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Podcast Gym

by Andy Wang

Starting a podcast is easy. Making a successful podcast is hard. Listen to Podcast Gym for bite-sized, big impact ideas to better create, promote, and monetize a podcast. Join our community of podcasters focused on collaboration, growth, and success!

Copyright: Copyright 2020 Podcast Gym


Why Podcasting Isn't Dying: A Resilient Medium Thriving Against All Odds

5m · Published 15 May 10:00

Recent headlines have been quick to proclaim the demise of podcasting, citing layoffs at major platforms like Spotify and Public Radio. Yet, amidst the tumult, there lies a different narrative – one of resilience and growth. Contrary to naysayers, podcasting is not dying; it’s evolving, adapting, and flourishing in unexpected ways. In this post, we’ll explore why podcasting remains a vibrant medium, despite challenges, and discuss strategies for monetization and success.


While it’s true that some major players in the podcasting industry have faced setbacks, independent podcasts have continued to thrive. These grassroots creators epitomize the essence of podcasting – a platform where anyone with a microphone and a story can find an audience. Unlike traditional media, where gatekeepers control access, podcasting offers a level playing field for creators of all backgrounds and interests.

Independent podcasts often have loyal and engaged audiences, built through authenticity, niche content, and community engagement. Unlike corporate giants, these creators are nimble, able to pivot quickly in response to audience feedback, and can produce content with little to no budget. Moreover, they’re not beholden to shareholders or advertisers, allowing them to maintain creative control and pursue their passions without compromise.


According to the Infinite Dial 2024 report by Edison Research, the podcast landscape is witnessing significant shifts, with nearly 100 million Americans engaging with podcasts weekly. Despite concerns over a decline in downloads due to alterations in Apple iOS 17, indicating a drop in figures for major podcasts like This American Life, Edison’s survey-based findings present a more nuanced perspective. Contrary to download metrics, Edison’s data reveals a positive trend, with 47 percent of Americans aged 12 and above tuning into podcasts monthly, marking a five-point increase from the previous year, the largest jump since 2019. Moreover, weekly listeners have increased from 31 to 34 percent, estimating around 98 million individuals. By relying on survey data rather than raw downloads, Edison’s report offers insight into the evolving podcast landscape, underscoring its integration into mainstream media consumption habits. Additionally, the report touches on various other trends such as social media usage, smart speaker ownership, and audiobook consumption, providing a comprehensive view of the evolving media landscape.


For those looking to monetize their podcasts, there are numerous avenues to explore:

  1. Advertising and Sponsorships: While recent layoffs at major platforms might suggest a slowdown in advertising revenue, independent podcasters are still attracting sponsors. By cultivating a dedicated audience and producing high-quality content, podcasters can command competitive advertising rates or secure sponsorship deals with brands aligned with their niche.
  2. Crowdfunding and Patronage: Platforms like Patreon have empowered podcasters to monetize directly from their audience. By offering exclusive content, merchandise, or behind-the-scenes access, creators can incentivize listeners to support them financially. This model not only provides a steady stream of income but also fosters a deeper connection with fans.
  3. Merchandise Sales: From t-shirts to mugs to stickers, merchandise sales offer another revenue stream for podcasters. By leveraging their brand and creating unique, appealing products, creators can turn their listeners into loyal customers while generating supplementary income.
  4. Live Events and Ticket Sales:...

Unconventional Podcasting Wisdom to Break the Mold for Success

4m · Published 15 Mar 12:30

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

– Coco Chanel

You’re a podcaster. You love creating your show. But sometimes marketing and promotion to stand out can feel like an insurmountable challenge. With so many podcasts (YouTube videos, television shows, radio stations, books, and blogs) vying for an audience’s attention, how can you make sure your podcast doesn’t get lost in the noise?

While traditional advice like “know your audience” and “invest in quality equipment” are important, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about unconventional approaches to help you make a mark.

Here are some out-of-the-box tips for podcasters looking to break the mold and find success in this competitive landscape:


Perfectionism can be the enemy of progress, especially in the world of podcasting. Instead of agonizing over every “um” and “uh,” embrace the raw and authentic nature of your content. Some of the most beloved podcasts are praised precisely because they feel like intimate conversations rather than scripted performances. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through, flaws and all.


Who says a podcast has to follow a strict interview or storytelling format? Get creative and experiment with different structures and styles. Maybe you want to incorporate elements of improv comedy, or perhaps you’re interested in creating an audio collage of soundscapes and music. The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what a podcast can be.

Six months ago, I transformed the Inspired Money podcast from a conventional pre-recorded one-on-one interview show to a livestream with three or four guest panelists. It’s been fun, challenging, and refreshing. I like to say having four guests is like a normal podcast on steroids. Embrace experimentation.


In a crowded market, finding your niche is crucial. But why stop there? Instead of simply focusing on a broad topic like “true crime” or “self-improvement,” dig deeper to carve out a niche within that niche. Maybe you’re passionate about true crime stories with a supernatural twist, or perhaps you have a unique perspective on mindfulness and meditation. By honing in on a specific angle or theme, you can attract a dedicated audience who shares your interests.


Instead of viewing other podcasters as competitors, see them as potential collaborators. Reach out to fellow creators in your niche and explore opportunities for cross-promotion, guest appearances, or even co-hosted episodes. Not only does this expand your reach and introduce your show to new audiences, but it also fosters a sense of community within the podcasting world.


It’s easy to get caught up in metrics like download numbers and subscriber counts, but true success in podcasting goes beyond mere statistics. Instead of fixating on quantity, prioritize quality engagement with your audience. Respond to listener feedback, foster meaningful conversations on social media, and create opportunities for your audience to participate in the content creation process. Building a loyal and engaged community around your podcast is far more valuable than chasing fleeting metrics.


Finally, remember that flexibility is key for any creator. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to pivot and try something new. Your podcasting journey is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s okay to course-correct along the way.

In a world where...

Boost Your Podcast's Reach by Repurposing Content on TikTok, IG, and YouTube

6m · Published 10 Jan 12:00

In the vast landscape of digital content creation, podcasters are constantly seeking innovative ways to expand their reach and engage with new audiences. One strategy that has gained significant traction is repurposing podcast content into short form videos for platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok. While this effort may not immediately increase podcast downloads, there are numerous benefits to this approach that can elevate awareness and take your podcast to new heights.

  1. Broader Audience Engagement: Creating short form videos allows you to tap into different demographics and preferences. Some people prefer quick and visually engaging content over longer audio formats, so repurposing your podcast into bite-sized videos can attract a broader audience base.
  2. Increased Social Media Visibility: Social media algorithms favor video content, and platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok actively promote short form videos. By sharing your podcast highlights or interesting snippets on these platforms, you can leverage their algorithms to increase visibility and reach a larger audience.
  3. Viral Potential: Consistently publishing short form videos increases the chances of hitting content that resonates with a wider audience and goes viral. A single viral video can bring an influx of attention to your podcast, leading to increased brand recognition and potential listeners.
  4. Showcasing Personality and Expertise: Short form videos provide an excellent opportunity to showcase the personality behind the podcast and highlight your expertise on specific topics. This personal touch can create a stronger connection with your audience, making them more likely to explore and subscribe to your podcast for more in-depth content.
  5. Cross-Promotion Opportunities: Repurposing content for different platforms opens up opportunities for cross-promotion. You can encourage your podcast audience to follow you on social media for exclusive clips and updates, and vice versa. This interconnected approach helps in building a community around your podcast.


Growing a podcast’s downloads can feel like an uphill battle, given the fierce competition for attention. The power of short form videos lies in their potential to break through the noise. Virality is unpredictable, but by consistently sharing engaging snippets, you increase the likelihood of capturing the attention of a wider audience. Even if not every video goes viral, the cumulative effect can significantly elevate your podcast’s overall visibility and attract new listeners.

Over 90 days, I’ve posted a couple dozen short form videos on social media. Please don’t laugh at my modest follower counts!

In my experience, I’ve found that views are highly unpredictable. There’s no way to predict which video will perform best on each platform. The same video will do well on TikTok and not do anything on IG. The next video will do well on YouTube but not TikTok.

Cumulatively, the views add up.

TikTok 10,632

Instagram Reels 9,712

YouTube Shorts. 5,269


I recently discovered Opus Clip an AI tool that makes creating shorts that saves me a lot of time!

Here’s how it works.

Drop a YouTube link (or Rumble link, Zoom link, Google Drive link, or select a file MP4, MOV, WEBM)

It previously took me 30-60 minutes to create 1-3...

How to Promote a Podcast and Gain More Listeners

5m · Published 29 Nov 11:00


Launching a podcast is just the beginning of your journey. The real challenge lies in promoting it effectively to gain more listeners. In this article, we’ll explore fresh and unconventional tactics that go beyond the basics. Let’s delve into strategies that not only enhance the quality of your content but also help you define and engage with your ideal audience, collaborate uniquely, and experiment effectively on social media.

1. Elevate Your Content Quality and Positioning

The foundation of any successful podcast lies in its content. Strive for excellence in every episode. Understand your podcast positioning – what makes your show unique? Can it stand out in the crowded podcast landscape? Your content should resonate with your target audience, offering them something they can’t find elsewhere. Invest time in research, scriptwriting, and production to deliver the best possible show.

2. Define Your Ideal Listener and Go Where They Are

Clearly define your ideal listener – understand their demographics, interests, and behaviors. Once you’ve painted a vivid picture of your audience, find out where they hang out. Be creative in your marketing efforts. Rather than waiting for listeners to find you, proactively go to them. Attend relevant events, participate in forums, and explore niche communities both online and offline. Engage in conversations and share your podcast where your ideal audience is most active.

3. Seek Out Unique Collaborations

Collaborations are a powerful way to expand your podcast’s reach. However, don’t settle for the conventional. Actively seek out collaborations that align with your ideal listener. This could involve partnering with influencers, experts, or other podcasters in your niche. Think beyond guest interviews – consider co-hosting episodes, participating in joint projects, or even organizing cross-promotional events. The key is to bring value to both your audience and your collaborator’s audience.

4. Social Media Experimentation

Social media is a dynamic tool for podcast promotion. Instead of sticking to a single format, experiment with various content types. Post clips, images, and text updates. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, promote upcoming episodes, and tell compelling stories. Leverage different platforms and study your analytics to understand what resonates with your audience. Then, double down on the content that garners the most engagement.

5. Leverage User-Generated Content

Encourage your listeners to create and share content related to your podcast. This could include fan art, memes, or even short videos expressing their thoughts about your episodes. Not only does this foster a sense of community, but it also provides you with a stream of authentic content that you can repost and share. User-generated content serves as social proof and can attract new listeners who relate to the enthusiasm of your existing audience.

6. Implement Gamification Strategies

Engage your audience with gamification elements. Create challenges, quizzes, or contests related to your podcast content. Encourage listeners to participate and share their experiences on social media. Offer exclusive rewards, shoutouts, or even special episodes for those who actively contribute. Gamification not only boosts interaction but also adds a layer of fun and excitement to your podcast community.

7. Host Exciting Giveaways

Implementing giveaways can be a game-changer for your podcast promotion. For example, if you interview an author, consider doing a book giveaway with your listeners. Use platforms like KingSumo to structure the giveaway, encouraging social shares, new subscribers, and reviews. Giveaways not only incentivize engagement but also create buzz around your...

Overcoming Discouragement in Podcasting and Finding Your Voice

5m · Published 02 Nov 18:00

Creating a podcast can be exciting. It allows you to share your unique perspective, stories, and expertise with the world. However, like any creative pursuit, the journey isn’t always smooth, and you may encounter moments of discouragement along the way. In this article, I want to share common reasons for feeling discouraged about publishing your podcast and offer thoughtful solutions to help you overcome these challenges and stay inspired.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

One of the primary sources of discouragement for podcasters is the fear of not measuring up to established shows or industry standards. Remember, your voice and perspective are unique, and that’s your superpower. Don’t hide it, unless you wear colorful tights under your clothes and want to be a super hero. Embrace what sets you apart, and realize that authenticity is a precious commodity in podcasting. Your authenticity can connect with an audience that craves something different, genuine, and relatable.

Solution: Take time to understand your niche and your podcast’s unique selling points. Once you embrace your uniqueness, you’ll find the confidence to continue your podcasting journey.

Manage Expectations

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game, comparing download statistics and reviews to those of more established podcasts. While it’s essential to have goals and aspirations, unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment.

Solution: Focus on setting achievable milestones and celebrate the small victories. Be patient with your growth and understand that building an audience takes time. Remember that even the most popular podcasts started small.

Seek Community and Support

Podcasting can sometimes feel like a solitary pursuit, leading to feelings of isolation and discouragement. You may question whether anyone is listening or if your efforts are worthwhile.

Solution: Engage with the podcasting community, both online and offline. Join social media groups, forums, and local podcasting events. Attend industry conferences like Podcast Movement and Podfest. Interacting with fellow podcasters can provide encouragement, networking opportunities, and a sense of belonging. Sharing your struggles and experiences can lead to valuable insights and support.

Reframe Failure as Learning

Failure and setbacks are a natural part of any creative journey, including podcasting. Instead of seeing these moments as discouraging, consider them valuable opportunities for growth.

Solution: Reframe your perspective on failure. Every mistake, poor episode, or negative review can be a stepping stone to improvement. Learn from your missteps and use them to refine your content and skills.

Consistency and Patience

Creating a successful podcast often requires consistent effort over a long period. It’s not uncommon to feel discouraged when results don’t come as quickly as expected.

Solution: Stay committed and maintain a consistent release schedule. With time, your audience will grow, and your podcast will gain momentum. The longer you persevere, the more likely you are to achieve your goals.

Self-Care and Mental Wellbeing

Maintaining a podcast can be emotionally and mentally taxing, especially when you’re struggling with discouragement. Your passion can quickly turn into a source of stress if you’re not taking care of yourself.

Solution: Prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and your mental well-being. Give yourself breaks when needed and don’t be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if discouragement takes a toll on your mental health.

Keep Hitting Publish

Podcasting is a rewarding medium for self-expression and connection, but it’s not without its challenges. Feeling discouraged at times is natural, but it doesn’t have to define...

How to Grow Your Podcast in 2023

6m · Published 18 Oct 10:00

Hey there, fellow podcasters! We understand the hustle and heart that you pour into your shows. Growing downloads, being recognized for your dedication, and getting your voice heard are universal dreams of podcasters, just like sculpting that perfect beach body at the gym. But much like the gym, podcasting success doesn’t come overnight.

It’s about trying different exercises and consistently showing up for those reps. In this article, we’ll be your podcasting personal trainers, sharing ideas and tactics to help you achieve a successful and sustainable podcast show that not only grows but shines brightly in the podcasting universe. So, grab your metaphorical podcast dumbbells, and let’s start pumping up those listener numbers!


Podcasts are like storytelling adventures, and in 2023, storytelling is your secret weapon. Take inspiration from “The Moth” podcast, where real people share their stories. Make your episodes engaging, relatable, and filled with emotions. Share your own stories and encourage untold stories from your guests. It will make your podcast memorable!

Action Tip: Start your episodes with an exciting hook, like an intriguing question or a funny anecdote, to grab your listeners’ attention.


Just like “The Fantasy Footballers,” who found success by diving deep into one niche, choose a specific topic for your podcast. It’s easier to stand out in a small pond than a vast ocean. Your unique angle will attract like-minded listeners.

Starting narrow not only helps you stand out in the crowded podcast arena but also allows you to build a dedicated audience; and as your podcast grows, you can gradually expand your topics while retaining your core listeners.

Action Tip: Explore subtopics within your niche to discover fresh ideas for episodes.


Imagine your podcast artwork as a superhero costume. It should be bold, eye-catching, and give listeners a taste of what your podcast is about. Look at “The Science Vs” podcast for inspiration; their cover art reflects their investigative spirit.

In addition to having a fantastic cover art for your show, consider creating unique episode-specific artwork that resonates with the content. This extra effort not only enhances your branding but also encourages your guests to share these personalized visuals on their social media, spreading the word about your podcast.

Action Tip: Make sure your artwork looks great even when it’s tiny. Test it on a small screen to ensure it’s still captivating.


Become a social media superhero! Share sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes, and funny anecdotes from your podcast. Be like “My Dad Wrote A Porno” – they engage their audience on social media by asking questions and responding to comments.

To master the art of podcast promotion on social media, think beyond the routine episode links. Get creative, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, ask questions, and foster an engaging online community. Since podcasting primarily operates as a one-way communication from creator to listener, leverage social media to open up channels for feedback and two-way communication with your audience, creating a stronger and more interactive podcasting community.

Action Tip: Use popular hashtags related to your podcast’s topic to reach a broader audience on social

Transform Your Podcast with 3% Risks

5m · Published 14 Sep 12:30

In a world full of great podcasts, it’s increasingly challenging to stand out and capture the attention of your target audience. But here’s the good news: you don’t need to reinvent the wheel to make your mark in the podcasting universe. Instead, you can take calculated risks, as small as 3%, to position your show differently, breathe new life into your content, and create a unique podcasting experience that keeps your listeners coming back for more.


Before you embark on your podcasting journey, it’s essential to have a deep understanding of your chosen topic. I’m not talking about an expertise of your subject matter; but rather, you must study the competitive landscape. Dive deep into the niche you’re passionate about and identify the gaps in existing content. What are the questions that haven’t been answered? What perspectives haven’t been explored? Your goal is to find your unique angle within your niche.


Successful podcasts offer valuable lessons in positioning and engaging content. Take the time to analyze them. What makes them tick? Is it their format, storytelling, or the way they connect with their audience? This is where you’ll discover patterns you can use as inspiration for your unique approach.


Now, let’s talk about the magic number: 3%. The idea here is to take calculated risks that deviate from the norm by just 3%. This small shift can make a world of difference and set you apart from the crowd.

Here’s how to apply it:

  1. Revamp Your Format

  • If interview-style podcasts dominate your niche, consider incorporating storytelling elements.
  • Swap long episodes for shorter, more digestible content, or vice versa.
  • Experiment with different episode structures, such as debates, roundtables, or live recordings.

  1. Find a Unique Perspective

  • Challenge conventional wisdom within your niche.
  • Bring in guest experts from unrelated fields to offer fresh insights.
  • Share your personal experiences and anecdotes related to the topic.

  1. Engage with Your Audience

  • Encourage listener participation through Q&A sessions, polls, or listener-submitted content.
  • Create a community around your podcast through social media or a dedicated forum.
  • Actively respond to listener feedback and suggestions.


Five weeks ago, I made significant changes to my one-on-one interview, personal finance podcast. In publishing Inspired Money weekly for six years, I always focused on good audio quality, improving my interviewing skills, and landing great guests. In that time, I realized steady organic growth, but it was hard to break out of the very crowded one-on-one interview podcast space. It was time for a makeover, and I wanted to try something bold.

To apply the 3% rule, I decided to:

  • Revamp The Format: Instead of traditional interviews where the guest drives the topic, my team decided to map out one hundred episodes that includes everything from budgeting to philanthropy, from luxury watches to wine collecting, from side hustles to retirement. With the topics decided ahead of time, I can strategically reach out and book a panel of three experts per episode and moderate a thoughtful conversation.
  • Find a Unique Perspective: With a panel of guests, there’s room to challenge the status quo by highlighting not only success stories but also stories of failure and the valuable lessons learned from them. For example, in an episode on Financial Freedom, we took a critical look at Early Retirement. Spoiler alert: many young, early retirees are not happy after leaving the rat...

How to Create a Fully Staffed Podcast Team with ChatGPT

7m · Published 28 Jun 10:15

For independent podcasters, juggling multiple roles and responsibilities can be a daunting task. You not only have to host engaging episodes but also take on the roles of a researcher, producer, and marketer. However, with the help of advanced language models like ChatGPT, you now have the opportunity to access a powerful tool that can help you perform like a fully staffed podcast team. Let’s explore how ChatGPT can empower solo podcasters, providing research assistance, production support, and marketing insights to elevate the quality and reach of your podcast episodes.


Researching topics and gathering relevant information is a time-consuming aspect of podcast production. ChatGPT can serve as your virtual research assistant, helping you gather data, explore different angles, and uncover valuable insights. Engage in a conversation with ChatGPT to discuss your research needs, ask open-ended questions, and seek guidance on credible sources and data points. The model can assist in streamlining your research process, allowing you to focus more on content creation.

Sample prompts:

  1. “Can you help me find recent statistics on [topic] to include in my upcoming episode?”
  2. “What are some reputable sources or studies that discuss [specific aspect] related to [topic]?”
  3. “I’m exploring [subtopic] for an episode. Can you provide me with a brief overview and key points to consider?”
  4. “What are some unique angles or lesser-known facts about [topic] that I can incorporate into my podcast episode?”
  5. “I need some expert quotes or opinions on [topic]. Can you suggest any renowned individuals or sources I can look into?”

Remember, these prompts can be tailored based on your specific podcast’s theme and the information you are seeking. Be sure to always fact-check the results. Engaging in a conversation with ChatGPT using these prompts will help you access valuable research assistance to enhance your podcast episodes.


Producing a podcast involves various tasks, such as editing audio, adding music or sound effects, and structuring episodes effectively. ChatGPT can lend a hand in these production aspects, offering suggestions and tips to enhance the overall quality of your episodes. Seek the model’s advice on audio editing techniques, episode structure, and engaging storytelling methods. It can provide insights on pacing, transitions, and creating captivating intros and outros that keep your listeners hooked.

Sample prompts:

  1. “What are some effective techniques for editing podcast audio to enhance its quality and clarity?”
  2. “Can you suggest royalty-free music or sound effects that would fit well with the tone of my podcast?”
  3. “I’m structuring my episode around a specific theme. How can I create a compelling narrative flow that keeps listeners engaged?”
  4. “What are some creative ways to incorporate storytelling elements into my podcast episodes?”
  5. “Can you provide tips on creating attention-grabbing intros and outros for my podcast episodes?”

Engaging ChatGPT with these prompts will help you receive valuable suggestions and ideas to improve the production quality and overall listening experience of your podcast episodes.


Effective marketing is crucial for expanding your podcast’s reach and attracting a larger audience. ChatGPT can help you develop a marketing strategy tailored to your podcast’s niche and target audience. Engage in a conversation with the model to explore different marketing channels, content promotion ideas, and audience engagement tactics. It can provide insights on social media strategies, guest collaborations, and leveraging email newsletters or other platforms to amplify your podcast’s visibility.


Making Space to Create

4m · Published 28 Jun 10:10

Don’t just be a podcaster. Dream bigger and be a creator. The act of producing original audio content requires coming up with episode ideas, writing scripts, recording, and editing, and promoting to build an audience.

Similar to other types of creators, such as writers, artists, and filmmakers, you use your creativity to create something out of nothing that entertains, educates, or informs your audience. As you improve your craft, you’re likely to develop a unique voice and perspective, and specialize in a particular topic or genre. You’re also developing technical skills that include editing, audio engineering, and rendering.

In my experience, one challenge that all podcasters face is the constant hamster wheel of production. There is little time to promote your last episode because you’re probably already working on the next one. In a world where consistency promises growth and success, it can be challenging to find moments of stillness and quiet. But research shows that making space for ourselves, scheduling quiet time, and taking regular walks can increase creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. Let’s explore the importance of each of these practices and how they can help boost creativity.


Making space is about creating physical and mental space for ourselves. It’s about decluttering our physical surroundings, getting rid of anything that no longer serves us, and creating a calm, clutter-free environment. It’s also about creating mental space by taking breaks from technology, work, and social media. Breaks allow our minds to rest and recharge.

Making space is essential for creativity because it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and come up with fresh ideas. When our environment is cluttered, our minds become cluttered too. We’re more likely to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and distracted. But when we create a calm and peaceful environment, our minds can relax. We can access our creativity more easily.


Scheduling quiet time is about intentionally setting aside time for ourselves to be alone with our thoughts. In today’s hustle culture, it can be very uncomfortable to sit alone without a smartphone or device. We must disconnect from the noise and distractions of the world and allow ourselves to reflect, meditate, or simply be still.

Quiet time is essential for creativity because it allows us to tap into our inner world and access our intuition. When we’re constantly bombarded with external stimuli, it can be challenging to hear our own thoughts and ideas. But when we intentionally create quiet time for ourselves, we can tune out the noise and connect with our own inner wisdom.


Taking regular walks is about getting outside, moving our bodies, and connecting with nature. It’s about taking a break from our screens and our busy lives. Allow yourself to be present in the moment.

Regular walks are essential for creativity because they allow us to clear our minds and access new ideas. When we’re stuck in the same environment, doing the same things every day, our minds can become stagnant. But when we get outside, breathe fresh air, and move our bodies, we stimulate our brains and create space for new ideas to emerge.

It’s counterintuitive to say, “I need to go take a walk to make my podcast better.” But don’t mock it until you’ve tried it. Making space, scheduling quiet time, and taking regular walks are essential practices for boosting creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. By intentionally creating calm and peaceful environments, disconnecting from external stimuli, and getting outside, we can access our inner wisdom and tap into our creativity more easily.

So, the next time your podcast feels stuck or uninspired, try incorporating one of these practices into your daily routine. Ignite your creativity for a great podcast episode.

5 Things More Important Than Consistency

4m · Published 28 Jun 10:00

Consistency is often touted as the most important factor for successful podcasting. While having a regular schedule is important, there are other factors that are equally or even more important. Let’s be real. Things happen. If your podcast is not your full-time job, sometimes your next podcast episode might have to be delayed. That’s okay.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss five things that are more important than consistency when it comes to podcasting.

  1. Quality Content

The most critical aspect of any podcast is the content. Your podcast must offer something of value to your audience. This means having informative, engaging, and entertaining content that your listeners will want to come back to again and again. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most of us do not take enough risks with our podcasts. Once we’re in a groove, it’s easy to get comfortable. Try to push the envelope with every new episode but remember… the quality of your content will have a significant impact on the success of your podcast. Ensure that every episode is well-produced, well-researched, and well-executed. Never compromise on quality.

  1. Authenticity

Authenticity is crucial when it comes to podcasting. You cannot afford to take the connection and trust that you build with your listeners for granted. Your audience can tell when you’re not being genuine, so it’s important to be yourself and share your unique perspective. This means being honest about your opinions, experiences, and knowledge. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Your audience can tell.

  1. Great Host

If you are the face of your podcast, it’s essential to be engaging, interesting, and relatable. As a host, you should be passionate about your topic and able to connect with listeners. You should also be knowledgeable and able to guide the conversation. An engaging host can make a huge difference in the success of a podcast.

  1. Listen

Listening to and engaging with your audience is another crucial factor that can make or break a podcast. By listening to your audience, you will better understand their needs and preferences. This can help you tailor your content to meet their expectations and create a more engaging listening experience. Encourage feedback and respond to comments and questions from your listeners. This shows that you value their input and are committed to building a relationship with them.

  1. Marketing and Promotion

Even the best podcast cannot succeed without effective marketing and promotion. This means utilizing social media, email lists, and other forms of marketing to reach new listeners. It also means collaborating with other podcasters or influencers to expand your reach. Don’t be afraid to promote your podcast aggressively, as this is the only way to grow your audience.

In conclusion, while consistency is essential, it’s not the only factor that determines the success of your podcast. Quality content, authenticity, an engaging host, consistent quality, and effective marketing and promotion are equally important. By focusing on these factors, you can create a podcast that stands out and attracts a loyal following of listeners.


I really enjoyed this LinkedIn post from Rob Greenlee, Founder and CEO of Spoken Life Media. It seems the pendulum is swinging back in favor of the independent podcaster who can be a lean and mean showrunner.

It reads...

Podcasting is heading back to its roots now with the down economic environment - independent content creators and lower cost niche targeted content production is now the opportunity to grow a new show as big media content creation that has overspent on content is being reset.

Power shift to the independent creator again as big media companies...

Podcast Gym has 42 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 3:06:19. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 19th, 2024 03:12.

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