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LiteraryScape: Book Club

by Melissa LaShure

LiteraryScape book club is for those who love clean romance adventure stories from the 1800’s.


God Engineers Our Circumstances

9m · Published 02 Oct 09:00

Welcome to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.


Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


God engineers our circumstances. How many times have you thought or said, what a coincidence? I have thought this probably a million times, we all have. Yet the closer we walk with the Lord, the more we realize nothing is a coincidence.


He has engineered every circumstance in our lives. This is because He is working out all things for our good and His glory. For nothing and no one can or will thwart the will of God.


In this week’s book club episode Jamie and I discuss Redeeming the Prodigal by Jodie Bayse. She wrote a beautiful story about a young woman who made a bad choice, which led to very unfortunate circumstances. I don’t have a direct quote from the book for you this time, but rather a quick overview of how, through her story, Jodi demonstrates how God engineers our circumstances.


Josephine, or Jo, makes a rash decision based on her emotions. We’ve all been there, and I think we can all say, these types of decisions rarely take us where we wanted to be, at least not without God’s intervention. Jo finds herself in a brothel without hope of every finding her happy ever after ending. This is where God comes in.


First, Jo is brutally attacked and placed in the town doctor’s home to recover. And get this, the doctor and his wife know exactly how to minister to Jo, because the doctor’s wife used to be in Jo’s predicament. Then, who should show up on the doctor’s doorstep? None other than Jo’s long, lost, love, Gideon. If you read romance novels, then you know Gideon is a man of God who fights for his lady love!


Now, I realize this is a fictional story, but we can all relate to Jo to some degree. We’ve all been in circumstances that looked bleak, yet out of nowhere someone comes along and offers us hope and a way out. Just take a moment to stop and think about all the times God has pulled through for you.

·      An unexpected check in the mail, just when you needed the money to pay the bills.

·      An unexpected gift of a car when yours was just totaled.

·      The job offer you not only wanted but needed to keep food on the table.

·      The person in the checkout lane ahead of you, who pays for your meal.

·      The phone call from a friend or family member that kept you from jumping off the ledge.


The list could go on and on. When we take the time to think back on these dark and desperate times, we can clearly see God’s hand in all our circumstances guiding, protecting, and providing for our needs. He does all of this because we are His children, and He loves us unconditionally. If you want to dig more into how great His love is for you, check out my episode Redemption: Your Best Life is Just Ahead.


I was reminded again on Sunday about how God engineers our circumstances. Pastor Jordan Gillette spoke about Peter and how he denied Jesus three times. When Peter was denying Jesus, he was warming himself up by a charcoal fire. This detail can be overlooked because it seems miniscule, yet it has a profound impact when Jesus returns from defeating death and seeks Peter out.


You probably already know that smell is what I like to call a strong memory recaller. Everyone has been there. You smell that certain scent and you’re taken back to a specific memory. The smell of a charcoal fire did that for Peter and the memory it recalled for him was not a pleasant one. Jesus met him after His resurrection, while cooking fish on a charcoal fire. I can only imagine how Peter felt as that memory assaulted him, yet Jesus didn’t condemn him, but rather offered him hope and a second chance.


God had engineered Peter’s circumstances to not only rescue and restore him, but to prepare him for his ministry to further the Kingdom of God.


I just have to add that during this church service God engineered my own circumstances. If you listen to my podcast then you know that yesterday, Sunday, I helped Julie Lessman kick off her A Dare and a Prayer book launch with a review. (If you haven’t checked it out yet, you should. You can do so here.)


Her newest book sheds light on human trafficking, therefore she is donating proceeds from the sales of A Dare and A Prayer to Project Eden in the Philippines. They provide a safe recovery home for those who have been rescued from sex-trafficking.


My husband and I felt led to come along side Julie in her efforts and will be donating $1 for every book sold, in October, to Destiny Rescue. They are an organization who goes in and rescues young girls from sex-trafficking and then provides a safe recovery home for them.


My book review and announcement for these campaigns went out Sunday morning before church. Can you guess which ministry was spotlighted during our church announcements? Yeah, representatives from Destiny Rescue were at our church sharing about their ministry! This was not a coincidence it had God written all over it! It was great to connect with these gentlemen and share our effort to support their work, but it was even more thrilling to see how God engineered our circumstances!


I have links here for both Project Eden and Destiny Rescue so you can learn more about them and donate to their cause if you feel led to. I also have a link for the 2023 Freedom Walk in Goshen Indiana. You can register and learn more here.


I will leave you with this final thought: Nothing is left to chance, because God engineers all our circumstances for our good and His glory!

The Rogue and The Saint

16m · Published 01 Oct 09:00

It is once again my honor and privilege to bring an in-depth review of Julie Lessman’s newest book, A Dare and A Prayer. Before we dive in, I want to let you know that Julie will be donating a portion of her book sales for A Dare and A Prayer, to Project Eden. They are an anti-human trafficking organization that you can learn more about here. While writing this novel, God led her to shed light on this topic which is tough for all of us. However, God gave her the words to weave it into her story in a beautiful way that will profoundly impact your lives (more on this later in the review).

To help further Julie’s efforts, LiteraryScape will be donating $1 for every copy of A Dare and A Prayer sold in the month of October to Destiny Rescue. They are an anti-human trafficking organization; my husband and I support. You can learn more about them here. So, we are asking you to help support the fight against human trafficking by purchasing your copy of a great story you won’t be able to put down. It’s a win-win for everyone! Thank you for your support!

Now, let’s dig into this sizzling, inspirational novel. And yes, I say sizzling and inspirational because I’ve come to expect nothing less from Julie. I must start off by pointing out the obvious about our hero, Henry Dennehy. He is the son of Mitch and Charity Dennehy and the grandson of Patrick O’Connor. Those who know the O’Connor family are probably already fanning themselves. The amount of good looks and charm packed in his DNA is criminal! He’s a man even the Godliest woman struggles with being tempted by; and he knows it. Just one of the many reasons why his fighter pilot buddies call him Hanky-Pank.

“So, you engaged now or what?” Duck said as he shoved his half-eaten tray away with a groan, his bet that Henry couldn’t turn the head of his favorite nurse obviously leaving him as cold as his uneaten eggs.

“Naw.” Henry waggled his brows as he wolfed down a piece of biscuit. “But she did promise to name her firstborn after me.”

“Dollars to doggies she’d rather have her firstborn with ya,” Lieutenant Wade “Cowboy” Weston said with a wayward grin as he returned from a second helping in the mess line. His Texas drawl was thick as he tossed a piece of honeyed biscuit into his mouth. He winked. “Or me.”

Like all men in the O’Connor family, they fall hard for a woman of God who makes them get right with the Lord before they give them their heart. Amy Leigh MacArthur is that woman for Henry. I love the way the guys describe Amy as she enters the mess hall. (A side note this scene is based off an experience Julie’s daughter had in college. You can hear more about it in Episode 79.)

Duck’s jaw dropped as he stared at Henry outright. “Are you out of your pea-pickin’ mind?” He leaned in, fingers gripped to the table as he enunciated every word. “That’s-Amy-Leigh-MacArthur!”

Henry blasted out a sigh of frustration that a mere girl could hamstring so many men. “She’s a girl, Duck, just like any other.”

Cowboy blew out a long, slow whistle. “Sorry old buddy, but this is where you and I part ways. I agree with Duck. Hear tell she plans to become a nun or a missionary or something like that after the war, which means that that thar woman is as untouchable as Lady Liberty, and I’ve heard stories to prove it.”

. . . Cowboy observed Hank with a half-lidded look while he rolled a toothpick in his mouth. “I’m inclined to agree with the boys. You’re good Hank—but nobody’s that good.” He glanced over his shoulder, gaze darting to the table of nurses and back. “Here tell that filly’s shot down more flyboys than the Japs.”

You are going to enjoy Henry and Amy’s love story, which is a long hard-fought battle on Henry’s end with crushing blows to Amy. However, Julie keeps the romance sizzling as per her usual! Check out Henry and Amy’s first kiss.

His tone soothed and she pressed in, wondering why it suddenly didn’t matter that she was in Henry Dennehy’s arms. Her pulse skipped a beat when he kissed her hair—once, and then again—before those deadly fingers roamed to draw her closer.

Her breathing grew shallow as his mouth ventured on, slowly kissing her forehead, her eyes, her ear before luring a soft moan from her lips when he suckled the soft flesh of her lobe. “Henry no,” she said, her voice little more than hoarse consent when he caressed the curve of her cheek, the shape of her jaw.

“Oh, Amy…” he whispered, finally fondling her lips with such tenderness, they parted in ready assent, his mouth mating with hers in gentle exploration that robbed her of any desire to say no. Pulse throbbing, she returned his kiss with such passion, his raspy groan tangled with her own, unleashing a firestorm of heat that sealed her surrender.

Henry and Amy are not the only ones enjoying romance and passion. Julie brings back the entire O’Connor family. And of course, spotlights the romance that still burns between Charity and Mitch, and Marcy and Patrick. Not to mention the newfound romance in the marriages of Alex and Gabe, and Hope and Bren.

There are several new supporting characters to fall in love with as well. Here’s a quick run down!

Master Sergeant Michael O’Leary aka Pop:

Henry picked up pace, suddenly anxious to talk to “Pop”—Master Sergeant Michael O’Leary—his crew chief. He’d taken an instant liking to Sarge during training at John Rogers Field, Hawaii Territory, before they’d arrived on Saipan. Sarge reminded him so much of his own “Pop”—Patrick O’Connor, his grandfather—that he’d taken to calling Sarge “Pop,” too, upon occasion, especially when he’d spout spiritual stuff.

Lieutenant Evelyn Wong:

Evelyn shook her arm, rattling the pen from her grip. “It’s got to stop, Amy—this bitterness, this anger—you’re only hurting yourself . . . and me.”

Fingers quivering Amy shielded her eyes with her hand. “I’m sorry, Ev, but for the first time in my life, I don’t know how.”

Evelyn gently kneaded her arm. “You do know how—you have to forgive him.”

Lieutenant Shane Kelly aka Preacher:

“You could bow out of the dare, Henry,” Preacher said quietly, “and leave Amy alone.”

Annoyance prickled at the back of Henry’s neck, the idea of throwing in the towel on a bet not settling well. And the thought of leaving Amy alone even worse. He slammed his hands in his pockets, gaze looking away. “I can’t do that, Preach.”

“Because the pride and money mean more to you?” Preacher’s tone was not kind.


“Hen-ree!” Koyu hopped up from the table and barreled straight into Henry’s legs, prompting one of the very few smiles he’d enjoyed this last month as he swung the little guy high up in the air. “You here today?” the boy asked in his rudimentary English, and Henry set him down with a chuckle, squatting in front of him.

Sister Genevieve:

“I’ve got a plan,” Henry said in a near growl, tossing his ball cap on the desk before dropping back into the chair with a tight fold of arms. “How ‘bout I beat the guy to a pulp?”

Sister’s mouth twitched. “As much as I like that idea, Lieutenant, I’d rather not see one of my best volunteers in the brig, leaving me in the lurch when it comes to those little boys.”

Li, Sora, and Kei:

“Hen-ree!” The moment he appeared in the doorway, Li shot into his, legs, going airborne when he swung her up and around, his husky chuckles merging with her bubbly giggles. “Love Hen-ree,” she shouted, clutching his neck as if she would never let go.

Henry’s gaze locked with Amy’s over Li’s little shoulder, and her stomach instantly turned over at the sheen of love in his eyes before he grinned at Sora and Kei, strolling over to lightly tousle their hair with Li still in his arms.

As you may have guessed, Li, Sora, and Kei are the victims of human trafficking. If you’re like me, it may make you a little nervous to read this novel. Cruelty at this level is hard to swallow. And if I’m honest, I read to escape these harsh realities. So, for those of you on the fence, I want to reassure you that Julie weaves this difficult topic into the story so well, you’ll walk away inspired. I love the way Henry’s out bursts, of righteous anger, over this atrocity inspires others to help and protect these innocent young women.

“I want all of you to take a good look at these children,” he emphasized, tone harsh, “at the bruises, the beatings, and the shame they bear at the hand of this monster whom everyone here knows is not their uncle.”

“What if this were your daughter?” Henry shouted, his voice hoarse with

Swindled for Love

12m · Published 29 Sep 09:00
In this episode Jamie and Melissa discuss the novella, Redeeming the Swindler by Jodi Bayse.

Redemption: Your Best Life is Just Ahead

8m · Published 25 Sep 09:00

Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.


Ephesians 1:3-8: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.


We are getting ready to dig into the Cross Family Saga by Jodi Bayse. Each of her books are centered on redemption. Which is noted in their titles: Redeeming the Swindler, Redeeming the Prodigal, and Redeeming the Outlaw.


Let’s first look at some definitions for redeem. I pulled these from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary.

1. a: to buy back: b: to get or win back

2: to free from what distresses or harms a: to free from captivity by payment of ransom b: to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental c: to release from blame or debt: d: to free from the consequences of sin

3: to change for the better

5 a: to free from a lien by payment of an amount secured thereby.

b (1): to remove the obligation of by payment (2): to exchange for something of value c: to make good

6 a: to atone for b (1): to offset the bad effect of (2): to make worthwhile. 


I must admit when I read through all those definitions, I get chills and I am filled with hope and gratitude. Hope in that Jesus can, will, and has redeemed me from the pit of hell. For that is where I would be without Him. Gratitude for His sacrifice on the cross, for by His blood He has redeemed me.


Let me just sink into the redemption we have through Jesus for a minute because honestly it is mind blowing. Jesus, the Son of God, left Dis thrown in Heaven to live in the squaller of humanity on Earth. That alone is cause for pause.


The Kingdom of Heaven is beyond anything we have ever known or seen on Earth. It’s beauty and riches exceed what we can even imagine. Earth and humanity, in its sin, is like a filthy outhouse in comparison. Why in the world would Jesus leave His throne in Heaven to walk with us, even for a short while?


This is where we start to struggle a little because believe it or not, He left His throne in Heaven because He loves you and me. Yes, the son of God loves you. And how much you wonder? Well, not only did He leave His throne to walk among our filthy outhouses, but He also endured our ridicule, was falsely accused of our sins, took the beating we deserved, and hung on a cross for three days in our place.


And if that doesn’t blow your mind enough, He did it all without wanting anything in return except you and me, even in our filthy outhouse condition. You will never find a greater love than the love you have in Jesus Christ.


John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.


We hand Jesus our sins and He gives us redemption so that we may have eternal life in Heaven with Him, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father. You won’t find a better exchange rate than this.


Whether you’ve been a Christian for years, or you’re a brand-new Christian, or you’re sitting on the fence; the redemption we have in Jesus Christ is worth pausing and thinking about. Nothing will bring back your fire and zeal for living for Christ than reflecting on Jesus’s sacrifice and the amount of love He has for you; to have left His throne in Heaven and endured the cross, all to freely give you eternal life, if you will just believe in Him and accept His forgiveness.


I don’t know where you are right now in your walk with the Lord. You may have come to know Christ years ago, but your flame has died down to white ash. Or you may be on the outside looking in, unsure if you can trust Jesus with your life. Or you are on fire for the Lord! Wherever you are on that spectrum, my prayer is that you take the time to reflect on the fact that Jesus loves you enough that He died on the cross, took your sins away and redeemed you with His blood. Once you wrap your head around just how much He loves you, you can’t walk away, and you can’t help but be on fire for Him!


If you’re ready to trade in your filthy outhouse for a seat beside Jesus in Heaven, then I invite you to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to live in your heart. It’s as simple as that. From this day forward live your life for Jesus who gave His life in exchange for yours, by living according to God’s word. Your best days are just ahead as you walk with Him.

Wells Fargo West

13m · Published 22 Sep 09:00

In this episode Tiffanie, Jamie, and Melissa share their favorites from the Wells Fargo West series by Julia David.


Which book was our favorite in this series?

Who was our favorite leading lady?

Which hero did we fall in love with?

Which supporting character won us over?


Find this out and more during this week’s episode.


We also play trivia! How well do you know the Wells Fargo series by Julia David?


1.     What is Laney’s cat’s name?

2.     Who proposed to Naomi first?

3.     Who were the two soldiers left to protect Ava and the station?

4.     In what branch of the military did Laney’s dad serve?

5.     What did Sawyer give Laney for her first day of teaching?

6.     What was Adam’s job/career?

7.     Who wants to be a vet?

8.     Who was the first nanny to Weston’s children?

9.     Who was Weston’s first wife?

10.  Who had a close call with a rattlesnake?


We hope you enjoy this episode. Until next time happy and blessed reading!

Blinded by Pride

5m · Published 18 Sep 09:00

Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.


Daniel 4:34-37: At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the people of earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of Heaven and the peoples of earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him; “What have you done?” At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of Heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.


Today’s inspirational message comes from a sermon I heard a few weeks ago, instead of one of our historical Christian romance books. To get the full picture of our featured verses, you will want to back up and read all of Daniel chapter 4. Let me give you a quick recap.


God had sent several warnings to King Nebuchadnezzar about his need to humble himself before God. When he ignored all of God’s warnings, God put him in exile. After laying down his pride and humbling himself before God, he was restored to his former position. This is where our verses pick up for today, as King Nebuchadnezzar shares his encounter with God and all that He had done for him.


Pastor Jon used Nebuchadnezzar’s story to address this lie in our culture today: I can do anything I want, and you can’t judge me. This is pride. The same kind of pride that Nebuchadnezzar dealt with.


This pride pushes us away from God because His word doesn’t affirm what we want. We end up seeking those who do affirm our wants whether they are right or not. In turn we see those who won’t affirm us as evil and as our enemy. When in reality we’ve allowed pride to turn us into the villain who lashes out and hurts those who love us enough to speak the truth.


We’ve all struggled with pride at some point in our lives. Because of that we’ve experienced the reality of Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. This is exactly what Nebuchadnezzar experienced.


There is a lot we can learn from Nebuchadnezzar. First is the painful part. He refused to heed God’s word and the warnings he sent him through his servants. Are you ignoring God’s warnings? Has he sent his servants to minister to you? Have you heeded their warnings or turned them away? Learn from Nebuchadnezzar’s fall and lay your pride to rest and surrender to God and His will before you end up scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

Now for the good part. The multiple warnings God gave Nebuchadnezzar reminds us of God’s character which is summed up well in Psalm 86:15 – But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Or as Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.


God will never stop pursuing you. He will patiently wait. However, never underestimate the lengths He will go to or the fires He will walk you through in order to not only make you His but refine you as well.


When you finally come to the end or yourself and run into His arms, He blesses you beyond your wildest dreams. For when we live in sin, we take away God’s ability to bless us. Yet He is gracious when we repent.


Here are some words of wisdom to ponder from Pastor Jon Rauch.


Build your life as part of God’s kingdom, not yours.

Sin will harden our hearts and blind us from the truth.

In pride we look down on others in humbleness we look up to Heaven.

Stay grounded in God’s word.

Make much about the greatness of God in your life.


I’ll leave you with this final thought. When you tell the story of your life, who gets the credit you or God?

Happy Endings

16m · Published 15 Sep 09:00

In this episode Jamie and Melissa discuss The Passenger’s Promise by Julia David. This is the third and final book in her Wells Fargo West series.


The Passenger’s Promise brings together two unlikely people. Naomi Kimble is a reverend’s daughter on a rescue mission of her own. Captain Weston Rayborn is a traitor on the run with his three young children.


Weston is not your typical hero. Readers meet him during one of the lowest points in his life. Yet we can guarantee you’ll fall in love with him as God brings him back to his redemptive potential. Plus, his children are sweet and endearing.


Naomi is innocent and on mission when she is derailed by Weston and his children. Unable to walk away from this family in need, she puts her plans on hold for this family who has stolen her heart.


This story bring closure to a couple of story lines from the first two books in the series. Remember Madam Bulette and the young girl she is raising, Leona? Well, you finally get to learn about Leona’s mother and her family.


That’s not the only story line that gets a happy ending. If you’ve read The Station Keeper’s Surrender, then you know about Ava’s childhood friend Sary. Weston helps her get her happy ending. His act of kindness grants him a reprieve in the end.


Enjoy this episode as we wrap up the Wells Fargo West series by Julia David.

Marriage is a Covenant

4m · Published 11 Sep 09:00

Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels.


I have a few verses for today’s inspirational moment.

Hebrews 13:4 – Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.


Matthew 19:4-6 – “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So, they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate.”


If you’ve been with me long enough, then you know that the subject of marriage is one I am passionate about. The world has taken this amazing gift from God and torn it asunder. From redefining what marriage is by approving same sex marriages, divorce being common, to simple almost innocent comments that throw marriage under the bus.


Think about these statements and trust me, I’m guilty of either saying them, laughing about them, and even believing them.

·      Happy wife, happy life.

·      The old ball and chain.

·      Take your brain out and leave it on the shelf, she’s in charge now.

They don’t paint marriage in a good light, do they? Here’s what else they don’t do; they don’t align with God’s word on marriage. That’s because they are lies from the pit of Hell. Satan works overtime to undermine God and His word.


I know some of you are shaking your head at me and thinking, she’s crazy. I did the same thing the first time our pastor pointed this out. Then I went and read all the verses in the Bible about marriage. That’s when I realized I had been following the world’s advice on marriage, not God’s.


This snippet of a scene from Julia David’s book The Passenger’s Promise brings us back to the heart and sanctity of marriage. To the way God intended marriage to be.


“I’ve seen you both attend, and will surmise that you’re both followers of Christ?”

They nodded again. That one was easy.

“The reason I ask is because marriage is similar to the covenant God made with us. The Almighty took us in as we were, even giving His most precious possession that we would have life with him. The sacrifice of His only son. Marriage is a covenant, not an agreement to be taken lightly.”

(Julia David, The Passenger’s Promise, page 210)


I love this nugget of truth that Julia wove into her novel. Do you look at marriage as a covenant? Do you hold it sacred? Are you teaching your children this through your own marriage? What kind of marriage do you want for your children?


I know, I am throwing some tough questions at you. However, they are worth considering. When I took the time to examine my own thoughts on marriage, and how well they aligned with God’s word, it wasn’t pretty. However, I can tell you that through God’s grace, love, and mercy I now have a marriage that’s foundation is firmly rooted in God’s word. It’s stronger than it has ever been because my husband and I live out our roles as husband and wife according to God’s instructions.


Take time to examine your views on marriage. Do they align more with God’s word or the world’s view? When you realign with God’s word, He’ll bless the socks off your marriage, and you’ll watch your children enter into a Godly marriage too.


31m · Published 08 Sep 09:00

In this episode Tiffanie, Jamie, and Melissa discuss The Station Keeper’s Surrender. This is the second book in Julia David’s Wells Fargo West series.


We met the young widow, Ava Farrow and her sweet son Matthew, in The Messenger’s Mischief. Their adventure continues as she struggles to find her way in a wild and dangerous land.


Captain Adam Townes never wanted to lead a fort. However, the war had pushed him from his comfortable engineering position to Captain. He may lack confidence in his leadership skills, but when he finds Ava manning the Wells Fargo Station on her own, he takes charge in ensuring her and Matthew’s safety.


You can well imagine that Adam’s insistence and forceful ways don’t sit well with Ava. However, after a night of depending on each other to survive things begin to change. Check out this scene snippet.


“I’m sitting against the tree. Come back, you can rest against me.” Captain Townes’s hands felt like warm coals as they gripped her waist and tugged her backward. “I promise, I will never tell. But you are keeping me warm.”

Ava could barely swallow as she leaned against him. The contact was indeed helping her shaking limbs. She pulled her coat tighter to include his arms, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Now, was she shaking from the cold or his hands on her?

His chest rose and fell against her back. Likely he felt the closeness as shockingly as she did. It had been many months since she’d been held by a man, and his heat was a much-needed comfort. The feeling of safety was so remarkable, she allowed her muscles to relax. He said he would never tell, and certainly, he would not read anything into this moment. They weren’t even friends, only two people needing to get out of the rain.

(Julia David, The Station Keeper’s Surrender, page 107)


The heat between these two grows into something most readers won’t be expecting. Don’t worry it all works out, just not how one might expect.


Enjoy this episode as we bring you more connections to these amazing characters, from our own lives!


Until next time happy and blessed reading!

Self-Made Prison

5m · Published 04 Sep 09:00

Welcome back to another inspirational moment from historical Christian romance novels!


Luke 19: 9-10: Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.”


As we dive into The Station Keeper’s Surrender by Julia David, we meet Ava. She is our leading lady who strives to be perfect and runs from her mistakes. Does that sound familiar? I think if we are honest with ourselves, we are all like Ava.


We strive to be perfect, to live according to God’s will, yet because we are human, we stumble and fall short of His glory. When this happens our first instinct is to run and hide. Like Ava and Adam and Eve. Yet Jesus seeks you out, even when you are wallowing in your sin and doubt.


I love how Julia reminds her readers, through Ava’s experience, that Jesus’s blood covers all our sins. His love for you and me is far greater than anything we can imagine. Check out this scene from The Station Keeper’s Surrender. This is after Ava has sinned in a way, she never dreamt she would and in turn she’s hurt and pushed away the man she loves.


Laney was at her elbow, giving it a squeeze. “I see your remorse,” she said deliberately. “God is looking for a contrite heart.” Laney waited, and Ava couldn’t meet her eyes. “He forgives all sins, all trespasses. That was the reason He sent His Son. There was a painful price to pay that day on the cross, but God believed you were worth it.”

Ava felt the sentiment rattle inside her, and, with a tremoring hand, she gave her friend a pat on the shoulder.

“Maybe your job, your independence was taken.” Laney hinted. “But there is no prison as harsh as living unforgiven. High expectations on oneself make for a long fall. And I know you, Ava—you’ve done everything by the Southern belle rule book.” Laney chuckled “Is there such a thing?”

“I remember when I first met you, you seemed perfect. Perfect in speech, poise, and beauty. It was like you were made of porcelain. I was a fumbling, nervous ninny goat around you.” Laney puffed a small laugh and held her arm until Ava would look at her. “This reckless night, your fall, is something you never saw yourself capable of?”

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes,” Ava whispered, glancing back at Matthew. “But at least not with a good man, like this.”

“With this mistake, ask God why? Could this be an opportunity to allow the Lord to heal your heart? He didn’t come for the perfect. He came to be living water for the confused and broken. Let Him gather you, forgive you, and hold you close.”

(Julia David, The Station Keeper’s Surrender page 194)


Oh wow. Just let those words soak in, Let Him gather you, forgive you, and hold you close. Nothing. I repeat nothing compares to letting Jesus gather you in His arms, hold you close and forgive you. There are no words to describe the peace and wholeness of knowing Jesus.

Jesus brings you complete healing and the strength to fight the good fight when temptation comes your way. Don’t live another day in your self-made prison of unforgiveness. He is seeking you, knocking on the door of your prison. Open it! Run into His loving arms and live in true freedom.


This inspirational message reminds of For King and Country’s song, Run Wild. I am putting a link to the video in the blog post. I encourage you to just listen and let the words soak in. We were made to run wild, live free, and love strong.

LiteraryScape: Book Club has 134 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 40:02:54. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on November 7th, 2023 19:46.

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