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School of Impact Podcast

by Megan Jaworski

From teacher, business alignment coach, charity founder and entrepreneur, Megan's goal is to help you become who you want to be to create positive change in your business, life and the world. In this show Megan and her guests share actionable strategies, and stories for greater happiness, success, inspiration, fulfilment, love and contribution. From business, social enterprise, and managing failure, to philanthropy, creativity and doing our part to make the world a more loving, just and equitable place - we discuss it all! Get inspired, get educated and be more courageous and confident in creating a business and life that you love, that also makes an impact. You can follow Megan on Instagram For more information go to

Copyright: © 2023 Megan Jaworski


How to face your fear

18m · Published 25 Nov 07:38

Remember that time when we were kids and we were afraid of monsters lurking in the dark?

We thought they'd come out at night and eat us, or that they'd be hiding under the bed waiting to grab our feet as soon as we fell asleep.

And then we grew up…and surprise, surprise! We're still haunted by monsters—but not the type we typically think of when we hear the word "monster."

We're haunted by our own self-doubt. We're haunted by our fear of failure and criticism. We're haunted by impostor syndrome—that feeling like we don't belong where we are because we're not good enough. And when these things happen, it's hard not to let them affect us.

We all have fears—and those fears are real monsters that hide in the dim light of our minds. We can't stop them from coming, but we can learn how to make them go away by shining some light on them!

In this podcast episode, I'll share with you some actionable tips on how to face your fears and how you can move past them so they won't hold you back anymore.

So tune in and listen up: at the end of this episode, I have something exciting for everyone!


Do you want to be unstoppable?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: You already are. You just need the right tools and the right guidance.

That's why I created Unstoppable. It's a program that will help you reach your full potential—and do it in a way that is both powerful and fun.

And if this sounds exciting to you, check out this LINK now before December 5th so you can get some amazing early bird bonuses!

Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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Fat phobia, anti-racism and paving an intersectional society with Alicia Jay

49m · Published 18 Nov 02:26

"We are a reminder of what Australia wants to erase." - Alicia Jay

While we may be a country that prides itself on being one of the most diverse and accepting nations in the world, Australia still has a lot of work to do when it comes to racism. 

In this podcast episode, Alicia Jay shares her lived experience as an indigenous woman and single mother who has experienced racism first-hand.

For those who aren't aware of the statistics regarding Aboriginal people in Australia, you'll be shocked by what you learn from this episode.

Alicia is an incredible woman with so much to say not just about anti-racism but also about other compelling topics like fatphobia and unrealistic beauty standards that affect us, women. She uses her own lived experience to evoke confronting conversations about these topics—and she does it in such a way that I guarantee will make you want to go out there and do something about it!

And she's not afraid to make you uncomfortable with her bluntness when it comes to having these conversations.

There are a lot of reasons why I love this podcast episode with Alicia. For starters, it's a reminder that we all deserve to be heard and seen—especially those who are marginalized in our society. It's also a great reminder that we can always use our voices to make a difference. 

We talk about:

  • What it means to be an Aboriginal
  • What led Alicia to run her anti-racism workshops & why it’s important
  • Alicia’s perspective regarding Australia Day
  • Megan’s perspective on speaking out against racism in Australia as a white woman
  • What can we do to be a greater ally of Aboriginal people
  • The changes that Alicia hopes to do within the beauty industry 
  • The meaning of being grounded in life
  • Tips on how to manage so many different things at the same time
  • And more!

Learn more about Alicia Jay at @8983aj on Instagram. Alicia also has a 4-week workshop called Deconstructing Australia Day:


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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7 Steps to bounce forward after a setback

19m · Published 11 Nov 09:04

There are 8 billion people in the world, but no matter how unique you think you are, there is still one thing you have in common with every single person on this planet...

Life will throw at you some major roadblocks.

We've all been there: you're on a roll, feeling like things are really going your way, and then…. BAM! Life throws you a curveball and your confidence gets knocked out of the park.

Maybe it's a career setback, or maybe it's something personal—a family emergency, or maybe even just a bad breakup. Whatever it is, it can throw you off your game for a little while—and sometimes for much longer than that.

I've been there too. I've had some pretty significant setbacks in my life—things that left me feeling completely lost, hopeless, and even depressed. But I'm here today because I made it through those tough times and learned how to bounce forward after being knocked down by life.

And while I can't promise that my journey will be exactly the same as yours, I can tell you that I've learned a lot along the way and I want to share with you the seven steps that helped me bounce forward after some of the biggest stumbling blocks of my life.

Get your pen and paper ready, because we're about to take on this topic with vulnerability and raw honesty. 


Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Join me for Unstoppable, where I'll teach you how to get the results you want and how you can take care of the number one asset in your business and in your life: YOU.

Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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Re-writing your story for business success

17m · Published 04 Nov 06:01

We all have an inner storyteller.

It's the voice that narrates your life and defines what you can or cannot do.

It's the one that tells you that you're not beautiful enough, smart enough, or talented enough.

It's the one that tells you that being anything less than perfect makes you unworthy of love.

But it's also the one that tells you that it's okay to make mistakes because they are part of the learning process.

This inner narrator is powerful: it shapes our reality and guides our actions. This is why it's so important to be aware of the stories we tell ourselves—the ones we're consciously aware of, as well as those lurking in our subconscious—and work on rewriting them in order to achieve our goals and live a happier life.

Just because your story is written, doesn't mean it's set in stone. You have the power to write a new chapter, and even rewrite the entire thing if you need to.

And that's why this episode exists. Because I know what it feels like when you're stuck in an old story that no longer serves you—and I want YOU to feel empowered by the fact that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!

Are you ready to begin unpacking your stories and transforming your life?

Are you ready to stop torturing yourself for making mistakes?

Are you ready to see things from a different perspective, and feel more confident in yourself and your abilities?

Well then, let's get started!


I'll let you in on a secret:

I'm working on a new course, UNSTOPPABLE, and I want you to be the first to know about it.

So don't forget to follow me! 

(If you're already following me, thanks! You're a rock star.)


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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Predators, protecting children and psychologically safe workplaces with Eleanor

57m · Published 27 Oct 08:52

**This episode contains adult content that might be triggering for some adults and also advanced for children to understand. Please contact Lifeline Australia at 13-11-14 or your local Lifeline network if you ever find the content of this episode triggering for you because you don’t have to go through life alone .**

Sex offenders are just like you and me.

I'm not saying that they're exactly the same as you or me—they've committed some pretty heinous crimes, after all—but the reality is that they are not entirely different from us.

In fact, there's a lot more to unpack about sex offenders and the human behavior - and we're about to do just that in this podcast episode.

We're diving deep into the topic of sex offenders, human trafficking, and how we can protect children, together with our guest, Eleanor, who has some seriously fascinating insights into the psychology of human behavior.

She's also going to share with us her journey from working with sex offenders to becoming a coach who helps leaders create healthy and supportive work environments.

We talk about:

  • What led Eleanor into the field of forensic psychology
  • The biggest lesson that she learned about human behavior working as a criminal psychologist with sexual offenders
  • What led offenders to choose to commit crimes and how do people like us choose not to
  • We all have a choice - it’s not 50% coming from our parents and 50% coming from us, it's 100/100
  • How leaders can create work environments that people actually love 
  • What can we do to protect children from human trafficking
  • And so much more!

So be sure to tune in as we've got a lot of A-HA moments in store for you in this podcast episode!


More About Eleanor:

Eleanor is the founder of Your Best Asset and is a committed developer of leaders and teams. She is an engaging and experienced facilitator who has held a lifelong fascination with what makes people tick and brings a unique perspective on human behavior with a 20-year career in this field across the corporate, law enforcement, mental health, education, and not-for-profit sectors. 

She is passionate about working with people to find their fit, and to create psychologically safe environments and cultures, which enable individuals to flourish and the business to thrive. Eleanor holds a Master's in Forensic Psychology, and a Bachelor's with Honors in Psychology, is an ICF-accredited coach, and combines her background with other qualifications in training and design to create and deliver customized programs. 

These programs have a focus on engagement and implementation through which she works with individuals, teams, and leaders at all levels, and then supports them to apply their learnings in the workplace. Outside of her work, Eleanor is an ardent supporter and advocate of courses relating to child protection, human trafficking, and refugees.

Learn more about Eleanor and her work at:

LinkedIn - Eleanor Groat and Your Best Asset

Instagram - @yourbestasset

Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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Healing your heart & body for optimal health with Sondra Gatien

42m · Published 20 Oct 20:00

You think being fit is all about dieting and losing weight?

You're wrong.

Getting that fit body is so much more than just dieting and losing weight. It's about feeling good inside—it's about having an inner peace that radiates out to everyone around you.

And when we say "fit," we mean more than just a body that looks good in a swimsuit - we mean being healthy from the inside out. That means healing your trauma, your inner child, and facing the darkness so you can come out as the best version of yourself—the optimal version of yourself!

But let's be real: We all need support on our journeys, especially when we're doing things like facing our inner demons or dealing with trauma from our past. 

And that support needs to come from people who get it—people who will stick with you through your journey and make all the difference in helping you become who you're meant to be.

That’s why I’m so thrilled to have Sondra Gatien with us today to talk about her own transformation —and how having a support system like this can change everything for you.

Sondra is a woman who knows what it feels like to be knocked down—by a major car accident, by a failed relationship —and then take herself back up again with the help of amazing women in her life. And now, she guides other women in their health and fitness journey, helping them to break free from traditional health industry extremes and focus more on what matters: their own inherent self-healing powers.

We talk about:

  • What led Sondra to become so passionate about helping women rewrite how they connect to their own bodies and their hearts
  • How having a support system in the form of two amazing coaches helped her become who she is today
  • What really works when it comes to achieving optimal health
  • And so much more!


Learn more from Sondra Gatien at:

IG/TikTok - @sondragatien

Facebook -

Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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Breaking the 'good girl' conditioning

21m · Published 13 Oct 21:50

It’s time to stop ‘should-ing’ all over yourself and break that good girl conditioning! 

Do you swing from being the good girl to miss independent  or do you like to play in one more than the other? And how is that working out for you? 

In todays episode I dive into what it means to be a ‘good girl’ and how you can shift out of this narrative. 

How to learn to become the observer and notice without judgement, what the opposite looks like and how BOTH paths can lead to passive aggressive behaviours or resentment within our relationships and in business. 

So what story is it that you are continually playing out? Are you getting the results YOU desire or are you feeling frustrated resentful and burnt out?

When we start to look at how WE want things to look and operate it’s amazing how quickly things can change. When we change or morph who we are or how we want to show up in the world to please others instead of being our own authentic selves, we are actually hurting ourselves. 

The good girl loves being the martyr and it leads to burn out down the track. The other side is the independent woman and doing everything on our own. 

Miss compliant or Miss independent? 

“I’m a strong woman I’m independent I don’t need anyone” vs  wanting to please everyone and over caring.

Both lead to martyrdom, resentment and burn out, feeling discouraged and lack of results.

Start challenging who you are being and the role your playing and how you want to show up in the world! Find what is true for you and live into that. What’s best for you will always trump anything else. 

Who do you desire to be and what do you value? 

It’s only when we can take a step back and truly take a look, that we can start to break the cycle. 

You get to choose your narrative, find that middle ground and write YOUR story!

Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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5 Beliefs to make meaningful money in business

17m · Published 06 Oct 22:08

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to hit your first six-figure month?

It's a pretty amazing feeling. You can feel that sense of accomplishment, that sense of pride, and that sense of satisfaction wash over you.

But have you ever stopped to think about what happens next? What happens after you've hit that milestone? Is it time for a vacation? Do you start looking for another business to invest in? Do you take a break from growing your business, or do you keep pushing forward?

What if there was something better than making six figures in a month? What if there was something more meaningful than just making money? What if there were ways to create a business that allowed you to leave an impact on the world—and still make money doing it?

That's what this episode is all about—the beliefs that can help grow your business and allow you to leave an impact on the world.

Because it's not just about the money—it's about the impact you can have with your business and the lives you'll change.


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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4 Steps to Lead with Impact

16m · Published 29 Sep 10:16

Have you ever felt like there's something more that you want to do in this world?

It's a desire that we all feel at some point in our lives—and for good reason.

The world is changing so fast, and we often have the power to help shape that change. But not everyone knows how to harness their potential or make a meaningful impact on society. Sometimes we're lucky enough to find a way to do that, but sometimes we don't.

You might be one of those people who has always wanted to change the world but never taken action on that desire. Or maybe you've taken action and failed at it. Maybe you've even succeeded at it once or twice, but then got frustrated and gave up.

Whatever your story is, I have some news for you: YOU CAN DO IT!

So are you ready to become a change-maker?

You can make it happen, but you need the right tools.

With the right tools and mindset, you can make a difference in your own life and in the lives of those around you. This podcast episode will help you get started by sharing simple yet powerful steps for making positive changes in your life - changes that can transform you into a force for good in this world.

So tune in now because when it comes to making a difference, there's no time like the present! 


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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Make your mission impossible to ignore with Emily Chadbourne

40m · Published 21 Sep 21:00

You've got a mission.

You know what it is, and you're ready to get to work. But how do you make the world care about your mission? How do you reach the people who need to hear what you have to say? How do you make your mission impossible to ignore?

Emily Chadbourne knows how to make an impact, and today she's going to share her journey and tips for building something that matters. 

A woman on a mission, Emily is a personal development junkie who has spent the last six years coaching women across the world to live fulfilled lives. She's now expanding her focus to help communities and causes close to her heart, supporting ethical purpose-led businesses to create bigger impact and profit without compromising the mission.

We talk about:

  • What led Emily to decide to change her focus and start working with change-makers
  • How privilege plays a role in achieving one's goals and dreams
  • The power of humility as leaders
  • The importance of women speaking up and standing up for one another
  • Tips and advice to help women in fear and in doubt of themselves to get themselves and their business on to the next level

Learn more about Emily at:

Instagram - @emchadbourne

Listen Now - Behind The Change Podcast


  • Bigger Than Us - The Mastermind for Change Makers
  • AMPLIFY Your Life & Business


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

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School of Impact Podcast has 57 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 25:22:28. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on November 1st, 2023 13:13.

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