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Ave G CoC

by Christopher Stephens

This podcast is everything Ave G CoC! Sermons, Interviews, Devotionals, Bible Classes, & Singing! If it's happening at the Avenue G Church of Christ then you can find it here!



0s · Published 28 Jan 14:51

Amazon has already proven to be one of the most successful, creative, and productive companies in history. Yet they still continue to innovate. There is a drive that exists within them that is not content with being who they were the day before. They seek to become better and find more ways to deliver to more people in more efficient ways. Check out what they are up to in this short video.

This made me think of the way in which Christians are called to be like salt and light. I know that we are the salt and light on this earth but are we effective, efficient, and innovative with how we open the world's eyes to God? Door knocking, Gospel tracts, and a sit and wait attitude are no longer as effective if at all in reaching the world. You need proof? Go look at any Church who rely on those things solely as their mission, most of those churches are literally dying and there won't be members in the building in 15-20 years. I believe that as people of the Stone Campbell tradition we should look to the word for how to reach the lost. Discipleship is built within small communities with people interacting with each other “as they go”. Why be a Church that has settled? Why not start a lunch time Bible study at your place of employment? Why not start a simple prayer chain among your friend group? Why not disciple people through an online game chat while playing COD? The Church is a living organism that grows and should shift with the culture without compromising truth. Come join us this morning as we look into ways in which we can Do More!

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Video: Interview w/ Dr. Doug A Foster

0s · Published 11 Jan 02:26

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Article: Why did Jesus say this on the cross?

0s · Published 28 Jul 16:00

Welcome to the Minister’s Desk!

Greetings, dear readers, and welcome to this sacred space where we explore the depths of faith, seek the truth, and meditate on the profound teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, we delve into a question that has long captivated the hearts and minds of believers: What did Jesus mean when He uttered those poignant words on the cross, recorded in Matthew 27:46? In this blog post, we will embark on a journey of theological reflection and Scriptural exegesis, drawing from the rich tapestry of biblical wisdom to unveil the true meaning behind Jesus’ haunting cry. So, join me as we unravel the layers of this profound passage and discover its timeless significance for our lives today in the briefest way possible! (I understand you only have so long on your breaks.) ;-)

In the question, the person asks why did Jesus say “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt. 27:46) Anyone who has ever been in a Bible class with me whether it be in the classroom at Central Texas Christian School or Bible classes at the Ave. G Church of Christ know I love getting to talk about this question. We know that Jesus is quoting the often famous Psalm 22, a lament.

Jesus is quoting the popular lament found in Psalm 22. The form of the laments is beautiful in that they usually follow a pattern where you see a believer lamenting/complaining to God about a problem. You see them confirm that God is mighty and he has delivered them or others before. There is then a transition that challenges God to do it again. The lament will usually end with the lamenter announcing their problems as over even though they are still in the midst of the trouble. They know that God is going to make everything OK again. What I love most about this Psalm is that the last portion in Hebrew speaks about how God will reverse the fortune of those on the margins and in trouble. And the last words in the Psalm are...

"they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it." ESV

In Hebrew, it can be roughly translated as "It is finished!". So, Jesus is not sad are woeful in the end, He is triumphant in that God's mission is successful and the Gospel plan is about to be carried out. All people can proclaim with a loud shout, HE HAS DONE IT! or IT IS FINISHED!

What are your thoughts? Share them with us. Let us reason together.

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Sermon: Mission Perplexing

0s · Published 22 Jul 17:56

Mission Perplexing: Trusting God's Perfect Plan
Have you ever found yourself confused by God's mission for your life? It's not uncommon to feel perplexed when we focus on the immediate instead of the bigger picture. That's why it's crucial for us to simply obey and trust in God's perfect plan.

In our latest podcast episode, we explore how God's mission may ask us to make difficult decisions. Sometimes, it means being okay with the loss of a loved one or turning down a job that offers more money. It may require sacrificing sports practices and games for a greater purpose. In some cases, God's mission might even call us to let go of family and friends.
But as perplexing as His mission can be, we come to understand that it is always perfect. The story of Joshua in the Bible provides us with valuable insights into the challenges of following God's mission.
Joshua witnessed the fear that God's work instilled in the hearts of their enemies when they heard of the Lord's miraculous acts. And right before a crucial battle, God asked Joshua to perform an odd request: circumcise the sons of Israel a second time. This demand seemed inconsequential, but it carried symbolic importance and highlighted the need for consecration and obedience.
Furthermore, we explore how a lost generation cannot effectively influence the next generation. We must be willing to let go of our old ways and embrace a new day, just like the Israelites did when they experienced a new menu after crossing the Jordan.
To dive deeper into this topic and gain a better understanding of God's mission for our lives, be sure to listen to and subscribe to our podcast. Trusting God's perfect plan may not always make sense, but it will undoubtedly lead us to greater blessings and fulfillment.

Article: What did Jesus mean by it’s easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s hole, than the rich going to heaven?

0s · Published 21 Jul 20:28

Dear fellow seeker of truth,
Today, I stumbled upon an intriguing question about Matthew 19:24 within my social media notifications. Recognizing the need for a quick response, I felt compelled to share my thoughts on this matter, albeit with the acknowledgment that my response is far from an in-depth study.

Matthew 19:24 is a verse that raises an important theological question, often subject to varying interpretations. Jesus states, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." This metaphorical statement has perplexed many, prompting discussions and debate among scholars and believers alike. I know that this passage is very deep but I try to stick to the user’s question of the impossibility of rich people being saved. Join the conversation and let me know what you see in this passage.

My Response:

This one was a passage that used to give me trouble as well. I used to believe that everyone must be poor and give all away in order to be pleasing to God. But in context, Jesus is talking to a man who trusts more in his earthly riches than in YHWH. Please take a look at the passage below...

Matthew 19:23-26 - Christian Standard Bible

23 Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When the disciples heard this, they were utterly astonished and asked, “Then who can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

On the surface and reading through our Western eyes we think of a sewing needle and clearly see in our exegesis of this passage that Warren Buffett won't make it to heaven. That is not the case here. Apparently, there are scholars who hold to the idea that Jesus is referring to the gate to the city which would have been hard for a fully loaded camel to get through. So, the camel would have to unload some things in order to fit through it. There are others who profess that Jesus was describing an actual sewing needle. I do not come here to argue either case because I believe the key to this pericope is in verse 26. The baffled crowd responds to Jesus and asks "Then who can be saved?". Then in verse 26 Jesus says "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." He drops the mic and the crowd erupts in cheers! Not really, This rich man's account with Jesus is being used in a larger context to describe this upside-down Kingdom that Jesus has come to establish. It matters not if you are the richest, the strongest, or male. In the Kingdom of God "...the first will be last, and the last first.". That rich man did not prove that rich people could not get into heaven, he proved that there are some things on this earth that can become new gods to us, even supplanting YHWH. We would do well to know that even with that scary reality YHWH is still sovereign enough to save and He gives us the ability to choose Him first over everything else in this world.

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Sermon: Windows & Walls

0s · Published 16 Jul 18:43

C.W. Stephens

I hope that this sermon blesses you and that you will come and worship with us at the Avenue G Church of Christ!

In this second sermon of our series titled "Strong: Courage Over Fear," Bro. C.W. Stephens passionately preaches about the limitless power of God to work through any person. Exploring the theme of courage triumphing over fear, he inspires us to step out of our comfort zones and trust in God's ability to do the impossible. Testifying to the transformative power of faith, Bro. C.W. Stephens encourages us to share this message with others, so that they too may be uplifted and strengthened. We invite you to listen, subscribe, and join us in worship at the Avenue G Church of Christ, where we seek to grow together in faith and courage.

Sermon: The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John (HK Ballard)

0s · Published 14 Jul 18:47

🗣️ Sermon Spotlight: The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John 🎙️
Don't miss out on a powerful sermon by esteemed preacher, Bro. HK Ballard, titled "The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John." In this intriguing message, Bro. Ballard delves into the profound role of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the book of John. Get ready to be captivated by his insightful teaching and deep understanding of Scripture. This sermon is a divine invitation for us to deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit and experience His transformative presence in our lives. I encourage you to listen to this sermon, share it with your loved ones, and subscribe to our podcast to stay connected with the uplifting messages from Ave. G Church of Christ. Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your faith and knowledge of the Holy Spirit. Tune in, be blessed, and let the Holy Spirit lead you into a deeper walk with Christ. 🙏🔥🎧

Sermon: Strong: Courage Over Fear

0s · Published 09 Jul 18:43

New Sermon Series: "Strong: Courage Over Fear"
We are thrilled to announce our new sermon series titled "Strong: Courage Over Fear" from the book of Joshua, starting this Sunday. Led by Bro. C.W. Stephens, this insightful series will delve deep into the challenges faced by God's people when encountering new, unpredictable, and uncharted waters. In a world filled with uncertainties, this series aims to provide wisdom and guidance on what God requires from His children in times of transition and fear. Bro. C.W. Stephens will skillfully outline practical ways to cultivate courage and trust in the Lord throughout these spiritual journeys. We encourage everyone to join us, engage in meaningful discussions, and share the profound insights from this series. Be sure to listen, share, and subscribe to our podcast. Be prepared to be inspired, encouraged, and empowered as we embark on this faith-building adventure together!

Sermon: Holy Spirit Not Just Any Spirit (J.K. Hamilton)

0s · Published 07 Jul 18:11

J.K. Hamilton delivered the final sermon in our One Word Series ‘23, titled "Holy Spirit: Not Just Any Spirit", and it was truly a blessing to hear. Despite the technical challenges some encountered on the YouTube live stream, I encourage everyone to listen to the sermon on the Avenue G CoC podcast. In his sermon, J.K. highlighted the unique role and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers. He reminded us that the Holy Spirit is not just any spirit but rather the third person of the Trinity who guides, equips, and empowers us in our walk of faith. It was a powerful and eye-opening message that left us refreshed and eager to deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Let us all take the time to listen, share, and subscribe to the Avenue G CoC podcast so that we can continue to grow in our understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives.

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Article: Can You See?

0s · Published 17 May 12:23

Who remembers the character Velma from the old TV show Scooby Doo? I remember as a kid seeing her lose her glasses at very inopportune times. Then she would crawl around on the floors with her hand sweeping back and forth frantically searching for them. I thought to myself “How foolish is this? Her world fell apart and she cannot function due to her glasses coming off?” Now, as an adult every morning when I wake up my world is out of focus. I look over at the window and see light, my children come to the door and they are blurry blobs, and worst of all if my glasses fall off the nightstand I am now Velma! Seeking and searching, unable to continue my day until they are found! I believe that is what our lives are like without God. We lack the focus and clarity to fully understand what His will is for us individually and collectively. We all have different types of vision issues. Some of us have myopic conditions (nearsightedness) and cannot see things that are far away and so we live our lives as though God does not have victory and win in the end. We have no hope because we cannot see what lies ahead. Some have a problem with seeing things up close (hyperopia) and lack the ability to see things up close. We cannot see that we are not truly alone in this world with brothers and sisters in Christ to be a support, we lose the ability to see blessings that we possess and covet others blessings, or we miss the present moments and opportunities for discipleship of self and others. Then there are some who suffer from astigmatism, they have blurry vision and when they see the light it is very distorted. When they see the light that God shows they are intrigued by it but it is distorted. These are those who believe that God has a racial or gender preference, those who extort people for money in the name of the Lord, or those who engage in syncretism and believe that God is Republican or Democrat. Then there are the blind who believe that they can see but have never seen the world that God would have exist because they do not know Him. I could go on and on all day about vision problems but I would rather point you towards the very practical brother in Christ James.

Through God’s lens

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.“ - James 1:5

The good news is that we do not need top-notch insurance for the spiritual vision connection that God presents to us. Ask God for wisdom today! I promise there is no copay! Wisdom allows you to see the world as God intended!

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Ave G CoC has 112 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 0:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 21st 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 27th, 2024 06:40.

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