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by Jody McGrice

Welcome to Womanhood, The Podcast – a beautiful, casual conversational podcast exploring real, honest, and liberating conversations about womanhood. **Kinda like to a warm cup of tea and meandering conversations with girlfriends.

Copyright: Copyright 2023 Womanhood


An Exploration Of Women & Nature With Claire Baker

1h 0m · Published 08 Jun 11:00

Hello gorgeous lady,

This is episode 16 with Claire Baker.

This conversation is everything that I dreamt of when I imagined having conversations about our Womanhood. Over the years Claire and I have had many deep and beautiful chats – and what I know for certain is that there is something very special and unique about her. Claire has such an evident, and genuine care of our collective womanhood – and a way of deeply honouring women. I admire that about her so much.

Many years ago Claire Baker started talking about periods on the internet. And in my opinion lead the way in revolutionizing how we live and thrive as menstruating women. Claire’s teaching and friendship has been beautifully instrumental in reacquainting me with my own menstrual cycle and what it truly means to live as a forever changing, always evolving cyclic woman.

If as a collective we continue to look in all the places, we are told to fear as women – I know Claire will be there holding the torch and lovingly bringing our menstruation out into the light for our reclaiming – and for that I am so SO grateful.

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome the exquisite, Claire Baker to Womanhood.

An Identity Crisis & My Life Offline

15m · Published 26 May 04:26

Hi beautiful lady,

This is episode 15. A solo episode with Jody.

I have resisted doing solo episodes since the podcast’s inception, even after many requests - but here we finally are. What I have mostly known of a solo podcast episode is usually laced in some kind of teaching. An opportunity for me share my expertise and while with the right person I too gobble that up – the thing is – I don’t see myself as an expect.

And I have no desire to be.

Nothing fizzles out my creativity more than giving you ten steps to anything.

So, I am not a teacher.

Or an expert on anything, in particular really.

What I am is wise woman.

A creative woman.

A woman fully in her life.

I see the world through my own unique lens, and I often fumble in finding ways to express all that dwells and excites within me.

But alongside all of this - what I know I am – is a storyteller. I love using words to engulf you, transport you and allow you to immerse into an experience – one of my making – through my thoughts, and insights and stories.

I love the way stories make you feel less alone.

And the feeling of lingering on the edge of your seat as beautifully curated and posed words create worlds for another to momentarily exist within.

Storytelling is my art form.

It is the way - I teach.

Through my lived experience, my humanness and the parts of me that run as deep as the ocean.

So, to create a solo episode for you – it has to feel like art to me – different to what you may commonly know as a standard podcast. It is an opportunity, a moment to capture all that swells within me and to share it with you – poetically, thoughtfully, and perfectly curated in equal parts for you to feel, see and recognize yourself within my stories.

During the interviews on this show, you get the wild and in the moment Jody. The raucous laughing, on the fly thoughts and a beautifully unscripted version of me and my guests. I do not plan the chats, prep the guests or aim for any particular outcome – it is simply magic that exists only that moment.

But here in these solo episodes I am going to sit and take my time to share with you in a different way.

I am going to curate the mundane and the exquisite moments of my life into stories. An expression for the tentacles of life to take form within.

My hope is they will be beautiful, soothing, insightful and the perfect balm for your sweet soul.

So, shall we begin?


A few weeks back now I took a trip to Melbourne. Alone. And this is the story of what I discovered.

The Feminine Mother With Claire Obeid

1h 1m · Published 13 May 00:51

Hi beautiful woman,

This is episode fourteen with Claire Obeid.

Sharing this beautiful woman with you feels very special to me – in fact, I have had every intention of having Claire apart of the show right from the beginning – however, Claire is my personal mentor, my safe space to land, the woman who helps me navigate my big feelings, my cycles and seasons, my beliefs – my heart. She is a woman I have opened up too – wide, wide open. She has carried me with such grace and humility and perfect amount of sass over the past 12 months, she guides me to depths I wasn’t even sure I could go, she is real, honest and just really, really bloody likeable.

After each session with Claire, I cannot help but send a message saying – how absolutely ridiculously lucky I feel to have her in my life.

Now today, I feel ready to share her with you.

Claire has such a potent and relevant and deeply embodiment voice when it comes to motherhood – and our role as women within in. She isn’t afraid of the shadows, in fact she relishes in them knowing it is necessary and required on a way to good stuff.

This conversation is deep, spiritual and multi layered. And unlike any I have had here on the show. A sweet balm for mothers traversing the beautiful train of womanhood – along their children.


Claire Obeid is a Somatic Life Coach, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Emotional Freedom Alchemist.Claire is passionate about the journey of awakening and embodiment through body-centred energy medicine, consciousness practices, shadow work, cultivating emotional freedom, deep mind-body-soul healing and growth.Claire's playground is the subconscious mind, the soma (body), the breath, spirit, soul and the heart that resides within.She sees herself as a loving conduit and bridge for individuals to reach into and touch the very place within that needs attention and that is calling out for more.Just as a midwife holds space for and guides birthing women through one of the most powerful and soul-changing transitions, the dance Claire does within her private mentorship, group sessions and workshops is much the same. She is here to midwife your personal awakening; to hold space as a guide, illuminator, healer, cheerleader and sacred container,through your own mental, emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual growth.

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome my beautiful friend Claire Obeid to Womanhood.

Finding Your Personal Power With Anna Richards

46m · Published 05 May 03:10

Hi my love,

This is episode 13 with Anna Richards.

Anna was the first beautiful woman I reached out to for this new season as I knew her voice and her fire were needed as we continue to broaden the conversation of Womanhood. To use Anna's words, she roars. She stands big and loud and passionately for women – and humanity for that matter.

Her ability to advocate for the claiming of our power as woman has taught me so much over the past 12 months - as the world continues to shape shift, I continue to turn toward Anna for guidance and wisdom.

Her political insight, ability to inspire liberated action and stand for her truth over and over again is truly something else. Being in Anna's online vortex has certainly created such a deeper conviction within me - in my understanding of my human rights, how to successfully advocate for what I truly stand for and believe in or simply kicking my butt out of bed to get moving each day.

Anna is the kind of woman I look to with such admiration and deep gratitude for the way she chooses to remind women every single day of their power.

Starting her first online business at the age of 18, an online dating platform for 18 to 30 year olds, Anna got her first taste of the entrepreneurial spirit which hasn’t left her since.

Life then took a different turn when she got head hunted at age 21 into Federal Politics where she would spend the next 4 years of her life working for a Federal Member of Parliament, learning the in’s and out’s of the Australian Political landscape and the walls of our nations Federal Parliament house.

Anna’s passion for business proved too strong and at the age of 25 she found the Network Marketing model and in 5 short years, Anna earned her first million dollars in Network Marketing.

Anna is the host of her own podcast ‘Anything Goes’ and the creator of Self Love School where she teaches the principles of thinking, moving, speaking, earning, and self-caring like you love yourself.

Today she lives on the Gold Coast living her boldest, most unapologetic life imaginable.

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome Anna Richardson to Womanhood.

The Full Spectrum Woman with Meg O'Sullivan

44m · Published 27 Apr 17:00

Hi beautiful,

This is episode eleven with Meg O’Sullivan.

Meg would be best described as a woman beautifully willing to show you all of herself. A woman committed to allowing you to peak behind the curtain and the worn-out illusion of a women needing to appear to have it all together and instead you see this full, big and beautiful spectrum of her and her incredibly unique feminine nature.

Meg is a real vibe.

Her boldness and embodiment invite you into more pleasure, sexiness, messiness, realness and acceptance simply being in her presence.

I admire Meg’s generous heart in sharing herself so intimately particularly through the lens of social media all in the name of our collective liberation as women.

To me a reclamation of our womanhood feels synonymous with a claiming of our full spectrum – all the parts that make us up – all that make us whole. Today’s conversation is a beautiful opportunity and opening to feeling and being it all.

Meg O'Sullivan. Is a Pleasure, Relationship & Embodiment Coach.-

Helping ‘good girls’ own their WILD, reclaim their POWER & take up the space they’re here to inhabit.

Once a people-pleasing-straight-A-good-girl who went red in the face with any kind of conversation about sex or pleasure. Meg’s journey started with food, then yoga, then plant medicine and then – her sexuality. With nothing as transformative or life changing than a reclamation of her saucy, sex-ed up and sensual self.

Today Meg leads a life dripping in pleasure, sensuality, connection, play, love, intimacy, abundance & authenticity. Committed to supporting you to say ‘good bye’ to your ‘good girl’ & remember your WILD WOMAN.

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome Meg O’Sullivan to womanhood.

A Reclamation Of Your Nature with Brittany Eastman

53m · Published 21 Apr 02:22

Hi my love,

This is episode eleven with Brittany Eastman.

There is no better way to start a new season then with a conversation about free-thinking, originality and liberated living all through the unique lens of Brittany Eastman.

In my humble opinion Brit is one of the best things on the internet with her ability to just be herself – so exquisitely and so unapologetically. Her words are like medicine, her wisdom so aged and effortless and her fierce alignment to self honour and personal liberation palpable in everything she touches.

I believe to truly open up a conversation about our reclamation of womanhood it requires insight from women that doing it – day in, day out. In the mess, in mundane and the monumental. Women unafraid to be on the journey.

And there are few women that fly that flag like Brit does.

I ask my guests to provide a bio for me to prepare the opening intro – to which I received this. The most perfect, articulate and beautiful representation of the woman she is.

She writes:

As for a bio. Oooooph. That's a toughie for me - I don't normally provide bios or indulge in them too much.  Honestly, I'm not one for fancy descriptions of who I am and what I do, but I do consider myself a human first, then a mother and a maker.  I make and mother everything in my life with the same intentions - liberation and as little interference as possible.  This goes for my daughters, my relationships, my home, my health and my company.  I will admit, I do things in a fiery, sassy and a usually rebellious way and that suits me just fine.  So that's me - a sassy human, mother and maker.

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome Brittany Eastman to womanhood.

A love letter to the women of 2020

14m · Published 22 Dec 17:00

Hi beautiful,

This is episode 10 – A love letter to the women of 2020.

You made it.

The end of 2020 is upon us.

The chapter closing, the cycle ending and the new beckoning at our door now.

So, close it is almost palpable.

My love, you made it.

Sit back and close your eyes for our final episode of the year together.

A gift from me to you.

Q + A with Jody | Hosted By Sonia Bavistock

1h 2m · Published 15 Dec 17:00

Hello beautiful,

This is episode nine a Q&A with me.

Here we are our final interview of 2020. These past ten episode’s I have shared many of my own personal stories intertwined within the stories, teachings, and philosophies of the incredible women I have had the privilege of interviewing.

But you guyssssssss, have questions. There is more you want to know. So here we are a Q&A, I have gathered your questions that were submitted over on Instagram and complied them so we can continue to dive into the juicy chats together.

Now as you are well aware what I love about this podcast is its conversational style – its ability to just meander wherever it wants to go – its coffee and croissants with your girlfriend on your lounge room floor, right. So, I have invited a girlfriend over so we can do just that.

In this episode you will meet my dear friend, Sonia Bavistock. Sonia and I have spent the best part of this year joined the hip – we have created hugely successful courses together, hosted a retreat in the Adelaide Hills, cried, celebrated, danced, had all of the deep chats and shared many laugh till you cry kinda moments. She knows me very well – it felt only fitting I ask her to host this Q&A episode with me today.

So, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome my darling friend and today’s host, Sonia Bavistock to Womanhood.

In this episode we answer the below questions:

Question One: In the year that was 2020 what have been some of your highlight? And also, did you have any personal struggles?

Question Two: I’d love to hear about pleasure during pregnancy and after giving birth. How do you find each other again and keep falling in love with each other when everything has changed and you are suddenly a family?

Question Three: How do you know when is the right time to start trying for a family?

Question Four: I’d love to hear more of the journey YOU have been on with sexuality and sensuality, and especially how this has changed and evolved for you over your lifetime. I guess especially in partnership with your husband over the past ten years. Is this something you’ve always evolved and explored, or has it been especially since become parents? Or perhaps, have you made it more of a priority since becoming parents?

Question Five: What have been some of the standout moments in your life that have helped you become the beautiful, insightful and soulful women that you are. You know those “turning point moments” that change the trajectory of your life.

Question Six: Do you believe that pregnancy allowed you to take into a deeper source of creativity and if so, I’d love to hear more on how this experience was for you.

Question Seven: What has your experience of Body Image and Self Love been?

Question Eight: How do you juggle parenting with you and your husband both running your own business. Not so much the practicalities of it, more on how you both share and carry the emotional load.

Question Nine: What are you tips for taking high quality care of your nervous system?

Question Ten: As your visibility has increased do you always feel steady in this or do you feel exposed or too seen sometimes? Has your line between what you will allow to be visible stayed steadfast or has it shifted?

Question Eleven: I would love to hear you speak to identity, navigating and not losing your identity in motherhood – remaining you, Jody the woman and Jody the partner and lover as well as being Jody the mother.

Question Twelve: What are non-negotiables for you: in life, love, business, everything?

Creating Feminine Foundations in Business and in Life with Tracey Spencer

42m · Published 09 Dec 03:14

Hey honey,

This is episode eight with Tracey Spencer.

There are few women that have been so fiercely in my corner advocating for me and my dreams like Tracey Spencer has these past few years. Tracey is my business coach, my mentor and mostly, my friend. Today’s conversation is kinda like taking a sneak peek behind the veil into a live coaching session with Trace and I.

Tracey has been foundational in supporting me this year to take a very close look at all the moving parts of my life and business and question whether they are in my deepest alignment. She has allowed me full permission to let go of any should’s I was hanging onto within my business and encouraged a deeper more fulfilling intimate relationship with the unique and beautiful identity of my business.

Together we have explored the creative rhythm of feminine business, allowed my intuition and nervous system to be guidance system of business like never before and amplified so much more joy and ease and creative excitement back into my world.

I adore this woman. Full stop. I adore her fire but truthfully what I feel most with Trace is her genuine care. Her support nourishes me as a human being way beyond any business idea or strategy. Her belief in women in their dreams comes from the very centre of her – and her way of moving you into action and deep alignment is something to be seen.

I believe we all need women in our life that nourish us at a soul level and Tracey does that for me.

My hope is that this podcast does that for you too.

Oh, and just a heads up if you have little ears around – Trace isn’t afraid of a few F bombs. This episode is definitely fueled with fem fire, passion a little explicit language.

Tracey Spencer is an award-winning coach, creative business mentor, speaker, author and the founder of Lightworkers Academy. Through one-to-one mentoring, sistermind group coaching, online programs, live events, the Live Your Lightwork podcast, and her straight talking insta-stories, Tracey helps lightworkers cut the fluff and go big with their lightwork. Tracey teaches you how to overcome fear and generate a deeper connection with your higher self so you can fiercely trust your inner voice and take bold actions towards your dreams.

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome Tracey Spencer to Womanhood.


In this episode we chat about:

  • Honouring our soul calling and doing work that is nourishing and deeply fulfilling

  • Understanding what misalignment feels like and the signs to look out for

  • Following the breadcrumbs of your purpose

  • How know yourself deeply reveals so much of your purpose

  • Why is it important to trust that feeling within you even when it isn’t something that doesn’t make logical sense

  • How creation is who you are at a soul level and how creative energy is the most healing energy for yourself, your families, and your communities

  • How your purpose and alignment should feel joyful and easeful and your most natural state

  • How to stop borrowing the should’s from other people

  • Questioning all the pieces and parts of your life to come into deeper alignment with yourself

  • Trusting yourself enough to allow your life to start to change

  • An undoing of what you believe business should look like

  • The creative rhythm of feminine business

  • How your intuition and nervous system are the guidance system of your business

  • Why it is important to stop searching for the sugar highs in business

The Art Of Self Pleasure with Rosie Rees

36m · Published 27 Nov 03:08

Hey beautiful,This is episode seven with Rosie Rees.In this episode we chat about:- Exploring pleasure beyond surface level orgasm- How Rosie’s personal experience of pleasure has instructed her business evolution- How sexuality has been suppressed in our society and why Rosie chose to pioneer this for women- How the yoni egg was the catalyst to Rosie sexual awakening- The physical, emotional, and energetic effects of using a yoni egg and what that was like for Rosie- How the yoni egg creates more sensitivity within the yoni- Holding space for other women to explore pleasure and healing through the yoni- Bringing honour, sacredness and love to the body and why feeling it to heal it is so important- Riding between pleasure and pain and using breath, sound, and movement as a tool of release- The difference between soft trauma and hard trauma- Self-leading your own healing and pleasure practice to experience better sex and orgasms- The power of creating intimacy with yourself first and setting the standard of pleasure and intimacy you desire- Exploring self pleasure in the way you want to explore love making- Creating self love through self pleasure- Slowing everything down to truly feel yourself and turn on your sensuality- How vibrators can numb your pleasure- Opening up pleasure pathways in your mind- Why Rosie believes everyone can spirt and experience female ejaculation- The intimacy of communication and vulnerability and how they improve your sex life- Understanding female libido and desire- Rewriting the script on your self pleasure and sensual experience as a woman- Bringing more orgasmic energy to your lifeAfter ditching her vibrator in 2013, Rosie decided to create an online shop dedicated to slowing down self pleasure and prioritizing pelvic floor wellness. What started with a simple Jade Egg practice transformed into designing bespoke pleasure wands and de-amouring tools for women with differing pelvic needs and pleasure desires. As a modern day nudist, Rosie also believes that spending more time naked on the yoga mat creates a healthier body image and improves our beliefs and perceptions about our body.Rosie’s coaching sessions are transformational experiences bringing women in closer connection with their Yoni, which lead to more empowering sexual experiences with themselves and their partner. Rosie is the founder of Women's Nude Yoga and creator of Yoni Pleasure Palace, an online boutique selling high quality crystal sex toys. Her mission is to make every woman feel sexually empowered and confident in her body! She lives in sea-side city, Perth in Western Australia with her female partner, sassy three year old and Spoodle puppy, Harry! If you found today’s episode supportive, please subscribe on iTunes and share this episode on your social platform of choice. You will mostly find me hanging out over on Instagram and you can tag me there @jody_mcgrice.

One last thing please, please, please, please share this with the women in your life. And, if you are feeling exceptionally generous today you can leave me a review on iTunes so we can share these conversations with even more women. I am so excited to share with you the beautiful, Rosie Rees.

Womanhood has 16 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 11:33:52. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 2nd, 2024 19:11.

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