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Intention Inspired

by Intention Inspired

Short daily sessions that cultivate the self-awareness that inspires our most authentic selves to shine! Explore the expanse of our multi-day journeys at

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SERVE 🛠️ Stop Chasing Money, Start Solving Problems • (Day 4 of 30 Days of Money)

13m · Published 02 Jan 00:00
Explore the 30 Days of Money Journey 👉 Explore today's full money session 🤑👉 👁 INTENTION Today, let's shift focus from chasing money to problem-solving for genuine contribution and creativity. 💡 INSPIRATION Prosperity lies in impactful actions and solutions. True wealth is found in problem-solving, valuable to both material and spiritual growth. Today's Golden Nuggets 🌟 Chase solutions, not money. 🌱 Wealth comes from valuable contributions. 🔥 Align your skills with problem-solving. 💬 WEALTHY WISDOM “Do not wait... Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you have..." - Napoleon Hill. 🧬 PROSPERITY PHYSICS Purposeful action correlates with success. Problem-Solution Fit is vital for economic and social impact. 📿 MOOLA MANTRA Seek Solutions, Summon Wealth. Focus on solutions for personal and collective wealth. 🧘 MINT MEDITATION Visualize solving a problem using your talents, feeling the fulfillment and impact of your solution. ✍🏼 RICH REFLECTION Consider problems you can uniquely solve and the emotional impact of your solutions. 🔥 PROSPERITY PIVOT Face doubts about value or impact with the belief: “My purpose is my pathway to prosperity.“ 🪄 MONEY MANIFESTATION 1. Identify Your Unique Gifts: Recognize your talents and how they can serve. 2. Consider Service Opportunities: Align talents with community needs. 3. Brainstorm Practical Applications: Apply talents for service. 4. Plan Your Approach: Outline steps to use your talents in service. 5. Take Action: Implement your plan. 6. Set Monetary Goals: Set financial targets for your service/product. 7. Adapt and Grow: Be open to feedback and adjustments. 8. Celebrate Your Impact: Acknowledge your positive influence. 🙏 GRATEFUL INVESTMENT Express gratitude for wealth created through problem-solving. 📣 ABUNDANCE AFFIRMATION "I harness my talents to create value and abundance, architecting impact and prosperity." 🙌 KUDOS Congratulations on taking a step towards being a problem solver and wealth creator. 💬 COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Share a problem you'd like to solve and its potential enrichment to your life.

UNIQUE 🌟 Leverage Your Individual Blueprint for Fulfilling Income (Day 2 of 30 Days of Money)

15m · Published 02 Jan 00:00
Check out today's full session 🤑👉 👁 INTENTION Today, let's embrace our unique magic to attract authentic wealth and prosperity. 💡 INSPIRATION Our individuality is our most valuable asset, a journey of self-discovery. By understanding and practicing our unique abilities, we innovate, create, and stand out—morphing intention into reality. Today's Golden Nuggets: 🎨 Uncover your unique skills. 🧲 Attract opportunities by being yourself. 🚀 Transform, don't conform. 💬 WEALTHY WISDOM "Don't aim to be someone else. Aim to be yourself, but better." – Cal Newport 🧬 PROSPERITY PHYSICS Like the Quantum Observer Effect, our attention and intentions transform. Turn the observer's lens onto your traits and talents—observe, then act. 📿 MOOLA MANTRA Be you, be rich. Align skills, passions, and values for an irreplicable blend of awesomeness that the world pays for. ✍🏼 RICH REFLECTION Reflect on an overlooked income source in your unique traits. Imagine financial abundance—how do your skills contribute? Write a mission statement incorporating uniqueness into financial goals. 🔥 PROSPERITY PIVOT Shift from self-doubt to fiscal freedom. Be aware, honest, patient, self-compassionate, and courageous. When hiding uniqueness, pivot—replace limiting beliefs with liberating truths. 🪄 MONEY MANIFESTATION Visualize money flowing effortlessly by leveraging your unique skills. Act as if it has already happened. 🙏 GRATEFUL INVESTMENT Feel sincere gratitude for your unique qualities. Write down one thing, fold it, and place it in your "Grateful Investment Jar" to attract abundance effortlessly. 📣 ABUNDANCE AFFIRMATION Embrace uniqueness as the greatest financial asset. Individuality brings endless opportunities for success. 🙌 KUDOS Bravo for completing today's session! You've opened the door to financial fulfillment through the power of your unique self. See you tomorrow as we delve into what makes us truly unique, doubling down on being our unique selves—and getting paid for it! 💬 COMMUNITY CONVERSATION How has embracing your individuality benefited your financial journey? Share your thoughts in the comments!

EXPLORE 🤿 Unearth the Driving Force of Your Financial Desires (Day 1 of 30 Days of Money)

15m · Published 01 Jan 00:00
Explore today's full money session 🤑👉 👁 INTENTION Embark on a courageous journey into the depths of our financial aspirations today. Our aim is to synchronize our actions with our values, fostering a life rich not just in monetary terms, but in the wealth of the soul. 💡 INSPIRATION Remember, you are in command of your financial fate. To truly unlock our potential for prosperity, we need to dig deep into our innermost financial desires. By understanding our true selves, we can effortlessly attract and enjoy external wealth. Are you ready for this exploration? Today's Insights: 🌱 Cultivate a sincere intention for financial well-being. 🎯 Identify the true desires driving your financial aims. 🔄 Transition from impulsive spending to thoughtful investing. 💬 FINANCIAL PHILOSOPHY "Money is a tool. It will transport you wherever you desire, but it won't drive for you." – Ayn Rand, noted author and philosopher 🧬 ECONOMIC EPIPHANIES A compelling study, "The Neuroscience of Financial Decision Making", reveals that aligning our financial intentions with our emotions can greatly enhance wealth creation. Let's harness the power of our adaptable mind. Set aside time to ponder your financial goals and align your feelings with them. This will supercharge your wealth-building journey through the marvels of neuroscience. 📿 PROSPERITY PROVERB Wealth is birthed from intention. Each financial decision, be it savings, investment, or spending, stems from an underlying intention. You are the author of your wealth narrative. You are the alchemist transmuting intentions into wealth. 🧘 MONEY MINDFULNESS Today's meditation focuses on uncovering our innermost financial desires to find where money and intention intersect. Take a deep breath, exhale, and gently return to the present. ✍🏼 REFLECTIVE RICHES 1. Identify the core of your financial desires. 2. List an emotion that resonates with this goal. 3. Revisit and deepen your understanding of these intentions. 4. Align your financial choices today with these intentions and emotions. Adjust as necessary. 🔥 PROSPERITY PIVOT Tired of feeling financially trapped? It's time to change that narrative. Today's Exercise: 1. Awareness: Note any limiting financial thoughts you encounter today. 2. Honesty: Challenge these thoughts – are they truths or self-imposed stories? 3. Patience: Changing long-held beliefs is a journey. 4. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during this process. 5. Courage: Boldly confront each limiting belief with an empowering, intention-aligned alternative. For each limiting belief, write its positive counterstatement. Use this as your new financial affirmation. 🪄 MONEY MAGIC Practice "Intentional Currency Circulation" (ICC). Take a physical dollar or coin. Hold it and close your eyes. Reaffirm your Prosperity Mantra three times, charging the money with intention. Open your eyes and declare, “Wealth is birthed from intention. I use this money to realize my highest good and that of all.” Spend this money aligned with your intention. Notice the emotions during this intentional transaction. If this practice resonates, commit to it daily for a week. 🙏 GRATITUDE GIVING Write down a financial blessing you're grateful for. Add it to your "Gratitude Investment Jar." 📣 ABUNDANCE AFFIRMATION "I shape my financial destiny, constructing my future with intention. Today, I sow seeds of intentional prosperity, enabling me to circulate money for my greatest benefit and that of others." 🙌 KUDOS Congratulations on delving into your financial psyche! You're making meaningful strides in aligning with your true financial aspirations. Keep up the fantastic work! Join us tomorrow for another enriching session! 💬 COMMUNITY DIALOGUE What small, intentional financial step will you take today? We're eager to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Introducing, 30 Days of Money - a journey of financial freedom

12m · Published 23 Dec 23:47
30 Days of Money intends to empower anyone to become financially free regardless of their current financial situation by following the structured guidance in each day's 15-minute morning money session. Explore the full journey at Like money, the return on investment in self-discovery compounds exponentially by investing in our self with rhythmic consistency. If you already have a daily practice of self-discovery, you'll need to create an additional 15-30 minutes each morning to allow yourself time for these additional monetary communions. If you don't have an intentional practice of self-discovery, this journey will help create the structure and accountability to get started. Make this daily practice a morning ritual and the rest will be history. Cultivating a wealthy relationship with money is a slow and steady (yet reliable) path. The foundational wisdom and practices offered in this journey are what the most successful (wealthy and happy) people collectively agree on—thank Lakshmi! The goal of this journey is to provide tools that will cultivate more freedom, more generosity, more connection, more creation, and more love for our inherently wealthy self and the reality it creates. “There is a science of getting rich. It is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches. Once a person learns and obeys these laws, he will get rich with mathematical certainty.” – Wallace D. Wattles Explore the full journey at

30 Days of Adventure Challenge - courageously embrace the unknown and create the life of your dreams

5m · Published 04 Oct 20:05
Join the Adventure 👉

TRUTH 💖 Three Qualities to Recognize Our Deepest Intentions

8m · Published 28 Sep 00:00
Today, let's get back in touch with our deepest intention so that we can live in more alignment with the truth of what we really are. "Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself, "What is my truest intention?" Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it's right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it." ― Oprah Winfre 👁 TODAY'S INTENTION When we are in touch with our deepest intention, we embody a sincere loving presence that manifests beauty, freedom, and love. Let's feel more into this core of what we are by remembering, embodying, and inhabiting the deepest yearnings of an awakening heart. 🧸 HAVE YOU NOTICED? Our deepest intention is what we are. When we go really deep, beyond the survival-mode intentions, we find that our deeper intention is love—that's what we are. Beyond the limbic intentions that run off of patterns of the past and anxieties of the future, we find that our deeper intention is awareness—that's what we are. Beyond our egoic desires, our deeper intention is connectedness—that's what we are. "Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty." ― Rumi 🧸 LET'S REFLECT Three qualities to recognize our deepest intention: (1) Our deepest intention is embodied—does my whole body resounds with a passionate yes? (2) Our deepest intention applies now—does this intention relate to this present moment? (3) Our deepest intention is manifesting potential—does this intention inspire and ignite my creative life force energy? 🧘 MINDFUL MOMENT Taking a moment to feel your body breathing you. Feel the life that's here. Reflecting on the truth of impermanence. Letting the fact that everything will change, awaken us to our deepest aspirations. If you had a year to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would your longing be? What would matter? Letting this be as real as it can be. If you had a week to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would really matter to your heart? If you had a day to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would really matter to your heart? What would you long for? What would you care about? If you had just a few moments to live, what would you do? What would you want to experience? What would your heart long for? What would most matter? Letting this longing fill your mind, body, and heart. Whatever the longing ... for love, for light, for healing, for connection, for peace ... letting it be as big as it is Filling your whole being with this liberating intention. ––– "For I have learned that every heart will get What it prays for Most." — Hafez ––– 👯‍♂️ COMMUNITY CONVERSATION If this was your last day to live, what would you do? Join the fam and access our expansive library of intentions at

INTENTION - Awakening to What You Are and What is Most Important

6m · Published 28 Sep 00:00
Today, let's reawaken our deepest intentions so that we can realign our actions with what is most important. As we wake up to what we really are, the wisdom of our hearts grows louder. From the stillness of our heart, clarity into our most liberating intentions is found. We can trust in this boundless radiant presence of our awakening hearts. Inspiring seeds for a beautiful future takes root each time we remember what it is that is most important. 📖 INSPIRED POEM Half Life by Stephen Levine We walk through half our life as if it were a fever dream barely touching the ground our eyes half open our heart half closed. Not half knowing who we are we watch the ghost of us drift from room to room through friends and lovers never quite as real as advertised. Not saying half we mean or meaning half we say we dream ourselves from birth to birth seeking some true self. Until the fever breaks and the heart can not abide a moment longer as the rest of us awakens, summoned from the dream, not half caring for anything but love. 🧸 LET'S REFLECT What intention is operating right now? A limbic intention is rooted in fear, grasping, addiction, doubt, shame, defensiveness ... the ego's will. A liberating intention is rooted in love, freedom, peace, joy ... the heart's will. How do we wake up from a limbic intention, into our more mature/evolved being? We recognize what's happening and bring kindness to it. 🧘 MINDFUL MOMENT Bringing attention inward. Feel this body breathing. Arriving more fully into presence. Bringing a recent situation to mind that triggered reactivity within you. Noticing what aspects of this situation were uncomfortable for you. Noticing any egoic intentions to protect, or defend, or separate. Sensing what unmet needs your feeling? What is at the core of your reactivity? Hand on the heart, bringing compassion to whatever you notice. What do you really long for within this situation? What is the heart's will? What really matters here? What is the deeper intention? How would your awakening heart respond more compassionately to this situation? How does this situation help to deepen your wisdom and awaken your heart and mind? 👯‍♂️ COMMUNITY CONVERSATION What is one liberating intention you've discovered to be at the core of your being? Join the community at

SELF-COMPASSION - Nurturing Emotionally Reactive Parts of Ourself

7m · Published 24 Sep 00:00
Today, let's nurture those emotionally reactive parts of ourself by combining two powerful methods of self-compassion. Self-compassion naturally arises in the moments that we recognize we are suffering and intentionally nurture our inner life with self-care. When the intention to awaken self-compassion is sincere, the smallest gesture of turning towards love, of offering love (even if initially it feels awkward) will nourish your heart, ease the mind, heal the body, and feed the soul. ⚒️ THE METHOD Let's merge two powerful methods of awakening through self-compassion. Internal Family Systems (IFS) is the evidence-based psychotherapy model that reveals how each of our inner "parts" contains valuable qualities (especially those reactive parts). Each of these parts are sub-personalities of our core Self—that knows how to heal, allowing us to become integrated and whole. RAIN is a synonym for paying attention (Recognize, Accept, Investigate, Nurture) that helps us presence our reactive parts and provide the support for working with intense and difficult emotions. 🧘 LET'S PRACTICE Let's move through the practice of RAIN while compassionately speaking directly to a reactive part of our self: Taking a moment to get comfortable. Creating stillness. Taking a few breaths to invite all of yourself to this moment. Bringing to mind a part of your self that has been experiencing difficult emotional reactivity recently. R – Recognize what is happening, by asking this part: How as this part been feeling emotionally reactive and unsettled? What sensations does this bring up? A – Allow life to be just as it is, by letting this part know: I see you. Yes, you are welcome here. Thank you for making yourself known. It's okay to be here. I know you have something valuable to share. I – Investigate ­with a curious attention, by asking this part: How do you want to be with me? What emotions are you feeling right now? What do you most need right now? N – Nurture with loving presence, by affirming to this part: I'm sorry for the ways I may have disregarded you. Please forgive me for the ways I have not been listening. Thank you for showing me what you need to feel nurtured and whole. I love you. Be still for another minute or two and let yourself rest in this clearing. 📿 TRAIL MANTRA All parts are welcome. 👯‍♂️ COMMUNITY CONVERSATION What is one way you can show yourself more self-compassion today? Join the community conversation and access all our self-guided journeys at

RELEASE 💥 consistently reclaiming energy

6m · Published 23 Sep 00:00
Today, let's reclaim more life-force energy by releasing patterns, again and again, with patient endurance. Once we recognize a pattern and develop a practice to disidentify with it, the last step is to release the pattern again and again with the practice. Whenever the pattern rises, release it with attention. Step by step, all the triggers, associations, and components of the pattern are identified and we are able to experience them in attention. The unreleased experience is released in awareness, and the pattern falls apart. 🧸 HAVE YOU NOTICED? The power of patterns to degrade attention is impressive. Most patterns have been in place for a long time. They consist of solid structures of beliefs, personality traits, and behaviors. They use every available resource to degrade attention—exaggerated fears, distorted perceptions, depression, elaborate realizations, or physical illness. So good on you! It's courageous and commendable work to consistently dismantle a pattern and reclaim the precious life-force energy they require to operate. 🦁 COURAGEOUS ACTION Consistent releasing is the key to freedom. As we observe and release deeper and deeper into a pattern's structure, the energy stored in the pattern is released. The energy of the pattern, which is transformed into attention, increases our ability to release deeper into the pattern. The more a pattern is released, the more energy the pattern will try to consume to maintain its operation. Consistency in the form of patient endurance is the only way to get through. 💪 LET'S PRACTICE! Whenever a pattern arises, release it immediately, with consistent R & R: (1) Recognize when your attention is being overtaken by a pattern. Initial recognition of a pattern usually takes place after it operates because its very function is to erode attention. (2) Releasing the pattern by bringing attention to its operation. Notice how the operation of the pattern affects your emotions, body, and mind. Repeat as often as you notice a pattern. In the end, the work of releasing patterns comes down to a single question: who is going to live your life—you or your patterns? Recognize and Release whenever you can, it may just save your life. 📣 TRAIL MANTRA With this breath, I release. 👯‍♂️ COMMUNITY CONVERSATION What one thing has been key to your commitment of releasing patterns? 👋 Join the community conversation at 💌 Get the Daily Intention Newsletter at

PRACTICE 🧘 routine methods for pattern interrupting

7m · Published 22 Sep 00:00
Today, let's develop a simple and reliable practice that interrupts the attention-erosion process of a pattern. "If someone comes along and shoots an arrow into your heart, it’s fruitless to stand there and yell at the person. It would be much better to turn your attention to the fact that there’s an arrow in your heart." — Pema Chödrön, Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living 👁 TODAY'S INTENTION The purpose of a pattern interrupting practice is to reclaim the energy and attention that a pattern needs to run. The practice can be very simple—for instance, if you observe that you are triggered into reactivity by stop-and-go traffic, rest your attention on your breath whenever the traffic comes to a stop. Constant observation inevitably reveals other possibilities—let's explore! 🧐 HAVE YOU NOTICED? Patterns are only limited by the amount of energy available to them. Patterns have no internal mechanisms that limit their operation or evolution. To dismantle a pattern, we have to disrupt the operation of the pattern by systematically bringing attention to its operation. The energy then flows into attention, not into the pattern. 💪 LET'S PRACTICE Simplicity and consistency for the win! Intentionally changing our behavior from a well-set pattern can be challenging. But as we play with different ways to practice reclaiming our attention, identification with a pattern becomes weaker and weaker. (1) Bring to mind a common pattern you've noticed running your life. (2) Think of something you can do to remind yourself to return to attention as the pattern in running: • bring attention to a big juicy breath • snap a rubber band around your wrist • bring awareness to sensations in the body • find one thing in your environment that sparks joy • anything that reclaims your attention will do As we intentionally separate from a pattern, we'll naturally come up with more and more ways to practice. Enjoy reclaiming that precious energy✨ 😃 🙌 👯‍♂️ COMMUNITY CONVERSATION What is one practice that has helped you reclaim your attention from a pattern's reactivity? 👋 Join the community conversation at 💌 Get the Daily Intention Newsletter at

Intention Inspired has 332 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 79:55:52. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 4th, 2024 10:41.

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