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Let's Get Metaphysical Show

by Rev. Ali Bierman

Explore how what you cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch influences your life in every moment. Metaphysics is easy to understand when you discover it in the lives of everyday people just like you.

Copyright: © 2024 Let's Get Metaphysical Show


What Do You Fear

8m · Published 26 Feb 06:00

What leaves you shaking in your boots? Do you know? OR do you simply get triggered by a situation with no clue as to why you suddenly feel fear?

The good news is you don’t need to know where the fear comes from. Eliminate the fear by taking action.

But you gotta know what action will stop it and not simply avoid it. And, more important, you gotta TAKE the action - not think about it, not work it out, not finesse it! To take action you first need to stop the fear of taking the action - or even thinking that thought!

Tell us about your fear. And when you do, if you also share where you listen to or watch the show so I get to know where you re located in the world, I will invite you to a live video chat. Please know, in case you do not want others to know what you fear, tell me in your comment not to share. I screen ALL comments before posting them. I will reply to you personally if that is you.

Rev. Ali Bierman reminds you that 100%, not just some, not juts a thought now and then, but 100% of what shows up in your life reflects the invisible forces in your world.

What forces?

Everything in existence vibrates at a specific frequency. You know how sometimes you know someone feels sad or angry - even people you don’t know but they are nearby?

You pick up how they feel because you tune in to their energy, to the frequency of their energy.

What are you tuning in to? What you tune into allows their energy to impact you! The great news is you get to choose which energies to tune into and which to avoid. YOU are in charge of how you feel in each moment.

Noticing changes in your face, in your skin, as time goes by? Regenerate the younger you without taking or inhaling chemicals. When you are healthy inside it always shows outside. Scroll down and click Contact Me

Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Color Your Spirit

17m · Published 19 Feb 06:00

If you're not having fun don't do it. I live my life that way. How about you?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and you find yourself wishing for a different way to spend your day or suddenly you're attracting new and different experiences, new and different feelings, attracting new and different people and you're saying, oh, I like this.

Well, what do you do with that?

Rev. Ali Bierman talks with Cynthia Lees, You have seen her here before - twice, actually. And today she is back with her newest adventure into exploring your spirituality - in fact yours and also introducing spiritual exploration to the young people in your life.

She takes you on a tour of coloring books with art work teaching gratitude and self image. How are people using these delights with even young children? And even creating MeetUp groups who color together.

Exploring one’s possibilities, people of all ages take a look at the side of life so few take time to honor - taking a break from the hectic non-stop pace of life in the outside world.

Find the coloring books by Willow Sage

Find Cynthia Lees here
See her profile here.

When you're ready to feel excited and see the younger you when you look at yourself in the mirror - and do it with no chemicals or drugs but by turning on your body’s ability to regenerate itself Contact Rev. Ali

Explore the surprises inside Audible.com with your free 30 day trial. Choose the audiobook of your choice.

Everyone who is ready to complement your dive into spirituality download this gift. Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path takes you out of the woo-woo sphere and gently guides you to discover your own deep spirituality

Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Tune In To Energy

17m · Published 12 Feb 06:00

Live from your heart does NOT mean let your emotions rule your life. So what does it mean and how does it impact your life creating your world in each moment?

Rev. Ali Bierman defines how to live from your heart. Reminding us that many more messages run heart to brain than from brain to heart she lightens your life challenges. Reading her special gift aloud, Step In A New Direction, emphasizes how simple life is once you get the basics of running your head, eliminating so-called positive thinking and replacing it with the the truth of accurate thinking.

Download your copy of Step In A New Direction now

Struggle is optional. If you or someone you know hurts physically or emotionally contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Your Choices

15m · Published 05 Feb 06:00

How do you feel - right now? Fine? Well? “I am good.”

Do you find yourself looking at friends or somebody in your world and thinking,”Where do they get all that energy? I wish had that kind of get up and go. Heck. I wish I just felt better than blah.”

Sadly, in today’s world so many people - too many people - forgot what it feels like to feel terrific - for real. Often, as they do on social media - people put forth an image of how great life is - which is just that - an image and NOT even close to reality.

Do any of them think we believe their images and posts? Seriously?

Ready to crawl - no wait - jump out of the hole in which you find yourself?

Contact Rev. Ali. Your life - the one you once knew and loved, will return faster than you think when you know the how and what to make it happen.

Stop torturing yourself with workouts and exercise routines that don’t make a difference - except in your pocketbook?. Suffering, in any form - physical or emotional, is optional. Contact Rev. Ali for details on how to end struggle without drugs or potions, or weekly sessions with a coach or therapist. It’s easy.

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. Rev. Ali recommends choosing Deep Survival as your free download.

If you keep thinking and doing the same thing every day you keep getting the same results. Ready to start something different? Take control of your world. DownloadStep in a New Direction

Confused by all the energy workers and their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Discover how the world - your world, happens as it does. Join Rev. Ali and and our community of Epic Adventure in Seekers in a LIVE video chat each month.

Struggle is optional. If you or someone you know hurts physically or emotionally contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Can’t Control Your Reality

18m · Published 29 Jan 06:00

Why doesn’t your world look like you want it to? Why doesn’t the Law of Attraction work for you? How do you get control of your life?

Rev. Ali Bierman shares the basic elements that keep you stuck and unhappy throughout your life. You make those choices in each minute. Only you have no clue that truth runs you.

Discover how to awaken to your reality and get yourself on the path to control your own world!

Stop stumbling over your own feet. Download Step in a New Direction

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. FREE trial now. Rev. Ali recommends choosing Dee Wallace’s audiobook, Born: Giving Birth to a New You, as your free download

Download Rev Ali's special gift, Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path takes you out of the woo-woo sphere and gently guides you to discover your own deep spirituality

Struggle is optional. If you or someone you know hurts physically or emotionally contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Confused by all the energy workers, their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Join Rev. Ali for a LIVE video chat every month.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Their Energy Impacts Your

15m · Published 22 Jan 06:00

Everyone you pass by or visit with shares their energy with you. Yes, you take on whatever is in their energy - be it helpful or harmful.

Rev. Ali Bierman shares how to protect yourself to maintain your wellness and stay vibrant regardless of who comes into your environment - however briefly.

Discover how to recognize when what you feel - physically or emotionally - may not even be your own reality. Your body-mind-Spirit can change when another’s energy encroaches on yours.

Explore the surprises inside Audible with your free 30 day trial. Choose the audiobook of your choice. Rev. Ali recommends Napoleon’s Hemorrhoids as your free choice.

Download Rev Ali's special gift, Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path takes you out of the woo-woo sphere and gently guides you to discover your own deep spirituality

Struggle is optional. If you or someone you know hurts physically or emotionally contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Confused by all the energy workers, their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Join Rev. Ali for a LIVE video chat every month.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. FREE trial now.

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Your Atlas - Your Life

20m · Published 15 Jan 06:00

Your atlas, the C1 cervical vertebrae - determines your health. AS a funnel with a dent or smaller diameter impedes the flow of sunflower seeds into a jar, a misaligned atlas impedes the flow of blood and neuronal messages to and from the brain and body via the spinal cord.

Rev. Ali Bierman shares why your atlas is key to your physical and emotional well being. She shares the many possible challenges and conditions resulting from a misaligned atlas. More importantly, she tells you how to get your life back on track in a matter of seconds.

Download Rev Ali's special gift, Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path takes you out of the woo-woo sphere and gently guides you to discover your own deep spirituality

Struggle is optional. If you or someone you know hurts physically or emotionally contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Confused by all the energy workers, their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Join Rev. Ali for a LIVE video chat every month.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. FREE trial now.

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Multiple Universes - Proof They Exist

15m · Published 08 Jan 06:00

Rev. Ali Bierman shares how and why she knows that multiple universes is not merely a creation living solely in the woo-woo sphere. In detail, she leads you on an adventure from the 1% reality to the 99% truth that goes beyond what your senses can perceive.

Now you don’t see it! And then you do!

It’s not magic.

So what is it and how does it work? Come along on a journey you have likely experienced yourself - only you did not know, at the time, to interpret it in a new light.

Explore the surprises inside Audible.com with your free 30 day trial. Choose the audiobook of your choice.
Rev. Ali recommends you choose Kabbalistic Astrology

Download Rev Ali's special gift, Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path takes you out of the woo-woo sphere and gently guides you to discover your own deep spirituality

Struggle is optional. If you or someone you know hurts physically or emotionally contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt.

Confused by all the energy workers, their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Join Rev. Ali for a LIVE video chat every month.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. FREE trial now.

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Why Be Spiritual

31m · Published 01 Jan 06:00

Spirituality and religion are two very different things. You can be very religious and not at all spiritual. AND you can be very spiritual and not believe in any religion.

What makes them different?

Rev. Ali Bierman explores their basic differences. She then goes on to describe her life in each realm finally arriving at the reasons she became an ordained metaphysical minister.

She speaks of knowings and the invisible forces at work that cause all events and circumstances in one’s life. By sharing her life story she clues you in on how to awaken your own spirituality leading to a more conscious awareness of life’s every moment and resulting outcomes.

Confused by all the energy workers, their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Lose the woo woo on a LIVE video chat with Rev Ali every month.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. FREE trial now.

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Download Rev Ali's special gift, Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Control Your energy

16m · Published 25 Dec 06:00

Your energy vibrates at a distinct frequency unique to you. How do you feel about you? Comfortable? Relaxed? Edgy?

How do others respond to you? Are they happy to see you - even before you say anything? If they see you coming down the sidewalk do they scurry to cross the street hoping you did not see them?

Your energy constantly interacts with the energy of every person who passes by or stops to linger in your presence. KNOW that energy travels great distances - and is always invisible and out of awareness.

As Rev. Ali explains, the energy of everyone crossing or lingering on your path impacts you as yours does them. Constantly. Knowing how to control your own energy field, how and when to close it down and when to expand it, allows you to InJoy! Life instead of letting life control you.

Stop pushing yourself through your workouts and exercise routines without drugs or potions. It’s easy. Click on Contact Me

Go on an adventure exploring Audible.com with your free 30 day trial. Choose the audiobook of your choice.
Rev. Ali recommends you choose Braiding Sweetgrass as your free download.

Confused by all the energy workers, their claims - and their sometimes weird antics? Lose the woo woo on a LIVE video chat with Rev Ali every month.

Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

NO more boredom . NO more limited choice. Audible's exclusive content is more than audiobooks. FREE trial now.

Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

Download Rev Ali's special gift, Your First Steps On You Spiritual Path

Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

Let's Get Metaphysical Show has 219 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 85:17:48. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 19:11.

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