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Soul Inspiring Business

by Kara Chaffin Donofrio

Creating a long lasting impression in your business is about getting to the heart of your Soul Purpose. Seeing yourself as powerful and tapping into the highest part of your pure potentiality is the key to the charisma that makes your work and business stand out...and that charisma is at the core of your soul. In this podcast, Kara will bring you the secrets and stories that open the doors to abundance and miracles. She will share many of the methods she has used to accelerate her own business career including overseeing $2B in real estate sales revenue, and the journey of creating her own boutique aligned, abundant brand.

Copyright: Copyright 2024 Kara Chaffin Donofrio


Abundance Series Week 3: Positive Expectation - The Key to Effortless Manifestation

28m · Published 23 May 11:15

In this episode of the Soul Inspiring Business podcast, Kara Chaffin Donofrio continues her Abundance Series, focusing on the power of positive expectation in manifesting your desires. She emphasizes the importance of nurturing your ideas and taking inspired action, even when the results aren't immediately visible.

Episode Topics:

  • Planting the seed: Recognizing that your ideas are taking root, even if you can't see the manifestation yet.
  • Positive expectation: Maintaining a mindset of trust and belief that your desires are on their way to you.
  • Momentum and inspired action: Taking aligned actions that move you closer to your goals, even if they seem small or unconventional.
  • Awareness and gratitude: Appreciating the synchronicities and micro-moments that bring you closer to your vision.


  • Manifestation often happens gradually, like a seed pushing its way to the surface before blooming.
  • Feeling good and having a positive expectation can help attract your desires more quickly.
  • Listen to your intuition for inspired actions, even if they don't seem directly productive.
  • Cultivate gratitude for the small moments and synchronicities that align you with your vision.


  • "The Happiness Advantage" by Shawn Achor
  • Marianne Williamson's affirmation: "I am programmed no more, no less than to be the highest actualization of myself on this planet and manifest creatively for my highest good and the highest good of others."

Implement a daily gratitude practice, focusing on specific moments rather than broad themes. Notice and appreciate the micro-moments that bring you closer to your vision.

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Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

Abundance Series Week 2: Refining Your Vision

31m · Published 16 May 10:00

In this episode of the Soul Inspiring Business Podcast, Kara Chaffin Donofrio kicks off Week 2 of the Abundance Series, guiding listeners on the path to consciously creating the life and business they desire.

Episode Topics:

  • Grounding yourself and accessing your authentic, creative self
  • Visualizing abundance and manifesting your vision
  • Scripting your desired reality in various areas of life
  • Aligning with your soul gifts and making an impact


  • We are all creative beings designed to create, even if we don't see ourselves as artistic.
  • Writing down your goals and visions increases the chances of achieving them.
  • Scripting your desired reality in the present tense as if it's already happening can be a powerful manifestation technique.
  • Remain open to guidance and possibilities beyond your limited perspective.


  • The scripting/journaling exercise outlined in the episode

Take time this week to script your desired reality in various areas of your life, such as finances, relationships, health, and business. Write in the present tense as if it's already happening, and remain open to guidance and possibilities beyond your current perspective.

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Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

Leadership Begins with YOU: A 5-Week Journey to Abundance

15m · Published 09 May 10:00

In this solo episode, Kara Chaffin Donofrio, the host of the Soul Inspiring Business Podcast, shares insights on finding your center and grounding yourself to intentionally create the life and business you desire.

Episode Topics:

  • The importance of self-awareness and consciously creating your life
  • Strategies for finding your center and operating from a grounded, intentional place
  • The benefits of starting your day with a mindful routine instead of immediately checking your phone
  • The power of nature, meditation, and other grounding practices


  • Operating from the outer edge of the "wheel of life" leaves you subject to circumstances and other people's demands.
  • Moving toward the center allows you to operate from a grounded, calm place, making decisions thoughtfully and with intention.
  • Your morning routine sets the tone and momentum for your day. Starting with mindfulness allows you to reset your energetic frequency.
  • Practices like meditation, sound healing, journaling, visualization, and being in nature can help you find your center.


  • Sacred Acoustics meditation app
  • YouTube sound healing bowl videos

For the next week, try creating a conscious morning routine that grounds you and centers you before checking your phone or diving into the day's tasks. Experiment with different practices to find what works best for you, and observe how it shifts your energy, focus, and impact throughout the day.

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Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

The Keys to Soulful Team Building and Career Growth with Ariel Dietz

39m · Published 29 Mar 10:00

In this episode of the Soul Inspiring Business Podcast, Kara Chaffin Donofrio interviews Ariel Dietz, the Vice President of Enterprise Sales at Nexxen, a global advertising technology platform. Ariel shares her journey into leadership roles and the lessons she's learned along the way.

Episode Topics:

  • Leaning into your strengths and self-awareness as a leader
  • Building and leading a team through big projects
  • Navigating challenges and opportunities of working with a small team
  • Hiring for career growth and creating a positive team environment
  • Finding passion and purpose in your work
  • Developing resilience and maintaining a growth mindset


  • Embrace your unique strengths instead of trying to emulate others
  • Hire team members who complement your weaknesses and provide growth opportunities
  • Foster a culture of continuous learning and career development within your team
  • Lead with passion, vision, and a belief in the impact you're making
  • Build a strong network of mentors and peers for guidance and support
  • Practice self-reflection, pause, and resilience when facing setbacks


"The Dream Manager" by Matthew Kelly

"The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann

Connect with Ariel Dietz on LinkedIn to learn more about her leadership journey and insights. If you found this episode valuable, leave a review and share it with others who might benefit from Ariel's wisdom on soulful leadership and team building.

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Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

Bold Beginnings: Trusting Your Intuition on the Path to Business Ownership

42m · Published 14 Mar 10:00

In this episode, join me, your host Kara, as I interview entrepreneur Mary Ostrowski about following your intuition and taking leaps of faith to start a business. Mary shares her journey from accountant to educator to school owner, and the "sure, why not?" moments that have shaped her path. 

Episode Topics:

- Listening to your inner voice and body to make major life decisions

- Taking calculated risks to follow your calling 

- Transitioning careers and industries

- Buying an existing business vs. starting from scratch

- Leading and evolving company culture as a new owner

- Creating systems and procedures to set up future success


- We can't always see how each step in our path will prepare us for the future. Trust the process.

- Listen to whispers from your intuition and pay attention to how ideas make you feel physically. 

- Take time to do your homework before big leaps of faith. Make an informed, strategic plan.

- There are no wasted steps on your journey if you embrace the lessons.

- You'll never have all the information upfront when taking over an existing business. Listen and observe.

- Write down systems and protocols so institutional knowledge stays after people leave.

- Essential life skills like confidence, creativity and resilience are just as important as academic skills.


- Mary's website:  

- Weems Creek Nursery School:  

- The Drizzle Effect: 

If you feel pulled in a new direction in life or business, listen to that whisper and explore it more deeply. Do your homework to make a strategic plan, but also trust your intuition. Take inspiration from Mary's story of following her purpose. Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

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Unleashing Your Superpowers: Aligning Gifts, Tracking Success, and Leading with Purpose with Lana Rodriguez

43m · Published 29 Feb 11:00

In this episode of Soul Inspiring Business, host Kara interviews Lana Rodriguez, a successful realtor and team leader in Colorado Springs. Lana shares her inspiring story of how she grew her real estate business exponentially by discovering her unique gifts and aligning her business with her superpowers.

Episode Topics:

- Discovering and leveraging your superpowers and natural selling style

- Building a thriving business by leading with love, service, and your God-given gifts

- Strategies for creating community and expanding opportunities through client events and personal connections

- Finding grounding practices and connecting with your higher purpose to overcome anxiety and stay centered


- Identify your natural strengths and the things that come easily to you, and align your business approach with those superpowers.

- Start small with client events and activities that allow you to connect personally with your sphere of influence, even if it's just a handful of people at first.

- Be authentic and focus on building relationships rather than being overly salesy – people can sense when you genuinely care about serving them.

- Go back to basics when needed – reconnect with your existing community, have real conversations, and show you care about them as individuals.

- Find physical places or activities that help you feel grounded, grateful, and connected to a higher purpose when anxiety or stress arises.


- Follow Lana Rodriguez on Instagram: @thelanarodrguez

- Reach out to Kara or Lana for guidance on building a referral-based business, hosting client events, or aligning your business with your gifts.

Download Kara's free gift, the Dynamic Life Journal, to help you live a soul-inspired life. Visit to get your copy today.

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Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

Harmonizing Hustle: The Intersection of Healing, Energy, and Business with Marty Reinhart

43m · Published 15 Feb 11:00

In this episode, Kara has an inspiring conversation with Marty Reinhart about integrating healing and spirituality into business. They discuss Marty's personal healing journey, the power of energy work and meditation, and how to allow creativity and inspiration to flow through your business.

Episode Topics:

-Marty's path to embracing his healing journey

-Using subconscious reprogramming to heal trauma

-How meditation and being present allows ideas and inspiration to flow

-Balancing systems with flow in business

-The importance of self-care and elevating your vibration


-We all have the potential to heal others through our intentions, words and actions.

-Inspiration can come through being present and allowing creativity to flow, not just hustling.

-Having systems and structure in business is important, but so is allowing inspiration and ideas to come through an open presence.

-Doing personal healing work allows you to show up as a more inspiring leader.

-Take care of yourself first so you can inspire and help others from a place of abundance.


-Learn more about Marty Reinhart on Instagram @marty_rinehart_vibe

-Try meditation and energy healing like Regenerating Images and Memory (RIM)

-Use journaling, dancing, singing, and time in nature to allow inspiration to flow

Focus on your own healing path and self-care practices so you can show up as your best self in business and life. Be open to receiving inspiration and trust where it leads you!

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Don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

Resilience & Vulnerability: Keys to a Heart-Centered & Growth-Minded Business with Vikram Deol

1h 3m · Published 27 Jan 12:00

Welcome to another impactful episode of Soul Inspiring Business! Join me, your host, Kara, as we delve into the inspiring journey of Vikram Deol, a real estate maestro and a devoted advocate for personal growth and resilience. Today's episode, "Resilience & Vulnerability: The Heart of Growth-Minded Business," promises to be a deep dive into the transformative experiences that redefine success and personal fulfillment.

Episode Topics:

- Vikram Deol's remarkable journey from a record-setting real estate professional to confronting personal battles.

- The role of vulnerability and resilience in shaping a sustainable and fulfilling career.

- Insights into Vikram's awakening to self-awareness, self-love, and life mastery.

- Strategies for real estate professionals and entrepreneurs to align business success with personal growth.

- Vikram's return to the real estate industry with a renewed vision for nurturing heart-centered and growth-minded practices.


We'll explore Vikram's candid sharing of his life's ups and downs, emphasizing the power of resilience and vulnerability in both personal and professional realms. His story is a testament to the transformative power of facing one's inner battles and emerging stronger.

"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do." - A reflection inspired by Vikram Deol's journey. As we engage in this enlightening discussion, let's embrace the lessons of resilience and vulnerability in our own paths to success and fulfillment.


- Vikram Deol's experiences and insights on building a heart-centered and growth-minded business.

- Additional resources and thought leaders in the fields of real estate, personal development, and entrepreneurial success.

Join us in this riveting episode and share your own stories of resilience and vulnerability. Your journey towards integrating personal growth with professional success is an inspiring one. And don't miss out on our special giveaway at, featuring the Dynamic Life Journal.

Vikram's Instagram:

Real Estate Sales Academy Website

Email Vikram for coaching and collaboration opportunities.

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Mastering the Art of Not Taking Things Personally

20m · Published 21 Dec 11:00

Welcome to another enlightening episode of Soul Inspiring Business! I'm your host, Kara. As we journey through Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements," today's focus is on the powerful concept of Not Taking Things Personally, building on our previous discussions about Being Impeccable with Your Word and Not Making Assumptions.

Episode Topics:

  • - Understanding the personal impact of external opinions.
  • - Techniques to maintain emotional balance amidst criticism or praise.
  • - The importance of self-perception over others' views.
  • - Strategies for fostering self-love and independence from external validation.
  • - Nurturing emotional resilience in personal and professional spheres.


We'll explore real-life scenarios demonstrating the liberating effects of not taking things personally, emphasizing the role of self-love and emotional independence.

"Embrace your true self, and let go of the burden of others' opinions." - A thought inspired by Don Miguel Ruiz. As we move forward, let's commit to a journey of self-love, free from the constraints of external judgments.


  • - "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.
  • - Additional readings and thought leaders who inspire self-empowerment and emotional resilience.

Join us in this transformative discussion and share your experiences with us. Your journey towards self-love and not taking things personally can be truly liberating. And don't forget to visit for our special giveaway, the Dynamic Life Journal.

Connect with Kara:

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  • Email - [email protected]
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The power of assumptions

22m · Published 19 Dec 11:00

Welcome to another enriching episode of Soul Inspiring Business! I'm your host, Kara. Today, we're continuing our journey through Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements." As we close out 2023, we delve into the third agreement: Not Making Assumptions.

In our last episodes, we explored the first two agreements: Being Impeccable with Your Word and Not Taking Anything Personally. These episodes set the foundation for today's insightful discussion.

Episode Topics:

  • - The impact of assumptions on personal and professional relationships.
  • - Strategies for effective communication to avoid assumptions.
  • - The role of assumptions in self-judgment and self-improvement.
  • - Practical tips for asking clarifying questions in conversations.
  • - The importance of self-awareness in overcoming negative assumptions.


This episode features real-life examples and stories that illustrate the profound effects of assumptions and the transformative power of open communication.

"When you transform your whole dream, magic just happens in your life." - Don Miguel Ruiz. Let's step into 2024 with the intention of reducing assumptions, enhancing our communication, and fostering deeper relationships.


  • - "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.
  • - "The Dream Manager" – a book recommendation for understanding individual goals and dreams.

Join us in embracing this transformative agreement and share your experiences with us. We'd love to hear how these insights are impacting your life. And don't forget to check out our free gift, the Dynamic Life Journal, at

Connect with Kara:

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Email - [email protected]

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Soul Inspiring Business has 78 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 42:01:39. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 21:40.

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