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Money Tips Podcast

by Charles Kelly

Money Tips by Charles Kelly, author of Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness.  Charles spent over 25 years in financial services working for banks, Insurance companies and as a qualified Independent Financial Adviser running his practice, before setting up his speaking, consultancy and property business.  Money Tips will help you save, make and accumulate more money whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, employee or still searching for your vocation.   For more tips and information visit The Information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.

Copyright: 2024 Charles Kelly


Renters and Leasehold Reform Bills Could Fall as UK July General Election Announced

10m · Published 30 May 23:00

See also: Leasehold SCAM -

References: - "Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill" – UK Parliament: [Link]( –

The Guardian on Leasehold Abuses: [Link]( - BBC News on

Leasehold Reforms: [Link](

Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money? We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

  • Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?
  • Get control of your finances and spending?
  • Save and invest for your future?
  • Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment. #finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #debt #leverage #property #investment #LeaseholdReform #PropertyScam #Homeownership #UKHousingCrisis #FreeholderAbuse #LeaseholdScandal

Leasehold Scandal: The Biggest Property Scam in UK History?

19m · Published 23 May 23:00

Why leaseholds are ripping you off!

The UK leasehold system has long been a contentious issue, and many argue it’s one of the biggest scams in history. The current system, which dates back to feudal times, sees homeowners purchasing property but not the land it stands on. Instead, they lease the land from a freeholder, often for 99 years or more. This feudal relic is under scrutiny as the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill moves through Parliament, aiming to address some of the system's inherent unfairness.

Leasehold ownership can feel like a trap for many. Despite buying their homes, leaseholders must pay ground rent to freeholders, which can increase significantly over time. Additionally, they often face hefty fees for minor alterations, high service charges, and exorbitant costs to extend their lease. Failure to comply with these terms can lead to severe penalties, including forfeiture of the property. This situation creates a financial burden and an ongoing dependency on freeholders, making it hard for homeowners to feel truly secure in their properties.

The Leasehold Reform Bill seeks to abolish ground rents for new residential leases, which is a step in the right direction. However, it does little to alleviate the burdens on existing leaseholders. The bill also does not address other controversial issues like high service charges or the complex and costly process of enfranchisement, where leaseholders attempt to buy the freehold of their property.

Critics argue that the current system is outdated and exploitative, designed to benefit freeholders at the expense of leaseholders. The feudal origins of leaseholds, meant to maintain control and extract wealth from tenants, seem archaic in the 21st century. With more than four million leasehold properties in the UK, the impact is widespread, affecting millions of homeowners.

Reform is crucial, not just to modernize property ownership but to ensure fairness and security for homeowners. The Leasehold Reform Bill is a start, but comprehensive change is needed. Abolishing leaseholds entirely or drastically reducing the power imbalance between freeholders and leaseholders would be a significant step toward justice for UK homeowners.

As the debate continues in Parliament, the hope is for a future where owning a home means true ownership without the strings of an outdated feudal system. Unfortunately, it looks like the legislation will be watered down and leaseholds will continue to plague flat owners in the UK. Will a future Labour government change this like they tried, and failed, before?

#LeaseholdReform #PropertyScam #Homeownership #UKHousingCrisis #FreeholderAbuse #LeaseholdScandal


- "Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill" – UK Parliament: [Link](

- The Guardian on Leasehold Abuses: [Link](

- BBC News on Leasehold Reforms: [Link](

You Get What You Tolerate Not What You Deserve!

16m · Published 16 May 23:00

We are told that we get what we deserve, but is that true?

We get what we tolerate, accept and put up with.

People will put up with the most terrible situations in their lives including abusive relationships, bad jobs and low wages for years.

Have you noticed that there are people who seem to get treated better than others?

Have you heard the expression he or she is “nobody‘s fool”?

He or she just seems to demand respect and they get it! That doesn’t mean they are rude or arrogant.

Then there are those unfortunate people who just soak it up!

They are the person that gets all the crap jobs, the family member that’s bossed around and bullied!

And it goes through their whole life and never seems to change, unless they do. I’ve seen two elderly sisters where one of them is dominating the other to the extent that it’s almost an abusive relationship.

What unwanted things have you been tolerating in your life for years?

  • Relationships
  • Abusive boss
  • Abusive family member
  • Career or job you hate
  • Money problems and lack
  • Bad neighbourhood
  • Bad neighbours!
  • Economy flights! Ha ha!

Make your own list…

You don’t have to put up with it for the rest of the life, and don’t have to be a martyr!

Holding in that anger has been scientifically proven to cause physical health problems.

You’re not going to get that promotion if you allow yourself to be the butt of everyone’s jokes.

There’s no point in running away or changing jobs, because there is always an asshole or bully in every company!

Think of the bully as a teacher who has been sent to give you a lesson.

What are you going to do about it?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Decide!
  • Refuse to tolerate less than you deserve.
  • Start slowly, pushing back.
  • Be assertive and not aggressive.
  • Take an assertiveness course if need be.
  • Work on yourself and upgrade your skills.
  • Write out your goals and expectations in your career, health, wealth and life.
  • Start making plans to achieve your goals.
  • Just get started! Do it!
  • Start managing your money, time, health, energy, sleep, diet and life.

Make a decision today to expect the best in your life and rid yourself of all unwanted people and things that are not to your liking.

I regularly book business class flights or upgrade to business.


More comfort

Better sleep and

I feel better in myself

Less recovery time wasted

I enjoy rather than endure the flight.

I decided many years ago to work for myself rather than work for somebody else.

I made that lifechanging decision to work on myself more than I was working on my job, so I started a journey of self-improvement and mentoring to improve my wealth and health.

Do you ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

  • Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?
  • Get control of your finances and spending?
  • Save and invest for your future?
  • Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar.

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.

#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #property #investment #assertive #businessclassflight #freemoneytraining #moneytips #relationships #health

Unveiling SSAS Secrets: Insights from an Expert Interview

35m · Published 25 Apr 23:00

In the realm of pensions and retirement planning, the Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) stands as a potent yet lesser-known tool. To uncover its hidden gems and understand its potential benefits, we delve into an enlightening interview with Brian Harvey, an expert in the field.

Firstly, what exactly is a SSAS? In essence, it's a pension scheme tailored for limited company small businesses, allowing greater control and flexibility over investments compared to traditional pension arrangements. With a SSAS, business owners can take the reins of their retirement savings, making strategic investment decisions that align with their long-term financial goals.

One of the key advantages of a SSAS is its tax efficiency. Contributions made into the scheme are typically tax-deductible for the business, reducing its taxable profits. Furthermore, investments within the SSAS grow tax-free, maximizing potential returns over time. These tax benefits can significantly bolster both personal and business finances in the long run.

Moreover, the loan back provision within a SSAS adds another layer of versatility. This feature allows the scheme to lend funds to the sponsoring employer, providing a valuable source of financing for business endeavours. Whether it's funding expansion projects or addressing short-term cash flow needs, the loan back provision offers a lifeline for businesses looking to navigate financial challenges.

Another compelling application of a SSAS lies in property investment. With the ability to purchase commercial property, the scheme opens doors to diversified investment portfolios. From owning business premises to generating rental income, property investments through a SSAS can yield substantial returns while providing stability and security for the future.

In conclusion, the SSAS holds a treasure trove of benefits for savvy business owners and investors alike. From tax advantages to flexible investment strategies, its versatility knows no bounds. To unlock the full potential of a SSAS and chart a course towards financial prosperity, reach out to me or Brian at [email protected] for expert advice and a complimentary consultation.

#SSAS #PensionPlanning #TaxAdvantages #BusinessInvestments #PropertyInvestment #FinancialFreedom #RetirementPlanning

Can Money Buy You Happiness? Money Tips 365 Day 40

4m · Published 18 Apr 23:00

They say money doesn’t make you happy, but is that entirely true?

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.

If everything else was equal, would you rather:

  • Be broke or rich?
  • Live in a nice house or a dump?
  • Drive a good car or an old banger?
  • Get medical treatment now or in two years’ time?
  • Travel first class or economy?

Money is a tool that makes life easier for us to live a better life and provide for our needs and our families.

Do you want the best tools for the job? Of course!

Check out my book: Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness! Available on Amazon.

Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

  • Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?
  • Get control of your finances and spending?
  • Save and invest for your future?
  • Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar.

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.

#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #wealth #happiness

Leverage And OPM Will Help Accelerate Your Wealth Building Money Tips 365 Day 29

8m · Published 11 Apr 23:00

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Leverage is a term used in business for borrowing money or using debt to buy assets.

Other people’s money (OPM) has been deployed for centuries to help governments and businesses to raise capital, which I’ve written about in my book, Borrow and Grow Rich.

There is a big difference between good debt, which helps you buy assets that produce income, capital growth, and create jobs and bad debt to consumer goods which go down in value.

Can you think of an example of where you have used good debt or leverage to buy an asset like a property?

Have you also used bad debt, such as a credit card, to buy something that you didn’t want to save up for?

How much has that item cost you in interest?


Use good debt, leverage and OPM to accelerate your wealth building process.

Avoid credit cards and other bad debt and only use a credit card to pay for things that you can repay in full at the end of the month.

If you have credit card debts, start on a plan to clear the balance as soon as possible, rather than just paying the minimum amount each month.

Join my Money Tips 365 Supporters Club on Spotify: -

Need help with your money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

  • Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?
  • Get control of your finances and spending?
  • Save and invest for your future?
  • Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar.

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 8.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.

#property #mortgages #remortgage #firsttimebuyer #mortgagerates #homebuyers #housepricefall #finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #buytolet #rentalproperty #leverage OPM

21 SMART Money and Energy Saving Tips

9m · Published 04 Apr 23:00

With energy bills, fuel and interest rates soaring, there’s never been a more critical time to make savings and learn how to manage our money to the best of our ability. I cover many more tips and money-making ideas in my programme, Master Your Money the S.M.A.R.T Way training. Check it out for free -


Here are some tips to help you save and accumulate more money.

1 Pay yourself and save first, spend what’s left

2 Avoid credit card debt interest

3 Track your income and expenditure

‘T’ for ‘track’ is included in my programme, Master Your Money the S.M.A.R.T Way training. Check it out for free -

4 Start saving and investing

Check more information. Check for the best cash ISA rates atMoneyfacts. Shop around and be prepared to move your money to obtain the best rates.

5 Emergency or contingency funds

6 Loyalty doesn’t always pay - switch suppliers

Check your latest utility statements and check out comparison sites, such asuswitchormoneysupermarket.

7 Reduce your car insurance

8 Review your mortgage

‘R’ for ‘review’ is part of my programme, Master Your Money the S.M.A.R.T Way training. Check it out -

9 Check your tax code to pay less to HMRC

10 Look for old bank accounts and pension policies

11 Check for any entitlements to benefits.

12 Reduce your grocery bill

13 Avoid wasting food

14 Explore local charities for help – there is an abundance of food given away by supermarkets

15 Check your workplace or private pension

16 Check your state pension and NI contributions level

17 Use loyalty cards, price match and vouchers and deal finders

Try hacks like VoucherCodes‘DealFinder’as a plug-in on Chrome to be alerted to the best deals while buying online.

There are hundreds of money saving apps and discount offers, such asSweatcoinandBetterPoints, where you can get paid to walk and exchange your steps for store discounts and freebies.

18 Cut energy bills

Check out theEnergy Saving Trust for some great energy and money saving hacks.

19 Sell unwanted stuff on resale platforms

You can turn unwanted clothes into cash using resale platforms such asDepop,VintedandeBay.

20 Mindset – avoid emotional spending and blowing your salary on payday

In my programmes and YouTube Money Tips Podcast videos I talk about money mindset. A recent survey by Nationwide’s Payday Saveday revealed that 1 in 5 people blow over half their spare monthly wages within 48 hours of payday!

21 Plan, organise and forecast

The key is in planning and organising your expenditure, work, goals, relationships and life! As in the first tip, prioritise essential expenditure and your savings pot, before spending.

Finally, searching for the best deals, tracking and reviewing your finances and being mindful of spending money on things to don’t really need will not only help you get through the current crises but help you form lifelong habits that will enable to build wealth.

For more ideas and tips, see out my new training to help you get control of your finances in 28 days!

Click to join:

#freetraining #savemoney #moneysavingtips #mortgage #creditcarddebt #energybill #costofliving #goals #foodbank #getcontroloffinances #money

Inflation Down But Mortgage Rates Remain High For Homeowners

7m · Published 29 Mar 01:00

Inflation Down But Mortgage Rates Remain High For Homeowners

Join my Money Tips 365 Supporters Club on Spotify: -

#discipline #selfdiscipline #money #moneytips

Renters Reform Bill In Jeopardy

11m · Published 22 Mar 00:00

Renters Reform Act could fail, but is this good news for landlords?

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Section 24 Tax Hike Solutions Revealed By Property Accountant

Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.

Email [email protected] for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.

Watch video now:

In this 45 minute interview we discuss:

  • What is Section 24 and when did George Osbourne introduce this tax hike on landlords?
  • 6 options available to landlords with buy-to-let properties in their own name
  • What is classed as a property business and property partnership?
  • Ramsay v HMRC (2013) case explained
  • Incorporation Relief, Stamp Duty, CGT (Capital Gains tax) and much more…

Over 29,000 people signed a petition calling on the government to reverse this unfair tax o landlords to no avail.

Find out what you can do in this video.

Email [email protected] for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.

#buytoletlandlord #propertyinvestment #section24tax #georgeosborne #financialfreedom #FinancialEquality #FinancialIndependence #money #MoneyManagement

#rentersreform #landlord #section24 #section21 #property

Smart Money Invests In ASSETS Such As Gold, Silver, Stocks and Property

4m · Published 08 Mar 00:00

Smart Money Is Buying Assets, Such As Gold and Silver, Stocks and Property, not leaving their money in the bank.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 8.00PM. Register now ⁠⁠

In the ever-evolving landscape of investment opportunities, the age-old appeal of precious metals like gold and silver remains steadfast. Investors are often confronted with a myriad of choices, ranging from the digital allure of cryptocurrencies to the stability of stocks and the tangibility of real estate.

Watch video version -

Before making any investment decisions, make sure you are financially educated ad informed, as well as taking independent financial advice.

Where to find me: Money Tips website: YouTube Channel: Money Tips Facebook Community: LinkedIn: For a free gold, investment report, and Discovery Call, click here - Section 24 See also: – Transfer Property Into A Limited Company Without Paying CGT or Stamp Duty ⁠ ⁠

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 8.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment. ⁠⁠ #money

#stockmarket #gold #silver #inflation #money #propertyprices #rent #generationrent #investing

Money Tips Podcast has 471 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 141:04:28. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 30th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 6th, 2024 23:10.

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