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Generation Wild Woman

by Belle

I share the voices of awakening humans who serve the collective evolution of earth. We have been silenced for too long and these are the voices that humanity needs to hear so that together we can usher in a new vibration, a paradigm of heart centred unity consciousness.

Copyright: © 2024 Generation Wild Woman


EP 10 - Business in 3D vs 5D Reality.

38m · Published 09 Aug 05:00

It is no secret that the energy on the planet is shifting but are you aware that the landscape of business is also changing? We are evolving and so too are our businesses; and the old marketing tools that were used to entice us to buy simply will not fly in the new paradigm.

Many businesses have thrived on using sales techniques that create a sense of urgency, a scarcity tactic that says unless you buy now then you will miss out.

Businesses in 5D reality will not operate this way. Your vibration will attract your ideal customer and your ideal client will resonate with you on a soul level at a heart-to-heart frequency.

Millions and millions of people have online businesses and they are all competing against each other using outdated sales techniques that have been very successful up until this point.

There are hundreds if not thousands of coaches online selling courses and digital content to become the next millionaire if you follow their true and tried perfect formula however the truth is there is no perfect formula because you are unique. What works for one may not work for another.

Are you willing to throw the dogma out of the window and lead with your heart?

If this resonates for you then you are being prepared to be a leader in a 5D business model.

EP 11 - Consciousness Cures Cancer

47m · Published 09 Aug 05:00

Today I have the privilege of sharing the extraordinary journey of a fellow filmmaker, wild woman entrepreneur, and my very dear friend, Bree Billington. Her story is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of creativity, resilience, and love.

Meet Bree Billington, a name that's been making waves in the world of filmmaking, but her journey is far from ordinary. Imagine facing a life-altering diagnosis while nursing your two-year-old son. That's the reality Bree found herself in when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The emotional upheaval of such a confronting diagnosis, combined with the responsibilities of motherhood, is enough to break anyone. But not Bree.

As Bree began her battle with breast cancer, life threw yet another challenge her way – the dissolution of her marriage. She suddenly found herself as the sole caregiver for her young son, all while navigating the tumultuous waters of cancer treatment.

Bree's story isn't just about survival; it's about thriving in the face of adversity. It's about turning pain into power, despair into determination, and fear into hope. In this episode, she shares her incredible journey, one filled with inspiring moments of strength, courage, and resilience.

We delve deep into Bree's passion for filmmaking, her entrepreneurial spirit, and how she managed to harness her creativity even during the darkest of times. Her story is a shining example of the incredible feats that can be achieved when one's spirit refuses to be broken.

Bree Billington's journey is a beacon of light for all of us. It reminds us that even when life throws its most challenging curveballs, there's an inner strength within us waiting to be discovered. Her story is a celebration of the human spirit and the unwavering love between a mother and her child.

Thank you for joining us on this poignant episode of Generation Wild Woman. I hope that Bree's story touches your heart, inspires you, and reminds you that hope, resilience, and survival are not just words but powerful forces that reside within us all.

Stay tuned for more incredible stories from the world of awakening humans. And as always, remember that your journey, just like Bree's, is filled with limitless possibilities.

EP 8 - Cancer Called Me to Mexico

1h 12m · Published 21 Aug 04:00

In today's episode, I share my own story of supporting my mother through a terminal cancer diagnosis, a diagnosis that came from nowhere and called us to Mexico. A journey that would change the course of my life and show me just what I was capable of.

There was nothing in the world that was going to get me to travel during the world's largest plandemic until the universe had other ideas.

Western medicine said my mother was too far gone and sent her home to die, a diagnosis I simply did not accept as I know the body has an innate ability to heal if you give it the correct environment to do so. Illness is almost always energetic and I believed my mother could heal and more importantly so did she.

I began looking for alternative treatments to support my mother on her journey to heal. The only country in the world that had the integrative medicine we were seeking and a slim chance of getting to as an unvaccinated Australian was Mexico as Mexico had both the medicine and no regulations around needing the covid vaccine to enter.

It was November 2021 and all Australians had been kept prisoners in our country at the hands of our government for almost 2 years. An international travel ban was placed on all Australians under the guise of public safety.

With the travel bubble soon to open for those who chose to participate in the covid vaccine which was the world's largest clinical trial the ban was still in place for all unvaccinated Australians.

I went into full steam mode to find a clinic that would treat my mother and to find the means and ways to get there. As a very well-travelled woman I believe it was my life experience, my years spent traveling the globe and my incredibly tenacious nature that made it possible for me to pull off the impossible.

In less than 2 months I pulled $180,000 out of thin air, I arranged for my family to get out of Australia unvaccinated and to transit the USA unvaccinated something everyone told me was not possible.

I said F.U to the government, F. U to big pharma and F.U to the push for the new world order. This is my story from start to finish of how I got to Mexico and what happened along the way.

This story does not have a happy ending and it may take me a lifetime to integrate the journey in its entirety, with this being said I am incredibly grateful for the experience and I would make the same choice again if faced with the same situation.

Thank you for listening and witnessing me on this journey.

With Love


EP 6 - The Wounds Cannot Heal Unless They Are Open

57m · Published 21 Sep 04:00

At this pivotal time on planet earth, the earth needs us to tell our stories so that she can heal and transform. The earth needs to hear our pain, our triumphs, our celebrations, our betrayals, and our successes.

Our brothers and sisters of Earth need to hear our stories because when we heal ourselves we offer an invitation and a direction for others to walk where we have been, to follow our path to healing. When we heal ourselves we heal the planet, and in doing so we raise the collective vibration of the earth.

In this episode, I give voice to a powerful magic weaver, storyteller, wild woman, shamanic midwife, healer, mother, lightworker, and warrior woman.

Jasmin shares her story, a powerful tale of betrayal, shame, heartache, resilience, beauty and mind blowing expansion and transformation. This is not a story for the meek or for those who can not witness another's pain.

This story will move you beyond measure and activate the cells in your body that have lain dormant until this point. A compelling tale that will guide you toward your own healing so that you too can transform yourself and create magic in a new paradigm of consciousness.

EP 7 - Tara Caetano ~ Spoken Word Poet ~ Mother ~ Mentor

48m · Published 21 Sep 03:00

In Today's episode, I have an electrifying chat with Tara Caetano who is a Spoken word poet, writer, mother and mentor. Tara is currently pregnant and in this episode, she opens her heart and shares the story of her process of conceiving and bringing forth her star baby.

Tara's Words

2021 will forever be felt in the depths of my being as the year I let myself truly live and create a world of my own..⁣

Where I let myself become the ultimate creator that my cells were designed for.⁣

Where I truly attuned to the frequency of divine guidance. ⁣

So much of what I did was done because something bigger than me was directing me to.. drenched in a level of mystery most refuse to marry, and yet I never stopped trusting. ⁣

I conceived the greatest desire I had and the most delightful creation of my life.. this little one in my womb. The one who has brought me to tears of joy most days.⁣

I launched myself into the world as a poet, an ancestor, a voice of my lineage, a truth teller, a business woman and a mother who refuses to settle for a life that falls short of deep enrichment and self intimacy in all ways.⁣

I reclaimed my vision for my family. We held the line, we held each other to new standards and we’ve exceeded every single one of them. We’re moving into a new year with deeper levels of intimacy, freedom and excitement than we’ve felt in a while and I’ve never been so in love with US

And as I celebrate us, me and this online world I’ve created, I know that I’ve only scraped the surface for just how much I let myself truly celebrate and LOVE OUT LOUD the life we’re living and creating. I know my capacity to receive this precious life I have is growing every minute and it’s going to explode in 2022 as I expand into the word that moves me more than anything else right now… BEAUTY

If you would like to follow Tara on her journey you can find her on the links below.

EP5 - The Rise of The Divine Man

55m · Published 09 Jul 07:00

I make no secret of the fact that I serve the rise of the divine feminine on this planet and it often surprises people when I say I am not an advocate of sayings like " The Future is Female". I do not support moving towards a future where women become leaders whilst the men take a back seat.

The men of today are equal victims of the patriarchal culture we find ourselves living under and in my opinion, we cannot truly have a rise of the divine feminine without the rise of the divine masculine. I hold the vision of a future where both the divine masculine and the divine feminine rise in unison; with this, each of our gifts come forward at the right time when required.

I am no expert on supporting the rising men on this planet however I wanted to give voice to an amazing man who is. I have been watching Blase from after for some time and I was so honored that he agreed to share his voice on my show.

Blase Grinner is a mens transformational coach who is on a mission. This mission is that by 2025 he holds the vision that the planet is grid with 1 million empowered men who live life on THEIR terms; in their business, relationships, fatherhood, and LIFE itself. And by doing so lead an impactful, meaningful, and purpose-filled existence, giving to this world and making it a better place for our emerging elders.

Blase says Mens work in Australia and the globe pulses through his veins, He has devoted his entire life to this path. Blase is here to show you that you can live a meaningful life, doing what you love. That the “new way” of being a man is integrated, you can be deeply spiritual whilst also saying words like “fuck”. You can be a father and have a career/business that all flourishes. You can deeply love your partner and speak of that, your emotions, finances, and vision to other brothers.

To read more about Blase or to find out about one of his transformational mens retreats I invite you to have a look around his website.

EP 4 - The Way Shower

1h 0m · Published 09 Jul 06:00

In today's episode I share the voice of Kate Street, a wonderful woman and pioneer of the new paradigm of consciousness that humanity is stepping into. Kate shone a bright torch on my own path towards 5D consciousness at a time when I was still stumbling in the darkness.

Kate a former spirit baby intuitive and author of the book

What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know

In todays episode we speak about the awakening in global consciousness that is occurring on the planet right now. We are in a process where a new world is being birthed and it looks very different than the world we've been living in. This new world is one of limitlessness, fearlessness, amazing creativity, joy, and play. At the foundation of this world is unconditional love.

As a current spirit baby intuitive and a former spirit baby intuitive we chat about the babies coming onto the planet right now and how they carry within them the frequency of the new world. In addition to this we cover topics such as birth, dogma around parenting, food in the new paradigm and the bodies ability to heal its self.

This conversation will activate you and trigger your remembering ~ the remembering of your true nature, which is so much more expansive than you've ever imagined.

It was a great honour to have Kate on the show and if her words resonate you can find her on her website

Or if you wish to purchase a copy of her book you can find it on Amazon.

EP 5 - Wendy's Odyssey: From Church to Freedom, and the Arrest That Shook Her World

51m · Published 09 Jul 06:00

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the world was filled with uncertainty, one woman's story stood out as a testament to courage, resilience, and the incredible journey to rediscover her true self. Meet Wendy, a 56-year-old grandmother who, after her early life of being deeply entrenched in religious dogma within her church, dared to break free and carve out a new life.

Episode Highlights:

🎙️ The Church and Its Dogma: Join us as we explore Wendy's early life, deeply intertwined with the church and the spiritual awakening that led her to seek a different path.

🎙️ Breaking Free: Discover Wendy's courageous journey as she escaped the confines of the church, only to find herself in an unhappy marriage where her wild spirit was suppressed while raising her children. She gave away her power, but she never lost her inner fire.

🎙️ Rediscovering Her Wild Woman: Witness Wendy's remarkable transformation as her children grew, her marriage ended, and she met her untamed, adventurous spirit once more. Her inner wild woman was unleashed.

🎙️ The Global Odyssey: Travel the world with Wendy as she embarked on a soul-stirring journey, seeking experiences that set her heart ablaze.

🎙️ The Unthinkable Arrest: Finally, hear the gripping account of Wendy's arrest at Adelaide Airport, a shocking turn of events that brought her story to the forefront once again.

Tune in to this captivating episode of Generation Wild Woman and embark on Wendy's extraordinary odyssey – a story of breaking free from the chains of dogma, rediscovering personal power, and the unexpected twists that life can throw your way.

EP 3 - Warrior At Law

56m · Published 29 Jun 01:00

Today as my home state QLD Australia enters another 3 day snap lock down I have had enough. We the people will tolerate this no longer. We will no longer tolerate the totalitarian policing and suppression at the hands of our government who are in bed with the globalists, the same globalists who are pushing for the new world order and total control over the people.

The power and control our governments have over we the people will come to an end when we the people stand in our sovereignty and take our power back, the power we were tricked into giving away.

Today I chat with an Aussie Hero who supports everyday people like you and me to stand in our sovereignty and to live our best life outside the control of the government. The Warrior at Law has been a passionate and active human rights advocate, and environmentalist since 1996, with extensive applied experience and success in the legal and lawful arenas.

The Warrior at Law has worked closely with many environmental groups and organisations, as well as our original tribal custodians of the lands. This involvement has given the Warrior at Law a deep insight into the fraud, deception and corruption that our government operates under.

We do not consent.

We are placing our government on notice that their reign is coming to an end. We the people are rising with the intention to return to natural law, and in doing so our corrupt governments will fall.

EP 2 - Together we are a mighty force

53m · Published 23 Jun 06:00

As a collective we are at the precipice of a new humanity where we sit on the fringe of the old way, the 3D consciousness and the new way 5D consciousness. At this fork in the road we are presented with the opportunity of birthing a new paradigm of consciousness which will collectively take us on a journey of awakening.

What is it going to take for us to collectively choose the new paradigm, one of the ways is to use our voice, stand in our sovereignty and to live our best life.

No topic is off limits and today Belle and Jane discuss the wild woman archetype, the gender agenda, false idols, the cabal and satan worshippers.

It was through accessing our wild woman that we began to start asking questions and in doing so we took the scales off our eyes so that we could truly see.

There has never been a more important time to find your voice and to connect with your wild soul. If you are not waking yourself up then the collective energy is going to do it for you.

Generation Wild Woman has 11 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 10:12:56. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 7th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 5th, 2024 09:43.

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