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Carving a New Path Podcast

by carvinganewpath

Does it feel like everything is changing and you are living with questions in an uncertain time? Guess what? The world is always changing and we can carve a new path for ourselves and our families.. Tune in to hear stories with tools and resources that will help you navigate change.

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E3: Theme of the month - Virgo - ( Energetic Explorations for Evolution)

42m · Published 25 Aug 17:58

In the FREE Facebook Group - Energetic Explorations for Evolution (E3) Beth Shekinah Terrence and Andrea Hylen record a monthly Facebook Live to highlight the theme of the month. Theme for Virgo Season - August 23 - September 22, 2023 is Harmonizing Aspiration, Discernment and Service. We invite you to share your experience around the theme and the practice, in the comment section.

For more of the E3 experience (Energetic Explorations for Evolution) go to the Facebook group and Join for FREE!

Every month we begin to TUNE IN with some prompts for writing, reflecting, and meditating to support your process all month.

We are shifting from Leo - fire energy- that was inviting us to self-expression, confidence, and creativity, into Virgo – earth energy – where we circle back to setting a foundation for growth. Much of this month of Virgo is supported by Mercury retrograde and it is a good time to review and reflect on the details. Practice discernment and ask questions about what you really want to create and how you want to be of service. Begin with yourself and then turn your attention to your home, friends, community, business, and the world.

The prompts listed at bottom of post are a guidepost for playing with the energy this month.

A few astrology dates to play with: Full moon - August 30, 2023, 9:36 PM EDT New Moon - September 14, 2023, at 9:40 PM ET August 27: Mars enters Libra: Focus on cooperation and collaboration. Love in Action. August 28: Uranus stations retrograde: Disrupt the system from the inside out. What needs to change? September 4: Jupiter stations retrograde: Focus on the good within. Cultivate your good fortune from the inside out. September 6: The Sun conjoins Mercury Rx (cazimi) The sun is shining on inner communication. Make some magic. Pay attention to the inner aha! September 15: Mercury stations direct

Prompts to work with this month through writing, meditating, reflecting, and walking in nature: · Create an intention for this month. This can be something simple – a few words, an affirmation or statement of something you want to explore. You may wish to create a ceremony or ritual or explore a more detailed intention. · Connect to the energies of harmonizing aspirations, discernment, and service. Notice how this is showing up in your life already. · Reflect on structure and flow. Are there systems to put in place or change to create more support for you? ·Explore the word discernment. You might want to explore where you are saying yes and where you are saying no. Are you in alignment with the time you need for yourself? For example, are you over giving, and you need to say ‘no’ more. Are you feeling stuck, and it is time to say ‘yes’ with generosity and movement? Write a reflection about anything that surfaces. Imagine that 2023 is a time to deconstruct your life and reconstruct it with the things that spark you and create joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Use the Virgo energy to examine the details and help organize a new life. Journal about your ideas. Take it apart and what do you want to let go of? What do you want to keep? What do you want to add? Tune into your heart. Imagine the world you want to live in. What part of that is already here? How can you take steps to live more in the world you want to live in? Share your insights, practices, and process any time during the month. We love hearing about your unique experience of the monthly theme.

E3 Theme of the Month - Leo Season - ( Energetic Explorations for Evolution)

34m · Published 13 Aug 01:24

In the FREE Facebook Group - Energetic Explorations for Evolution (E3) Beth Shekinah Terrence and Andrea Hylen record a monthly Facebook Live to  highlight the theme of the month. Theme for Leo Season - July 22 - August 23, 2023 is Cultivating Creativity, Confidence & Self-Expression

We invite you to share your experience around the theme and the practice, in the comment section. For more of the E3 experience (Energetic Explorations for Evolution) go to the Facebook group and Join for FREE! 

We are shifting from Cancer – water energy – with an invitation to “Nurture Feelings, Imagination, Inner Life” to Leo – fire energy – for an exploration into creativity, self-expression, confidence, and self-love. Theme: “Cultivating Creativity, Confidence and Self-Expression” Leo supports the fire of shining your light and learning how to love yourself in the process. The prompts listed below are a guidepost for cultivating the theme. A few astrology dates to play with: July 17: New Moon in Cancer. July 17: Lunar Nodes shifted to Aries and Libra and will be there for 18 months. July 22: Venus stationed retrograde in Leo. It’s all about what you value and self-love. July 23: Chiron stationed retrograde in Aries: A heart and emotional healing. What gets triggered is ready to receive love. July 23: Mercury squares Uranus: Ride the wave of the unexpected. July 28: Mercury enters Virgo: Practical magic. August 1: Full moon in Aquarius August 1: Mars trines Jupiter: Vision your dream. Believe in yourself. August 9: Venus Rx squares Uranus: Commit to being who you are. Intimacy and Freedom. August 15: The Sun squares Uranus: Need permission? Give it to yourself. August 16: New moon in Leo. August 22: Mars opposes Neptune Rx: Fear failure? Every time you try, you win! Prompts to work with this month through writing, meditating, reflecting, and walking in nature: · Create an intention for this month. This can be something simple – a few words, an affirmation or statement of something you want to explore. You may wish to create a ceremony or ritual or explore a more detailed intention. Beth has a great blogpost with a wide variety of ways to Actualize the Power 

E3 Theme of the Month - Cancer Season - ( Energetic Explorations for Evolution)

43m · Published 03 Jul 18:05

In the FREE Facebook Group - Energetic Explorations for Evolution (E3) Beth Shekinah Terrence and Andrea Hylen record a monthly Facebook Live to  highlight the theme of the month. Theme for Cancer Season - June 21 - July 22, 2023 is Nourishing Feelings, Imagination and Inner Life.

At around the 28 minute mark, Beth mentioned a feelings inventory and then she led a practice at the 29 minute mark called, A Self-empowerment process. We invite you to share your experience around the theme and the practice, in the comment section. For more of the E3 experience (Energetic Explorations for Evolution) go to the Facebook group and Join for FREE!

Womb Wisdom with Sabine and Shuntena

59m · Published 04 Apr 20:22

Welcome to the podcast Carving a New Path:Episode Sixteen: Sacred Geometry with Sabine Kruse

In this episode, Andrea Hylen, Sabine Kruse and Shuntena have a conversation about womb wisdom and birthing new projects or ideas from the womb of creation. Enjoy the activation of your light body and inner light with the help of the sacred geometry “Homo Luminus” and a Cosmic Connections transmission. 

From Sabine: Homo Luminus: contains Pyramid Consciousness and forms a luminous pentagram just like our bodies.We are shifting from “homo sapiens” to “homo luminus”. This sacred geometry called “Homo Luminus” supports you in activating your light body and your light from within. 

Activation of Homo Luminus in us:

Go into the zero-point. I invite you to energetically step into the heart of the “Homo Luminus” sacred geometry symbol, asking it to activate itself and rotate and spin within, around and through you with the intention of supporting you in activating your light body and your inner light. Breathe and let the energies do their work.Can you see, sense, feel or know how layers of light open within your body like doors?


Womb Wisdom Webinar with sacred geometry and sound transmissions starting on May 5  2022. 

Please contact per e-mail at [email protected] and/or [email protected] for registration and further information! 


Womb Wisdom Webinar (WWW) Framework: • Receive your own personal sacred geometry and Cosmic Connections transmission connected to your intention  • Engage in 5 weekly webinars with a small group of 5-10 women • Opening event on 5/5/22; webinars on Sundays (8 May - 5 June 2022) at 11am PDT/2pm EDT/8pm CET via zoom (90m) • Receive 5x2 sacred geometries, 5 audio transmissions, 5 webinar replays, etc. • Daily inspirational prompts, Q&A


BIO and Links:

Sabine Kruse was born in Germany. As an economist, Sabine worked for over 20 years in the area of development cooperation, designing and managing projects that improve the living conditions of people in developing countries. In this context, she lived and worked in Africa for 3 years and travelled to many African and Latin American countries. She speaks four languages fluently. Since 2010, she has embarked on a spiritual journey, exploring her inner realms and soul through meditations and spiritual programmes – propelled forward by her curiosity to comprehend the purpose of life and her desire to contribute to creating a peaceful, free and abundant world.In 2015, Sabine discovered sacred geometry. She started receiving information during meditations on how to use certain geometric shapes and forms to shift the underlying energetics for everyday issues to bring about the desired transformation. These insights and short practices are the basis for her book on practical applications of sacred geometry soon to be published.Sabine lives in Germany and Spain.As text underneath video/audio:

SABINE KRUSE is an activator of human consciousness, and, through her writing, coaching, and workshops, she assists people in embracing their highest potentials. Sabine worked for 20 years as an economist devoted to improving the living conditions of people in developing countries. Eventually she realized that raising our vibration and consciousness is the most effective way for us to have a real impact in the world. With her deep understanding of sacred geometry, she inspires and empowers people around the world to see their true natures and create their best lives.

Connect with Sabine:

Shuntena was born in Thailand and moved to the US at the age of nine.  She speaks three earthly languages and a multitude of Soul Languages.  

Having lived life filled with childlike curiosity, some of her experiences include: Bachelor degree in Psychology Master degree in Teaching Black Belt in Taekwondo Food Research & Development Quality Analyst and Assurance 

She is a Cosmic Shaman, a spiritual luminary who has been unknowingly assisting to transmute and transcend density via sound therapy since early childhood.     Starting in 2018, she begin sharing the Cosmic Connections transmission with others.  She serves as a conduit of the Cosmic Buddha Consciousness.  Source energies flow through her, emitting codes, messages, and frequencies like a tuning fork, bringing the body into resonance of the highest vibration. 

Each interaction with Shuntena is a collaboration of Three: Source energies, Shuntena the Cosmic Shaman, and You, the Luminous Self.  

Link to Carving a New Path Podcast on iTunes:

Andrea is the author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman's Journey and is the founder of Heal My Voice.

Author Page on Amazon:


Sacred Geometry with Sabine Kruse

39m · Published 08 Mar 21:48

Welcome to the podcast Carving a New Path:

Episode Sixteen: Sacred Geometry with Sabine Kruse

In this episode, Andrea Hylen and Sabine Kruse have a conversation about Sacred Geometry. An economist, Sabine Kruse discovered sacred geometry in 2015 and started receiving information during meditations on how to use certain geometric shapes and forms to shift the underlying energetics for everyday issues to bring about the desired transformation. She began to write down these insights and short practices.

On the podcast, Sabine leads the listeners in Sacred Geometry practices: 

Connecting to the Zero point A pentagram being formed by your body An activation/meditation with Her Unity Consciousness Symbol

To connect with Sabine go to:

Website coming soon!

Sabine Kruse was born in Germany. She studied Economics (in Münster and London) Sabine worked for over 20 years in the area of development cooperation, designing and managing projects that improve the living conditions of people in developing countries. In this context, she lived and worked in Africa for 3 years and travelled to many African and Latin American countries. She speaks four languages fluently. Since 2010, she has embarked on a spiritual journey, exploring her inner realms and soul through meditations and spiritual programmes – propelled forward by her curiosity to comprehend the purpose of life and guided by her intuition. Sabine lives in Germany and Spain.

The information she received during meditations on how to use certain geometric shapes and forms to shift the underlying energetics for everyday issues to bring about the desired transformation is the basis for Sabine’s book that will be published in 2022. 

Activate Your Highest Potential with Sacred Geometry. A practical guide for everyday life.


SABINE KRUSE is an activator of human consciousness, and, through her writing, coaching, and workshops, she assists people in embracing their highest potentials. Sabine worked for 20 years as an economist devoted to improving the living conditions of people in developing countries. Eventually she realized that raising our vibration and consciousness is the most effective way for us to have a real impact in the world. With her deep understanding of sacred geometry, she inspires and empowers people around the world to see their true natures and create their best lives.

Social media links

Womb Wisdom Webinar with sacred geometry and sound transmissions starting in May 2022. More information about this in the next podcast with Sabine and Shuntena on 4 April 2022.

Link to Carving a New Path Podcast on iTunes:

Andrea is the author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman's Journey and is the founder of Heal My Voice.

Author Page on Amazon:

Website:    This podcast is filled with stories and tools and resources to help you pause and reflect on the life you are living while opening to new possibilities.  Most of us were raised in a society that encourages productivity and do, do, do. During the past few years, global events that have touched us all have encouraged us to take time to pause and reflect, to make changes and heal, to ask questions and look for new answers.

The conversations and guests on this podcast have explored something different and carved new paths, and a new life.

31 Days of Self-Compassion: A Journey thru Writing and Restorative Practices

42m · Published 25 Feb 09:55
Thirty-one days of Self-Compassion - A Journey Thru Writing and Restorative Practices with Beth Terrence and Andrea Hylen.   In this episode, Beth and Andrea talk about the importance of beginning with Self-compassion.There is a short presentation on "What is Restorative Practices" and ideas about how to use the Writing Prompts, if you are not someone who wants to write.   Some of the benefits of self-compassion that research identifies includes: • Increases in well-being and resilience • Decreases in stress, secondary trauma, and burnout • Supporting healthy behaviors and minimizing unhealthy behaviors (like more exercise and less substance use) • Improves confidence in providing compassionate care to others • Strengthens pro-social or supportive relationship behaviors • Improves self-care • Decreases anxiety and depression • Increases non-reactivity and perspective taking and decreases self-judgement • Fosters social connectedness which is a predictor of a longer life, faster recovery from disease and higher levels of happiness and well-being.   To sign up for program go to:   Beth is a Shaman, Holistic Practitioner & Restorative Practices Facilitator who offers an integrative holistic approach to life and well-being, which incorporates education, self-exploration and experiential practices. She has been working in the field of Holistic Health & Wellness for over 25 years. At the heart of her work is Shamanic Healing, an ancient healing approach that assists others in transformation on all levels – body, mind, emotion and spirit. Beth's Website:   Beth's Youtube channel:   Beth on Twitter:  

Andrea is the author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman's Journey and is the founder of Heal My Voice.

Author Page on Amazon:

Website:    Link to Carving a New Path Podcast on iTunes:   This podcast is filled with stories and tools and resources to help you pause and reflect on the life you are living and opening to new possibilities.  Most of us were raised in a society that encourages productivity and do, do, do. When a life circumstance like a job layoff or an illness the birth or death of a loved one comes along and disrupts your daily routine, it gives you a chance to pause and reflect on your life. A chance to practice going inward.   Youtube link:

Mindful Living Today: A 5 step practice to navigate feelings with Lisa Stearns

39m · Published 18 Dec 13:51

In this episode, Andrea Hylen and Lisa Stearns talked about feelings that come up when you have something happen that disrupts your dreams and changes the trajectory of your life. Lisa shared a 5 step practice to use to acknowledge your feelings and also help you make different choices.

Bio: Happily married for 40+ years, Lisa and Brad Stearns have always enjoyed experiencing all life has to offer with curiosity, awareness and gratitude.  They love all the juicy science behind the study of mindfulness, happiness and wellbeing.

Thus, Mindful Living Today was born!

Brad’s forte is all things wellness/fitness.  As a bodybuilder of 45+ years, a trainer, author, passionate snowboarder and guru, this guy knows his stuff!

Lisa’s bailiwick is love and kindness, and whatever will make the world a more peaceful place to live, which includes creating systems that simplify schedules and foster a calmer, happier life. She has studied and is a trained teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and a certified yoga instructor. She is also the author of a goal setting/time management book, A List is Not Enough, for wellness practitioners.

Together they create one dynamite mindfulness powerhouse with a deep desire to assist and inspire others who seek to discover and embrace mindfulness practices, enjoy better health and create more positive relationships, which will ultimately make the world a kinder place to live.

To connect with Lisa go to:

www.MindfulLiving.Today Just One Thing Podcast link on website.

Business Coaching for Wellness Practitioners

Andrea is the author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman's Journey and is the founder of Heal My Voice.

Author Page on Amazon:

Website:    Link to Carving a New Path Podcast on iTunes:   This podcast is filled with stories and tools and resources to help you pause and reflect on the life you are living and opening to new possibilities.  Most of us were raised in a society that encourages productivity and do, do, do. When a life circumstance like a job layoff or an illness the birth or death of a loved one comes along and disrupts your daily routine, it gives you a chance to pause and reflect on your life. A chance to practice going inward.   Youtube link:

TALK: Theory of Communication, Awareness, Listening and Knowledge with Coach Claudette

45m · Published 25 Nov 00:32

In this episode, Andrea Hylen and Claudette Gadsden have a conversation about how every conversation starts with inner dialogue. As Claudette says, “What are you saying to yourself?”


Claudette is in the Spotlight this week in the On Purpose Woman Global Community. Andrea asked her two of the questions from the spotlight: Why you started your business? And Share a piece of advice that has worked for you. Listen to the show for the answers and for the inspirational TALK: Theory of Communication, Awareness, Listening and Knowledge with Coach Claudette


Bio: After more than 25 years working in private, public and government entities, nationally and internationally, Claudette Gadsden understands how change and transition can impact someone’s life. During that time and through those years, she used her coaching skills to help people navigate through the maze of life to realize their dreams, visions and aspirations. Claudette decided to follow her passion of helping people realize their purpose, dreams and goals by becoming a Life and Business Coach. Her direct, yet caring, approach makes it easy for her clients to learn new skills, identify barriers and take action. She takes pleasure in reminding people just how AWESOME they really are! She is Coach Claudette, the Conversation Coach who wears Converse.


To connect with Coach Claudette, go to:









Andrea is the author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman's Journey and is the founder of Heal My Voice.


Author Page on Amazon:




This podcast is filled with stories and tools and resources to help you pause and reflect on the life you are living and opening to new possibilities.  Most of us were raised in a society that encourages productivity and do, do, do. When a life circumstance like a job layoff or an illness the birth or death of a loved one comes along and disrupts your daily routine, it gives you a chance to pause and reflect on your life. A chance to practice going inward.


Youtube link:

Your Opinion Matters - Speak Up! with Kathryn Yarborough

40m · Published 19 Nov 22:29

Episode 12: Your Opinion Matters: Speak Up! with Kathryn Yarborough

In this episode , Andrea Hylen and Kathryn Yarborough talked about speaking up about things you believe in even when it might create waves of discomfort, even on social media. 

Kathryn and Andrea co-hosted a radio show called Living on the Edge in 2010-2012 with the purpose of sharing what was really happening for them and their clients and to talk about how to navigate life in the midst of a change. They shared that experience and the layers to uncover to share your voice and speak up. 

As Kathryn has been speaking up more, her business continues to evolve including working with clients to unleash their light. 

Kathryn Yarborough is the creator of the Manifesting Clients Academy, an inspirational speaker, and the author of the soon to be published book, The Unstoppable On Purpose Solopreneur’s Handbook. Kathryn teaches heart-based, on purpose solopreneurs how to unleash their light on Facebook, manifest clients, and grow a business they love.   

To connect with Kathryn Yarborough go to:

Her website is   Her Facebook business pages:  Here Facebook groups:


C.H.E.F: Crystals, Herbs, Essential Oils and Food with Cassandra Herbert

59m · Published 11 Nov 02:27

In this episode with Cassandra Herbert, we talked about Covid-19 and racial injustice in America in the year 2020. Cassandra spoke from her perspective as a black woman and a Registered Nurse and holistic nurse psychotherapist. We also talked about reading anti-racist books and the film An Inconvenient Truth. As a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Nutritional Endocrinology Coach and Educator, Speaker and Author — and creator of Zest and Harmony, one of Cassandra's passions is Earth Medicine. One of the tools and resources she uses is her C.H.E.F. system of Crystals, Herbs, Essential Oils and Food. Cassandra shared some tips about Autumn Earth Medicine. To connect with Cassandra go to:

Carving a New Path Podcast has 40 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 28:32:33. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 21st, 2024 08:10.

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