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Mindfulness Mode

by Bruce Langford

Increase your calm, focus and happiness so you can be more relaxed, contented and satisfied with your life. For business, entrepreneurs, educators, parents. Hosted by Bruce Langford.

Copyright: Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.


The Warrior Mindset; Ray Schoenke

44m · Published 18 Mar 07:00

Ray Schoenke has used the warrior mindset throughout his life to achieve success. He was among the earliest Polynesian NFL players and was inducted into the Polynesian Football Hall of Fame in 2015. He had a 12-year career as an offensive lineman in the NFL and developed a multi-million-dollar business while he was still playing football. During his business career, he was very active in public and civic affairs, including playing a significant role in the founding of the Special Olympics, and actively campaigning for three US Presidents. He has been named in the top 100 players in the history of the Redskins. Bill Clinton describes him as someone who “has led a fascinating life…[who] has never failed to stand up or speak out for what he believes.” His memoir, Fat Girl Sings, launched on Amazon in May, 2023.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.RaySchoenke.com
  • Book:Fat Girl Sings: Discovering, Embracing, and Leveraging Racial Identity on the Football Field, in Business, and in Lifeby Ray Schoenke
Most Influential Person
  • CoachBill Monaghan
Effect On Emotions
  • Emotions and mindfulness are a critical part of life. When you're going into a football game with 60 plays and then you have to know a variety of defenses. So when you walk up to the line and you have a play in mind, you have to know you are against a variety of defenses. All of a sudden they can change the defense. So then your mind has to switch over real quick. And you've only got seconds to execute.
  • This goes on 60 times in a game. So mindfulness is incredibly difficult, and you have to keep up with it. And you have to practice and practice. And because of my versatility, I played all the backup positions on the line.
  • So if anybody gets hurt, I'm the first up. So I might be on the regular left guard start, but then the right tackle gets hurt and suddenly I'm now going to play right tackle. In the middle of the game I have to remember everything on that side.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • As far as breathing is concerned, you have to be able to keep calm because you're under enormous stress. The defense is trying to create more stress. So they're changing positions.
  • And also because if I just came in to replace somebody, then they're really trying to mess you up even more because you just got there. When you're in the middle of the game, they're trying to mess with your mind and screaming at you, and you're trying to remember the play.
  • It's a big game, and you've got to be able to erase all that confusion and execute. Your mind has got to be strong. And I would have to work prior to the game and spend a week going over things mentally.
  • I would rehearse the whole game in my mind. To me, 80% of the game was mental, and 20% was my physical ability.
Bullying Story
  • Fat girl sings is the name of my book. People used to call me fat girl when I was 10 years old. I was fat and I was brown, I was in Texas. I was in grade school and all the kids were white. I was different. I was bullied.
  • They started calling me fat girl and making fun of me. The older kids in the 6th grade would gang up on me. They would surround me and pull down my pants In front of everybody. That was a big thing, and it was very humiliating to me.
  • I didn't know what to do and I didn't know how to deal with that.
Suggested Resources
  • Book:Fat Girl Sings: Discovering, Embracing, and Leveraging Racial Identity on the Football Field, in Business, and in Lifeby Ray Schoenke
  • App: n/a
Related Episodes
  • Psychological Impacts of Sports Injury; Dr. Keagen Hadley

  • How To Discover Your Career Purpose; Sean Sessel

  • Connecting Diligence and Mindfulness with World Class Wrestler Riley Otto

Are you experiencing anxiety and stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist who helps fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Striking A Chord; Asher Laub

43m · Published 14 Mar 07:00

Asher Laub is featured today with the title, Striking A Chord. Asher began classical violin training at the tender age of 2 and had alreadyperformed with the Buffalo Philharmonic by age 13. Asher’s expertise in trans-genre improvisation has led him to a career as a soloist in demand, performing at venues such as Madison Square Garden, Hammerstein Hall, Lincoln Center, the Jacob Javitz Center and across four continents. Asher has also been featured on PBS, and has made headlines on CNN, WABC, and NBC and many other major news sources. Asher has performed meditative style music, yet he is also known for breakdancing across stages with his LED electric violin. He has also performed as a DJ violinist, bringing his experience as a live performer and technical prowess as an audio editing and mixing guru to countless clubs and stages across the country.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.AsherLaub.com
Most Influential Person
  • David Garrett
  • Herbie Hancock
Effect On Emotions
  • I've had a tremendous amount of stress at different times this year. It sort of became a prerequisite to functioning normally and being productive.
  • Otherwise there is no other way to achieve whatever level of success unless you have that built into your psyche. Also your ability to focus on the task at hand.
  • Some people just do it intuitively. They don't need Yoga or Tai Chi; they just have mindfulness set in their brains. As a result, when they are in stressful situations or they anticipate stressful situations, their mind just sticks to the task at hand.
  • I'm not one of those people. I need those tools we've been talking about. Music is also one of those tools.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • Deep breathing is very challenging for me because I get lightheaded very easily.
  • That's something that takes a lot of practice.
  • I'm on a very specific high-calorie nutritional diet that works in tandem with deep breathing exercises.
Bullying Story
  • So sadly I think way more people than we even know worry about bullying. Thankfully I've managed to probably wipe out of my memory any scenarios where I may have been bullied and I've just sort of moved on in life.
  • I do distinctly remember a couple of situations where there were individuals that bullied me in Middle School a couple of different situations.
  • I was pushed up against the locker actually. It was in fourth grade and I just kind of pretended it was nothing. I just sort of brushed it off and they laughed. I walked away, I went to the bathroom, went into the stall, and I just started crying.
  • Obviously, it took a major toll on me because I remember it so many years later. I got over it, and I just had to move on and go to class. Those types of scenarios are very harmful and very hurtful.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: n/a
  • App:Asana Rebel Yoga App
Related Episodes
  • The Transformational Power of Music and Creativity; Vinnie Stergin

  • Music for Mindfulness; Dave Combs

  • Amplified: Unleash Your Potential With Music; Frank Fitzpatrick

Are you experiencing anxiety and stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist who helps fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Style, Confidence, and Connection; Kimmy Seltzer

44m · Published 11 Mar 07:00

Kimmy Seltzer is an expert at style, confidence, and connection. She works as an image expert, dating coach, and matchmaker, drawing upon extensive experience as a therapist with a true inside-out approach. Passionate about her work, she not only possesses professional expertise but has also undergone a personal journey of transformation, understanding the empowering nature of such changes. Kimmy faced unexpected challenges when she moved to California with her now ex-husband and young children, experiencing a divorce that prompted internal, external, and professional changes. After shedding pregnancy weight, Kimberly embraced a new colorful wardrobe, which, coupled with better-fitting clothes, elevated her self-esteem. As her confidence grew, she attracted more people and opportunities. This personal evolution inspired her to focus her career on helping others navigate similar challenges and undergo their own transformations.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.KimmySeltzer.com
  • Podcast:Charisma Quotient: Build Confidence, Make Connections and Find Love
Most Influential Person
  • My father
Effect On Emotions
  • Being a helper, I've been so trained on helping other people with emotions. In my young career it took a lot to really be okay with my emotions and not forget them. I think that's a common thing with helpers, that we tend to focus on others and not enough of ourselves.
  • I just make sure that every single day, I have room and space where I have just me. I'm not giving. I'm not talking. I exercise. I do yoga. I live here in California, so I walk by the beach. These are powerful tools for releasing.
  • I also have people in my life that I talk to. It is so important to have people that you trust and know to be able to air some of these things out.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • For me, breathing is embedded in my exercise and my yoga routine so I practice the breathing. And like I said I have that morning ritual where I do some sort of exercise every single day. I feel like the breathing is more organic to the process, but you know not everybody is like that. Some people have to have an app or dedicated time for meditation.
Bullying Story
  • That takes me back to the days when I worked in the school system as a clinical social worker. There were a ton of those scenarios with bullying, and I think probably now there are even more.
  • Where bullying comes from is, that person usually has been bullied themselves. A lot of it is in the household.
  • A lot of bullying stems from low self-esteem and so they bully other people. They do that so they will feel better about themselves because they are not really happy within.
  • When I worked with kids on this topic, what really help them was giving them a sense of self-worth. Giving them a purpose, giving them a job, giving them a task. Giving them something that they could feel good about so that they didn't have to get that negative attention.
Suggested Resources
  • Book:No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr Robert A. Glover
  • Book:Why Men Love B*tches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl―A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationshipby Sherry Argov
  • App:Breathe App
Related Episodes
  • Gain Human To Human Connection with LinkedIn; Mark Firth

  • Build Deeper Connection, Clarity, And Confidence; J’aime Radow

  • Make a Connection Between Becoming Aware And Breathing Suggests Andrea Klunder

Are you experiencing anxiety and stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist who helps fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

The Horsemanship Journey; Shane Jacob

39m · Published 07 Mar 08:00

Shane Jacob is the founder of The Horsemanship Journey, seamlessly blending personal development with horsemanship. The Horsemanship Journey, under Shane Jacob's guidance, empowers individuals to tap into their internal horsepower. Through this transformative process, people cultivate the confidence and strength necessary to overcome perceived weaknesses, shaping themselves into the individuals they aspire to become. Shane Jacob is a Certified Life Coach, Professional Horseman, Entrepreneur, and Author. In another facet of his life, feelings of inadequacy during young adulthood led Shane to engage in excessive alcohol consumption. This destructive pattern culminated in a tragic DUI accident and subsequent incarceration, intensifying his sense of unworthiness. Enduring decades in an alcoholic haze, Shane grappled with the consequences, witnessing the erosion of relationships, earnings, and personal growth. At the age of 47, Shane, with the aid of horses and guided by a higher power, broke free from this destructive cycle. The processes and principles employed during this transformative journey are accessible to all and adaptable to any desired change. For those seeking transformation, Shane emphasizes that change is not only within reach but also achievable and undeniably worthwhile. Every individual is worth the journey to positive change.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.TheHorsemanshipJourney.com
  • Podcast:The Horsemanship Journey Podcast launching 03/24
Most Influential Person
  • My dad
Effect On Emotions
  • You know, I have learned through mindfulness, from being aware of what's going on with me, not to be so afraid of emotions.
  • Some of them don't feel good. A lot of times, we connect positivity with courage. Let me tell you something. It doesn't feel very good. Fear really doesn't feel so bad and I've come to know this by being mindful and by being aware.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • I'm not an expert on breathing, but I have read a little bit about Navy Seal breathing. My wife's really into that. Before I speak, I do some serious breathing because I have a real issue with public speaking.
  • And it's still not the simplest thing for me to stand up in front of an audience and speak.
Bullying Story
  • Horses don't speak very good English. I've never met one that does and so communication can be a barrier with horses. We all do our best.
  • However it is a relationship and a lot of times we lose our patience and a lot of times people can be unfair with horses.
  • We can be operating on our emotions and we can look back and have regret. I'm going to call that bullyimg because it happens a lot.
  • The thing that I've observed is if I've tried to improve communication and not operate on emotion myself, in all aspects solely as a decision-maker. When I observed horses when it comes to what I perceived as as somebody had been unfair to a horse, I'm going to call that bullying. They didn't come right back and turn the other cheek and say hey, give me another beating.
  • They had a boundary. They were like, Well. I'm not going to do that again because you know there was a problem there.
Suggested Resources
  • Book:The Greatest Salesman in the World by OG Mandino
  • Book:Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed toward Every Opportunity byScott AlexanderandLampo Press
  • Book:Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • App: Google Calendar
Related Episodes
  • How Horses and Mindfulness Lead to Trust and Communication; Debbie Roberts-Loucks

  • The Upside of Downsizing; Matt Paxton

  • Lasting Happiness Secrets With TM Hoy

Are you experiencing anxiety and stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist who helps fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

The Power of Mindful Breathing

13m · Published 04 Mar 08:00

The Power of Mindful Breathing: Practical ways to enhance well-being. Today’s topic helps you to focus on a basic aspect of mindfulness, that is breathing. We will briefly discuss the impact conscious breathing can have on mental and physical well-being.Let's talk about the benefits of mindful breathing. It can help with stress, reduce anxiety, improve focus, and clear up your mind. It's like a superhero for your brain! Simple Breathing Exercises: I've got some easy breathing exercises for you to try out. They're like little tricks to help you feel calm and focused. You can trydiaphragmatic breathing, box breathing, or just paying close attention to your breath.It's easy and straightforward!

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  • Website:www.MindfulnessMode.com
Every Day Life
  • Mindful Breathing in Everyday Life: Imagine adding mindful breathing to your everyday routine. You can do it during quick breaks at school or work, while riding the bus, or right before bedtime. It's simple and you can do it anywhere, anytime!
Shared Secrets
  • Mindful Breathing for Stress Relief: Let meshare some secretsabout how mindful breathing is like a stress-busting superhero. I'll share some stories and, examples of intentional breathing used when things got crazy. It's like a magic potion for stress!
Breath and Feelings Connection
  • Breath Awareness and Emotional Regulation: Ever wonder how your breath and feelings are connected? I chat about that during this episode. Paying attention to your breath can help you handle tough emotions like a pro. It's like having a secret power to stay cool when things get tough.
Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise
  • Here is a diaphragmatic breathing exercise: Find a Comfortable Position:
    • Sit in a comfortable chair or cross-legged on the floor. Make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Place Your Hands:
    • Put one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen, just below your ribcage. This will help you feel the movement of your diaphragm.
  • Inhale Slowly:
    • Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand. Feel your diaphragm moving downward as your lungs fill with air. Try to keep your chest still during this phase.
  • Exhale Slowly:
    • Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, feeling your abdomen contract. The hand on your chest should remain relatively still.
  • Repeat:
    • Continue this slow and controlled breathing pattern. Inhale through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise, and exhale through your mouth, feeling your abdomen fall.
  • Focus on the Breath:
    • As you breathe, focus your attention on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your focus back to your breath.
  • Practice Regularly:
    • Aim for 5-10 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing. You can gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the technique.
Box Breathing Exercise

Box breathing, also known as square breathing, is a simple yet effective technique. Here's how you can practice it:

  • Sit Comfortably:
    • Find a comfortable seated position. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting on your knees.
  • Breathe In (Inhale):
    • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Count to four as you take in the breath. Imagine filling your lungs completely.
  • Hold Your Breath (Pause):
    • At the top of your inhale, hold your breath for a count of four. Keep your lungs comfortably filled with air during this pause.
  • Breathe Out (Exhale):
    • Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth for a count of four. Focus on emptying your lungs entirely.
  • Pause Again (Hold):
    • At the end of your exhale, pause and hold your breath for another count of four. Keep your body in a relaxed state during this brief pause.
  • Repeat the Cycle:
    • Continue this cycle of breathing – inhaling for four counts, holding for four counts, exhaling for four counts, and holding for four counts.
  • Focus on the Pattern:
    • As you practice, focus your mind on the rhythmic and repetitive pattern of the breath. Let go of any distracting thoughts and concentrate on the sensation of your breath.
  • Practice Regularly:
    • Aim to practice box breathing for 5-10 minutes. You can adjust the count based on your comfort level, but maintaining equal counts for each phase is key.

Box breathing is a great technique for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing focus. You can use it as a quick exercise during moments of tension or make it a part of your daily mindfulness routine.

Suggested Resources
  • Book:Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
  • Book:Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Onesby James Clear
  • App:Insight Timer
Related Episodes
  • Breathe Better, Live Better; Michael Feldstein

  • Breathwork To Upscale Your Life; Samantha Skelly

  • Breath and Fire; Michelle Hillier

Special Offer Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist helping fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘Coaching Session' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Pathways Of The Shaman; Rodolfo De Angeli

41m · Published 29 Feb 08:00

Rodolfo De Angeli follows the pathways of the shaman and is himself a practitioner of Andean shamanism. He is a holistic mentor who transformspeople's adversity into opportunities.Survivingchildhood trauma and personal challenges,he tried all the conventional ways to heal, yet what helped him turn his life around was Andean shamanism. Now leadingDe Angeli Serenity Solutions, Rodolfo empowers midlife individuals to navigate their transformation by embracing their authentic selves.Rodolfo's mission is to help the lost find their way by offering simple and applicable tools and wisdom to start living a life they love.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.RodolfoDeAngeli.com
  • Book:The Ancient Ceremonies Way by Rodolfo De Angeli
Most Influential Person
  • My wife, Grace
Effect On Emotions
  • I love to feel. I was a man who never felt and did not cry.
  • I think I was 41 or 42 when I first cried.
  • So mindfulness allows you to feel and to stay with it. Go hang out with it. Hang out with yourself.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • I actually do breathwork every morning. I do five rounds, and I use Wim Hof's method. I don't use any fancy kind of method. Simply breathing in and breathing out, under the guidance of Wim Hof.
  • Get the freeWimHof Appon Apple. It's amazing. It just takes five rounds, and that usually takes me half an hour or so. I love it. It's part of my everyday practice.
Bullying Story
  • I can't personally say that there was much bullying going on. I had sexual abuse and you know that is kind of like a form of being taken over by someone else.
  • So,Andean shamanismis very different from Amazonian shamanism. How should I say that without offending anyone? It's just me making an example with Christianity and Buddhism.
  • God will absolve you of your of your mistakes if you repent. If you have done bad, your karma is there you will have to pay it off. There's nobody coming to save you.
  • If there is a bad energy or you feel like maybe you have been cursed or you have an illness or whatever that you believe came from outside, you go to an Amazonian shaman and he will make a ritual where he will try to take this thing off of you.
  • This will take power away from you, and when you grow up, you will believe you don’t have enough power to turn something around. In the Andean tradition, it is very different. (Listen to the podcast to learn more about the pathways of the shaman.)
Suggested Resources
  • Book:On The Shortness of Life by Seneca
  • Book:Lost Connections by Johann Hari
  • App:WimHof App
Related Episodes
  • The Shaman’s Mind With Jonathan Hammond

  • Passionate NLP Instructor Teaches How To Be Limitless; Serena Denmark

  • Shanghai-based Investor Talks Mindfulness; David Cheng

Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach and hypnotist helping fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] with ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Inspiration From The Past; Paul Hemphill

31m · Published 26 Feb 08:00

Paul Lloyd Hemphill is an author and speaker who motivates with inspiration from the past. In 2020, he started a non-profit company to helpinspire children using a creative and appealing approach to teaching American history. His company, American Education Defenders, Inc., takes its inspiration from Paul’s 2018 book, Inspiration For Teens, a book filled with life lessons and true stories from American history.The content can also be found onvideoandaudioas part of a homeschool curriculum called,America’s 52 Stories.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.americaneducationdefenders.com
  • Book:Inspiration For Teens, Why You're Already A Leader by Paul Hemphill
Most Influential Person
  • An inspirational college professor
Effect On Emotions
  • I would say it has a lot to do with perspective and goals. In other words, how do you view what you do with your life, and how do you motivate yourself to do what you do?
  • I know at this point in my life, I get up virtually every morning and say, man, I got work to do, I've got I've got a country to save. And I'm going to do it my way and in a way that really works. I gain much of my inspiration from the past.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • Yeah, I have some thoughts on breathing. In fact, I go to the local YMCA every morning at 5:30 and do my exercises And I walk 4 miles a day.
  • But these these particular exercises are so vital. I find myself much more energized when I do that, and so it's just a habit that you need to stay with.
Bullying Story
  • There was a guy from Wisconsin. He was a doctor. And during the Battle of Gettysburg he was taking care of the Union wounded. He realized that Confederate snipers were shooting and killing his patients. Well, he got so upset that he ran outside this church building, raised his fist and said, I want you to shoot at the healthy ones.
  • And they took him seriously, and not another patient was hit or shot again.
Suggested Resources
  • Book:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopleby Stephen R. Covey
  • App: n/a
Related Episodes
  • Freed From Stuck; Susie Hayes

  • Your Inner Zelensky; Jessie Kanzer

  • See Into Your Mind With Timothy Carroll

Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach and hypnotist helping fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Finding Your True Self; Marc Max Pollock

39m · Published 22 Feb 08:00

Marc Max Pollock will help you to find your true self. He is qualified to do this because his life story is an extraordinary example of overcoming adversity. Having grown up experiencing poverty, abuse, and homelessness, Marc made it his mission to harness the power of the universe to change his reality from a life of hopelessness to a life of abundance. Marc’s calling is to share his transformational secrets to help you heal and live your best, abundant life. Marc is an entrepreneur, author, visionary, spiritual adventurer, energy practitioner, and Reiki Master.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.marcmaxpollock.com
  • Book:Curious Avatar: Exploring Reality, Spiritual Energy, Personal Transformation, and the Meaning of Lifeby Marc Max Pollock
Most Influential Person
  • Ross Hofstadter, Trainer
Effect On Emotions
  • Mindfulness has transformed how I deal with my emotions in every way. Before, I was just reacting. It was just total reaction. It was self-destructive, and it was violent. I didn't understand why I was doing anything I was doing.
  • I think a lot of people wander through life that way. They're behaving. They have no idea why they're behaving the way they're behaving. Why am I doing, what I'm doing?
Thoughts On Breathing
  • Yes, you know eastern religion really focuses a lot on breath. I think there's a reason for that because breath is life, right? I mean, you know, it symbolically represents life and it physically represents life.
  • So when we focus on our breath, and I'm not a meditation expert, it gives my mind a chance to just clearly focus on an activity, and then I can sink into my consciousness.
Bullying Story
  • Growing up, I was just a really tortured kid. I was a misfit, and there was a lot of bullying. I was never taught the tools of mindfulness or how to understand my emotions or what I was feeling.
  • As a matter of fact, you know I grew up in the South United States, and a lot of it was just the opposite. It was about denying your feelings. It was about hiding suppression, and now I know how damaging that is. But had I had those tools going up, it would have made a huge difference.
Suggested Resources
  • Book:The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within by Osho
  • Book:Curious Avatar: Exploring Reality, Spiritual Energy, Personal Transformation, and the Meaning of Lifeby Marc Max Pollock
  • App: Facetime (so we can see each other and connect more)
Related Episodes
  • From Mindset To Miracles; Rahul Karan Sharma

  • The Mindset of an Oracle With Lia Dunlap

  • Ask Deep Questions To Connect; Jan Keck

Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist helping fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and move forward with confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Meditation and Mindfulness; Dean Graves

38m · Published 19 Feb 08:00

Dean Graves has been sharing his meditation and mindfulness knowledge for over two decades. Along with being an author and podcaster, he is also amental health counselorand spiritual guide. Dean is passionate about philosophy, psychology, and exploring the human conditionto help others find inner peace. He has written books,conducted workshops,and created seminars that have helped people worldwide.Dean's writings are centered around self-empowerment and awareness, with the aim of enabling individuals to realize their true potential and attain a higher level of consciousness. He strongly believes that we are at the cusp of a new era of enlightenment, and he is committed to assisting others in recognizing and harnessing their abilities.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:ddeangraves.org
  • Book:The Identity Model; Understanding and healing mankind's stress and sufferingby Dean Graves
  • Podcast:Chatting with the Arcturians
  • Podcast:Simple Enlightenment
Most Influential Person
  • The Buddha
Effect On Emotions
  • Mindfulness has helped me to be much less reactive. I experience stress from two sources and both of those are my children. It's tough to break that mental bond with your children. I really don't experience stress beyond that.
Thoughts On Breathing
  • Breathing is helpful as a transition tool into a mindfulness state or controlling your breathing tool. But understand what you're doing by breathing is you're bringing that awareness that is flopping around outside of you back inside. So it's one of many methods that you can use in order to invert that awareness back inside of you.
  • Learning to keep that awareness inside of you, when you're in heavy traffic or something of that nature, you can let more of the awareness outside to deal with the circumstances that you're in.
  • But when you're out of that, you want to remember to bring that awareness back inside and so the more you can keep your awareness inside the more consistently you will experience mindfulness.
Bullying Story
  • Mindfulness would always make a difference in everybody's life regardless of what the circumstances are. The nature of service to self, In order to be successful in their path, they have to learn to dominate and subjugate others.
  • Their objective is to extract from us our life force energy. It's called intelligent energy and we all have is the same amount of intelligent energy available to us. But as they polarize more service to self then they surrender the access, their connection, to the source of that intelligent Infinity.
  • So they have to substitute that. And the only place that they can substitute that is from other people that are in the range of consciousness that we are in. And so they employ domination and subjugation in order to control people.
  • And we're seeing in societies around the world, this emerging influence of the service to self attempting to dominate and subjugate others in order to maintain the energy flow that they have already become accustomed to because of our acquiescence over a long period of time.
Suggested Resources
  • Book:The Identity Model; Understanding and healing mankind's stress and sufferingby Dean Graves
  • Book:Edifying Children of a Lesser God by Dean Graves
  • Book:The Enigma of Consciousness by Dean Graves(Available to preorder)
  • App: n/a
Related Episodes
  • What Is Consciousness; Tom Campbell (Part 1)

  • Living Consciously; Brian Berneman

  • Beyond Fitness to Conscious Evolution With Mariko Hirakawa

Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist helping fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life

From Bonham To Buddha; Clementine Moss

45m · Published 15 Feb 08:00

Clementine Moss is a rock drummer and author of the book From Bonham to Buddha and Back. She is also a spiritual counselor and anondenominational Minister at The Foundation for the Sacred Stream. Using the modalities ofDepth Hypnosis, Applied Shamanism, Energy Medicine, Sound Healing, and Morphic Awakeningtechniques,Clem has an active healing practice.She is certified inContemplative Psychotherapy and Conflict Resolution.AVipassana meditatorfor over thirty years, her study and personal practice spans many traditions. Clem lives in San Francisco with music manager and musician Tim Moss andHenry the Pug.Her writing has appeared in Modern Drummer Magazine, Memoir Magazine, and other online publications.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes/Stitcher/Podbean/Overcast/Spotify Contact Info
  • Website:www.clemthegreat.com
  • Book:From Bonham To Buddha and Back: The Slow Enlightenment of The Hard Rock Drummer by Clementine Moss
Most Influential Person
  • S. N. Guenka(Meditation Teacher)
Effect On Emotions
  • I have that observer within me that watches things rising and falling out falling now for a while. For many years in my life, I thought that mindfulness was so that we didn't have to feel our emotions anymore. We didn't have to be in that, I realized, is an ignorance within us. We're supposed to feel fully. But if I feel sorrow fully, but I don't say I am a sad person. It's two different things. Do I identify with the emotions? Or do I allow myself to feel it fully?
Thoughts On Breathing
  • Breathing is the great gift. The deep breath, the holding of the breath, the holding the bottom of the breath; all of those are wonderful techniques for us to turn on our parasympathetic nervous system to quiet the mind to let the body know it's safe.
  • So the thoughts of fear that are constantly rising from our physicality, quiet down, and we can access that awareness underneath all the thoughts.
Bullying Story
  • I was bullied in junior high school, I grew very quickly. I was five feet eight inches tall in junior high school. And I was the tallest student and was taller than some of my teachers. I was gawky and had goofy hair. So I came from an elementary school where I was the president of the Student Council was kind of this celebrated person.
  • And then I got into junior high school and got bullied by other girls. It was very painful and a big shock to me that people were cruel that way. And I retreated into myself and so, you know, that stays with you. It's fear, right? Fear of judgment. I think around that time that internal negative voice became a megaphone within me. And it's been something I've fought and tried to understand through my whole life.
  • Now, do I see a benefit of that experience? Quite a bit. It drove me to understanding myself in psychology and spiritual practice.
  • When you can feel another's pain, you can't bully them. And, and when you're bullied, you can see I can look at those girls, and I can see what they were afraid of. I can see where it was coming from. it. It opens empathy. It's only compassion that problems would solve.
Suggested Resources
  • Books: Anything by Alan Watts and Robert Thurman
  • Book:Bhagavad Gita As It Is by A. C. Bhaktivedanta
  • App:Audible– Lectures by Alan Watts
  • App:Bob Thurman Podcast – Buddhas Have More Fun
Related Episodes
  • Music and Creativity; Vinnie Stergin

  • Music for Mindfulness; Dave Combs

  • Unshakable Trauma Survival; Wen Peetes

Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist helping fast-track people just like you to shed their inner bully and move forward with confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at [email protected] ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.

Mindfulness Mode has 977 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 583:54:56. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 17:45.

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