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This Week In Property Podcast

by Richard Swan This Week in Property

Stay current, relevant, and up-to-date in the world of property investment. Weekly property news and interviews with the UK's leading property professionals and entrepreneurs. Grow your property business, with Richard Swan and guests.

Copyright: © Paul McFadden Wealth Ltd


Clara McKibbin: askporter to solve your property problems from a very human angle...

36m · Published 15 Apr 16:30

Are we handing over too much power to machines and robots with all the latest and greatest apps and AI tools?

What if someone could ensure the changes and developments we make, have the person, the human, very much centre of focus?

What if the resident or tenant was thought of first, before any technical changes?

What if the client or property owner or facility manager was put ahead of any app or flashy interface?

What if the engineer or repair man or service provider was considered before any AI entity?

That's exactly the approach that askporter has taken.

That's why askporter has been able to help L&G's Affordable Homes tenants to fix 30% of their housing issues by themselves.

That's how askporter has been able to help solve the headaches that contractors and engineers usually face, by being able to successfully automatically diagnose 97% of issues raised.

Forget about computers and efficiencies, what actually makes people's lives easier?

It's a tenant having instant answers and information about an issue anytime, day or night, and not having to wait on a call centre opening or an enquiry eventually being answered.

It's a property/portfolio owner being able to focus on thebigger and most important ways they can improve their properties and lives, without being distracted and bogged down by low-level issues and noise.

It's the residents and the managers of social housing estates being able to have instant communication, have problems solved, and have daily lives improved.

People want to be heard and understood.

Today's guest, Clara McKibbin, Head of Customer Experience at askporter, has been fully focused on the experience, the journey, and the communication that the human people involved in property really yearn for.

Designed with the people in mind.

Observed and improved for making resident's lives better and with less friction points.

Working and collaborating with owners, managers and contractors to make the individual human experiences to be properly listened to and acted upon.

Looking for pain points to be removed? For problems to be solved? Then askClara at askporter...

Steven McKaveney: A Property Pro living 5 lives inside 1...

45m · Published 25 Mar 05:00

I've not really got time for property?

Have you heard that before?

Have you maybe even said it yourself before?

Well today's guest in the Property Pros Spotlight is going to put those excuses to shame.

Because once you've heard Steven McKaveney's life and business journey to date, you'll be forgiven for thinking that we've interviewed five guests instead of just one!

A nomad of action, making things happen.

Life, family and work experiences all across the UK and abroad.

Refurbs, flips, Rent-to-SA, buy-to-lets, conversions, land deals...the list goes on and on.

Did we mention the industry-disrupting AI software service that he's built and patented "on the side"?

Yeah, you won't be able to accuse Steven of being lazy or procrastinating.

His journey and mindset will inspire and encourage you with your own goals.

So has it all been sunshine and unicorns for him?

Absolutely not!

Steven is a completely open book about sharing all of the priceless lessons and challenges he's faced throughout his journey.

And he's humble and keen to share them with others, to light the way for your own goals and success.

Mark Anthistle: How much money are you leaving on the table with Capital Allowances...

30m · Published 18 Mar 05:00

Are there 2 words other than "Capital Allowances" that sound more mysterious and complex to property investors?

If there are, we'd like to hear them!

Too difficult to understand, too complex to navigate, and too advanced to waste time investigating.

That's a common reaction to property owners and investors.

But if they could be shown the huge amounts of cash that they're leaving on the table?

That would change things!

Losing out on a ton of money is a much simpler concept to understand.

And wanting to do something about that lost money is what a wise investor would do.

But that then leads to more questions unravelling...

What situations can I claim these allowances?

How far back can I claim?

What exactly is my Annual Investment Allowance?

Those are some of the usually bewildering questions that can be asked.

But there's a better set of questions to ask...

What experts out there could actually do all the heavy lifting for me?

Who would be able to quickly know if I have a case to claim back much needed money?

Who would have the experience and knowledge to compile the case to actually get that money?

And that's where today's guest comes in!

Mark Anthistle, from Bonham & Brook, has compiled more than 1,000 successful valuations, resulting in the identification over £300Million of unclaimed capital allowances, and securing over £60Million in tax relief for clients!

That's who your new pal should be.

The expert to have in your corner.

Listen in to today's show and hear all of the different ways that Mark and his team can possibly help you with reclaiming all of that lost money...

Kishan Kavi: Guiding you through the minefield of stamp duty tax to save you money...

40m · Published 04 Mar 11:29

There are some words that strike fear in the hearts of property investors. 'Tax' and 'Stamp Duty' are up there with the most terrifying.

And in that world are abbreviations that not only add to the terror but also demonstrate the minefield of complexity that investors have to try and tip-toe their way through safely: SDLT, LBTT, and LTT.

But for every horror there is a haven. And words like 'tax relief' and 'exemptions' help to soothe and comfort.

And for every monster there are heroes to save the day.

He might not have been wearing his cape during our chat today, butKishan Kavi, the Head of Property Taxes and Head of Tax Investigations atBonham and Brook, is very much that hero that can help you.

With a highly impressive background in Law, Litigation and Tax, Kishan and has team have been responsible for tax savings running into the multi millions of pounds and growing.

Stamp Duty is a 'self assessment' tax that the buyer is responsible for.

But you don't have to tread through that minefield alone.

While your solicitor is staying in their lane and handling the conveyancing part of your purchases, you should have people like Kishan on your side to review and advise on the costly tax elements for you.

And with 51 different reliefs and exemptions available, Kishan has a host of weapons available to fight off the tax monsters for you.

During the show we touch upon just a few of the reliefs and possible scenarios for savings. You'll hear from Kishan's chat that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of rules and regulations and case law aimed at helping you in your individual scenarios.

Use the links below to reach out to Kishan and his teams at Bonham & Brook to see how they can help you.

They can initially review your situation for free.

And there's other links to their Stamp Duty Reliefs Guide and Kishan's recent article on Stamp Duty Exemptions...

Thorben Dorer and Greg White: Surreal Coincidences Behind a Property Power Team...

36m · Published 19 Feb 05:00

If a story had a character that was a young man born in Germany, and another young man born in Scotland and living a lot of his life out to sea, it would be a hard task for the author to somehow bring them together in the story.

If you then factor into that storyline a random scenario of the two men standing beside each other in a large group photo, but never having spoken a word to each other, then the story seems to get more unbelievable.

And if you tried to suggest that they would end up both being surprised that they unknowingly now just happen to live close to each other...well, that sounds like Hollywood has stretched the story creativity just a bit too far!

And yet, that's exactly how it's all panned out with this great story of two young men forming a successful business partnership together in the world of property.

Our guests today, Thorben Dorer and Greg White, have both formed a thriving partnership that is already paying dividends for them and their clients, in a very short timeframe.

The element of the father figures in the famous "Rich Dad Poor Dad" story is also weaved into this particular journey, as you'll hear in the show.

You'll also hear the successes, the challenges, the projects, the profits, the services, and the rewards that have come to Thor and Greg as their impressive work ethic has pushed them on from milestone to milestone...

Jack and Mark Anderson: The Father and Son Team Building a Property Business Together...

43m · Published 12 Feb 10:00

Having the courage and determination to build a successful business that can positively impact your life and the lives of the family around you is a noble and worthwhile journey to go on.

But what if you could actually build that business WITH your family?

What if you're a father and son team that can come together and form a solid partnership that can bring different skills and experiences together as the very fuel to spark and drive that business?

Today's guests under the Property Pros Spotlight on This Week In Property, have done exactly that!

Jack and Mark Anderson have come from very different career backgrounds and skillsets, but have a shared vision and an agreed way of handling themselves that has propelled their success in a crazy short amount of time.

The character, integrity and trust that they exude in their business and personal actions has seen a host of other people, other investors, and other connections flock to work with them.

A shared family tragedy, which they bravely speak about on the show, has bonded these two men together in a very solid fashion.

Totally different employment backgrounds and experiences has given the Andersons a wealth of skills and talents that they have combined to powerful effect.

Whether it's property projects for themselves, deals for investors, managing refurb projects, or sourcing and investing in both Scotland and England, this father-son combo have came flying out of the gates after completing training in property investing, and don't look to be slowing down any time soon...

Chris Miles: Forget the myths and become the steward of your own money...

42m · Published 22 Jan 05:00

Just save every penny and cut back on your costs!

We can't afford that!

All debt is bad!

What if we've been lied to?

What if the bankers running the show and the politicians making the rules, have all had us running around in the rat race of work and money, using stories that are nothing but illusions?

What if there's another way to look at this whole game of money?

Did you hear about the Financial Advisor who became the Anti Financial Advisor?

Well, you will today. With our guest, Chris Miles, the cashflow and passive income expert who specialises in teaching entrepreneurs, professionals, and individuals how to create lifelong wealth, even in uncertain economies.

You think you've got debt?

What about $1million worth of debt?

Because Chris had that level of debt. And you'll hear him explain how debt is neither good nor bad. How there's a different way to look at things.

And how he even managed to capitalise on all that debt after the last recession without filing for bankruptcy.

Giving value and solving problems.

Those can be two of the keys to getting rid of the 'desperation' you might have around money, and generating a positive 'feeling' of how easy the game can be.

It's something that Chris has seen, from a life-changing moment with his own dad, to the many clients he's helped ever since. Hear him tell the story in today's show.

The Cashflow Index.

That's another golden nugget you'll hear from Chris' insights today.

You've heard about ROI, and cash-on-cash return, and many other equations.

But this special 'index' will have you look at your money matters in a totally unique way.

Money Ripples.

That's his very own podcast that he's been running for over 10 years now.

As well as a host of experiences and appearances that have seen him featured in US News, CNN Money, Entrepreneurs on Fire, Bigger Pockets, and many more.

Money Ripples gets his clients fast financial results. In fact, his personal clients have increased their cashflow by almost $300 Million in the last 12 years!

Being your own steward.

So listen in to today's show with Chris Miles.

Hear about Chris' property investment experience, his thoughts on the stock market, and his forecasts for the economy.

And not only appreciate all of his insights and wisdoms, but then take the actions in your own life, in your own game, and become the Steward of your own money and wealth.

All in today's show on This Week In Property...

SmartWorkPlus: Smarter Work, Better Results...

45m · Published 01 Jan 05:00

Mention the thought of cutting costs, enhancing operations, and improving sustainability to any Facilities Manager, and they'll have your attention but might be a bit cautious about what can actually be delivered.

That's where today's guest, Shane Brady the COO of SmartWorkPlus, can step in and dazzle them with the impressive trio of hardware, software and reporting that comes with the SmartWorkPlus system.

Hardware that is not only easy on the eye inside any property, not only safely secured on its own reliable network that doesn't impact the property's own networks, but also has an array of sensors that can magically collect data on occupancy, heat, light, and humidity levels.

And when that data is fed into the impressively visual, and very easy to read, software part of SmartWorkPlus, a building owner or facilities manager has priceless data at their fingertips.

Data presented in such a way that can immediately show where savings can be made on energy and occupied areas, where the most efficient cleaning attention can be targetted by janitorial staff, and where the most comfortable and eco-friendly settings can be made for the building's residents to enjoy.

A marriage of tech and management, where everybody wins. And where properties can be run in the most efficient, sustainable and cost-effective way possible...

Tom Dylan: Cuppa Property...

46m · Published 27 Nov 05:00

In today's show, we sit down with Tom Dylan, a full-time property investor based in Manchester.

We have a great and wide-ranging conversation, covering all manner of topics in and around property, business and life.

A successful property investor in his own right, Tom also set up the Cuppa Property Networking & Investing Group, which meets in person and online on a weekly basis.

And Tom is also a fellow podcaster, with the Cuppa Coffee Property Podcast.

Listen to Tom's thoughts, opinions and experiences on: building his portfolio in Manchester and other areas; the amount of legislation seeping into the property world; predictions for market and returns in the future; the eternal supply and demand issue of UK property; and the merits and risks of single-units, HMOs and apartments...

iamproperty: turning the auction world upside down...

37m · Published 20 Nov 05:15

Take everything you think you know about property auctions - too urgent and unpredictable for the buyer, too much money lost for the seller, too much hassle for an estate agent - and throw it out of the window.

Today's guest, Jamie Cooke, one of the Co-Founders of iamproperty, explains how things can, and are, very different.

The UK's largest residential auction provider, now working with over 6,000 estate agencies, and pioneering the Modern Method of Auction, iamproperty has an ecosystem of services that can help solve so many problems for people.

Take the slow and unpredictable world of Private Treaty, and replace it with speed and security.

Take the urgency and fear of an auction window to get your buyer finance in place, and replace it with a measured and achievable breathing space.

Take the agent's hassle of trying to involve an auction house, and replace it with a pleasant and easy relationship.

Take iamproperty...

This Week In Property Podcast has 126 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 100:35:49. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 11th, 2024 14:11.

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