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Salish Wolf

by Todd Howard

Incredible stories of extraordinary endeavors that capture the magic of the human spirit. The inspiration for this podcast is a wolf named Takaya who gained global fame for living alone for nearly a decade on a tiny archipelago in the Salish Sea, showing us even the most unlikely is possible.

Copyright: Todd Howard


#50 Jake Roussos on Play, Smiling, and Empowering Children

58m · Published 05 Oct 22:28

Jake Roussos is on a mission to help people live their best lives by living his best. Early on he found a powerful tool that was available to him wherever he went and in any interaction: his smile. Since then, he has been positively impacting others through the simple gesture of a genuine a smile.

Jake’s professional focus is on empowering children to be leaders of their own happy, resilient, and authentic lives. He helps them to live from the inside out, finding fulfillment from within instead of seeking externally.

From the very beginning, Jake lights up this interview, with a smile of course, sharing his rich perspectives on things such as the importance of play, growth through adversity, facing fears, and surrendering.

His ultimate playground is in the water, which has been a core component of his life journey. Whether surfing, swimming, paddleboarding, or playing on the beach, Jake taps into the life force of water to enrich his life.

He not only coaches children, but also men, and has been leading men’s retreats to help men return to play and find healing through it. Jake is one of the guides of The Balanced Man retreats that are based in Nosara, Costa Rica. With its manifesto of “Freedom Through Discipline,” The Balanced Man retreats offer a combination of physical and emotional experiences to help men break through into their best lives. Jake is living proof.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Jake Roussos.

Episode Links:

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Book Reviews at Anchor Point Expeditions

#49 Terry Bullman on Martial Arts, Compassion, and Balance

1h 36m · Published 23 Sep 03:15

Terry Bullman has been a fighter most of his life. As an only child growing up on a farm in North Carolina, he used to watch martial arts movies and dream of fighting like Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee. He began training on his own, and then with clubs and gyms to earn black belts in Taekwondo, Karate, and Krav Maga. He eventually made it to the ring, octagon and mat as a competitor and started winning his way into bigger venues and fighting in different disciplines.

With 16 years as a professional fighter, Terry has experienced the sting of pain, the sweetness of victory, and the humbling of defeat. He takes us on a journey of his fight career, sharing both the highlights and lowlights. We discuss “The Human Weapon,” a popular television series on the history and efficacy of martial arts around the world that he created for the History Channel. And he shares his “why” for his newest pursuit, which is helping men live fuller, happier, healthier lives by becoming more balanced.

Just before the global lockdowns that changed everything for many of us, Terry and his wife made their own decision to change everything by purchasing a retreat center on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. Even though they were locked out of the country for much of the first year of ownership, they kept the dream alive and now run an incredible boutique hotel and retreat center.

The Balanced Man is a passion-project of Terry’s that has now come fully to life and will hold its first men’s retreat this October at his center. With it’s manifesto of “Freedom Through Discipline,” The Balanced Man retreats offer a combination of physical and emotional experiences to help men break through into their best lives. Terry practices what he teaches, and through his example and leadership, he is having a profound impact on men.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Terry Bullman.

Episode Links:

FB and IG: @terrybullman

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Book Reviews at Anchor Point Expeditions

#48 Kasper Allison on Slowing Down, Conscious Movement, and Sex

1h 34m · Published 12 Sep 01:46

Kasper Allison and I waste no time on this episode jumping into some very important and often under-addressed topics: sex, radical self love, intimate relationships, body connection, and slowing down.

Kasper is on a mission to be the most attractive person alive – not physically, but energetically. After decades in the corporate routine, he moved with his family to Costa Rica and adopted a new, slower way of life, known as pura vida to locals. From this new pace, he is forging stronger relationshipswith people while helping them to connect more deeply with their bodies.

Kasper is the founder of Kinecion, a training method that focuses on helping people reduce pain by learning how to re-connect with their bodies, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. With more than two decades of experience, he has helped countless clients, personal trainers, and physical therapists.

With roots as an adrenaline sports junkie, slowing down has transformed Kasper’s way of relating not just to people he meets, but also in his intimate relationships, including the one with himself. He takes us on a multi-faceted journey into his relationship with himself and with his wife. He does not hesitate to share deeply about his past addiction to sex and how having a radical love affair with himself has transformed his life.

He shares specific challenges he and his wife have faced in his recovery from addiction and steps he has taken to show up in his relationship like he has never done before.

Kasper is one of my collaborators in The Balanced Man, which offers men’s retreats in Nosara, Costa Rica, and online programs at

This is a powerful episode filled with valuable takeaways from a fearless man on a worthy mission.

Please enjoy this episode with Kasper Allison.

Episode Links:

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Book Reviews at Anchor Point Expeditions

#47 Mark Wolynn on Inherited Trauma, Family Constellations, and the Impacts of a Pandemic

1h 31m · Published 30 Oct 02:44

Mark Wolynn is an expert on inherited family trauma and the author of the book, It Didn’t Start With You. His research and perspectives on trauma provide immense opportunities for healing, not just for the individual, but for generations to come. By understanding where we come from and the baggage that we carry, we can live with fewer emotional burdens today and break cycles that might sabotage our future and that of our offspring.

I cannot more strongly recommend Mark’s book, and we explore many of its concepts in this interview. We begin with the notion of inherited trauma and the direct biological link of at least three family generations, and energetically of many more. Another major topic is attachment trauma, and we discuss how a break in the mother bond at any stage of childhood development can have massive reverberations in adulthood and potentially through the family lineage. In his book and clinical practice, Mark explores core language and how it can serve as a map through our family history to the root of traumas.

Mark also takes us along his personal journey into a debilitating condition that catalyzed his global travel in search of healers and healing. What he eventually discovered shocked him and sent him back to his childhood home to renegotiate his relationship with his parents. There a hug from his mom helped not only to initiate his healing but also to shape his clinical practice, and we talk about the power of hugs in therapy. We also talk about his work with Family Constellations and assess the global traumas of the pandemic that are affecting all of us.

Through his work and writing, Mark elegantly lays out possible paths to recovery and has helped countless break the cycle of suffering. This is a practical, eye opening, and inspirational interview that has the potential to serve all of humanity.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Mark Wolynn.

Episode Links:

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

#46 Paula Reid on Adventure Psychology, Human Capacity, and the Power of Choice

1h 23m · Published 07 Oct 05:13

Paula Reid is a courageous adventurer who is forging a career in applying Positive Psychology to help other adventurers and leaders optimize their performance. As someone who has experienced extremes of skiing to the South Pole with a debilitating leg injury, paddling the Mekong in a dugout canoe, and yacht racing around the world for ten months, she is no stranger to adversity and how it can impact outcomes.

In this episode Paula shares many exciting stories of her global exploits, including getting arrested in Cambodia and narrowly escaping war in West Papua. She takes us inside the mind of the adventurer to better understand how adversities can plague the psyche and quickly turn a quest for triumph into a battle to merely survive. And we also talk about the post-adventure blues that can haunt people when they return to the world of routine.

The believed limits of human capacity is often challenged and expanded in times of our greatest duress. With a Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology, Paula has dubbed the term Adventure Psychology to help people thrive during change, challenge, and uncertainty. Through exploring the extremes, Paula has learned so much about herself and her own capacity and is able to translate that into assisting leaders of all sorts, from athletes to CEOs, in their own expansion.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Paula Reid.

Episode Links:

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

#45 Mikki Willis on the Antidote to Plandemonium, Darkest Hour Healing, and Standing for Truth

1h 3m · Published 19 Sep 06:14

Mikki Willis earned overnight fame (and notoriety) in 2020 when he released his short film "Plandemic", which ironically went more viral than the virus it is about. Somehow, what amounted to an interview between Mikki and scientist Judy Mikovits ended up setting society into a whirl as "haters" and "debunkers" sprang forth more quickly than thistles in a field to bury every shred of this film before it could "contaminate" fertile minds. A billion views later would suggest that they failed.

Truth is hard to quell.

Despite death threats and many dark days and nights, which he openly shares in this interview, Mikki and his team went on to produce the feature-length "Plandemic: Indoctornation" that demonstrates how deeply the programming – by governments, media, and corporations – really runs. Despite all that he knows, and all the vitriol that has been aimed toward him and others who stand for their truth, Mikki navigates this global crisis, and life, with uplifting energy and poise that are truly contagious. His mission is not to cut down the naysayers but instead to spread empowerment and love.

We talk about the homeschool coop that Mikki and his wife launched in 2020 and how that is growing today into a template that could be a compelling alternative to government-based schooling. He shares inspiration from Dr. Judy Mikovits; his new book, Plandemic: 100% Censored. 0% Debunked; and the forthcoming 3rd Plandemic film. And we explore some very sinister and likely scenarios plaguing the world and how truth stands to be the antidote.

Mikki has faced more scorn than most, and yet with the love and support of his family, he remains firmly loyal to humanity, meaning both a compassionate, sympathetic, and generous disposition, and the human race. Mikki knows no other way than to live life with honour, and his selfless acts in support of our freedom demonstrate a courage without limits.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Mikki Willis.

Episode Links:

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

#44 Jon Turk on Myth, Magic, and Love

1h 45m · Published 15 Sep 04:32

Jon Turk returns to Salish Wolf for another episode, this one on his new book Tracking Lions, Myth and Wilderness in Samburu. In this discussion, and in his book, Jon demonstrates how myth has shaped humanity, catalyzing the formation of tribes, creating power dynamics, and eroding the concepts of unity.

Today, the world over, humans are immersed in myth-based societies where narratives are sparked by both well-intentioned and perverse igniters, fueled by our digitally-connected global ecosystem, and often fanned by fear.

While on a lion tracking expedition in Kenya, Jon experienced firsthand the power of tribal lore and the wild narratives that we run through our heads. While literally on the trail of a nearby lion and armed only with a wooden club, Jon filled first with anger, then surrender, and finally peace.

We explore many topics in this conversation, including the imminent danger Jon was constantly in due to warring tribes and corrupt officials, cultural myths that have shaped history, and the dividing factions of present-day narratives related to topics such as climate change and covid.

Although myth has historically caused great division, including religious wars and ‘us against them’ attitudes, Jon and I demonstrate that two people do not have to share the same beliefs to have mutual respect and an admiration for that which connects us. Healthy debate has been the source of great transformation and intellectual advancement, yet today we run the risk of possibly irreparable divisions as cancel culture eliminates even the most basic human decencies. Yet there is another way forward, and love is at the heart of it.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Jon Turk.

Episode Links:

Tracking Lions, Myth, and Wilderness in Samburu by Jon Turk

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

#43 Kim Barta on Shadows, the Perpetuation of Trauma, and Shamanism

1h 33m · Published 29 Aug 00:24

In this episode, Kim Barta casts light on some of our most hidden aspects, our shadows. Kim is an internationally-recognized psychotherapist, coach, and spiritual guide with extensive experience in shadow work and spectacular results in his psychotherapy practice.

During this conversation, Kim defines what shadows are and indicates that the risk of not recognizing and integrating them is not fully fulfilling our destiny. He supports this concept with clear examples of how shadows can continually sabotage our journey through life. Meanwhile, they also provide beautiful opportunities for growth and healing when we choose to steer our journey through them.

Kim highlights how shadows impact society and cultures, especially our projection onto others of our own inborn shadows. We see the ill effects of projection in all areas of life including politics, media, and right at home in our families. The collective familial trauma that we choose to carry forward by not assimilating our shadows perpetuates those traumas and sadly breeds new ones. When we align our identities with the darkness in our cultural history, we block out the light and cast the next generation in shadows.

Kim’s unique background has deep spiritual roots, including a reverence for shamanism. He not only lived with a Native American shaman, but he also did his master’s thesis on shamanism in modern psychotherapy and continues to use aspects of it in his clinical practice. Alongside his sister, Dr. Terri O’Fallon, Kim presents workshops and trainings at STAGES International, the platform they co-created to offer training and resources informed by the STAGES Model of human development developed by Dr. O’Fallon.

Be prepared to explore deeply the potential light hidden in the dark in this episode of Salish Wolf with Kim Barta.

Episode Links:

Stages International

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

Grief Recovery Program with Brea Segger

#42 Benjamin Fox on Astrology, Fulfilling Destiny, and Interconnectivity

1h 39m · Published 21 Aug 16:58

Benjamin Fox is back on Salish Wolf with an enriching and fascinating conversation about astrology. This is an area where I have very little knowledge and experience, and Benjamin expertly guides my skeptical and curious mind through the universe of astrology – and what a complex and telling universe it is.

Benjamin cover topics such as his path to now, mapping out the fundamentals of astrology, the ever-deepening lessons he gains from revisiting his own chart, the interconnectivity of all things, and astrology as a tool for fulfilling our unique destiny.

To put a rocket booster to this astral journey, Benjamin came equipped with my chart and we put the telescope to where I am living up to my potential and to where imbalances are presenting opportunities for growth. As thought-provoking as this interview was in real-time, in the vortex of post-interview analysis, which can often endure, I am learning that there are stories I tell myself and others that reflect not so much where I currently am, but where I hope to pass through and beyond. In other words, when my ego gets too big for my space boots, gravity has a way of reminding me that I have not yet learned to moonwalk.

Benjamin is co-founder of A New Possibility, a learning and healing community that helps people develop a conscious relationship to their inner life. He is also co-author of the new book The Alchemy of Inner Work.

Whether you are a seasoned traveller of your astrological chart or considering new ways to explore your inner space, I hope this episode constellates for you in a way that bring about greater alignment. As captain of this starship, Benjamin guides with deep compassion and an obvious conviction to help others navigate this incarnation in a configuration that best allows destiny to unfold.

Please enjoy this episode of Salish Wolf with Benjamin Fox.

Episode Links:

A New Possibility

Instagram: @anewpossibility

Facebook: @anewpossibility 

The Alchemy of Inner Work by Lorie Eve Dechar and Benjamin Fox

The Alchemy of Inner Work book review

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

#41 Jordan Wylie on the Power of the Paddle, the Edge of Life, and Knowing Your Why

1h 2m · Published 13 Aug 17:03

Jordan Wylie is not good at one thing in particular: being idle. This man does life-threatening adventure like most people go to the store. When Covid restrictions put a halt to his attempt to run 10 marathons in the 10 coldest places on the planet, Jordan rapidly switched plans to attempt to circumnavigate the United Kingdom on a stand up paddleboard. To add to the extreme level of difficulty in this quest, Jordan had to first learn to paddleboard, in less than 7 days.

What may seem like pursuits of madness, for Jordan are in reality pursuits of purpose. He does not focus as much on how he is going to accomplish something as he does on why he is going to accomplish something. His “Why” for this sea voyage was a little boy in Africa who he had promised to build a school for. So his fundraising paddleboard expedition was to him not a choice but a duty. While England was in lockdown, Jordan took to the seas.

Despite superhuman credentials, Jordan humbly makes it clear that he is not resistant to suffering and struggles. He details his harrowing experience with divorce that eventually led him to contemplate his final journey from a skyscraper in Dubai. The man who had once climbed Kilimanjaro barefoot and had fought off Somali pirates had nearly lost both his “why” and his will. With renewed determination, he is now trying to remove the stigma of mental illness and also to provide education for children who have few options.

In my opinion, Jordan is superhero-like, and he is also remarkably human, in ways that enable him to change lives. His newest book, The Power of the Paddle, is an account of his world record-breaking paddleboard journey and will be released this fall.

Be prepared to be deeply moved in this episode of Salish Wolf with Jordan Wylie.

Episode Links:

Books by Jordan Wylie

FaceBook: @mrjordanwylie

Instagram: @mrjordanwylie

Anchor Point Links:

Men’s Retreats at Anchor Point Expeditions

Men’s Group at Anchor Point Expeditions

Grief Recovery Program with Brea Segger

Salish Wolf has 50 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 76:43:45. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 19th, 2024 21:42.

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