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Every Mom Needs a Friend

by Anna Duffy

On the Every Mom Needs a Friend podcast, Anna, a mom of two who is embarking on her 4th cross-country move with her husband, will take up a bite-sized chunk of your day to chat about things that all moms go through and how she’s worked through them. She’s been lonely, she’s had to go through big decisions, and she hasn’t always enjoyed life, but she’s made it to today. So that’s what she’ll talk about, her “today.”

Copyright: © 2024 Every Mom Needs a Friend


Podmas Day 11: The Love Candle

3m · Published 24 Dec 21:00

As Christmas Eve casts a serene glow over our hearts, we gather to honor the profound message of love that is central to this sacred season. With the lighting of the fourth Advent candle, we immerse ourselves in a reflection on love's greatest manifestations: from the divine love of Jesus' birth and sacrifice, to the steadfast love Joseph held for Mary, and the deep, nurturing love of Mary for her child. This episode, filled with the warmth of holiday spirit, invites you to explore these acts of love against the backdrop of cherished scriptures like 1 Corinthians 13:13 and John 3:16, pillars of faith that have withstood the test of time.

Embracing the theme that Jesus is the light of the world, this conversation extends an invitation to step away from life's distractions and focus on the true, unwavering light of our Lord and Savior. We share heartfelt experiences of bringing dark secrets to light and discuss the liberation found in surrendering our burdens to Jesus. Join us for an intimate and uplifting journey through the powerful emotions of the season, and let's celebrate the joy and solace found in the quiet, light-filled moments of Christmas Eve.

Podmas Day 10: Generational Blessings

7m · Published 24 Dec 04:00

As Christmas Eve Eve unfolds, I'm wrapped in the warmth of family and the profound spiritual legacy that's been handed down to me. My heart is full as I share stories of my mom’s influence on my faith journey, reflecting on how her devotion and personalized Bible studies during my youth have shaped my path to an intimate relationship with Jesus. This Podmas Day Ten episode is a celebration of generational blessings and the indelible impact of family on our spiritual lives, set against the backdrop of 2nd Timothy 1:5 and its message of faith that spans generations.

Join us for a heartfelt conversation that explores the nuances of growing up in the church, the personal discovery of faith, and how an individual walk with Jesus can be a lifelong pursuit filled with curiosity and a desire to emulate His love. This episode is not just an intimate look at familial ties to faith, but an invitation to anyone seeking to deepen their connection with their spirituality during this Advent season and beyond. Come be inspired by the stories, reflections, and encouragement that this special time with my parents has stirred within me.

Podmas Day 9: Kids are like Snowflakes

6m · Published 23 Dec 03:00

Christmas birthdays can often feel overshadowed by the holiday cheer, but not on my watch—especially when it's my little Kitty's third trip around the sun. We're celebrating her birthday with the same vigor and sparkle as a snowflake glistening under the winter sun, acknowledging the unique joy each child brings into the world. In our latest heartwarming session, we're wrapping you up in a cozy blanket of reflections on parenting, birth order, and the distinctive personality traits that make our children who they are, much like the individual beauty of snowflakes. All while reminiscing about snowy landscapes that transform from New Hampshire's guaranteed white Christmases to Seattle's occasional flurries.

We're also inviting you on a whimsical exploration into the world of snowflakes—their symmetrical splendor and their unparalleled uniqueness. Christopher's musings on individuality inspire us to see our little ones as perfect, singular pieces of a larger, more beautiful whole. So, as we celebrate the festive season and my daughter's birthday, let's marvel at the magic of each snowflake and child, recognizing the wonder in their differences and the joy in our shared human experience. Bundle up for a journey that promises to warm your heart, no matter the weather outside.

This makes me think of Romans 12:4 "... we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function."

And what a mark of our maker. How sweet that even the most intimate details of our lives, like a microscopic snowflake are important to God.

“But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you;

And the birds of the air, and they will tell you;

Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you;

And the fish of the sea will explain to you.

Who among all these does not know

That the hand of the Lord has done this,

In whose hand is the life of every living thing,

And the breath of all mankind?

— " Job 12:7-10

But ultimately in this advent season as we expectantly hope and wait for our Lord to come again, we are met with the reality of our personal struggles with sin. So for today let’s remember God’s promise despite our seemligly hopeless state:

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18

xoxox love y'all deep

Podmas Day 8: Holiday Routine

8m · Published 21 Dec 17:00

As our home transforms with the twinkle of holiday lights and the murmur of cherished carols, I invite you to a cozy corner of the Duffy household where the spirit of the season is in full swing. Amidst the merry chaos, my husband and I find solace in our morning devotions, a practice that anchors our days and strengthens our family bond. With the warmth of a freshly brewed cup of coffee in hand, we navigate the excitement of preparing our girls for the day ahead, all while carving out those much-needed moments of rest. This episode unwraps the true essence of holiday routines, the joy of everyday life, and the precious opportunity to craft new friendships and memories during this enchanting yet demanding time of year.

There’s something profoundly refreshing about reflecting on scripture during Advent, and in this heartfelt episode, I share how we draw closer to God through the pages of the Bible, finding guidance in verses from James and Jeremiah. These sacred words remind us of the transformative power of seeking God with a sincere heart. Together, let’s ponder the state of our spiritual journeys and embrace the encouragement that resonates through biblical wisdom. As we pause our busy lives to celebrate the holiday season, I extend a heartfelt invitation to continue nurturing our faith, rejoicing in the love, and eagerly anticipating the ongoing conversations that enrich our lives. Join me as we explore these themes, filled with anticipation for the growth and understanding that lie ahead.

Love y'all deep! xoxoxo

Podmas Day 7: Hospitality at the Holidays

8m · Published 21 Dec 04:00

When the holiday season rolls around, our homes become more than just living spaces; they transform into hubs of warmth, laughter, and memories in the making. This year, as I welcome my parents into our abode for an extended stay, I've been reflecting on the true essence of holiday hospitality and the profound joy it brings. Gather 'round, friends, and let the spirit of the season wash over you through my tales of intimate dinners, the magic of morning coffees, and the hearty laughter that echoes through the halls when loved ones are near.

In our latest heartwarming chat, we peel back the layers of what makes these gatherings so meaningful. It's not just the act of sharing a meal, but the deeper connection fostered by inviting fresh faces to our tables—those who haven't journeyed with us from the beginning but join us now, weaving their stories into the tapestry of our lives. I also share my personal evolution from a hostess focused on perfection to one who cherishes harmony and togetherness above all. Sprinkled with practical tips for making any guest feel at home, this conversation is an invitation to open your doors and hearts with a renewed sense of purpose this festive season.

Like the feeling of being warm and welcomed in my moms home starts from the moment you enter but it’s how she moves from person to person making sure everyone is taken care of, or how she somehow cleans a kitchen without anyone noticing because everyone is so relaxed. Or how she’s quick to drop everything to take a phone call from me - that's hospitality from a distance. And I think this has been learned, because it’s in her bones to be a busy bee, but she has worked hard to see people how God sees them, full of intrinsic value in the image of God and full of purpose and importance. So that’s your challenge today my gals, seek to host people like Jesus would. And don’t forget the most important part and initial start and that’s inviting them in.

1 Timothy 5:10

10 and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.

xoxoxo love y'all deep

Podmas Day 6: FOMO + Loneliness at the Holidays

10m · Published 19 Dec 09:00

As the holiday season wraps its arms around us, I can't help but reminisce about Christmases past and the quiet moments of reflection that left me awake. In today's Podmas episode, I peel back the layers of festivity to reveal the raw emotion that can accompany this time of year. Through my own narrative of navigating the ebbs and flows of joy and solitude, I connect with all who have felt the sting of loneliness amid the season's cheer. We confront the haunting ghost of FOMO and discuss the transformative journey from feeling out of place at holiday events to discovering new communities and creating connections that resonate with our lives now.

Turning to the resonating comfort found within the pages of scripture, I draw upon Psalm 118:5, weaving its timeless message of hope into our Advent reflections. This verse, a beacon during times when we feel "hard pressed," promises a path to a "spacious place," reminding us of the strength and solace that can be found in our faith. I invite you to join me in a candid conversation about the power of these biblical words and the deep reassurance they offer, not just during the holidays, but in every challenging chapter of our lives. Together, we embrace this season with open hearts, affirming our hope and finding peace in the knowledge that we are never truly alone.

love y'all deep xoxoxoxoxo

Podmas Day 5: Christmas Trivia with Christopher

12m · Published 18 Dec 22:00

Enjoy this one - it's lighthearted and I'm sure you'll learn something - I did!!

Enjoy today's devo from Isaiah 9:6 through 7 and it’s:

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore.

Love y'all deep xoxoxoxoxo

Podmas Day 4: The Joy Candle

8m · Published 17 Dec 15:00

Today we're lighting the pink candle, a symbol of the divine joy that transcends our worldly worries. We're revisiting the enlightening episode, "Joy Begets Joy," reflecting on God's blessings that often go unnoticed. Also today's big question is a fun one - what's your favorite animated kids' movie?

And as for the concept of Joy, I love how the gospel coalition describes this when they said “God designed our hearts to desire what he desires. We were made to find joy in what he finds joy in, be disgusted by what he’s disgusted by, be saddened by what grieves him, be angered by what angers him, and fear the things he identifies as threatening. In other words, our desires—and the emotions expressed by them—worship God as they imitate his.”

And I think of the psalm that talks about For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

But for today I really want to share my life verse because I think that part of joy can only be unlocked through the desperate realization of our condition and the painful walking through the storms of life. And I was met with this beautiful scripture in my darkest days following our miscarriage and some pretty ugly moments with God where I discarded and began to reconstruct my faith and so our devo for today is Lamentations 3:22-23 and that’s "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

xoxoxo love y'all deep!

Podmas Day 3: Holiday Date Nights

8m · Published 17 Dec 01:00

December is the busiest and quickest month of the year, and on top of that Christopher went out of town for one week of it (but to give him immense credit he took a redeye so he could be there for bedtime and flew home as quickly as he could, sweet man!)

And Christopher and I do prioritize date nights - making sure to not miss a week without having precious babysitter time and because of that we actually have a line item on our budget for babysitters, but so for today I wanted to talk with you about holiday date nights because in my opinion they are among the best time of the year for date nights (maybe behind summer date nights? Up for debate)

And I had an old boss encourage me to prioritize my marriage among a season of lots of work travel because he felt passionately that if you weren’t growing closer together you are growing apart and you can set up as much boundaries and fail-safes but if you rely too much on those then you will all of a sudden pick your head up and not even recognize who you’re married to. So in this season of busyness be sure to not lose sight of the people in your life versus the things you do or have.

So our motivation for that comes from Mark, but I believe this is quoted in other parts of the Bible but it’s from mark 10:6-9 and it it says: But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,and the two will become one flesh.’So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

xoxoxo love y'all deep!

Podmas Day 2: Cookbook Club

9m · Published 15 Dec 09:00

This holiday special episode is all about the joy of holiday cooking and baking, btw are you a cook or a baker? Also, we talk through the ins and outs of my newly formed cookbook club – a delicious mix of friendship and culinary exploration.

We end with working through the commonly used story from the Bible when working through womanly duties and that's the story of Mary vs. Martha. Join me in the discussion around who was right and who was wrong... And although Jesus calls us to commune with him, I could find a way to empathize with both sides!

So here’s our devo verse for today from Psalm 27:4, "One thing have I asked of the LORD, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple."

xoxoxox love y'all deep!

Every Mom Needs a Friend has 235 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 92:19:45. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 4th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 22:42.

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