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Introduction To Bible Prophecy

by Michael Mendola

Welcome! This podcast is a “primer” class which will introduce the God-ordained purposes and basic concepts of the subject of prophecy in the Scriptures. In these podcasts, we examine its beginnings, construct and flow and true meaning in prediction - AND fulfillment – with much more than just the “end-times” as our focus. So, what is this thing called prophecy? What is it about, and why does it have such defining influence throughout the word of God? Let's endeavor to understand together! Questions? Comments? Want a copy of the notes? Email: [email protected]

Copyright: Michael Mendola


E21 Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: What Will Happen After The Rapture Of The Church?

1h 2m · Published 06 Nov 13:29

What Will Happen After The Rapture? This session is an excellent Bible study by Pastor Robert Breaker that I want to share with you. I am posting it here for those who are even more actively studying to understand how close to the edge we are to the end of the 2,000-year church age, and to be able to give an answer to anyone who wants to understand what is coming onto this world very soon. 

This is a video podcast on Spotify. It may only be available as an audio only podcast on other sites. If this is the case for you, here is the link to the video on YouTube:

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E20 Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: A Study to Resolve Where We Are in God's Plan Now, And What's Next On God's Prophetic Calendar

55m · Published 17 Jul 13:41

This is the final class of this podcast series. You made it! You earned your certificate of completion and get full credit for the course. 

I truly hope that you gained an invaluable fund of knowledge, and better understand the truth and what supports it all.  I also hope that your misconceptions about God's plan and its prophetic foundation have been completely addressed and corrected through sound teaching of Biblical truth through the lens of the facts throughout our 6,000 years of time on this Earth.

Join the class as we wrap-up our journey through the fundamentals of Bible prophecy. Warning: I get very intense in this study!

In this class we discuss:

- Finishing up how this is all going to roll out in the end times.

- How most people seem to be aware that the world has inexorably changed - and big something is coming.

- Many of the historical stories and legends actually resolve back to the Bible.

- The world is longing for a "savior" and a "Superman" - especially as most do not now see a bright future.

- It is more important than ever to now believe the RIGHT and TRUE THINGS! 

- The prince of the power of the air has all of his Hollywood, government and media pundits coordinated to broadcast 

and convince through ANY means to accept the false worldview and delusions that most people now believe.

- Fallen angel technologies: we are ready to pierce the veil and "tap" into other dimensions (CERN, Quantum Computing, etc.).

- The cusp of the end of the 7-year Tribulation and the beginning of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.

- Our new, inter-dimensional bodies suited for heaven - or hell.

- Assurance of the FACTS of the Biblical Millennium.

- How the Laodicean church in its 'Kingdom Now' iteration is driving the world into the spirit of the soon to appear Antichrist.

Please consider as you take the teachings of this podcast series with you: 

It is better to know nothing about what was, is now, and burgeoning if one does not temper that understanding with the correct, Biblical worldview.

Those truly saved in Christ have GOT to take into account EVERYTHING and filter it all through the sieve of a sound, Biblically accurate worldview!

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E19 Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: Why Your View of Revelation MUST Be Based ONLY On Sound BIBLICAL Doctrine.

27m · Published 12 Jun 13:31

This class is very timely and most meaningful to you because of where we are in the run-up to the end of the church age and the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation, and the time of Christ's 2nd coming with His church and beginning the Millennium. 

In this class we correctly define three aspects of timing and fulfillment of the major end game, or closing events yet to come:

- 1. The timing and fulfillment of the end-time events.

- 2. The nature and the timing of the 1,000-year Millennium period (The fulfilling of the Davidic covenant by Christ, ruling from the 4th temple.)

- 3. The timing of the close of the church age and rapture of the church.

- 4. The imminence of Christ's return for His church before His 2nd coming.

Join the class as we discuss the above. More importantly we challenge you to recognize - especially right now - that the position you hold concerning these matters - Revelation - will dictate the conclusions about not only these end time events, but influence your actual belief of Who God is - Who Jesus is, and the absolute truth of the prophetic plan commencing right now. 

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E18 Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: The Unique Fifth King That Abraham Meets - A King Of The Most High God

30m · Published 15 May 13:27

In this lesson we begin with a recap of our completing the first four kings coverage. The recap is followed by a brief review of the general Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy podcast coverage up to this point. This class picks-up in Genesis 14, verse 18, which describes Abraham's interaction with this unique and peculiar king and priest of God, Melchizedek. 

A summary of what is covered in this lesson:

- Abraham meets a unique 5th king named Melchizedek.

- Review of Abraham's calling and his life, the sacrificing of Isaac scenario and pursuing the city of God.

- Review the generally parallel paths of Israel and then the church in Abraham and through the Gentile world rule (Babylonian system) until the "stone" smites the feet of iron and clay.

- Melchizedek, priest of the Most High God speaks to delivering Israel from the hands of the final rendition of the four kings - at the bottom of Nebuchadnezzar's statue - at the end of the Age.

- Melchizedek institutes the bread and wine symbols of communion well before Christ comes - well before there was an Israel and Judah through which He had to come.

- We'll follow the history to its only conclusion: Jesus Christ's return and reign during the Millennial kingdom as God declared in Psalm 110, and in Hebrews 5:6 - "You (capital 'Y' meaning Jesus Christ) are a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek." 

Join us as we continue to look deeply into these prophetic characters' lives, and the deep instructional and prophetic value God gave them to bring to us through the centuries of Biblical history!

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E17- Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: "THEY Will Mingle THEIR Seed With The Seed of Men"...

56m · Published 17 Apr 12:58

In the dream of the great statue that God gave king Nebuchadnezzar, the feet of iron and clay analogy ensured that the reader understood that the entire Gentile world system was destined to fail. Earthen clay (human) mingled with iron (modified DNA hybrid/transhuman) will come to support the entire statue.

The feet will fail to support the great statue because iron and clay are both brittle, and cannot bond.  

A foundation of clay and iron? Who engineered such a flaw into the very foundation of a tall and heavy statue?! It is obvious that this weak foundation was engineered to ensure it's collapse; This Gentile world system can do noting other than collapse. The only variable was the timing, and that time has come. YOU and I are here, and experiencing it. You see it all around you - around the world now.

In the dream, what actually triggered the collapse? A stone (signifying judgement in the Scriptures) is carved out from a mountain (signifying a kingdom or domain), uncut by human hands (signifying that Jesus Christ, Himself cuts that Stone of judgment) is hurled directly at the weakest part of the statue - the flawed foundation - just as the statue is being completed!

This collapse in divine judgement will be triggered in the "times of those kings" that we have been learning about. Tidal, king of the world will be the leader via the final rendition of him in the soon-coming Antichrist. The 1,000-year Millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ will smite, destroy and replace this system, bringing in the seventh, and final 1,000-years of this current Age. 

We are all living at the completion of this statue RIGHT NOW, as they are mixing the iron and clay, and building its feet! YOU AND I ARE HERE. ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE READY to be pulled out just before that Stone is hurled?

Join us now as we chronicle in real-time, living through the conclusion of this Age. It truly is a minute to midnight. The Tribulation's headlights are glaring at us just up the road...

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E16- Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: The Soon-Coming Tribulation and The Fifth And Final King Of The Age

1h 1m · Published 06 Mar 13:46

Much time has passed since Abraham's day. All of the kings we've been studying are in place and well entrenched. It is almost the end of the rule of the gentile world powers. You and I are alive to experience the end of this age for God's specific purpose!

In this very comprehensive lesson, we being to wrap-up detailing the fourth king that Abraham deals with, the king of Elam, and cover the fifth and final prophetic king - Tidal - that affects the world right through to THIS very time - the time of the end of the Age. (YOU ARE HERE).

Here are the key and timely topics this class discusses:

- Abraham as a type of God the Father.

- Tracking the five prophetic kings down to their place in the modern day configuration of the nations.

- How God is still working, proactively manipulating events and the physical world to continue to move His timetable forward.

- We review and harmonize past to present fore-types of the Antichrist. These all are identifiable, and share the same traits.

- In the "chess game" between God and Satan, the rules of engagement never change, but each iteration plays out differently.

- A well formed noose is ready to be hung around Israel's neck. Watch Israel: She is God's timepiece.

What's next on God's prophetic calendar as we approach the event horizon of the Tribulation?

- BONUS: Starting at time mark 44:10 - This lesson was recorded in June, 2013. Even at that time, we knew exactly what was coming, and NOW happening today with human DNA, and how it is being taken and modified for the evil purposes that we are seeing in this COVID/mRNA "vaccines" world. Today's world changing situation was already being planned and organized well before the COVID/"Vaccines" scenario was officially launched in 2019!

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E15 - Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: Place All Distractions Aside - It STILL Is Only About Israel and The Temple Mount

32m · Published 15 Jan 21:42

Sit with us as we recap the rational for creating this podcast, solely for studying Bible prophecy fundamentals. 

It is the beginning of the year 2022. It has been the roughest two years that most of us alive have EVER EXPERIENCED. By now, many of you have ringing in your ears - now more than ever - the words of Jesus when He said that the very final hours before the end of days will be marked by wars and much talk about wars coming, earthquakes and pestilences - pandemics.

Is the FINAL, "government of iron" formed and burgeoning? No doubt, worldwide severe tyranny and oppression have arrived and is rapidly engulfing the entire world. Roman empire rule has been "resurrected". We truly are at the time of the feet of Nebuchadnezzar's statute.

But remember, no matter all of the distractions that keep us spinning, prophetically, it is all about Satan's single-minded goal to destroy Israel and gain that Temple Mount. It Is about building the Third Temple, and his seeing to it that his Antichrist goes into the Temple, on the Temple Mount and conquering and claiming as his own the apple of God's eye. Everything happening right now is the final setup to this soon-coming end game.

So, what's in store next? Listen in and see what is on the near horizon and coming soon.

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E14 - Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: Walking Through This World's Final Days: Time Is Almost Complete. Are YOU Close To Finishing Well?

48m · Published 12 Dec 13:24

Join the class as we learn about these key topics for us, the generation that WILL see the end of this present world: 

- Spiritual battles - personally customized - are being brought closer to each one of us.

- Christians are nearing the time of the Rapture and the judgment seat of Christ. His rewards are with Him When He Comes For His Church. Ready?

- The danger of running the Christian "treadmill" to avoid sin - instead of a race to qualify for key eternal rewards.

- The focus of the Christian life is about doing our Lord's work and sending those things up to meet us at our home coming.

- Prophecy helps us gauge our progress in our race, and discern how close we are tending to the needs of our race course.

- It is long past time for many true Christians to be at the level of teachers of the Scriptures and clearly understand its deeper and more 

intricate applications!

- We are destined to judge angels - prepare for this monumental task. Focus on preparing to RULE and REIGN with Christ forever!

- Our time is running out. Our time to work is almost done. We each need to be sober and realize this fact. 

- Will you receive your full reward, or suffer loss in what Christ has in store for you beyond your free gift of salvation?

- Are you prepared for the illusion of the promise of "good" returning to the USA and world now, but in reality even more tough times just ahead? Learn to discern for yourself - that is YOUR job. It is NOT for your leaders to impart to you.

- Continuing learning about and applying key numbers in Scripture. In this lesson, we parse the meaning and uses of the number 4.

- God wants us - YOU personally - to ask Him out of a true hunger to learn! He promises to satisfy that hunger.

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E13 - The Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: The Concentric Rings Of Prophecy Bring Spiritual Completion and Perfection To The Physical Realm

37m · Published 20 Nov 13:47

God designed our physical universe to operate within a distinct set of laws, the enforcement of them and penalties for breaking them. Called the laws of physics, they set the nature and parameters of how everything that is created to exist here operates and interacts with it and each other. The laws of this physical universe isolate it from others, such as Heaven, and make it unique among the all domains God establishes.

God and the angels are not bound to the laws and timeline of this physical universe. This is why we detect their interaction with us "supernatural".

Prophecy is a key way God interacts with with and brings about His eternal spiritual purposes to this physical universe, especially on the Earth, as His headquarters forever. Through prophecy, God establishes His spiritual laws here, enforces them and provides penalties for breaking them. 

Join the class as we examine prophecy from this standpoint and how God uses it to bring spiritual completion and perfection to the physical universe and all that is in it.

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E12 - The Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy: Part 2 - The Precision Of Time, Order And Numbers: God's Fingerprint In His Laws and Plan

38m · Published 28 Oct 00:25

This is part 2 as we continue to apply the concepts of the very long-term prophecy of the Gentile kings in Genesis to learn more about how God uses the precision of the property of time and numbers to actualize His eternal laws, and His plan on the earth for this Age.

God's fingerprint is easily recognizable to those who learn of them and how they work. This unique fingerprint sets His laws and plans apart from ALL counterfeits. Our job is to learn how his fingerprint is applied, and use this understanding to discern His will, and how it is actualized over all creation until the end of the Age. Also, we can more easily explain to others about our God's heart, mind, character, and His point of view. The more we understand the dynamics of how God works, the better it is all around for us as we live and do what we are tasked with in this life.

God consistently actualizes His laws and plan "At the right time, in the right order, and in the right number" (E.W. Bullinger). 

The works of the LORD are great, sought out by all them who pleasure therein. (Isa. 40/Psalms 111). God not only makes immutable laws and plans, but carries out and enforces them through numbers, mathematics and order, over the flow of time.

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Introduction To Bible Prophecy has 21 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 15:01:15. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 26th, 2024 19:14.

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