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Software Sessions

by Jeremy Jung

Practical conversations about software development.

Copyright: © 2022 Jeremy Jung


Quality Assurance Testing

58m · Published 29 May 07:00

Michael Ashburne and Maxwell Huffman are QA Managers at Aspiritech.

This episode originally aired on Software Engineering Radio.

Related Links:

  • Aspiritech
  • Section 508 Test for Accessibility
  • ANDI Accessibility Testing Tool
  • Windows Hardware Compatibility Program
  • Audio over Bluetooth


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Jeremy: [00:00:00] Today I'm joined by Maxwell, Huffman and Michael Ashburn. They're both QA managers at Aspiritech. I'm going to start with defining quality assurance. Could one of you start by explaining what it is?

Maxwell: [00:00:15] So when I first joined Aspiritech, I was kind of curious about that as well. One of the main things that we do at Aspiritech besides quality assurance is we also, give meaningful employment to individuals on the autism spectrum. I myself am on the autism spectrum and that's what, initially attracted me to the company.
quality assurance in a nutshell is making sure that, products and software is not defective. That it functions the way it was intended to function.

Jeremy: [00:00:47] how would somebody know when they've, when they've met that goal?

Michael: [00:00:50] It all depends on the client's objectives. I guess. quality assurance testing is always about trying to mitigate risk. There's only so much testing that is realistic to do, you know, you could test forever and never release your product and that's not good for business. It's really about, you know, balancing, like how likely is it that the customer is going to encounter defect X, how much time and energy would be required to, to fix it?

Overall company reputation, impact, there's all sorts of different metrics. Uh, and every, every customer is unique really they, they get to set the pace,

Maxwell: [00:01:30] does the product work well? is the user experience frustrating or not? that's always a bar that I look for. One of the main things that we review in the different defects that we find is customer impact.

and how much of this is going to frustrate the customers. And when we're going through that analysis, is this cost effective or not. The client they'll determine it's worth, the cost of the, uh, quality assurance and of the fix of the software to make sure that that customer experience is smooth.

Jeremy: [00:02:03] When you talk to, to software developers, now, a lot of them are familiar with things like they need to test their code right. They have things like unit tests and integration tests that they're running regularly. where does quality assurance fit in with that? Like, is that considered a part of quality assurance is quality assurance something different?

Michael: [00:02:24] we try to partner with our clients, because the goal is the same, right. It's to release a quality product that's as free of defects, as, you know, as possible.

We have multiple clients that will let us know these are clients typically that we've worked with for a long time that have sort of established a rhythm. they'll let us know when they've got a new product in the pipeline and as soon as they have available, Uh, software requirements, documentations specs, user guides, that kind of thing.
They'll provide that to us, to be able to then plan. Okay. You know, what are these new features? Uh, what defects have been repaired since the last build or, you know, it all depends on what the actual product is. And we start preparing tests even before there may be, uh, A version of the software to test, you know, now that's more of a, what they call a waterfall approach where it's kind of a back and forth where, you know, the client preps the software, we test the software.

If there's something amiss, the client makes changes. Then they give us a new build. but we just as well, we work in, uh, iterative design or agile is a popular term, of course, where. We have embedded testers, that are, you know, on a daily basis, interacting with, uh, client developers to address, you know, to, to verify certain parts of the code as it's being developed.

Because of course the problem with waterfall is you find a defect and it, it could be deep in the code or some sort of linchpin aspect of the code. And then there's a lot of work to be done. To try to fix that sort of thing. Whereas, you know, embedded testers can identify a defect or, or even just like a friction point as early as possible.
And so then they don't have to, you know, tear it all down and start over and it's just, Oh, fix that, you know, while they're working on that part, basically.

Jeremy: [00:04:18] so I think there's two things you touched on there. One is. the ability to bring in QA early into the process. And if I understand correctly, what you were sort of describing is. even if you don't have a complete product yet, if you just have an idea of what you want to build, You were saying you start to generate test cases and it almost feels like you would be a part of generating the requirements generating. Like, what are the things that you need to build into your software before uh, the team that's building it necessarily knows themselves did that I sort of get that.

Maxwell: [00:04:55] I've been in projects that we've worked with the product from cradle to grave. a lot of them haven't gotten all the way to a grave yet, but, um, some of them, the amount of support that they're offering. It's reached that milestone in its life cycle, where they're no longer going to, um, address the defects in the same way.

They want to know that they're there. They want to know what exists. But then now there are new products that are being created, right? So we are, um, engaged in embedded testing, which is, which is testing, certain facets of the code actively, and making sure that it's, doing what it needs to do.

And we can make that quick patch on that code and put it out to market. And we're also doing that at earlier stages with, in, in earlier development where before it's an even, fully formed design concepts, we're offering suggestions, and recommending that, you know, this doesn't follow with the design strategy and the concept design.
so that part of embedded testing or unit testing, can be involved at earlier stages as well. For sure.

Michael: [00:06:08] Of course, those, you have to be very, careful you know, we wouldn't necessarily make blanket recommendations to a new client, a lot of the clients that we have, we have been with us for several years. And so. You know, you develop a rhythm, common vocabulary, you know, you know, which generally speaking, which, goals weigh more than other goals and things like that from, from client to client or even coder to coder.

it's only once we've really developed that. shared language that, you know, we would say by the way, you know, such and such as missing from blankety blank, say great example with a bunch of non words in it, but I think you get the picture.

Jeremy: [00:06:48] when you're first starting to work on a project, you don't know a whole lot about it, right? you're trying to, to understand how this product is supposed to work and, what does that process look like? Like what should a company be providing to you? What are the sorts of meetings or conversations you're having that, that sort of thing.

Michael: [00:07:08] we'll have an initial meeting with a handful of people from both sides and just sort of talk about both what we can bring to the project and what their objectives are. and, and, you know, the, the thing that they want us to test, if you will. And, if we reach an agreement that we want to move forward, then the next step would be like a product demo, basically, we would come together and we would start to fold in, you know, leads and some other analysts, you know, people that were, might be a good match for the project say, and we always ask, our clients.

And they're usually pretty accommodating. if we can record the meeting, you know, now everyone's meeting on Google meet and virtually and so forth. And so, uh, that makes it a little easier, but a lot of our analysts have everyone has their own learning style. Right. You know, some people are more auditory, some people are more visual.

So we preserve, you know, the client's own demonstration of what it's either going to be like, or is like or is wrong or whatever they want us to know about it. and then we can add that file to our secure project folder and anybody down the road that's being onboarded. Like that's, that's a resource an asynchronous resource that they can turn to right? A person doesn't have to re demonstrate the software to onboard them, or sometimes, you know, by the time we're onboarding new people, the software has changed enough that we have to set those aside actually. And then you have to do a live in person kinda deal.

Maxwell: [00:08:32] and you really want to consider, individuals on the, on the spectrum, the different analysts and testers they do have different learning styles. We do want to ask for as many different. resources that are available, to, accommodate for that, but also to have us be, the best enabled to be the subject

Scott Hanselman on What's .NET?

54m · Published 23 Mar 06:04

Scott is the Community Program Manager for the .NET team at Microsoft and the host of the Hanselminutes podcast.

This episode originally aired on Software Engineering Radio.

Personal Links and Projects:

  • @shanselman
  • Hanselminutes
  • Blog
  • YouTube Channel

Related Links:

  • .NET (How to get started)
  • What is .NET?
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR) Overview
  • NuGet (package manager)
  • Techempower Benchmarks (ASP.NET core)
  • Mono runtime (Cleanroom .NET implementation)
  • Unity (Write games using C#)
  • Xamarin (.NET Mobile apps)
  • .NET nanoFramework (embedded devices / microcontrollers)
  • .NET foundation
  • .NET interactive
  • Blazor (Client web apps with .NET)
  • Single file deployment and executable
  • All About Span: Exploring a New .NET Mainstay
  • Virtual Desktop is what VR needs
  • SE Radio 394 Chris McCord on Phoenix LiveView


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Jeremy: [00:00:00] Today I'm talking to Scott Hanselman. He's a partner program manager at Microsoft, the host of over 750 episodes of the Hanselminutes podcast. And he's got a YouTube channel. He's got a lot of interesting videos. one of the series I really enjoy is one called computer stuff they didn't teach you. You're all over the place. Scott, welcome to software engineering Radio.

Scott: [00:00:22] Thank you for having me. Yeah. I was an adjunct professor for a while and I realized that in all of my career choices and all of my volunteerism and outreach, it's just me trying to get back to teaching. So I just started a TikTok. So I'm like the old man on TikTok now. But it's turned out to be really great.

And I've got to engage with a bunch of people that I would never have found on any other social platform. So whether you find me on my podcast, my blog, which is almost 20 years old now, my YouTube or my TikTok or my Twitter, it's pretty much the same person. I'm a professional enthusiast, but that's all done in the spare time because my primary job is to own community for visual studio.

Jeremy: [00:01:02] That experience of being a teacher in so many ways is one of the big reasons why I wanted to have you on today, because I think in the videos and things you put out, you do a really good job of explaining concepts and just making them approachable. So I thought today we could talk a little bit about .NET and what that ecosystem is because I think there's a lot of people who they know .NET is a thing, they know it exists, but they don't really know what that means. So, maybe you could start with defining what is .NET?

Scott: [00:01:37] Sure, so Microsoft is historically not awesome at naming stuff. And, I joke about the idea that 20 years ago, Microsoft took over a top level domain, right? Thereby destroying my entire .org plan to take over the world. When they made the name .NET they were coming out of COM and C and C++ involved component object models.

And they had made a new runtime while Java was doing its thing in a new language and a new family of languages. And then they gave it a blanket name. So while, Java was one language on one runtime, which allowed us to get very clear and fairly understandable acronyms like JRE, Java, runtime, environment, and JDK... Microsoft came out of the gate with here's .NET and C# and VB and you know, COBOL.NET and this and that. And this is a multilanguage runtime. In fact, they called it a CLR, a common language runtime. So rather than saying here's C#, it's a thing. They said here's .NET. And it can run any one of N number of languages now.

The reality is that if you look over time, Java ended up being kind of a more generic runtime and people run all kinds of languages on the Java runtime. .NET now has C#, which I think is arguably first among equals as its language. Although we also have VB and F# as well as a number of niche languages, but the .NET larger envelope name as a marketing thing remains confusing. If they had just simply said, Hey, there's a thing called C# it probably would have cleared things up. So, yeah. Sorry. That was a bit of a long answer and it didn't actually get to the real answer.

Jeremy: [00:03:24] So, I mean, you had mentioned how there was this runtime that C# runs on top of. Is that the same as the JVM? Like the Java virtual machine?

Scott: [00:03:36] Right. So as with any VM, whether it be V8 or the JVM, when you could take C# and you compile it, you compile it to an intermediate language. We call it IL. Java folks would call it a byte code and it's basically a process or non-specific assembler. For lack of another word. If you looked at the code, you would see things like, you know, load, you know, load four byte string into, you know, pseudo register type of stuff.

And, um, you would not be able to identify that this came from C#. It would just look like this kind of middle place between apples and apple juice. It's kind of apple sauce. It's pre chewed, but not all the way. And then what's interesting about C# is that when you compile it into a DLL, a dynamic link library or Linux which is like a shared object where you compile it into an executable.

The executable contains that IL, but the executable doesn't know the processor it's going to run on. That's super interesting, because that means then I could go over to an ARM processor or an Intel x86 or an x64 or whatever, an iPhone theoretically. And then there's that last moment. And then that jitter that just-in-time compiler goes and takes it the last mile, that local runtime, in this case, the CLR, the common language runtime takes that IL.

Chews it finally up into apple juice. And then does the processor specific optimizations that it needs to do. And this is an oversimplification because the, the pipeline is quite long and pretty exquisite. In fact, for example, if you're on varying levels of processor on varying versions of x64, or on an AMD versus on a, uh, an Intel machine.

There's all kinds of optimizations you can do as well as switches that we can do as developers and config files to give hints about a particular machine. Is this a server machine? Is this a client machine? Does it, is it memory constrained? Uh, does it have 64 processors? Can we prep this stuff both with a naive JIT a naive just-in-time compilation, or then over time, learn, literally learning over the runtime cycle of the process and go, you know, I bet we could optimize this better then swap out in while it's running a new implementation so we can actually do a multi-layered JIT. So here's the, I want to start my application fast and run this for loop.

You know, this for loop's been running for a couple of thousand milliseconds and it's kind of not awesome. I bet you, we can do better then we do a second pass. Swap out the function table, drop a new one in, and now we're going even faster. So our jitter, particularly a 64 bit jitter is really quite extraordinary in that respect.

Jeremy: [00:06:29] That's pretty interesting because I think a question that a lot of people might have is what's, what's the reason for having this intermediary language and not compiling straight to machine code. And what it sounds like, what you're saying is that, it can actually at runtime figure out like how can I run things more efficiently based on what's being executed in the program.

Scott: [00:06:50] Right. So when you are running a strongly typed language that has the benefits and the speed of drawing type language. and you also choose to compile it to a processor specific representation. We, we usually as developers and deployers think about things in terms of architectures like this is for an arm processor, but is this a raspberry PI, is it an Android device you really want to get down to the stepping individual versions of like an Intel?

For example, I'm talking to you right now on an Intel. But it's a desktop class processor. That was the first one released many, many

Distributed Systems and Careers with Shubheksha Jalan

57m · Published 25 Feb 05:44

Shubheksha is a Software Engineer at Apple. She previously worked at Monzo and Microsoft.

Personal Links and Projects:

  • @scribblingon
  • Lessons learnt in year three as a software engineer
  • Personal Site
  • Systems Recipes
  • Computers Illustrated

Other interviews about getting into open source:

  • Code Newbie
  • Software Engineering Daily

Related Links:

  • Monzo Service Graph
  • Go context
  • An Illustrated Proof of the CAP theorem
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Distributed System Building Block: Flake Ids
  • Protocol Buffers
  • Go rpc
  • Consul
  • Envoy
  • What is a Runbook?
  • Error Budgets Explained
  • Kubernetes
  • Go by Example: Errors

Music by Crystal Cola.

Jeremy: This is Jeremy Jung and you're listening to software sessions. Today, I'm talking to Shubheksha Jalan about working with distributed systems, the go programming language and some of the lessons she's learned being a software engineer for the last three years. Previously, she worked as a backend engineer at Monzo Bank. And before that she was a software engineer at Microsoft.

Shubheksha, thank you so much for joining me today.

Shubheksha: Thank you so much for having me.

Jeremy: You picked up a lot of experience with distributed systems at Monzo bank. Could you start with explaining what a distributed system is?

Shubheksha: Yeah. So the main premise and the main difference, between like, a distributed and a non distributed system, is that a distributed system has more than one node. And when I say a node, I mean just computers, machines, servers. So it's basically a network of interconnected nodes that is being asked to behave as a singular entity and present itself as, as something that's not really disjoint.

And that's kind of where the trouble starts. something that you hear a lot of people who work with distributed systems say is that just don't do it unless you really really need to because like things spiral out of control very, very quickly. Because like, when you have a single machine, you don't have to think about like communication over the network.

You don't have to think about like distributing storage. You don't have to think about so many other things, whereas with like, when you have multiple machines, you have to think about coordination. You have to think about communication and like at what levels and like what sort of reliability you need and all of that.

So on and so forth. So it just gets super tricky.

Jeremy: Yeah. And when we talk about distributed systems, you mentioned about how it's having multiple nodes. And I think a more traditional type of application is where you would expect to have a load balancer and some web servers behind the load balancer and having those talk to a database and those that involves multiple nodes or multiple systems. But, I guess in that case, would you consider that to be a distributed system or not really?

Shubheksha: I think, yeah, like if something is going over the network and like, you have to sort of make those trade offs, I think I would still call it a distributed system. And like right now, like it's not just the big companies that are building and deploying distributed systems. It's pretty much everyone, like even small startups, especially like, because the cloud has become so dominant now, like the cloud is essentially a giant distributed system that we sort of take parts off and deploy our stuff, which is isolated from all of the other stuff that's also deployed on it. But like from the perspective of a cloud provider, it is a big big distributed system. And like, even when you, as a customer are using a cloud provider, you are, your code is deployed. You don't even know where, and it's still to you like if you spin up like multiple EC2 instances, for example, that is a distributed system.

Jeremy: It's almost not so much that the different nodes are doing different things I guess it's just the fact that you have to deal with the network at all. And that's where all of these additional troubles or, or challenges come in.

Shubheksha: Yeah, I think, yeah, that's probably a more accurate way to put it. Like, I can't really think of a system that you can like reasonably fit on a single machine right now. especially with the way, like we provision things, in the cloud. So yeah, by that definition, pretty much everything that we are building is a distributed system at some level.

Jeremy: Mmm you were saying earlier about how don't build one if you don't need to. But now it almost sounds like everything is one, right?

Shubheksha: Yeah. To some level. Yeah. Everything is one. Yeah.

Jeremy: When people first start getting started with having a system that involves the network, what are some common mistakes you see people make?

Shubheksha: Like a lot of people misunderstand the CAP theorem. The CAP theorem, is basically one of the most popular theorems in distributed systems literature and it states that like CAP stands for consistency, availability and network partitions.

And there's a lot of debate around like what those terms actually mean. So I don't want to go into that right now because that'll probably take up the rest of our time. CAP theorem states that you can only have two out of those three things at a given point of time.

And a lot of people sort of take that to heart and take it way too literally whereas there's a great blog post about this, which we should definitely link in the show notes, but which argues that like network partitions are not really optional. There's no way you can have a network that's a hundred percent reliable, like that's not humanly possible.

And there's also like some confusion around like what the terms, availability and consistency mean, And that's also like a huge source of debate and confusion in the community. And like a lot of people when they, when they sort of start working. They don't really understand what that means in what context, because those terms are very, very overloaded in tech in general.

And like one thing means like five different things depending on the context. So yeah, it can be really hard to get started.

Jeremy: Mm, and since it's a little difficult to pin down, what CAP means, I guess, for somebody who's, who's starting out. what would you suggest they they focus on to make sure that when they build something, that it works, I guess is one way to put it.

Shubheksha: I think that's, that's a very hard question to answer in like a generalized manner. It, it depends on your requirements and like, what is your end goal? What sort of like availability and reliability characteristics that you're looking for, from the system, for example, if it's a, if it's a system that's like sorting some critical data in that case, like consistency would be more valuable compared to variability, like it's a trade off.

Like everything else. So it really depends on the use case and yeah, like what you hope to achieve with the system.

Jeremy: Do you have a example from your experience where you, you chose those trade offs and could kind of walk us through that process?

Shubheksha: Uh, no, I don't think most people would have to deal with this day to day. And if you do, it's probably not a very good sign.

Like at Monzo, we had like a pretty unified platform. We did not have to like, think about this, at like, that level and go into it like super deep.

Jeremy: If I understand correctly there are engineers who build infrastructure or build tooling so that the software engineers or the backend software engineers don't have to worry about is this going to be eventually consistent or is this being partitioned instead you have some kind of API that's layered on top of that. Is that correct?

Shubheksha: Yeah. So you don't have to worry about like partitioning or anything like that. Like that's just taken care of. you just write a database schema, you deploy it and like data gets populated. You're not super worried about how that's done.

Jeremy: Hmm. And when you give the example o

React Authentication with Ryan Chenkie

1h 9m · Published 17 Dec 05:43

Ryan is the author of Advanced React Security Patterns and Securing Angular Applications. He picked up his authentication expertise working at Auth0. Currently, he's a GraphQL developer advocate at Prisma.

Related Links:

  • @ryanchenkie
  • React Security
  • Stop using JWTs for Sessions
  • What are cookies and sessions?
  • Learn how HTTP Cookies work
  • JSON Web Token Introduction
  • Refresh Tokens: When to Use Them and How They Interact with JWTs
  • Critical Vulnerabilities in JSON Web Token Libraries
  • RS256 vs HS256: What's the difference?

Music by Crystal Cola.


You can help edit this transcript on GitHub.

Jeremy: [00:00:00] Today, I'm talking to Ryan Chenkie. He used to work for Auth0 and he has a new course out called advanced react security patterns.

I think authentication is something that often doesn't get included in tutorials, or if it's in there, there's a disclaimer that says, this isn't how you do it in production. So I thought it would be good to have Ryan on and maybe walk us through what are the different options for authentication and, how do we do it right?

Thanks for joining me today, Ryan.

Ryan: [00:00:30] Yeah, glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me.

Jeremy: [00:00:33] When I first started doing development, my experience was with server rendered applications. like building an app with rails or something like that.

Ryan: [00:00:42] Yep.

Jeremy: [00:00:42] And the type of authentication I was familiar with there was based on tokens and cookies and sessions. And I wonder if for people who aren't familiar, if you could just walk us through at sort of a basic level, how that approach works.

Ryan: [00:01:01] Sure. Yeah. so for those who have used the internet for, for a long time, the web, I should say for a long time, And who might be familiar with like the typical round trip application, which, which many of these still exist. A round trip application is one where every move you make through the application or the website is a trip to the server that's responsible for rendering the HTML for a page for you to see and on the server things are done. Data is looked up and HTML is constructed which is then sent back to the clients to display on the page.

That approach is in contrast to what we see quite often these days, which is like the single page application experience, where if we're writing a react or an angular or Vue application it's not always the case that we're doing full single page, but in a lot of cases, we're doing full single page applications where all of the JavaScript and HTML and CSS needed for the thing gets downloaded initially, or maybe in chunks as movements are made.

But let's say initially is downloaded and then interacting with data from the server is happening via XHR requests that that go to the server and you get some data back. So it's different than the typical round trip approach, In the roundtrip approach. And what's historically done, what is still very common to do and it's still a very legit way to do auth is you'll have your user login. So username and password go into the box. They hit submit. And if everything checks out, you'll have a cookie be sent back to the browser, which lines up via some kind of ID with a session that gets created on the server.

And a session is an in memory kind of piece of data. It could be in memory on the server. It can be, in some kind of like store, like a Redis store, for example, some kind of key value store, could be any of those things. And the session just points to a user record, or it holds some user data or something.

And it's purpose is that when subsequent requests go to the server, maybe for new data or for a new page or whatever, that cookie that was sent back when the user initially logged in is automatically going to go to the server. That's just by virtue of how browsers work cookies go to the place from which they came automatically.

That is how the browser behaves. The cookie will end up at the server. It will try to line itself up with a session that exists on the server. And if that is there then the user can be considered authenticated and they can get to the page they're looking for or get the data, the data that they're looking for.

That's the typical setup and it's still very common to do. It's a very valid approach. Even with single page applications. That's still a super valid approach and some people recommend that that's what you do, but there are other approaches too these days.

There are other ways to accomplish this kind of authentication thing that we need to do, which I suspect maybe you want to get into next, but you tell me if we want to, if we want to go there.

Jeremy: [00:04:03] You've mentioned how a lot of sites still use this cookie approach, this session approach, and yet I've noticed when you try to look up tutorials for working on react applications or for SPAs and things like that. I've actually found it uncommon, at least, it seems like usually people are talking about JSON web tokens that are not the cookie and session approach.

I wonder, if you had some thoughts on, on why that was.

Ryan: [00:04:37] Yeah, it's an interesting question. And I've thought a lot about this. I think what it comes down to is that especially for front end developers who might not be super interested in the backends, or maybe they're not concerned with it. Maybe they're not working on it, but they need to get some interaction with a backend going.

It's a little bit of a showstopper, perhaps, maybe not a showstopper. It's a hindrance. There are road blocks put in place if you start to introduce the concept of cookies and sessions because it then necessitates that they delve a little bit deep into the server. I think for front end developers who want to make UIs and want to make things look nice on the clients but they need some kind of way to do authentication.

If you go with the JSON web token path, it can be a lot easier to get done what you need to get done. If you use JSON web tokens maybe you're using some third party API or something. And they've got a way for you to get a token, to get access to the resources there.

It becomes really simple for you to retrieve that token based on some kind of authentication flow, and then send it back to that API on requests that you make from your application and all that's really needed there is for you to modify the way that requests go out. Maybe you're using fetch or axios or whatever you just need to modify those requests such that you've got a specific header going out in those requests. So it's not that bad of a time, but if you're dealing with cookies and sessions, then you've got to get into session management on the server. You've got to really get into the server concepts in some way if you're doing cookies and sessions.

I think it's just more attractive to use something like JSON web tokens, even though when I think when you get into, like, if you look at companies that have apps in production and, and like, especially like with organizations that have lots of applications, maybe internally, for example. And they're probably doing single sign-on. Maybe they've got tons of React applications, but if they're doing single sign-on, especially there's going to be some kind of cookie and session story going on there. So yeah, I think all that to say ease of use is probably a good reason why in tutorials, you don't see cookies and sessions, all that often.

Jeremy: [00:06:51] It's interesting that you bring up ease of use because, when you look at tutorials, a lot of times, it just makes this assumption that you're going to get this JSON web token. You're going to send it to the API to be authenticated. But there's a lot of other pieces missing.

I feel like to to make an actual application that's secure and going through your course for example, there's the concept of things like, the fact that with a JWT, a JSON web token, you can't, invalidate a token. Like you can't force this token to no longer be used because it got stolen or something like that.

Or, there's strategies that you discuss. Like you have this concept of a refresh token alongside the JSON web token and going through the course and, and I'm looking at this and I'm going like, wow, this, this actually seems like pretty complicated. This seems like I have to worry about more things than, just holding onto a cookie.

Ryan: [00:07:5

React Authentication with Ryan Chenkie

1h 9m · Published 17 Dec 05:43

Ryan is the author of Advanced React Security Patterns and Securing Angular Applications. He picked up his authentication expertise working at Auth0. Currently, he's a GraphQL developer advocate at Prisma.

Related Links:

  • @ryanchenkie
  • React Security
  • Stop using JWTs for Sessions
  • What are cookies and sessions?
  • Learn how HTTP Cookies work
  • JSON Web Token Introduction
  • Refresh Tokens: When to Use Them and How They Interact with JWTs
  • Critical Vulnerabilities in JSON Web Token Libraries
  • RS256 vs HS256: What's the difference?

Music by Crystal Cola.


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Jeremy: [00:00:00] Today, I'm talking to Ryan Chenkie. He used to work for Auth0 and he has a new course out called advanced react security patterns.

I think authentication is something that often doesn't get included in tutorials, or if it's in there, there's a disclaimer that says, this isn't how you do it in production. So I thought it would be good to have Ryan on and maybe walk us through what are the different options for authentication and, how do we do it right?

Thanks for joining me today, Ryan.

Ryan: [00:00:30] Yeah, glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me.

Jeremy: [00:00:33] When I first started doing development, my experience was with server rendered applications. like building an app with rails or something like that.

Ryan: [00:00:42] Yep.

Jeremy: [00:00:42] And the type of authentication I was familiar with there was based on tokens and cookies and sessions. And I wonder if for people who aren't familiar, if you could just walk us through at sort of a basic level, how that approach works.

Ryan: [00:01:01] Sure. Yeah. so for those who have used the internet for, for a long time, the web, I should say for a long time, And who might be familiar with like the typical round trip application, which, which many of these still exist. A round trip application is one where every move you make through the application or the website is a trip to the server that's responsible for rendering the HTML for a page for you to see and on the server things are done. Data is looked up and HTML is constructed which is then sent back to the clients to display on the page.

That approach is in contrast to what we see quite often these days, which is like the single page application experience, where if we're writing a react or an angular or Vue application it's not always the case that we're doing full single page, but in a lot of cases, we're doing full single page applications where all of the JavaScript and HTML and CSS needed for the thing gets downloaded initially, or maybe in chunks as movements are made.

But let's say initially is downloaded and then interacting with data from the server is happening via XHR requests that that go to the server and you get some data back. So it's different than the typical round trip approach, In the roundtrip approach. And what's historically done, what is still very common to do and it's still a very legit way to do auth is you'll have your user login. So username and password go into the box. They hit submit. And if everything checks out, you'll have a cookie be sent back to the browser, which lines up via some kind of ID with a session that gets created on the server.

And a session is an in memory kind of piece of data. It could be in memory on the server. It can be, in some kind of like store, like a Redis store, for example, some kind of key value store, could be any of those things. And the session just points to a user record, or it holds some user data or something.

And it's purpose is that when subsequent requests go to the server, maybe for new data or for a new page or whatever, that cookie that was sent back when the user initially logged in is automatically going to go to the server. That's just by virtue of how browsers work cookies go to the place from which they came automatically.

That is how the browser behaves. The cookie will end up at the server. It will try to line itself up with a session that exists on the server. And if that is there then the user can be considered authenticated and they can get to the page they're looking for or get the data, the data that they're looking for.

That's the typical setup and it's still very common to do. It's a very valid approach. Even with single page applications. That's still a super valid approach and some people recommend that that's what you do, but there are other approaches too these days.

There are other ways to accomplish this kind of authentication thing that we need to do, which I suspect maybe you want to get into next, but you tell me if we want to, if we want to go there.

Jeremy: [00:04:03] You've mentioned how a lot of sites still use this cookie approach, this session approach, and yet I've noticed when you try to look up tutorials for working on react applications or for SPAs and things like that. I've actually found it uncommon, at least, it seems like usually people are talking about JSON web tokens that are not the cookie and session approach.

I wonder, if you had some thoughts on, on why that was.

Ryan: [00:04:37] Yeah, it's an interesting question. And I've thought a lot about this. I think what it comes down to is that especially for front end developers who might not be super interested in the backends, or maybe they're not concerned with it. Maybe they're not working on it, but they need to get some interaction with a backend going.

It's a little bit of a showstopper, perhaps, maybe not a showstopper. It's a hindrance. There are road blocks put in place if you start to introduce the concept of cookies and sessions because it then necessitates that they delve a little bit deep into the server. I think for front end developers who want to make UIs and want to make things look nice on the clients but they need some kind of way to do authentication.

If you go with the JSON web token path, it can be a lot easier to get done what you need to get done. If you use JSON web tokens maybe you're using some third party API or something. And they've got a way for you to get a token, to get access to the resources there.

It becomes really simple for you to retrieve that token based on some kind of authentication flow, and then send it back to that API on requests that you make from your application and all that's really needed there is for you to modify the way that requests go out. Maybe you're using fetch or axios or whatever you just need to modify those requests such that you've got a specific header going out in those requests. So it's not that bad of a time, but if you're dealing with cookies and sessions, then you've got to get into session management on the server. You've got to really get into the server concepts in some way if you're doing cookies and sessions.

I think it's just more attractive to use something like JSON web tokens, even though when I think when you get into, like, if you look at companies that have apps in production and, and like, especially like with organizations that have lots of applications, maybe internally, for example. And they're probably doing single sign-on. Maybe they've got tons of React applications, but if they're doing single sign-on, especially there's going to be some kind of cookie and session story going on there. So yeah, I think all that to say ease of use is probably a good reason why in tutorials, you don't see cookies and sessions, all that often.

Jeremy: [00:06:51] It's interesting that you bring up ease of use because, when you look at tutorials, a lot of times, it just makes this assumption that you're going to get this JSON web token. You're going to send it to the API to be authenticated. But there's a lot of other pieces missing.

I feel like to to make an actual application that's secure and going through your course for example, there's the concept of things like, the fact that with a JWT, a JSON web token, you can't, invalidate a token. Like you can't force this token to no longer be used because it got stolen or something like that.

Or, there's strategies that you discuss. Like you have this concept of a refresh token alongside the JSON web token and going through the course and, and I'm looking at this and I'm going like, wow, this, this actually seems like pretty complicated. This seems like I have to worry about more things than, just holding onto a cookie.


iOS Development with Timirah James

50m · Published 02 Dec 07:29

Timirah is an iOS developer, developer advocate, founder of the TechniGal LA meetup group, and instructor for O'Reilly and Coursera.

Related Links

  • @timirahj
  • Swift Optionals
  • Stanford CS193p - Developing Apps for iOS
  • Hacking with Swift
  • Ray Wenderlich
  • Swift
  • Objective C
  • Xcode
  • Flutter
  • Dart

Music by Crystal Cola.


You can help edit this transcript on GitHub.

Jeremy: [00:00:03] Today I'm talking to Tamirah James. She's been an iOS developer for... how many years has it been?

Timirah: [00:00:09] Oh my goodness. Since I first started iOS, I want to say ooh (whispering) oh my gosh seven years.

Jeremy: [00:00:15] Seven years. Where did that time go?

Timirah: [00:00:17] My goodness. Oh yeah. Seven years. Wow.

Jeremy: [00:00:21] I think a lot of people listening have written software before, but maybe not for iOS. So I'm interested to hear what your experience is and how you think people should get into it.

Timirah: [00:00:31] Absolutely. So, yeah, and excuse me, we, we talked about my, before, before we, cut the podcast on, we were talking about how I have this 8:00 AM rasp in my voice (laughs) so you'll have to excuse the rasp. But, yeah, I, like we said, you know, seven years with iOS development. The great thing, and the crazy thing about, you know, my journey in iOS is I really went in with purpose and, intention, right. I went into mobile development knowing, that it was going to be something that was valuable not only into my career, but valuable to, society as a whole right. Valuable to the industry as a whole. So it, it goes all the way back to like, when I first started coding and I was like, I want to say I was 17 years old. and I started to get into web development and, I got bamboozled into getting into a, like a high school, like internship thing, to learn web design. and I loved it and that was my first introduction to coding. And I was like, Oh my goodness.

Like, this is amazing, like web development, web design. And then once I started to think about college and the route that I wanted to go, I was like, okay. Hm. There's so many other avenues. And so many other doors in this industry, like. You know what? I know that I want to pursue computer science but what, what is going to be my path?

So I started thinking about my career pathway immediately. I'm like, okay, going to college then what? And at that time, I think like we were just making the transition from like flip phones. And like the cameras and the, Oh my gosh. If you had the video phone, you call them the video phones, video phones.

And then the transition into like, Oh, now we're at, iPod touches. Now we're at iPhones now or at we're like, okay. Oh, wow. This is like the birth of the smartphone, the birth of the iPhone, and really seeing the transition. The phone being something that's way beyond just a communication device right now it's media, now it's entertainment, now it's education, it's finance, it's, all of these things. I always say like, you can leave your laptop at home, but if you leave your phone, You're like, Oh my gosh like, how am I going to function throughout the day? If I can build something for that, I can make a huge, huge impact so I really went into it with all, like, it was very much, something that I went with all intentions, all intentional purposes.

So I said, you know, after college I'm going to go right into mobile development. I really think that I will make the biggest impact there and build things that will stick with people and people will spend time with, and people enjoy, and will live with users. I fell in love with the idea of the evolution of the phone and mobile development.

So went to college, ended up dropping out in that first year, computer science, for a lot of reasons, one of them being that the university I went to wasn't a, tech school, so to speak, computer science was not one of their pillars. You know, one of their like, Oh, this is something that we're focusing and we have resources and we have a gateways for mentorship and internships.

Like they were just like, Hey, we got computer science is here, you know? and yeah, so I went and I took that opportunity. And it just, wasn't what I thought it would be. I didn't have any support coming in, you know, just learning, computer science and, you know, there were so many different aspects to it.

It was culture, there were, cultural aspects. There was just the support in terms of what was being taught. and I just felt like the more I was in it, the more behind I felt, I felt like it was being pushed out. and yeah, so I left school and I was like, okay, where do I, where do I kind of go from here?

And again, I knew that I still wanted to do mobile development. So I continued that journey, online there were, there were, maybe some coding, boot camps, that were really underground and just getting started or getting their feet wet and trying to figure that out but none that were really visible like that and really like, Oh, this is an option. So didn't have any like bootcamp or coding school, situation.

But I had so many resources online. I can remember my primary source of education at that time, along with like, everything like Ray Wenderlich, and, tree house, coursera, which is crazy cause I'm teaching courses for Coursera now. And, in addition to that, my primary source was Stanford's iOS development course, which they were offering all the lectures for free.

And I was upset cause I was like, wait a minute, the school I was going to. It was like this private university, you know, and here I could have a Stanford education, you know, in which I kind of ended up with it, so, okay. I have a Stanford education in iOS development (laughs) . so yeah, I kind of continued on from there and really went cold turkey.

I know that like, it's hard for a lot of people to adapt to like being self-taught in really the meaning of being self-taught right, where I don't really have a physical community or any source of like mentorship around me saying, Hey, you should learn this. Or you should learn that.

I didn't even know where to look for that kind of guidance. I didn't really have, a boot camp that was promising me a roadmap, a career ladder. what the important tech stacks for mobile development were. all that groundwork. Like I really did it myself and, I had the support of my mom.

I didn't work another job. Like I was living with my mom. and she's always been single parent so one paycheck. And, It was really, maybe less than a year before I, started into my professional, career and got my first role landed my first role as an iOS engineer.

So, anything you want to learn, you want to make sure that you do the work right? Outside of, even if you're at a coding bootcamp, you have to want to learn it for yourself. and then you have to look at the benefits, what, what are the benefits of learning?

Something like this. iOS development. Okay. You know, that it has a very strong Apple developer community around it, and then Apple, the entity itself, Apple, really prides itself on making sure that they give an abundance of resources to developers, you know, via, you know, th the WWDC, you know, which is their yearly conference that they do.

And they make sure that they are. flooding developers with new things and, new information and, you know, hands-on training, in the best ways that they can. So there is a lot of resources out there. and just in terms of iOS development itself, the benefit of iOS. again, it, iOS can be very niche and that's something that probably turns people away.

They're like, Why iOS development, you know, Android you have a plethora of different devices. you have, I guess, more scalability in terms of who's able to access, your applications, right? You think about people in other countries like the iOS device is probably the number one device in the United States.

But outside of here, like, you know, I've been to Europe, I've been to a couple other places and. They honey, they are Android down. They are just like it's all Android over there. you know, and that has a lot to do with just pricing and all these things a lot of people are turned away just because it is such a niche and I call it like this King Apple theory where, you have to use an Apple language, and build on an Apple IDE.

Right on an Apple machine, for Apple products, you know, so they do a great job of making sure that ecosystem is tight. and that, that compatibility and the conversions are really just like very much limited outside of that ecosystem. So yeah, like I think it's definitely worth it. you know, because there is so much of a focus, you know, there's a lot of benefit

Object Relational Mappers with Julie Lerman

1h 1m · Published 18 Nov 07:13

Related Links:

  • @julielerman
  • The Data Farm (Julie's blog)
  • Entity Framework
  • Dapper
  • Automapper
  • Pluralsight Courses

This episode was originally posted on Software Engineering Radio.


You can help edit this transcript on GitHub.

Jeremy: [00:00:00] Today I'm talking to Julie Lerman. She's a frequent conference speaker, an independent consultant and a Pluralsight course author. Today we're going to talk about her experience working on ORMs and Entity Framework.

Julie, welcome to software engineering radio.

Julie: [00:00:16] Hey, Jeremy. Thanks so much for having me.

Jeremy: [00:00:18] For those who aren't familiar with ORMs what are they and why do we need them?

Julie: [00:00:23] The first thing is the definition so ORM stands for object relational mapper. It's a software idea and implementation in many aspects for taking the concepts that we describe as classes and transforming them into the structure of a relational database. So you can get the data in and out easily.

So the ORM takes care of that mapping and the transformation. So you don't have to worry about writing SQL. You don't have to worry about getting structured results from a database that are in rows and columns and then transforming them back into object instances. So the ORMs do that for you.

Jeremy: [00:01:15] Some of the most popular languages used are object oriented. Why do we continue to store our data in a relational database when it's so different from our application code?

Julie: [00:01:26] There's certainly a lot of reasons for relational databases compared to document databases, object databases. Relational databases for their structure and normalization and tuning, and it's different kinds of storage needs I think than when you're storing documents. Sometimes I think more about getting the data back out. Finding data.

It's one thing to be able to store it in a way that makes sense. But then when you need to pull data together and create relationships that aren't naturally in those documents unless you have prepared and designed something like a document database for every possible scenario.

There's also the whole concept of event sourcing where if you're just storing the events then you can actually re-persist that data in different structures so that it's easier for the various ways you might access it. Also, relational databases have been around for a long time and it's interesting that even with the popularity and extreme power of these other kinds of nonrelational databases, the NoSQL databases, relational databases are still, I can't say the source off the top of my head but I've used them in conference slides. They update their data monthly, but I can see these graphs where it shows that it was still about 70% of systems out there are using relational databases and in a lot of cases, so much legacy data, too, right. That's all going to be in relational databases.

Jeremy: [00:03:18] Relational databases, they give us the ability to request just the data we need that matches a certain condition or we can combine different parts of our data and get just a specific thing that we need.

If we were dealing with a bunch of arrays of objects or documents it might be harder to query for a specific thing does that sort of match...?

Julie: [00:03:45] Yeah, especially that unplanned data access and. Another interesting thing. And it's one of those things that I think you have to like, stop and think about it, to realize the truth in it, which is that most systems, most of the work you're doing the database is reading the database much more than creating and storing data.

That's the bigger problem. Getting the data back out and having the flexibility to do weird things whereas something like a document database depending on how you split it up and keys and everything, it's just more designed. A relational database is a little easier to get at that weird stuff.

Jeremy: [00:04:37] You mentioned ad hoc queries. So with a relational database you can store all your information and then you can decide later what queries or information you want to get out, whereas you had hinted at with a document database you have to think upfront about what queries you want to make. Could you elaborate a little bit on that?

Julie: [00:05:02] I don't want to be generalizing too much, because there's all kinds of other factors that might come in especially when talking about huge amounts of data for like machine learning and things like that. There's pros and cons to both of them.

And like I mentioned with event sourcing ways to have your cake and eat it too. When I look for example at documentation for Azure CosmosDB, that's the document database that I have the most familiarity with. One of the most important documents is that upfront design and that design bleeds into how you're modeling your data in your application so that you can store it fluidly into the document database. So it's really, really important. Now I don't want to conflate this with the beauty of a system like document database, how that aligns so much more nicely for persistence.

And most of your getting data in and getting data out when we're talking about domain driven design. Where you don't want to worry about your persistence, just focus on the domain and then we can figure out how to get the data in and out right? We've got patterns for that.

But it is interesting if something like a document database more naturally aligns with your objects right? So that flows nicely in. However, it's still really important to be considerate of how you're breaking up that data in the way you store it. What your graphs are going to be. Maybe it's easy to get it in this way. But then what about when you're getting it out? What about different perspectives that you have? I want to be really careful about, comparing and contrasting the document DB versus relational DB. I want to stop at some level of that because there's always going to be debate and argument about that.

However one of the nice things about an ORM is it does take away some of that pain. That we normally would have when we're writing applications and writing that data access layer where we have to say, okay, I want this. Now I have to figure out the SQL statement, or call a stored procedure, or however I'm going to do it.

Whether I'm getting data in or getting data out and then I have to transform my objects into the SQL right? Or I get data back. And then I have to read through that data and instantiate objects and stuff, all the values into those objects. That's the stuff that the ORM can...

Repetitive. Like Bull (bleep). Right. Writing all that stuff. So that's what the ORMs do. I think the next big question that comes up then is yeah, but my SQL is always going to be better than some generic thing that an ORM is going to build for me. Right? The general advice for that is for many cases what the ORM doesthe performance will be just perfectly fine. And then there's going to be the cases where the performance isn't good. So then you can use your own stored procedures, use your views.

But a lot of the ORMs, certainly the one I focus on, which is Microsoft's Entity Framework, has the ability to also interact with stored procedures and views and do mappings to views and things like that. So people don't realize that, right. But maybe 80% of the SQL that entity framework is going to write whether it's for queries or for pushing data into the database. Maybe 80% of that is perfectly fine. And then 20% of that, do performance testing, go yeah. I can do better. I can do better and fix those up.

Jeremy: [00:09:27] I want to step back a little and walk through some of the features of ORMs that you had mentioned. Uh, one of them was not necessarily having to write SQL so you have some alternative query language that the ORM is providing. So what are some of the benefits of, that?

Like why would somebody not just jump straight to SQL and would instead use this SQL-like query language?

Julie: [00:09:57] well, Again, I'd have to kind of focus on .NET and I know you do a little bit of .NET programming so you probably are familiar with LINQ the query language that's built into .NET, into C-sharp and the .NET languages. It's a much, simpler expression than SQL, and it's much more code like and if you were writing a SQL string to put in to your application, we want to use stored procedures and views, but let's say you're just writing raw SQL, right? You're writing a string. And you're crossing your fingers that you got it right, right? That there's no typos, but also that you've written it correctly, but if you're using something like LINQ, which is part of the language, then you've got all the advantages of the language syntax and IntelliSense and here's my object what are my methods that are available all popping up.

You don't have to worry about magic strings. I think that's really key and you don't have to know SQL concepts really. So with entity framework at the very beginning the team actually came out of Microsoft research. The team that had created that started with a SQL like language to do it. But then LINQ was also created at Microsoft by the C sharp team. And then, LINQ was originally created fo

Fixing a Broken Development Process

1h 2m · Published 04 Nov 04:41

John Doran is the CTO of Phorest, an application for managing salons and spas.

We discuss:
- Transitioning a desktop application to a SaaS
- Struggling with outages and performance problems
- Moving away from relying on a single person for deployment
- Building a continuous integration pipeline
- Health monitoring for services
- The benefits of docker
- Using AWS managed services like Aurora and ECS

This episode originally aired on Software Engineering Radio.


Jeremy: [00:00:00] Today I have John Doran with me. John is the director of engineering at Phorest, a Dublin based SAAS company, that processes appointments for the hair and beauty industry. He previously worked as a technical lead at Travelport digital, where he supported major airlines and hotel chains with their mobile platforms.

I'll be speaking with John about the early days of their business, the challenges they faced while scaling and how they were able to reshape their processes and team to overcome these challenges. John, welcome to software engineering radio.

John: [00:00:29] Hey Jeremy, thanks so much for having me.

Jeremy: [00:00:31] The first thing I'd like to discuss is the early days of forest to just give the listeners a little bit of background. What type of product is Phorest?

John: [00:00:40] Sure. So forest is essentially, um, It's a salon software focused in the hair and beauty industry. And it didn't actually start off as that back in 2003, it was actually a messaging service actually built by a few students and Trinity college. One of which was his name was Ronan.

Percevel. Ronan is actually our current CEO. So that in 2003, that messaging service was supporting, um, nightclubs, dentists, various small businesses around Dublin, and the guys were finding it really hard to get some traction in, in those phase different industries. So Ronan actually went and worked as a, as a hair receptionist in a salon.

And what he learned from that was that through using messaging on the platform that they were able to actually increase revenue for salons and actually get more money in the tills, which was hugely powerful thing. So from there, they were able to refocus on the, on that particular industry, they built supplementary features and a product around that messaging service.

So in 2004, it became a kind of a fully fledged appointment book. And from there then they, they integrated that appointment book with the messaging service. So by 2006, then I guess you could classify phorest as a full salon software. So it had things like stock take, financial reporting, and staff rostering. That's fully based salon software system was pretty popular in Ireland and actually by between 2006 and 2008, they became the number one in the industry in Ireland. So what that meant was, you know, the majority of salons in Ireland were running on, on the phorest platform and that was actually an on-premise system. So all the data would have been stored locally in the hair salon.

And there was no backend,

Jeremy: [00:02:30] just so I understand correctly. So you say it was running on premise. It was an appointment system. So is this where somebody would come into the salon and make an appointment and they would enter it into a local computer and it would be just stored there?

John: [00:02:46] Exactly. So, so what Ronan figured out throughout his time, working in the salon that by actually sending customers text messages, to remind them about their appointments really helped cut down the no-show rates, meaning that customers did turn up for their appointments when they were due and meaning that the staff members didn't have to sit around, waiting for customers to walk in.

So as Phorest I guess, as a company developed. We, we moved into building extra features around that core system, which is an appointment book, which manages the day-to-day, uh, rows of a hairstylist. So we built, uh, email and marketing retention tools around that. Okay. I guess a really important point about Phorest's history is when the recession hit in 2008 in Ireland, we, uh, moved into the UK.

So as we were kind of the number one provider in Ireland, we felt that, uh, when the recession hit that we needed to move into the UK, but being on premise meant there was a lot of friction actually installing the system into the salons. So in 2011, they actually took a small seed round to build out, I guess, the cloud backend.

Well, once the kind of cloud backend was built, it took about a year to get it off the ground and released. Um, and as the company kind of gained traction in the UK, they, they migrated all of their premise customers onto the cloud solution.

Jeremy: [00:04:07] I guess you would say that when it was on premise, a lot of the engineering effort or the support effort was probably in keeping the software, working for your customers and just addressing technical issues or questions and things like that. And that was probably taking a lot of your time. Is that correct?

John: [00:04:25] Precisely the, the team was quite small. So we had five engineers who were essentially building it at the cloud backend. And one engineer who was maintaining that Delphi on premise application.

So what was happening was our CEO Ronan was actually the product owner at that time. And the guys were making pretty drastic and kind of quickfire decisions in terms of features being added to the product based on, you know, getting a certain customer in that really needed to pay the bills. And some of those decisions, uh, I guess, made the product a bit more complex, uh, as a group, but it certainly was, it was a big improvement from the on-premise solution.

Jeremy: [00:05:03] Hmm. So the on-premise solution you said was written in Delphi, is that correct?

John: [00:05:08] Yeah,

Jeremy: [00:05:09] when it was first started, was it just a single developer?

John: [00:05:13] Exactly. Yeah. So it was, it was literally, uh, put together by some, some outsourcers and a single developer managing it. There was no, there was no real in-house developers.

It was, you know, a little bit of turnover there. But when that small seed round came in with the guys put that together, the foundations of the cloud-based backend, which was a, a Java kind of classic, uh, n-tiered application with web socket to update the appointment screen. If anything changed on the backend.

And, um, you, you would kind of consider it a majestic monolith as such

Jeremy: [00:05:44] When you started the cloud solution. Were you maintaining both systems simultaneously?

John: [00:05:49] Yeah, so, um, for a full year, that goes where we're building out that backend. And at the same time, there was a one guy who was, who was literally maintaining, fixing bugs on that, that Delphi application.

And just to kind of give you an example. Um, one of the guys who was actually working on support, he actually went and taught himself SQL and he used to, to tunnel into the salons at nighttime to fix any database issues. And, um,

Jeremy: [00:06:17] Oh, wow.

John: [00:06:17] Yeah. So it was, it was, you know, hardcore stuff. Um, another big thing about not being a cloud-based and, and one of the big reasons we needed to become cloud based was we, you know, as, as people move online and, you know, it's, it's quite common to book, you know, your cinema or some something else online, but, um, Ronan could see that trend coming for online bookings, uh, and we needed to be cloud-based to build, to build out that online booking system.

And just to kind of give you an idea of the scale, like last year, we, we would have processed about over 2 billion euros worth of transactions to the system. So it's really, it's really growing. And, um, you know, it's huge, huge scale at the moment by that, I guess looking, looking back at the past, the guys would have built a great robust system getting us to that 10,000 salon mark, particularly in the UK, but that would have been the point that the guys would have started seeing some, you know, shakiness in terms of stability and the speed at which at which you could deliver new new features.

Jeremy: [00:07:22] You were saying the initial cloud version took about a year to create?

John: [00:07:26] Exactly. Yeah.

Jeremy: [00:07:27] And you had five engineers working on it after the seed round? At that time, when you first started

working on the cloud version of the application, did you have a limited rollout to kind of weed out defects? Or how did you start transferring customers over.

John: [00:07:46] So there was definitely some reluctant customers to, to move across. We did it, I guess, uh, gradually there was a lot of reluctance for people. People were quite scared of their data, not being stored in their salon. And so it was quite hard to get those, some of those customers across and only two weeks ago, we, we actually officially stopped supporting that final two customers have finished up. So. You know it took us a good seven years to finish that transition.

Jeremy: [00:08:12] Uh, so it was a very gradual transition where you actually, what did you ask customers whether they wanted to move or how did you...

John: [00:08:21] Oh, yeah. It was a huge, huge sales and team effort to, to get people across the line. But I would say the majority of people either would have churned or, or would have moved across the, the more forward-thinking people.

I, you know, they would have been getting new fe

Building Maps using Leaflet

1h 9m · Published 07 Oct 06:02

We cover:

  • Choosing Leaflet vs other mapping libraries
  • Sources for mapping layers
  • Using GeoJSON to store data
  • Raster vs vector data
  • Working with live positions such as car data
  • Picking a database with geospatial queries
  • Using frontend frameworks with Leaflet
  • Leaflet plugins
  • Desktop vs Mobile
  • His work on the Leaflet-Geoman plugin

Related Links

  • Leaflet
  • Leaflet-Geoman
  • GeoJSON
  • Geoman
  • Mapbox

This episode was originally on Software Engineering Radio.


You can help edit this transcript on GitHub.

Jeremy: Today, I'm speaking with Sumit Kumar. Sumit is the head of engineering at Share Now, which is previously car2go. He's also the creator of an open source plugin called leaflet-geoman, which provides drawing tools for the leaflet mapping library.

I'll be speaking with Sumit about his experience working with leaflet and how developers can build mapping applications with it. Sumit, welcome to software engineering radio.

Sumit: Hello. Thanks for having me.

Jeremy: So the first thing I'd like to start with is for people who aren't familiar with leaflet, what is it and what types of projects would people build with it?

Sumit: So leaflet is basically a mapping library, a JavaScript library for, mobile friendly interactive maps. That's how they say it. And if you want a map and you don't want to use Google maps, for example, for whatever reason, leaflet is basically an open source alternative to Google maps and other mapping providers. Of course, you still need a map itself. So basically the images of, of a map where you can have open street map or any other provider, but with leaflet you can. , if I would have to describe it, you basically create the layers on top of the map. So that means polygons, markers, points of interest to show any data that you might have and to zoom around the map and stuff like this. So it's the library around the map itself and gives developers really good tools to do their own mapping solutions.

Jeremy: I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with Google maps. What are some of the main reasons you might not choose it?

Sumit: So in big corporations a lot of companies don't want to be tied in. There are licensing reasons especially in Germany or in Europe, there are data protection reasons. There is simply a stigma attached to Google in that sense. Then there are Google uses a custom format for the geo data and leaflet you can use an open standard called GeoJSON.

You can use it with Google too, as far as I know, but it basically will transform everything to the Google format and it's much more expensive. That is also [a] reason, especially for startups or, individual developers with side projects. If they have a big volume, if they expect bigger traffic, then Google maps is quite expensive.

Jeremy: So what are some examples of sources people would use?

Sumit: Yeah, that's a good question. Normally people use openstreetmap which is free to use. But I think the Google street maps are not very pretty. So all the projects that I do, even if it's open source, I use Mapbox. Mapbox is a company that I would say it's built on top of leaflet.

Last time I checked even the maintainers or the core maintainers of leaflet work at Mapbox. So the company grew out of leaflet, from my understanding, and it's highly compatible with leaflet and they provide beautiful maps. This is not free. So I pay for great maps to use even for my open source projects.

But you can use basically any provider you want. So there is also HERE maps. It's a European provider. There is Google maps. Of course you can use that. I'm not entirely sure about Apple maps if you can use that with leaflet, but any provider where you can fetch the tiles you can implement it into leaflet and leaflet is a mapping tool. That means it's not about only about like satellite maps or street maps. You can also use indoor maps. You can use a map of the Moon or Mars. You can use maps of video games or Game of Thrones it doesn't matter at the end.

Any image that you can take from an area can be a map. And this could be even a (blueprint) a map of your house. You could even use that as a digital map and create whatever you need on top of it.

Jeremy: And in that case would you have a JPEG or a static image and then you reference that so someone's able to click around that?

Sumit: I've never done a Tile layer myself. But I've seen an application built with the library that I maintain. And this is a SaaS application for construction sites. So they fly a drone on top of the construction site, take, some HD photo of it, or even 4K, I'm not entirely sure.

And then they create a map out of it. That they then draw on top of on the construction site which is really interesting. And as far as I know, it's, it's quite easy for them to make a tile layer out of it. The biggest problem with a tile layer is always zooming in and out of the map. So you need different distances basically.

And of course the file size. So if you do an HD Photo and you opened a map and it has to load multiple HD photos. This creates quite some load and is slow for the user. So this optimization is the hardest part. But other than that, if you research how to do that, I'm pretty sure there are tools for that to make it quite easy.

Jeremy: When you talk about tiles for a map is it where you're starting with a really high resolution image and then you're cutting it into a bunch of pieces so as the person zooms around the map they're not having to load that entire image?

Sumit: It's optimized for exactly this. So it loads as many tiles that are visible onscreen. So if you zoom in. Then it only loads the tiles that are visible. These are usually I would say six images or so. And they should be quite, quite optimized in size.

If you have a huge image that covers a big area. If you zoom out then instead of loading 1000 tiles, you load only six tiles that show more area but in less detail. The load for the user is basically always the same, doesn't matter which zoom level, and you start with a high resolution image and then cut it down.

But again, again, I've never done it myself so not 100% sure on that.

Jeremy: When people talk about map sources, sometimes they talk about raster tiles and sometimes they talk about vector data. What's the main difference between the two and when would you use each?

Sumit: Oh, the vector data itself, you can think if you are a front end developer, you can think of it like an SVG. So it's an image versus an SVG. An image has a fixed dimension width and height and if you zoom in, the quality gets lower. If you zoom in with an SVG, it's rendered by the browser so it has infinite scalability in a sense. And with, vector maps, it's the same. I'm not sure if that is a bit of a stretch to mapping experts, but, the good thing for me, if I use vector maps, you can zoom in and out very fluently. There aren't particular steps to the next image it's a smooth transition.

And, especially if you use something like canvas mode in leaflet, it's a much smoother experience for the user. But. These are not individual images anymore. So I'm not talking necessarily about the tiles right now, but about the layers you put on top. So let's say you have markers of Tesla superchargers for example, and you put them on the map.

These can be individual DOM elements. And if you have 6,000 of them, it creates a lot of load for the browser. But if you have something like canvas mode it's drawn inside the one element and everything is smooth and performant again. You have the downside of you cannot interact with the DOM elements individually, of course.

But I might getting a bit out of your question right now because, vector maps itself, can be... If you refer to tiles, there might be even some additional advantages that I'm not sure yet. What I do know is that Uber, for example, created their own library also on top of open source products. I think it was on top of Mapbox. And they use only vector tiles like this because they have huge data needs and they need very performant maps.

And if you use leaflet only just out of the box and you have big, big, big data then you might get into performance problems. Problems that I have myself but not yet solved in particular apps that I built.

Jeremy: And when you're talking about these big sets of data, is this the mapping data in terms of things like streets and locations, or is this more overlayed on top of that?

Sumit: That's definitely overlays on top of that. So I can do some examples. II'm working in the mobility sector of a car sharing company that's also how I got into leaflet 6-7 years ago because they needed a geospatial data management tool basically that I've built. And, the data that they use are, points of interest, electric charging stations. We have parking zones, drops zones for the cars. We separate the city into polygons to track demand in specific areas of course. And then you have other companies like (masque?), which is a local logistics company. They have zones where their ships drive and stop off the harbors. Tesla for example has supercharger stations, which is small data compared to that and ridiculously detailed data if we are talking autonomous vehicles. Then you need data like you separat

WebAssembly on the Server with Krustlet

1h 2m · Published 23 Sep 03:29

Taylor Thomas is an Engineer at Azure, the core maintainer of the Kubernetes Package Manager Helm, and a member of the Krustlet team.


  • [00:55] - Kubernetes
  • [07:37] - WebAssembly
  • [12:06] - WebAssembly Runtimes and WASI Specification
  • [15:42] - WebAssembly vs Containers vs Native Binaries
  • [25:11] - Krustlet and the case for writing it in Rust
  • [30:52] - Missing APIs in WASI
  • [33:38] - Wascc vs Wasmtime runtimes
  • [38:15] - Rust ecosystem for Kubernetes and WebAssembly
  • [40:23] - Comparing other languages to Rust
  • [45:09] - Rust learning curve, experiences as a beginner
  • [53:16] - Next steps for Krustlet and WebAssembly

Related Links

  • @_oftaylor
  • Krustlet
  • Kubernetes
  • Open Container Initiative
  • WebAssembly
  • WASI
  • Wasmtime
  • waSCC
  • WebAssembly meets Kubernetes with Krustlet
  • Introducing Krustlet, the WebAssembly Kubelet
  • Kubernetes: A Rusty Friendship
  • The Safety Boat: Kubernetes and Rust
  • A Heaping Helping of Stacks

This episode is also posted on the Rustacean Station feed. Check it out for episodes all about Rust!


You can help edit this transcript on GitHub.

Jeremy: [00:00:00] Hey, this is Jeremy Jung. This episode, I'm talking to Taylor Thomas about running WebAssembly on the server with Rust. He's an engineer on the Azure team. The core maintainer of Helm, which is a package manager for Kubernetes. And he's currently working on Krustlet, which runs WebAssembly applications within Kubernetes.

Also, during our conversation, you're going to hear us talk about WASM. That's shorthand for WebAssembly. All right. I hope you enjoy my talk with Taylor. Taylor thanks for joining me today.

Taylor: [00:00:30] Thank you for having me, Jeremy. This is my first Rust related podcast so it's exciting for me. I'm a fairly new rustacean all things considered, so I'm happy to be here.

Jeremy: [00:00:41] For people who aren't familiar with the world of kubernetes and containerization all these different things. Could you start by explaining at a high level what Kubernetes is?

Taylor: [00:00:55] Yeah, so Kubernetes, is a container orchestrator. And you've probably at least heard of Docker if you're in the technology world even if you haven't used it. But Docker is a technology that made something called containers popular and useful. Those technologies have been around for a while inside of the Linux kernel that's why they call it a container everything is inside of this thing and contained in this process. It uses C groups and kernel namespaces. There's a couple of different things under the hood that are going on. But basically it allows you to create an artifact that can be bundled up into something called an image.

And that image can be passed around and then be used multiple times. So often people will compare those to VMs. VMs were a big revelation, right? Because you didn't have to go literally put in a new blade if you needed a new server or reboot something you had to instead just say, okay, I want a new VM.

But you still had to install a whole operating system. It was like spinning up a new computer. And so containers made that even more simple because instead of having to do that, it's using the same shared underlying, kernel calls and things underneath the hood, but everything's isolated. And so if you want to spin up three different instances of an nginx server all you'd have to do is create three containers that are all running at the same time and those will all have the same specification that you basically baked into there. An immutable artifact. If you want to create a new one it has a new hash and a new version. So this was really good for people, but the problem is how do you orchestrate it across everything?

And that's where Kubernetes came in. So Kubernetes takes that and says, okay, well we have a huge fleet of nodes. That's out there. How do I schedule each of these containers properly so that they're either not on the same place or that they meet certain requirements or that I have a certain number of them.

It takes care of all that including some of the underlying networking connections so that you can connect all your containers to each other in a distributed and actually self-healing way it goes through loops. And if something goes wrong, it will try to heal that container and make it come back to a normal running state.

And so it is a very powerful technology it's caught on... maybe it's caught on a little too much in some people's opinions, but it's a useful tool for containers that came about and a lot of people are using it for underlying infrastructure projects.

Jeremy: [00:03:16] It reminds me a little bit of when you're using something like AWS and it has auto-scaling for VMs. And let's say that you have an application and it runs on virtual machines. And you would be able to tell AWS as more people are accessing my application I want you to create new VMs [and] run new instances of my application.

Something like Kubernetes is able to do something similar, but maybe at a more generic level of being able to figure out. Okay. How many machines do I have access to? And anytime I'm asked to run something, I'll go and find the right machine to run it on. And it's always going to be in the context of these containers. Did I kind of get that right?

Taylor: [00:04:15] Yes, it's very much a generic tool across all these different things. And nowadays you can run it with, with windows or Linux or mostly windows and Linux. But there are some limitations there, but yes, it's a very generic tool. In terms of being able to connect what you want and use what you want to, to make this distributed platform easy.

And like you said it will scale things. If you've done something in AWS where you have the elastic things where they'll scale it's a similar thing. There's something in Kubernetes that you can set up that it will automatically scale to make sure that you have the right around right amount of capacity for what you're doing.

Jeremy: [00:04:50] And I think this takes away the need for the developer to need to understand where their applications are going to run. It's. You give some kind of configuration to Kubernetes and say, here's my app. And then it just figures out, where to run it and how many instances to run and that sort of thing.

Taylor: [00:05:12] Yeah, it's really meant as a dev ops or SRE kind of tool that instead of it being a. they have to like custom tailor machines. They already have these Docker images in place and can just run them, like you said. you just give it the configuration and it is still involved. It's not like a magic bullet there, but you don't have to care as much about where it goes if you've configured everything properly, it just kinda does it.

Jeremy: [00:05:36] I wonder if you could paint a picture of, where containers fit in between just running a full machine versus running a single process on a computer.

Taylor: [00:05:47] Essentially a container is just a running process, a single process. And because it's a single running process, you can run multiple of them on a machine. The tools that you need installed, all the binaries, all those different things are encapsulated inside of this container.

And so that way you can run 10 of them on a machine instead of spinning up 10 servers. So it allows a little bit more density, and obviously you still have to be careful about what noisy neighbor problems and other things that normally happen in infrastructure, but it allows for much more condensed areas. And the spin up is much quicker. If you have a small image that you have to get getting a new one and spinning it up is easily under 30 seconds every time. bigger images can take longer, but even then it's still faster than provisioning a full VM for what you're trying to do. And so this fits for a lot of different kinds of services that, don't need like very, like large, large requirements on the system.

And even if you do have large requirements, you can use Kubernetes in a way that can be helpful.

Jeremy: [00:06:45] And so you're talking about how these containers are a process running on the system. So for example, if I were to in windows, look at the task manager or in Linux, just run ps, I would see individual processes for each of these containers that are being run.

Taylor: [00:07:05] Yes. It really depends on the implementation, but essentially that's, what's goin

Software Sessions has 58 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 61:46:50. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 12:43.

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