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Prosperity With Purpose | Christian Leadership Coach | Create More Peace, Make More Money, Multiply Your Time, Steward Your Business God's Way #LeadingLadiesMovement

by Jessica Hefley Christian Leadership Coach - formally "You're Worth It"

Are you a leader constantly overwhelmed with the fear you don’t have time to get it all done? Do you want more money but tend to feel inadequate around making more? Are you tired of complacency and want to be challenged to take radical ownership of what you’re creating in life? Are you longing for more loving connection with your husband and kids but struggle to turn “off” work and be fully present to what matters most? Well take a deep breath sister… This podcast and Prosperity With Purpose Mentorship (formally Leading Ladies) program will help you HAVE MORE PEACE, MAKE MORE MONEY I’m Jessica Hefley, I went from a stay at home mom to a 7 figure network marketing professional AND a 6 figure CEO coaching business, BOTH! I’ve learned a few things the hard way I’ll help you avoid. It’s my PURPOSE in life to help leaders like yourself remove your resistance around your WORTH and WEALTH. I tried to do it in my own strength. I hustled as hard as I could until I burnt out. I finally realized what Jesus meant when He said “apart from me you can do nothing” Your calling doesn’t have to feel heavy When you know WHO you are and WHO’s you are I’ll help you steward your gifts to multiply your income from 6 to 7 figures and beyond. So get ready for tangible tools to focus, reduce anxiety, truly ENJOY life and make powerful decisions to move your life and business forward. Leaders THINK differently and as Christians we are called to NOT conform to the world but TRANSFORM our mindset by how we think biblically! Leadership is leading someone somewhere. Lead yourself 1st and others will follow Welcome to the #ProsperityWithPurpose podcast, you’re here for a purpose and you'll never be the same! Ready to learn all the ways you can work with me? Visit see all the details!

Copyright: Copyright 2019 Jessica Hefley


Saying Yes to Something Means Saying No to Something Else

13m · Published 01 Feb 12:50

Saying no to something means saying yes to something else.

Saying yes to something means saying no to something else.  


So why is it so hard? Why is it so hard to say NO to someone? 


Recently on multiple occasions, I’ve had someone ask if I could meet up with them for coffee.  My immediate response in my head was “I don’t want to” quickly followed by the self-condemning thoughts of ”ugg I”m such a horrible person.”  


Why was I equating the thought  “I don’t want to do something” to me being a horrible person?! 


Co-Dependent much?


Co-Dependent basically is being so concerned about making others happy or desperately doing all you can to please other people, to make everyone else happy, and is a strong sense to be needed and wanted by others. It is very common but what you may not know is it’s actually a form of manipulation…you rarely show up authentically and leads to a lot of bitterness and resentment which is a LOT to unpack maybe at a later date. 

(if you want to learn more about that the book The New Codependency by Melody Beattle is a great resource)


But I don’t want her to think I’m too busy for her or too busy for anyone, I want to be perceived as having time for everyone because that would make me a good “Christian Friend”. 


So basically I want to be in control of how I’m perceived by others

I want to be in control of what others think of me.

Basically, I want to be in control, HAHA!  


So why does one seek to “control”?

Often the root is to feel SAFE.

It feels REAL unsafe to not be able to control someone’s perception of us because if we can’t then there is the possibility that they could choose to judge us, reject us, or decide to think something about us that isn’t true.  


But you know what the craziest thing of all is, even if I was perfect and truly had complete control of how I’m perceived they could STILL choose to judge, reject or decide differently about me (its called free will) and that, if I’m being honest initially feels downright terrifying.  

That feels out of control.  

That feels unsafe, doesn't it?! 


What’s even more fascinating to me is that Jesus Christ, LITERAL perfection, God incarnate, who was without sin, had people HATE him, misjudge him, mock him, reject Him, and ultimately kill him! 

And you know that the Bible says over and over and over and over in between His time being with and ministering to people…He went to a solitary place to pray. He tapped into and prioritized connection, communion, and TIME with God REGULARLY.  He knew what “his assignment” was and what it wasn’t.  He was able to handle the opinions of others because he was SOLID in his opinion and God’s opinion and identity of himself. 


So many of us walk around this life being extra careful and extra cautious of what we allow others to see and don’t even realize that our motivation to appear so put together or so “perfect” is because we DESPERATELY grasping at avoiding the possibility of feeling an uncomfortable or out of our control feeling someone else “might” have of us.  


Did you know everything we do or don’t do is because of a feeling?!  

The reason you do everything you do and the reason you don’t do the things you don’t do it because you are trying to FEEL a certain way or NOT FEEL a certain way.  


It's truly fascinating.

Test it out. 

Our THOUGHTS are what create certain FEELINGS and from FEELINGS we are motivated to do or NOT do anything and everything.  


No seriously, test it out.  


The reason you work out or don’t work out is because of a feeling….that is fueled by a thought you are choosing to think.


The reason you are bad with money or good with money is because of a feeling you have towards money…that is fueled by a thought you are choosing to think about it.  


The reason you show up as a leader or shy away from leading is because of a feeling you have about your leadership….that is fueled by a thought you are choosing to think about it. 


The reason you spend time working or don’t spend time working is because of a feeling you have about your work from a thought you have. 


And here’s a kicker, we don’t fall out of love with our spouse, we just stop thinking loving thoughts towards them….which makes our feelings change.  




We’ll really be diving into this one in February inside of Leading Leading on the topic of transformation and unconditional love for ourselves and others and how we get to create as much love in our lives as we want


The only way to FEEL more love in your life is to THINK more loving thoughts


And in turn, this even affects our PHYSICAL bodies, it’s fascinating! 

Are you blessing or cursing your body with your thoughts about yourself?! 


But back to feeling bad for saying no to someone.  

A couple of guidelines I ask myself is “is this my assignment?”

If we are here by assignment and in partnership with God in our calling some things will be FOR us and some won’t.  Sometimes we have to trust that we aren’t the one to help them and that someone or something else is. (We might need to give up that hero complex, we can’t save them all and that's ok)


Also, when I’m saying no to someone what is the YES I AM saying yes to? Celebrate and focus on that! Don’t just focus on the no, focus on when you said no it meant you saying YES to something else that is important.  For me, I KNOW that I know that I know if I don’t have down time and time to process and reflect and have the energy to pour into my family and into Leading Ladies then I’m doing what I’ve been CALLED to do a disservice.  They aren’t getting the BEST of me if I exhaust myself with what “isn’t my assignment” in this season.   


I’m not saying use being an introvert or come in agreement with debilitating anxiety and never have a face-to-face conversation with someone…that’s a whole different podcast episode.  But do take a moment and be aware of your thoughts and feelings….aware that feelings aren’t facts and make POWERFUL DECISIONS on purpose.  Powerful decisions produce the fruit of refinement and peace…not bitterness and resentment.  


And as always check in with yourself….and if your motivation to do something is only because you don’t want to be perceived or judged a certain way if you don’t….probably not the best or healthiest motivation.  


Blessing to you and blessings to your BEST YES and trusting God with the rest ;) 

Join me at to sign up!

Sound Mind

14m · Published 25 Jan 05:00

When you think of “inheritance” what comes to mind?
For some reason, I think of a wealthy person who dies and everything that belongs to them gets passed down to blood relatives as a gift. It’s theirs and they take it. Right?
I’m currently taking a Dream Course and in passing Steven Maddox told a story about all his life God had been pointing him to work in film and be a writer and he kept denying it. Not believing that was his identity. Not believing that was for him.  One day at church a man even came up to him and said he felt led by God to gift him this box FULL of nice camera equipment, like lots of it, expensive stuff, and he thought “this isn’t for me.”  So he gave it away.  HE GAVE IT AWAY to someone else!  Because he didn’t think “it was for him”
He gave away his “inheritance”, something God wanted him to have for free because He didn’t think it was for him…
Hang with me, this lines up too perfectly with this song my husband and I have had on repeat for a couple of months and I shared inside LEADING LADIES last week as we had a time of soaking, journaling, and hearing from the Lord on their partnership with HIm in their calling this month.  Calling= the work they do to meet the needs of others.  Here are some of the lyrics below and then I’ll explain. It’s called SOUND MIND by Melissa Helser, you should definitely take a listen…
There are sooooooooo many takeaways and things we could discuss from these lyrics but for today here’s where we are headed.  2 Timothy 1:7 is a fairly common verse. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you power, love, and a SOUND MIND.” You’ve probably heard it multiple times, but what does SOUND MIND really mean? Well, I looked it up and about peed my pants!!!
It comes from the Greek Word sopreneo, a compound word of sodzo and phreneo.
sodzo- meaning saved or delivered. (on the verge of death but then was revived and resuscitated because new life was breathed into him) Something that is delivered, recused, revived, salvaged, protected and is now safe and secure.  
phrenoeo- intelligence or total frame of thinking including rationale, logic and emotions.  Every part of the human mind, including all the processes that are engaged in making the mind function and come to conclusions. 
So think about those two definitions in light of fear.  When we are operating in or under fear what does that do to every single part of us? What does that make us come into agreement with? How does that affect every single thought, feeling, action, decision, and result in our life? 
Now let’s take this back to inheritance. What’s been given to you, that is yours? It is NOT fear.  It is power, love and a SOUND MIND.  Are you giving that way because you “don’t think you deserve it”?!  So much of bringing heaven to earth and partnering in our authority in Jesus comes in our calling and stewarding that well starts with AGREEMENT and IDENTITY!  Your IDENTITY in Jesus name is POWER, LOVE and SOUND MIND.  Your IDENTITY is BLESSED.  Your IDENTITY is just something you have to take and stop giving it away because you don’t think it is for you.  IT'S FOR YOU! 
This journey of revelation and identity of your True Self in light of Christ is just starting to heat up inside LEADING LADIES, this is a MOVEMENT and we are called to change the world by changing ourselves. I help God’s Leading Ladies walking in the reality of wholeness now, without the fear of yesterday’s limitations holding them back ever again. You in?! Join me at to sign up!

Want to know my word for the year?

16m · Published 18 Jan 12:52

So I’m torn but leaning in. God made it evidence and confirmed multiple times my word for the year 2023.  But then I read the book the “12 Week Year” and it rocked my world and how I now set goals, which I taught all about inside Leading Ladies this month including a goal-setting sheet like I’ve never before seen to help you plan and dream and execute from a place of love and PURPOSE and powerful, meaningful decisions instead of fear and past failure and self-hatred. (Oh how I wish I could condense that hour-long training into a 3-minute email!!)  So in light of all that I now view my life in quarters instead of years, but I digress, back to my word of the year, or should I say quarter. I’ll reevaluate at the end of March ;)  Right now it’s my guiding light.  Do you have a word for 2023?  Hit reply and let me know!  



What does that mean?  

Being fully present.  All in where I am and what I’m doing and who I’m with. Also, present to FEEL every single emotion that comes up without stuff or avoiding or dismissing.  Constraining to focus on work when it's work time and rest when it's rest time and play when it's playtime and…getting the point here?


Did you know that most people feel “burn out” or struggle with anxiety because they are not in the PRESENT?  They are thinking about what needs to get done, or what didn’t get done. How they wish they could change something from the past or worry about what is to come in the future. Neither of these scenarios is PRESENT.  Once again sneaky sneaky satan wants you to focus on what you literally CANNOT change (your past) and worry about every negative possible outcome (in your future) so you will be so distracted and not fully PRESENT in the right now, today. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER IS TODAY.  The only way you can bring heaven to earth and partner with God is through the work he is calling you to is TODAY.  


Do you know another sneaky sneaky time and energy sucker? Thinking about work when you are off and thinking about being off when you should be working.  Or thinking about this notification and that text and this voice message and that email and this and that and this and that and this and that.  


The skill and muscle I’ll need to develop to make PRESENCE possible in 2023 are very very important. Are you ready for it?  Are you ready to hear HOW the only way presence is possible for me and for you if you choose?  CONSTRAINT.  


CONSTRAINING myself to FOCUS.  Focus on the task or non-task at hand. Being FULLY present requires constraint to decide ahead of time to not let anything that is distracting you from being ALL IN and finishing what you set out to do in that specific time period.  It will change everything! It will bring peace. You will get more done in less time. You will enjoy life more.  You will have less anxiety and more enjoyment. 


It’s a great place to start.  

Interested in hearing AND implementing the teachings mentioned above? It will take some new ways of thinking and feeling that you may not be familiar with. But you have to ask yourself is what I am currently doing working?  Am I where I truly want to be? Do I feel how I truly WANT to feel about my work and my life? Did you know when you join Leading Ladies you get access to that entire month’s training and coaching replays and the 6 months moving forward?!  Don’t worry you didn’t miss a thing, see you on the inside.  It’s time! 

click join…

What do you define a good steward as?

3m · Published 11 Jan 05:00

For most the first thing that comes to mind is money. Fear and or longing to do the “right” thing with their money. Which is wise, and one of my most favorite topics BUT might I propose stewardship as something much much deeper…


Stewardship just so happens to be one of the 6 CORE VALUES of Leading Ladies that lead to WHOLENESS.  



“She identifies her purpose and takes ownership and accountability of her partnership with the Holy Spirit and authority in Christ in her calling.”


Identifies her purpose.


Take ownership in her calling.


Accountable to her partnership with the Holy Spirit.


Authority in Christ in her calling.


Can you say with confidence you KNOW your purpose, take ownership in your calling and commit your highest level of CONTRIBUTION to this world? Are you aware of the magnitude and privilege of partnering with the Holy Spirit and are you walking in your AUTHORITY in the gifts and talents God has entrusted to you to multiply?  


If not, there is no condemnation here but there is curiosity and a deep urgency to help truly STEWARD your life for a “well done good and faithful servant”.  To not just steward your money but also your time AND talents WELL. I help God’s Leading Ladies walk in the reality of wholeness now without fear of yesterday’s limitations holding them back ever again. It helps bring heaven to earth through your life and business and it’s an HONOR to partner with you inside LEADING LADIES to help you do it. 


I’ve never regretted hiring a coach to help me uncover and bring forth that which the enemy has tried to steal.  “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. 


Who's ready for life more ABUNDANT?!

63 | What do you define a good steward as? Money mindset with a biblical lens.

3m · Published 11 Jan 05:00

For most the first thing that comes to mind is money. Fear and or longing to do the “right” thing with their money. Which is wise, and one of my most favorite topics BUT might I propose stewardship as something much much deeper…


Stewardship just so happens to be one of the 6 CORE VALUES of Leading Ladies that lead to WHOLENESS.  



“She identifies her purpose and takes ownership and accountability of her partnership with the Holy Spirit and authority in Christ in her calling.”


Identifies her purpose.


Take ownership of her calling.


Accountable for her partnership with the Holy Spirit.


Authority in Christ in her calling.


Can you say with confidence you KNOW your purpose, take ownership in your calling and commit your highest level of CONTRIBUTION to this world? Are you aware of the magnitude and privilege of partnering with the Holy Spirit and are you walking in your AUTHORITY in the gifts and talents God has entrusted to you to multiply?  


If not, there is no condemnation here but there is curiosity and a deep urgency to help truly STEWARD your life for a “well done good and faithful servant”.  To not just steward your money but also your time AND talents WELL. I help God’s Leading Ladies walk in the reality of wholeness now without fear of yesterday’s limitations holding them back ever again. It helps bring heaven to earth through your life and business and it’s an HONOR to partner with you inside LEADING LADIES to help you do it. 


I’ve never regretted hiring a coach to help me uncover and bring forth that which the enemy has tried to steal.  “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. 


Who's ready for life more ABUNDANT?!

Connect with me:

You’ll Never Be the Same

3m · Published 20 Dec 20:52

A life changing transformation.  

This work affects generations. 


You will NEVER be the same.  Those are big promises that I stand behind them I million percent! I have proof from current members and from my own life! I feel so compelled and am so convicted in making sure you know what I’m offering here.


“I help God’s LEADING LADIES walk in the reality of WHOLENESS now without fear of yesterday’s limitations holding them back ever again.”  


I can’t not let you know this! You’ll never be the same. Your thoughts about your life and the actual life you live and create will never be the same. This price point is a STEAL to work with me. I’m giving and adding MORE value to your life than what I charge BY FAR, and you’ll never be the same.  


So if you want to be in the same place this time next year.  The same disappointments, the same fears, the same level of leadership, the same place spiritually, the same awareness and accountability, the same indecision and confusion, the same perfectionism trap, the same painful people pleasing,  the same amount of procrastination, the same level of overwhelm, the same burnt out aimlessness and still feeling the same anxiety then don’t take this step.


But if you want to never be the same, click join…and the cherry on top is to join BEFORE January 1st when prices go up.

Is this your longing?

6m · Published 16 Dec 17:05

Is this your longing? 


She is called to multiply her impact personally and

professionally and leave a legacy that impacts eternity.


She is committed to the most important work of taking her thoughts

captive and is self-aware, curious, and compassionate about those

thoughts towards herself and others.


She identifies her purpose and takes ownership and accountability of

her partnership with the Holy Spirit and authority in Christ in her calling.


She has hope her future will be different from her past and believes in the

possibilities of change for the better. A renewed mind = a transformed life.


She is tender-hearted in her childlike faith towards God's loving kindness that

leads to repentance and is willing to learn a new thing.


She honors her time, boundaries and commitments to herself and others

through nourishing routines that feed her soul from a place of rest.


She prospers as she casts off old entanglements and runs freely in abundance

spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially as she empowers others to do

the same. 


WHOLENESS is a natural outpouring of who she is and how she leads.
















I help God’s LEADING LADIES walk in the reality of WHOLENESS now without fear of the yesterday’s limitations holding them back ever again.

But if you want to never be the same, click join…and the cherry on top is join BEFORE January 1st when prices go up.


Introducing... Leading Ladies!

13m · Published 22 Aug 04:00

I'm so excited to announce my new program, Leading Ladies! 

A Christian Leadership program led by Jessica Hefley.
  • Awareness baseline goal evaluation
  • Weekly personal accountability
  • LIVE weekly group coaching calls
  • Access to monthly themed leadership training content
  • Printable workbooks and journal prompts
  • Freedom Prayer Sessions
  • Monthly Spiritual Discipline Focus

Learn more or join now at

Ready to learn more about my program Leading Ladies?
Visit to see all the details!

Spiritual Warfare Wrap Up and BIG Announcement

18m · Published 26 Apr 11:29

So excited to have you listening today! We’re wrapping up our warfare series today and I’m introducing something amazing! 

I want to make sure you know the 5 things we’ve covered on how to fight back, the literal word of God, name of Jesus, repentance, worship, and communion.
Let’s go over a little bit about communion. I grew up with communion being a part of the routine, sing a few songs, do communion and then you’re done. I’ve listened to an author talk about taking communion every day and how she used it in her life. It was really powerful to me. We take it as a family often. We even did it at our Friday bible study and we talked about how it is a reminder to Satan that he lost. And we’re all winners. You don’t have to wait to take communion, you can do it on your time!

In part 7 of Adam Young’s warfare series, he talks about the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and it talks about what Satan would be doing now to deceive. It’s a great listen and I highly recommend that you head over and check it out. Another one I recommend is Priscilla Shirer, Fervent. She gives very practical ways to strategically pray and fight against the enemy. I love how she lists ways that the enemy will specifically target you and your family and what it would look like. It’s incredibly powerful and her words are so strong. She is also the actress in the movie War Room which you NEED to watch. Even if you’ve watched it before, revisit it. The message is so strong and powerful.
I hope you’ll join the #MarriageInMay Facebook group. We’re having challenges, prizes and more. And if you’ve wanted to refocus on your marriage then this is the time!

Ready to learn more about my program Leading Ladies?
Visit to see all the details!

Spiritual Warfare Part 5

29m · Published 04 Mar 13:20

‼️Week 5 ReCap‼️
We listened beforehand to “The Place We Find Ourselves” by Adam Young episode #46 Warfare Part 5 

The first tactic in waging war is paying attention to what you are hearing and then determining the source of that voice. 

The tone and the voice of the accusation matter. If you are feeling defeated, deflated, condemned, that is a voice from the enemy.

There is way more going on below the roots of accusations in lies that you have believed from when you were younger. And so whatever you're feeling now, it's not new.

It's time to fight back against these accusations and send the enemy away!


“So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

How to combat spiritual warfare
*Word of God


*Blood of Jesus/Communion


*Name of Jesus

“The greatest trick the devil ever played is convincing the world he doesn’t exist.”

Daily Kairos Link-


Ready to learn more about my program Leading Ladies?
Visit to see all the details!

Prosperity With Purpose | Christian Leadership Coach | Create More Peace, Make More Money, Multiply Your Time, Steward Your Business God's Way #LeadingLadiesMovement has 112 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 35:29:23. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 04:42.

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