Conversate on the inquiries + make a pact to be Elevators for each other when you need a lift or support stablizing in the stretch.



  1. Feminine Wisdom Way 2024 -Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Two ways to participate.www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine - https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/



  1. Triangle of Transformation - article and video - read and watch
  2. Overwhelmed & Over It Book - Chapter 1, 6 and 8 - learn more.



  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe- private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

Wisdom Inquiries

  1. What do i need, desire and require this year?
  2. What is my part going forward - professionally in my career? Personally in my family/community?
  3. What is NOT my part?

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231: Feminine Wisdom for Year Ahead (Part 1): Finding Your Strength in the Stretch

40m · Published 25 Jan 18:30

Every year in January I wait to do a special Feminine Power Time that looks into the year ahead - to give us wisdom, insight, focus and practices for the now, and what's coming next.

2024 is an 8 year - connected to the energy of Internal Strength + Shining our Light while making sure we are deeply rooted into what keeps us centered, stable, vibrant and aligned. It's also a wood Dragon year - which signals transformative growth and elevation, supported by the feminine (water) and strong natural structure (earth). These archetypes + what the natural cycles are indicating + the commonalities I am sensing form the themes, focuses and inquiries I'll share with you.

Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - in two parts. Part 1 focusing on giving you insight into the bigger meta themes + powerful inquiries you want to be asking yourself so you co-create a reality that keeps you centered, aligned, radiant and stable as you let go + grow. Episode #231: Finding Your Strength in The Stretch.

Wisdom to Consider: Stability & safety cannot be created in the mind. Stability & safety can come through the body, which then informs and calms the mind and heart.

Note: If you are listening to this later, no worries, it is still all relevant. It's about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up.

Themes Emerging as we Find Our Strength in the Stretch.

  • Stay Light.Stay Awake.Stay Aware.
  • Create the Next while Savoring the Now.
  • Create a Strong Root System that Supports your Stability - mind, body, heart, spirit.
  • Work & live in rhythm with the natural cycles to create a reality that has harmony, even within the chaos.
  • Let go to Grow.
  • Strengthen your Connection & Practices.

Tune in with me. Bring paper to write the themes & Wisdom inquiries to contemplate (also posted below).

See you there!


p.s. CREATE CONNECTION + ELEVATION --> Share this podcast with a Friend or partner. Use the inquiries below to gain clarity on what will support you each to find your strength in the stretch.



1. Feminine Wisdom Way 2024 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Two ways to participate. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com



1. What parts of me or ways I operate need to be let go or shapeshiftd so I can evolve & elevate?

2. What can I lean into to keep me stable as I stretch to grow & let go?

3. What support & structure can I root into to cultivate harmony within me, so I stay centered mind, body, heart and spirit this year?

4. Where am I still trying to do it on my own? What actions could I take or practices could I put into place to strengthen my connection?



  • Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters-https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/
  • Linked in:https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/
  • Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community:http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com
  • You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo has 288 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 238:42:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 27th, 2024 23:12.

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