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Orange County Real Estate Podcast

by Zen Ziejewski

A Video Blog about the Orange County, CA Real Estate Market for buyers and sellers by Orange County's premiere Realtor Zen Ziejewski

Copyright: Zen Ziejewski


Ready for Summer Fun?

0s · Published 17 May 20:50


Are you ready for summer? As we quickly approach the season's unofficial start, here are a few ways to prepare your home for the summer heat. A little work now will allow for plenty of summer fun later. Watch Out for Pests ​Summer pests love to ruin fun nights outside. Keep the fun going all night by prepping your yard for summer insects. Spray your yard and set up repellents like citronella candles to keep the pests away. Check Your AC ​Summer temps are only getting warmer. Make sure that you and your family can stay cool this summer with a fully functional air conditioning system. It's good to get it professionally cleaned and inspected before the hot temps really fire up. Prep Your Yard and Garden Spring is the perfect time to ensure a beautiful summer in your yard and garden. Test all of your irrigation for leaks. Clean your yard and garden of weeds and mulch from last season. Starting fresh with new mulch will give your flower beds and shrubs a little pop this summer. Complete a Gutter Check Check your gutters for leaves and leaks. Then, clear them so water can flow without leaking. Clogged gutters can lead to more significant issues, such as leaky roofs or walls. Update Your Outdoor Lighting ​Outdoor lighting around trees, flower beds, or walkways makes your home look nice. It also acts as a security measure when traveling. Seal Your Deck and Patio ​Before outdoor entertaining season kicks into high gear, you'll want to ensure your outdoor living area is in prime condition. Repair any cracks and update any staining that needs to be done. Adding a nice coat of sealant will protect your space from the rain and sun. Summer will be here before you know it. Prepping now will let you have fun in the sun all season long. I hope these tips help. I'm ready to help you find your dream home if you're considering a new house this summer. Text or call to start your journey.

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Celebrating Mother's Day By Planting Seeds Of Change

0s · Published 09 May 15:44


In the vastness of Kenya's savannah, surrounded by acacias and the distant roars of lions, Wangari Maathai carved a path of resilience and hope. Born in a small village in 1940, she grew up in a society in which women's voices were often overlooked. Despite this, Wangari was determined to be heard — not just for her own sake, but for the betterment of her country and the planet.

She shattered expectations by becoming the first East African woman to earn a Ph.D. Her ambitions didn't stop with academia. In 1977, Wangari launched the Green Belt Movement, a revolutionary effort that encouraged women to plant trees, fight deforestation and restore their environment. This initiative was about more than just planting trees; it was about planting seeds of empowerment and change, ultimately planting more than 51 million trees and transforming the lives of countless women and their families.

In 2004, she became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Her achievement underscored the profound impact of her work on peace and environmental conservation. Wangari's story is a testament to the power of determination and the profound love for one's community and the earth. Her legacy — championing the causes of women, the environment and future generations — continues to inspire and remind us of the difference one person can make.

Happy Mother's Day!

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How Eco-Friendly is Your Home?

0s · Published 09 May 15:40


Earth Day is on Monday! It's always a great reminder to do the little things in life to help protect the environment a bit better. With that in mind, I'm writing to give you a few ways that having an environmentally friendly home benefits the environment and you. Who doesn't want to save money? Converting your home to be more eco-friendly will reduce your monthly energy bills. Whether you're using solar as a main power source, allowing for more natural light with windows, or even having a Smart Thermostat and efficient appliances. You'll save money in the long run. Adding environmentally friendly features to your home allows your family to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Fewer allergens in your home will improve the air quality for better breathing, a stronger immune system, and an overall sense of a healthier life. What? Yes! People are more conscious about sustainability, and an eco-friendly home can have perks for buyers. Therefore, if you’ve made environmentally friendly upgrades, your home could appeal more to buyers.
If you want to improve your home, consider the benefits of being more environmentally friendly. It will help you more than you think. If you're ready for a fresh start this spring, I'm here to help you find your next home. Feel free to text, or call me. I'd be happy to talk about your move.

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What's up with Housing?

0s · Published 22 Mar 19:10
After a crazy few years for the housing market, everybody wonders, "What's this year going to be like?" Is it a buyer's market? Is it a seller's market? Will prices come down? Here are three national predictions that might help answer your questions.
Will Home Prices Come Down?
One of the biggest questions I get is about prices. Many are wondering if and when they'll come down. Much of this concerns inventory or the number of homes on the market. Which is still low, so for now, home prices are predicted to stay up and increase this year.
What About Mortgage Rates?
Mortgage rates steadied and dropped slightly at the end of the year. Although they may dip a bit throughout the year, mortgage rates are expected to stay higher than in the last few years. This will likely be the case until the federal government meets its inflation goal.
Will Buyers or Sellers Have an Advantage?
With high mortgage rates, low inventory, and higher prices, it will remain a seller's market in 2024. There are more buyers than homes on the market.
These predictions are based on national opinions. I'd love to explain more about our local market predictions. Homeownership continues to be one of the best investments you can make. There are always opportunities for you to buy and sell. If you're considering a move this year, these market conditions require expert help. I'm here to help. Text, or call with any market questions.

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Is Your Home Heart Healthy?

0s · Published 15 Feb 19:00
February is heart month! In addition to eating healthy, it's essential to get plenty of exercise. If you don't like going to a gym, creating your own workout space at home is the answer. Here are five steps to planning for a home gym that you’ll consistently use and that won't cost much.

Let Your Fitness Goals Guide Your Planning
When considering your home gym, consider your fitness goals and what exercises you like. Then, organize your space around that.

Find Your Space
​Find a suitable space by determining which exercises you’ll be doing and the equipment you'll be using. If you have more equipment, consider converting a spare bedroom or a place in your basement or garage to your gym. If you use less equipment, you could get by with a small corner in your bedroom or living room. Either way, dedicate this space so that you won't get distracted.

Create a Motivating Space
​When creating your gym, ensure it's where you like to be. Add speakers, a TV, inspiring quotes, and the proper lighting. If you enjoy being in the space, you’re more likely to use it more often.

Keep a Variety of Equipment
​Start with relatively inexpensive equipment like an exercise mat, resistance bands, stability balls, and a jump rope. Then, move on to larger equipment like a treadmill, punching bag, weights, and a bench.

Stick to Your Plan
​You have so many distractions that could make it challenging to stay focused and block out time to use your gym. If you need to stay focused, organize your workouts by subscribing to a workout routine that you can do at home. A set routine will help you stay with it.

Take these ideas to help you build your gym and work towards a heart-healthy lifestyle in your home. If you need more space for a home gym, I'd be happy to help guide you to your new house. Let's talk about your real estate needs. Give me a call to set up a time to meet.

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Celebrate Love - Today and Every Day

0s · Published 13 Feb 19:02


On Valentine's Day, gestures of love come easily. The ambiance, awash in red and pink, encourages even hesitant hearts to speak up. Streets brim with flowers, chocolates, and myriad gifts, tempting us to demonstrate our feelings in tangible ways. And that's a heartwarming tradition.
But let's not forget: Valentine's Day is not solely about the affection between couples. It's a tribute to every bond we cherish, to the families we're born into, and to the families we choose.
Consistent love, however, isn’t just about the grand gestures on one special day. It’s about the thousand little things we do throughout the year. Anyone can pick out a bouquet or a card, but navigating the stormy seas of disagreement, or understanding when to give space, that's where the depth of a relationship truly shines.
Sometimes, it's wiser to let the dust of conflict settle before attempting a resolution. As opposed to the age-old advice of "never going to bed angry," many have found clarity in taking a moment of pause. A break can often offer perspective, turning mountains back into molehills. But once you have that clarity, approach the issue head-on and seek understanding.
Embrace your loved ones — literally. When words fall short, a heartfelt hug or a tender kiss can bridge gaps like nothing else can. We're beings driven by emotions and chemistry, not just logic. When stress levels peak, our bodies produce stress hormones. But a simple embrace? It floods us with feel-good chemicals, soothing frayed nerves and melting away trivial disagreements.
The essence of growing in a relationship is not to sidestep conflicts, but to understand which battles are worth fighting and which aren't. To differentiate between the fleeting moments of discord and the enduring love that's worth nurturing.
As the years go by, love evolves. The ways you've celebrated it in the past may not resonate now. And that's okay. Keep rediscovering love, and keep celebrating it in ways that are authentic to you.
Wishing you a Valentine’s Day filled with love, today and always!

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Stay on Top of Home Maintenance with this Essential Checklist

0s · Published 13 Feb 18:56

To help you stay organized and on top of your home maintenance tasks, I created a Home Maintenance Checklist. This comprehensive checklist breaks down your home maintenance responsibilities into different categories, making it easier than ever to keep your property in great shape throughout the year.
Maintaining your home can sometimes be overwhelming, but you're not alone in this journey. As your trusted real estate consultant, I have strong connections within our community, including a network of reliable service providers. If you ever need referrals or recommendations for any of the tasks on the checklist, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am more than happy to assist you in finding the right professionals for the job.
I strongly encourage you to print it out or save it digitally to help you stay organized throughout the year.
Remember, a well-maintained home not only enhances your quality of life, but it also contributes to the long-term value of your investment. 
If you have any questions about the checklist or need further guidance on home maintenance, please reach out to me!
Wishing you a prosperous and well-maintained home in 2024!

Warm regards,

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Are you in the 12%?

0s · Published 18 Jan 19:24

Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is off to a great start. Are you still on track with your New Year's Resolution? Most people give up on them by the end of the month. Some studies say that only 12% of people feel that they have accomplished their resolutions at the end of each year. I thought I’d share a few tips on how to keep and conquer your goals.

Take it One Step at a Time

If you’ve made several goals, take them one at a time. If you try to accomplish all of them at once, you’ll risk getting overwhelmed and not completing any of them. Reaching smaller goals will keep you motivated to achieve your bigger goal.

Keep Track of Your Progress

​Using a journal to keep track of your progress will help push you to keep your resolution throughout the year. Keep track of your successes and any setbacks to celebrate your wins and adjust when you have a setback. Also, reading your journal will remind you of why you’ve created this resolution.

Face It! Setbacks Happen!

You might hit a bump in the road along your journey. It’s okay! You’re human. If you have a minor setback, don’t get discouraged. Review your process and make adjustments. Small changes will help you keep going and can eliminate mistakes.

Have a Buddy

Depending on your resolution, it might help to have a buddy. If you want to exercise more, have a friend or family member join in on your resolution. You’ll push each other and celebrate your wins together.

If you make a resolution, I hope these tips help you reach your goals. One resolution I hear a lot is, “I want to buy a new home.” If this is your resolution, I can help make this a reality. I’d be happy to guide you to your new home. Call me, or text me to set up a time to talk.

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Transform Your Space for a Stress-Free 2024

0s · Published 18 Jan 19:20

The holiday season has likely brought an influx of new items and decorations into your home, and now that January is here, it's the perfect time to clear out the clutter and start afresh. A tidier and more organized space not only brings physical order, but it also contributes to a  peaceful and stress-free mind - something we all crave after the busy holiday season!

I am excited to share some valuable strategies with you to help declutter and organize your home for a fantastic start to 2024. This "Refresh & Renew" guide is divided into five sections, each offering practical tips and insights to create a more harmonious living environment.

Here's a glimpse of what's inside:

Section 1 – Understanding Your Space

Section 2 – Decluttering Made Simple

Section 3 – Smart Storage Solutions

Section 4 – Creating A Personalized Organization System

Section 5 – Refreshing Your Space

My ultimate goal is to provide you with the tools you need to make your home a peaceful sanctuary for the year ahead. Whether you're tackling small tasks or considering more significant projects, this handout can help guide you through the process.

Additionally, if you ever require assistance with larger home improvement projects or know someone who could benefit from my expertise, please feel free to reach out. I am always here to offer personalized recommendations and support to the people you care about.


Wishing you a joyous and organized start to the New Year!

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Happy Holidays!

0s · Published 21 Dec 19:37


'Tis the season for family, friends, and togetherness. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Take this time and spend it with the ones you cherish the most.   Christmas is the season of giving, I hope that you will help or give to someone in need this holiday season.  I am grateful for you and thank you for trusting me as your local real estate expert. I'm here if you there’s anything that I can help with next year, feel free to call, text, or email. Have a very Merry Christmas and blessed holiday season!  

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Orange County Real Estate Podcast has 58 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 0:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 21st, 2024 08:11.

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