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GreenplanetFM Podcast

by Tim Lynch

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.

Copyright: Copyright GreenplanetFM


Phil Stevens: Imminent Global Economic Cashless Reset - Plan B for NZ & Alternative Currencies

1h 0m · Published 10 Sep 02:40

Are we also going to be a cashless society only, using digital currency that will all be tracked from all integrated banks to every person throughout NZ/Globally?

Phil opens up saying that had ‘we’ had the courage we would have had a reset back in 2008 when New York’s Wall St and City of London ‘Ponzi schemes’  started to fall apart - but the Federal Reserve cleverly manifested trillions of dollars to bail out the bankers instead of the ordinary people who needed it. Like 14 trillion dollars of liquidity kept them afloat. Which Phil states was the absolute wrong thing to do - we needed to have let them fail - clean up their messes and then given them strict new rules in which to operate under and to state that ‘you cannot continue to hang out pieces of paper and expect other people to buy them. That was the first mistake.

The 2nd mistake was thinking that the problem was solved. Because with all this financial liquidity injected into the market - a lot of Governments and central Banks thought ok -  that is a good job done and everyone went back to business as usual. However, it basically sent all the ‘problem gamblers back into the casino - with a new bankroll.

Now Phil says, we have got the same set of problems - overvalued asset markets - and too many promises to pay - on debts that can never be repaid. Which essentially has set up so many economies around the world to basically fall over at the slightest whiff on any headwind - and now we are in this headwind. COVID.

Like building up climate-related problems, COVID, plus countries in unrest and civil disorder in so many other countries that the financial system was not ready for this because it was already ‘running pretty much on fumes.’  So we are up against the same sort of reckoning of 2008 - but this time we do not have the luxury of having to pump limitless amounts of credit into these markets to get them to inflate again. So what are we going to do?

Phil says that there are a good number of players who are saying let’s get back to work and open up our economies etc   - get the money machines flowing and just leverage more things - sell more things and pretend this never happened (sounds familiar?)  All Phil can say to this - is good luck with that.

Because the reality is that people especially now during COVID are reflecting on the present situation and recognise that this is totally unsustainable and realise that we can not just keep on plundering resources and use the oceans and atmosphere for sinks for all of our waste products and not expect it to catch up with us. That there is now no going back - there is now a growing number of people who know that what we have been doing has to change - that we have passed through a one-way gate.

Does this reset mean we go cashless?

Cashless Digital Countries - who are going to go first? Sweden, Australia, Norway or Denmark?  Phil says that NZ is very close as we are a small country with a very well integrated banking system and that we have been practicing for some while having the first EFTpos card system on the planet - back in the 1990s we put this in place, and it was not that costly and it did not take very long to have it all mesh together with all banks using one EFTPOS machine all connected.

So NZ was the global guinea pig (like so many other technical test trials). Phil states that NZ is seen as being successful having a nationwide system that can essentially do away with cash using credit and Eftpos cards.

Phil then mentions that the New Zealand Reserve Bank a year ago sent out a survey form to ask what New Zealanders thought about cash.

With these questions:

  • Do you use cash?
  • How often do you use it?
  • Do you wish you used it more or less?
  • He says they asked a number of good questions.

And what the NZ Reserve Bank concluded was that getting rid of cash would be a bad idea.

But, if the big boys overseas said DO IT. The Reserve Bank would do as they are told? 

Listen around 10 minutes in:

Phil says that though we may have in many ways a cashless society - and though the Reserve Bank is wanting it - they will watch the situation and see how it all unfolds.

Phil says that cash is the only form of money in our broader economy that is not created as private bank interest bearing debt. This is a larger thing that people tend to leave out of the conversation. That right now 98 and a half percent of the money that is circulating and changing hands and is in transactions every day in NZ was originally created out of thin air by a commercial trading bank as an interest’s bearing debt. He says that the cash is kind of interesting because it is the only money that does not have that pedigree. It is the only money that did not come into existence through that original sin … of a mortgage or some other sort of bank loan. The reason this is important is because right now NZ’s private debt to GDP ratio is getting close to 200% - which means that the amount of money that is owed to banks and financial institutions is about double the turnover of our entire economy in a single year. Phil says most of NZ’s money comes into existence when people take out mortgages.

(Note:  I did not want to interrupt Phil - but this Labour Government and the previous National Government have been accepting around 80,000 new immigrants into NZ per year, and I wanted to ask - is this allowing the NZ Government to ride high on the influx of the many millions of dollars flowing into the country as a result of these new residents, bringing all their cash into our economy?  

Phil talks about the housing bubble as this is where most New Zealanders invest their money, and he asks - what will be the trigger when it pops? Because, he says - it’s on its way …

Hear about the stated policy of NZ’s Reserve Bank via ‘quantitative easing.’ They are able to print money ‘by offering it to trading banks’ as a backstop for all the lending that they want to do. The banks are very happy to do this - for by giving out loans this is how they make a profit - the interest on loans is the banks' income source (Note the 4 overseas major banks in NZ made over $10 billion in profits in 2018/19)   So naturally, the top strata of the NZ Banks (Australian owned) want to keep this game going as long as they can.

Also mentioned in this interview

Learn that the Govt is acting as a hand brake on the NZ Economy.

Why do we not learn who the overseas Bankers are, that gives the NZ Govt loans?  What bank? What are the terms? That the further you follow the money it has to go higher up the pyramid. Who are the people at the top?  There have to be families that benefit from all this money ‘going uphill.’ Who are they? Why the muteness?

That NZ debt is continuing to increase. Why the silence from ordinary MPs about this? Because each Party will not allow an MP to break ranks and ask that type of question. The Parties control (muzzle) their members - this is why Parties and NZ politics are increasingly seen to be opaque, stagnant, and moribund. 

That the NZ Government also does not invest its money where it would do the most good.

Not at the grassroots. Listen to what he says - our government is not consciously putting its money into areas where the community most needs it.

Digital exploitation is now rife on a planet that has already been exploited for its natural resources.  

Phil says that we have gone into overshoot in terms of what we are doing to the environment - especially freshwater and topsoil, and pollution in general. That now the only frontiers able to be exploited are the ‘virtual ones’ by taking advantage of this digital space - the virtual world. This is where we also have to be alert. If you are not savvy with the latest technologies and monetary systems, get ‘professional’ advice.   

Crypto Currencies and BlockChain technology  - a lot are virtual ponzi schemes and pump and dump scams are in this realm.

BlockChain is a very useful tech - we just have clean out the abuses - so it can be used for the benefit of society 

Can we prepare Locally and throughout NZ for a perturbation in the currency and cash realm?  

If the Western world went suddenly cashless - would NZ follow?

Steve says keep some cash handy all the same - enough to get you by for a number of days just in case a bank did go down.

He says we are still in the Neoliberal lens and that there are bubbles that could collapse and affect us.

New Zealanders invest and own houses as their investment portfolio - not in new business and enterprises - where overseas that are more entrepreneurial.

Becoming Self-reliant and resilient.  

It is very important for us to grow our own food where possible, especially organic because we know exactly what we are putting into our bodies. Plus, it is fresh and therefore our health is optimised and thus no visits to doctors

Tools to sustain us in case of breakdown or emergencies.
How do we keep money or ‘currencies’ working when cash becomes unavailable?

Steve describes how a ‘Time Bank’ works to show how good and easy it is to implement. That a time bank is a ‘chit’  that has a number on it - that has a value of ‘one hour’ and you can trade these within your community if someone can mow lawns and another can cut someone's hair or paint a house and trades with repairing a machine or furniture - these chits can be traded. You can have a small computer run the whole loca

Robin Kelly MD: Covid Cover, 5G Deployment Govt Corporate Lockstep with Media Silence

1h 0m · Published 03 Sep 00:27

Since this interview that took place on Monday 31st, we find that the CDC, the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention in the US have now stated that only 6% of US deaths have been from COVID19 alone. The other 94% had at least one other health issue at the time (or more) then along came the coronavirus that led to their death. This was basically due to their now weakened - immune system.

This fact has been known to many people like ‘silenced' frontline doctors and activists for some time now - but denied or censored by omission by MSM, hence the uproar today -  as to question how large is this coverup by the so-called health ‘authorities?’   

Tim covers this subject a little more at the end of this interview where he adds to this narrative.

With regard to this Interview:

It’s obvious that everything to do with vaccines, in particular, is difficult for all doctors - globally. The reason being is Big Pharma - as it controls both Medicine and Doctors, especially if they speak out on issues, specifically with alternatives or doubts. This is when the ‘controlled' Medical Association' will instantly 'strike Doctors off' from practising if they dare to question.

But … ironically the Russian/Putin vaccination is getting widespread condemnation and scepticism because it has been rolled out so early.

Note the majority of people that Dr Kelly meets, would be happy with a ‘safe' vaccine. They simply are not convinced by a rapid roll-out under Bill Gates" - no difference from distrusting Putin.  A ‘clean' vaccine with no embryo remnants or nanoparticles is what is required.

Masks - Dr Fauci in the USA. First, health officials said we shouldn't wear face masks. Now, many are saying we must wear masks if we want to protect the economy, reopen the country etc  … Mixed messaging for the global public?

Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc. The video touting Hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for patients infected with COVID-19 quickly went viral, gathering over 15 million views on Facebook alone. YouTube took it down and NZ authorities do not call for it to be used - even though it has been around for 60 years. Donald Trump took it at the start of the crisis and you can see him at news conferences with Dr Fauci and others standing beside him all wearing masks. What gives?  Do your own research.

The Media - we have media news interspersed by openly deceptive advertising about all sorts of things. So the narrative is we are presented by fact/lie/fact lie. For example - NZer Sir Ernest Rutherford, who split the atom, is now lip-synching his approval of 5G. Our media is also dependent on advertising which is Machiavellian. When is TV lying - when is it telling the truth?

Questioning the Media?

The idea of open honest media is that because of the impositions on our lives and livelihood, we need our state broadcaster TVONE, TV3 and Radio NZ  to produce a daily 2 hourly advertisement free, balanced debate on the pros and cons of lockdown, the pros and cons of the Great Reset, the pros and cons of mandatory vaccination - not crappy dating reality TV, etc. 

We need to trust the public to make up their own minds armed with balanced information. In fact, if 'mainstream media' is to survive it must do this and not whinge about people getting their information from social media.

Media experts need to be retired from comments after 2 months - the reason being they tend to defend their original statements whether right or wrong. This is not healthy.

Media experts need to declare their conflicts of interest. This is exceptionally important.

Big Tech is now completely entwined with tertiary education and of course all mainstream media.

MSM is the propaganda wing of big tech (and big pharma.) The corruption has become ‘normalised' in NZ.

Big tech is completely entwined with the Royal Society, Callaghan Innovation, MacDiarmid Institute, and all Universities and media outlets. Deals with Huawei, etc have happened and the repercussions have yet to become obvious.

The Crown Entity status of Callaghan Innovation - a Govt/big tech collaboration. No matter which party is in, has to be far more transparent.

The planned Elon Musk brain implants without any knowledge of how the brain works have to be questioned. The theory that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain - rather than the Hameroff /Penrose theory that our brain microtubules are foundries where the quantum world collapses - I.e we are filters of consciousness.

That by encircling the world with 100k satellites - and 5G - when we now know there is a circulating world microbiome in the troposphere.

How viruses and all life have coexisted for billions of years. How they are vital for life and integrated into our DNA. Mammals would reject their off-spring without placental retroviruses. This hits at the military narrative 'let's eliminate the virus'...the virus is bad, we are good etc.

Human unknowingness

So all this adds up to human arrogance - advancing while denying their ignorance. Ignorance of the workings of the brain, the lack of realisation of the interconnectedness of all things, the microbiome, Schumann resonances etc.

Selectively using the precautionary principle only when politically and financially advantageous - i.e why lockdown but no caution with 5G?

The State imposition and control of the patient/doctor relationship - and overriding of Doctors years of experience and clinical knowingness plus the doctors' duty of care when treating the individuality of the patient.

Metaphysical Understandings?

The last few moments of this interview opens up to extend into the holistic notion of soul and spirituality and that this COVID crisis - has through all manner of means, compelled people to question their very existence and why are they a human and living on this planet surrounded by time and space. That … at the very core of our being 'we can visualise our inner candle' that illuminates us to expound on the idea 'we are spiritual beings having an earth experience.' Worth pondering?

At the end of this enjoyable interview, Tim adds a little more about Senator Scott Jensen

MD - of Minnesota, who went to social media saying that COVID death numbers have been totally exaggerated especially for the elderly as these people were already suffering from other comorbidity ailments, such as heart problems and cancer etc and were in many cases near death. Yet, they were classified as dying of Covid.

Please note it is now very difficult to find the full video statement he made as Youtube and Twitter may have taken it down. Make sure that you follow this up, as he has since been censured by the Medical Authorities.   

Dear Reader - This is our time to stand for truth, especially in taking care of our children of today and tomorrow - as well as our biosphere.

Dr Simone Gold. The banning of her and Hydroxychloroquine. 

Making nonsense of the nonsense - satire


Next weeks interview is still unknown. Such is the ever-changing landscape.

Dan Hermansen: Is Aotearoa, New Zealand a Free and Independent Country?

1h 0m · Published 12 Aug 23:48

There are two important historical dates in NZ, these are 1835 and 1840. With Captain Cook’s arrival in 1769 he put New Zealand firmly on the world map.

This then started a chain of events that to this day have yet to be satisfactorily understood or resolved by the elected representatives of this country.

King William the Fourth, 1765 to 1837 - the King of the British Empire, on learning that New Zealand  was possibly the last hidden land to be found and that it was the only country he knew of that did not have snakes, wanted to give it special status. In doing so he wanted to be the first Monarch to give a land that had been recently found its own independence and in doing so they would have his protection. This was a world first. No other Monarch had ever offered the indigenous people of any land their independent nationhood.

That during 1835, thirty four Maori Chiefs in the North of New Zealand came together and with King William’s support, created a new flag and this was important, because the world of that era had certain Laws that were based around the ‘raising of flags.’ That if a flag was raised on a landmass - that (from an Imperialist viewpoint) signified that, this land was now under the control of the country raising the flag.

With NZ’s presence now on seafarers charts, they began arriving in the early 1800’s as whalers, missionaries, traders for flax, wooden spars, as well as ex-convicts released from the penal colony of Australia, including adventurers from other nations. This brought about a calamitous impact on the resident Maori population who were here. Resulting in exposure to, alcohol, sex and disease, also dishonesty including firearms, and new technologies that basically devastated the tribal system that had been in place for centuries.

This was a time of upheaval for Maori.

Missionaries had also arrived to convert them to Christianity

The French, Dutch, and the British all had an interest to colonise New Zealand.

The race was on.

These seafarers from the Northern hemisphere continued to arrive and began violating rights in unaccountable, uncontrollable ways including violence such as the raping of native woman as no jurisdiction existed over them to control their actions. NZ was becoming a lawless land. One such statement was that a particular port Kororāreka was called the “hellhole of the Pacific”.

However, King William lV back in Great Britain, as the reigning Monarch wanted to control his subjects from criminal actions in a land where he had no jurisdiction at the time.

This resulted in King William lV commissioning James Busby, a British resident in New Zealand to draw up a Declaration of Independence, so that the native resident population could establish their own laws and govern themselves and this land independently. He also had learned that NZ had no snakes and this impressed upon him that this was a special country.

He gave the native chiefs three flag designs to choose from to initiate their ‘nation hood’ - and the Maori Chiefs chose their National flag. Called the United Tribes Flag.

The reason for the ‘Flag’ was that even in those days, International Law at the time stated that a country had to have ‘a flag’ to identify a Nation.

The Declaration of Independence was duly signed by up to 34 Maori chiefs on the 28th October 1835, at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands and a ‘new independent nation was born’ upon the raising of the chiefs chosen, King William lV royally proclaimed flag. There are differing versions of this. (In March 1834, HMS Alligator, was on hand (and fired the 13-gun salute) at the first hoisting of the first national flag of New Zealand, at Waitangi, Bay of Islands. This flag became known as the United Tribes Flag). *

The only flag of this land that has ever been ‘royally proclaimed.’

The new independent nations flag (which determines the jurisdiction of the land ) the Waka putunga Nu Terreni had a black primbrae around the saint George cross in the left top quadrant, signifying the British monarchs protection on the land, (a white primbrae, signifying the British monarchs protection upon the seas, admiralty law.)

This founding document,(the D.O.I) is the only document which has an associated flag that has never been lowered to change jurisdiction

The birth of our nation of New Zealand is 28th of October 1835.

Therefore the contention is that the Treaty of Waitangi ( TOW ) is not the founding document.

However, King William IV died in 1837 and thus was not alive to pursue the ideal of seeing NZ retain its independence as per the signing of 1835.

The Con

Dan in his research contends that Colonial house which is the East India Company, and the New South Wales Government of the time was/is a franchise. That it is an extension of the ‘City of London’ # and they wanted to colonise New Zealand in order to sell land to migrants.

Captain Hobson with his many cannoned ship, was commissioned to sail to New Zealand, to have a formal Treaty signed.

Which he duly carried out on the 6th of February 1840.

For what reason did the Maori sign a treaty even though they already had independence? Evidently this way, the British Crown# could establish colonial authority over an independent nation.

Yet Maori signed the Treaty. Note that Colonial House knew they could not lower the true jurisdictional Flag as it was the Kings ‘royally proclaimed flag.’

So a counterfeit flag was created that was similar to the DOI flag, but had 5 pointed stars not eight pointed, as in the blueprint of the chosen royally proclaimed flag,( the DOI) the Declaration of Independence.

The ‘counterfeit flag’ was lowered and the Union Jack was raised on the 6th February, 1840 that is now known as Waitangi Day.

Dan states it may as well have been a flag of Donald Duck, (because it wasn’t the United Tribes Flag).

He asks, what ‘lawful basis’ can the lowering of a counterfeit flag end the jurisdiction of the ‘founding flag?’

This is the reason for the Petition for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the flag referendum. (listen to the interview).

New Zealand is still supposed to be an ‘Independent’ country, going back to the signing of that 1835 document.

Dan maintains that ‘We’ were, and right up until this moment are, under the lawful jurisdiction of the Declaration of Independence.

We never legally lost it.

The question then is, was the 1840 Waitangi Treaty jurisdiction lawfully executed ?

If not then, then they didn’t and never have had any jurisdictional right or legal entitlement over this land.

  • Dan* encourages you all to do your own research and when you listen to the interview - it gives cause for more questioning and research - however he does mention that there are some recent law cases here in NZ that have completely validated his statement - that these court cases will become more common knowledge over the coming weeks and months.
  • Watch this space, but first, listen to this whole interview.  

Dr Manuka Henare describes the events around 1835 and on to 1840.


Other references in this interview include two well known Maori spiritual leaders in 1870 and 1916 who when wanting to practice living together in a very large tribal family were arrested by the NZ authorities for wishing to live peacefully on the land of their birth.

Te Whiti-o-Rongomai III and his life and peaceful stand at Parihaka in Taranaki

Rua Kenana Hepetipa in Tūhoe Country, Te Urewera National Park. 


Next Week’s Interview

Is going to be a repeat, due to a 2nd Covid Lockdown, preventing me from travelling to the radio station. Am planning on doing them from home in the near future.

Niki Gladding: Should New Zealand be bottling our water and sending it overseas?

1h 0m · Published 06 Aug 00:22

Niki says that most New Zealanders across a whole range of political opinions think that this is a significant problem and that we actually do not have enough clean drinking water in this country.

This statement is correct - in clean green NZ (hold your nose) she says there is an actual lack of good quality drinking water - and that local councils are having difficulty in providing fresh water for their communities. Plus, there is the added issue around plastic waste and these plants produce billions of plastic bottles over the lifetime of their operations.

She says it is a huge issue for everyone across the country.

That there is a range of issues:

Councils across NZ don't have a lot of money to remedy this situation.

A lot of Council water bores are from shallow groundwater.
To get higher quality water you have to drill deeper and that is an extra cost.

Nitrates, detrimental to health, that have dissolved in the water - cannot be filtered out.

Some Councils take water closer to the surface and treat it and the condition of the surface water determines the treatment it requires. This is a growing issue especially in Canterbury into Christchurch - but the big issue is nitrates in shallow groundwater - and that these cannot be treated. This is an increasing looming issue right across New Zealand.

Putting chlorine in the water supply to deal with viral bacteria etc is one thing but dealing with nitrates is a far more complex challenge. Being due to intensive farming over decades.

That we will have nitrates passing down through the soil and they will continue like this for decades - so it is a problem that we cannot get rid of quickly.

Water Going Off Shore.

Niki says her concern is that water bottlers are coming into NZ and taking away our very best water, our cleanest water, our deepest water. Thus local communities are having to fork out a lot of money to 'treat' their water  and potentially not be able to get healthy, clean, nitrate free water. Especially into the future and she says we have to think of the future because these bottling companies are being granted 'consents' for 30 years (because they want continuity of supply) as they are putting in massive infrastructure and they need that security - but it appears that no one is looking ahead 30 years - to the state of the groundwater, community supply or basically anything at the moment and essentially there are no controls and no thinking of future generations ...

Tim asked - who are making these decisions in NZ? Who is allowing these water agreements to happen - especially when the community is kept in the dark?

She says it is an interesting/complicated state of affairs, we have quite a few small water bottling plants and they do not produce a lot at the moment - but we are now having some larger companies coming into NZ.  Listen - this gets interesting ...

These corporations have been coming into NZ and talking with Government Ministers directly, such as NZ Trade and Enterprise - and supporting NZers who want to sell their land to overseas investors who want to bottle water and these Govt representatives have acknowledged doing this through their emails.

That NZ Trade and Enterprise - supports the sale of land. It has supported about 8 overseas enterprises over the years.

The NZ Taxpayer is helping finance these industries 

It is supporting 6 at the moment and the NZ tax payers are actually supporting water bottling companies (Just like the Film Industry is supported by NZ tax payer dollars)

Some overseas companies do need Overseas Investment Office consent.

Listen how there’s a number of tiers - with high end solicitors being engaged at the top by the overseas entities and the cash strapped communities and Councils at the bottom.

At present:

That Aotearoa Water Authority is in court with a Creswell Company at the moment.

Plus Otakiri, water bottling is taking 1.1million cubic meters from a deep water aquifer per year near Whakatane. Link.

That the NZTE brought the Chairman out to NZ so as to help him find the water he was wanting ...

So Niki suggests we need an entire country wide review to make everything transparent.

The NZTE's job is to help NZ businesses to Grow bigger, better, faster ... but it can also be a NZ business that can be ultimately owned by a foreign company. With the case of Cresswell NZ that wants to run the Whakatane venture as well as Cloud Ocean Water which is a NZ company which has just been taken to court by AWA Aotearoa Water Action, but ultimately it is overseas owned as well.

However recently (possibly due to NZ Community pushback) the NZAT have given up actively promoting water bottling to foreign investors. But, they will help a NZ land owner with a large water consent -  a water permit - to sell their land to a foreign investor.

Who are these companies? There are Australian Companies that are ultimately owned in Japan. That is Frucor Suntory   See:   

But the big ones Aotearoa Water Action are battling in court are from China.

Tim asks - shouldn't NZers need to know who is taking our drinking water offshore? Niki says it is more than this. It’s to see what impacts are on our aquifers, future supplies, what about the plastic - what are the recycling facilities overseas?  Because, NZ water is now packaged in plastic to go overseas. Are we basically exporting a plastic tsunami overseas?

The amount of NZ drinking water that leaves this country annually is a tricky one she says. In 2017, 28 million litres were being exported every year. In 2017 domestic use was about 158 million litres (packaged in plastic bottles)

Last year 118 million litres was exported.(See TVNZ) they did a documentary.

Local Push Back 

Some years ago, Ashburton in the South Island was going to have a large water bottling venture that essentially was going to sell some land called Lot 9, which had a large 'water permit' attached to it that gave ‘free’ access to huge amounts of water - to an overseas entity, but when people heard about this there was such a 'huge organised and fired up pushback from both the local and the NZ community that it was not allowed to come into being.

Lack of Local and Central Government Oversight.

Listen - Councils have no duty of care to put out to the community an expression of interest by an overseas company wanting to buy land and ultimately a water source. Thus commercial undertakings of NZ strategic interests have yet to be set in Law to make sure that we do not lose valuable resources due to the public not knowing what is being bought and sold. There is no obligation by the Councils in NZ to let the Community know about important issues such as this.

Note that if you have a water right to the land you buy and there is a huge aquifer underneath - there is no Law in NZ stating that you cannot suck it dry! There is no limit on the volume taken out. (Thanks to the NZ Government still remaining conscious)

Water is part of the 'commons' and Councils and Government can not charge for it, that can only charge for the council infrastructure to pipe it from place to place. Listen - Niki is a very good communicator.

Strategically the water bottlers are looking at aquifers close to ports. Like Cresswell NZ Ltd. Especially in Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty and there are 3 water bottling plants within a two kilometre radius. Also the Whakatane Council was actively promoting the bottling industry and used rate payer funds on marketing the good value of water bottling.

Maori Perspective.

Tim asks are Maori and Iwi not upset?  She says there are some Maori involved in bottling. One in Murupara was slated to start but it was abandoned because the iwi found that they were not going to have control of the water consent.

We have yet not grappled with Maori rights over fresh water as the sovereignty issue naturally has to be addressed.

Will we have to take our water, back from the company if our need in the next 30 years become urgent?  What is the deal?

OverseasTrade Agreements

Trade Agreements that the NZ Government have signed. What are the sticking points if we want to break such deals? What is the punishment etc if we renege on a Trade Agreement?

The cultural side is also important. Maori are deeply embedded in Papatuanku - mother earth - they see rivers as living entities they are an extension of the Wairua - just like the Whanganui River has living entity status sanctified by the NZ Government and thus many Maori are offended in the gross commercialisation of what they see as sacred and an extension of their tribal land and indeed the tribe itself.

Listen .... the Government is in some ways boxed in due to Trade Agreements - as well as land use - and they were not conscious further back in time to classify water and give it a special status in its own right. The Government and Councils do not grok rivers and land from a holistic perspective and due to linear thinking, were incapable of seeing the big picture - that in Maoris eyes, we are dealing with a living bei

Ray Broomhall: SpaceX plans 40,000 more 5G global microwaving satellites, threatening life on Earth

59m · Published 30 Jul 00:00

With human health including animal and vegetation health, being paramount, how can we organise a moratorium on Elon Musk and the current 5G satellite deployment?

That in their thousands they are being launched into low earth orbit and particularly over Australia and New Zealand, why the hurry and this continuing question ‘where is the independent health research?’

This was one of the most revealing yet shocking interviews that I have engaged in.

I talk with  barrister Ray Broomhall from Tasmania who is part of a group of 14 lawyers Australia wide. They have voluntarily come together to educate the Australian public to the 5G ‘health dangers’ and also to advise them of a way forward  to halt 5G towers and then bring a stop to this 5G deployment across their whole country. That no until ‘independent research and studies’ give this technology a clean bill of health.

NZ is also experiencing this same 'imposed' roll out of the global 5G network - with Government, Media and Telcos all in lockstep, to deploy it across the country.

Tim mentions that he had just come off the phone after speaking with Steffan Browning Ex Green MP who 'by chance' early one evening very recently happened to witness up in the early evening sky the deployment of a whole number of satellites and at first he was in awe of them as he gazed at this spectacle - and then he went into shock and realised that this was a violation and that this was not right - and so I asked Ray about this procedure of having 40,000 more satellites in near earth orbit constantly raking us with their wireless frequencies.

Ray says that Elon Musk is connected to even another company and he has just got approval from the International Communications Union as there was a world radio communications conference in Egypt last November in 2019. That NZ and Australia were party to this conference - and all agreed that Elon Musk now had approval to operate at the 60 gigahertz band. Which basically means it is a Free license type of arrangement where at the moment for wifi in homes - you can have it at 2.4 - out to 5 gigahertz - and the authorities have now increased it to the new wavelength band to 60 gigahertz. You will find that all smart technology will now have chips in them which will compliment the 50 gigahertz frequency that satellites will operate at. And you will find that wifi modems and mobile phones, laptops etc will be operating at 60 gigahertz as well. However Ray believes that Musk is actually going to add another 20,000 satellites and increase it to 60,000 in total.

Tim mentions 'they' are using the 'global commons' which is the upper reaches of the atmosphere to do what they are doing - but they have not got permission from both myself and Ray so how do they get this license to be able to 'overrule' the people down here on the surface of the earth?

Ray says this is what people do not realise, that there is legislation - particularly in NZ as we have the 'Outer Space and the High Altitude Activities Act of 2017 - which he says provided some sort of reassurance for NZ in regards to not only satellites but also in regard to high altitude platform stations and he say that listeners need to know that there is more than just satellites that are a concern - up in the heavens so to speak.

There is a thing called high altitude platform stations or HAPS or High Altitude Pseudo Satellites. These are not actually satellites as such but they are actually drones - which are about 80 metres in length - they fly around the 20 kilometre altitude mark in the stratosphere - so they are well above the clouds - they are solar powered but they are designed as part of the 5G roll out with all these 40,000 new Elon Musk satellites.

What they do is that they are each the equivalent to 1,800 towers and they operate in a 200 kilometres radius (and our Government and especially the 4th Estate our media TV, Radio and Newspapers in NZ are exceptionally quiet about sharing this critical information.) (No surprises here).

They are actually launching them from Australia from a base in Wyndham as well as from Hawaii and he says the corporations are 'rushing' to put up these high altitude platforms and that every 200 kilometres there is going to be one of these circling up in the air and they remain for about 3 months up there - then they are replaced with another. Whilst they then come down and land - get overhauled and revamped ready for the next assignment.

So it’s More than just Satellites

They are going to be operating at a whole conglomerate of frequencies - both high and low - from the one signal - from 60 gigahertz all the way down to your mobile phones etc like 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G - all combined - but not only sending data - but wireless power transfer as well. He says listeners need to know what this means. He says that in essence they are sending electrical energy down from these high altitude platforms ... so that our phones will not need to be plugged into the wall to be powered up. They will be charged automatically - by the airwaves - the electricity - like autonomous vehicles, plus other devices in your home thus eliminating power cords to the wall. Everything is eventually going to be powered, via the air.

So 5G is far more than what people realise. Our phones are going to be transmitters and receivers - and our modems meshed into the network that will be totally integrated into all the small transmitters on power poles outside on your street across all towns and cities - they will be ubiquitous - and basically the whole atmospheric envelope that envelops our planet will be one vast electronic 'cloud' of electronic data pulsing at increasing frequencies ...all at the same time - they will also be integrated into the macro system of the larger towers that we see dotted everywhere which he says they are erecting them in the thousands at the moment. So with overhead platforms and in a higher orbit satellites - this is all part of one integral unit - this is what 5G portends

So where is mother nature in all of this?

He encourages you to do your own research.

Ray mentions that the WHO in 2002 in a report on Microwaves and cancer said that Children should not be exposed to anything over .3 of a micro Tesla.

Now this is a magnetic field (we are surrounded by one of many).

Especially anything over.3 of a micro Tesla becomes problematic.

Listen to this broadcast as it is imperative that you make the effort - especially if you love your children and what could cause lymphatic leukaemia.

Some mobile phones operate at 6,200 micro Tesla’s - then things become very serious.

So there is a huge disconnect between what the WHO says and what is being put into children's homes.

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
ARPANSA in Australia is the regulatory authority that NZ is part of in regards to standards. 

Listen to the conundrum of different standards between ICNIRP the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection - that Basically says that 100 micro Tesla is the public safety standard BUT ONLY FOR SHORT TERM effects. 

For long term effects the WHO recommends .3 of a micro Tesla - so there is a real problem here.

Yet in Australia and here in NZ, ARPANSA are following the ICNERP thus it's an issue here in relation to long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

That Ray's concern with his clients and his colleagues clients, is the huge exposure issue.

Oxygen depletion at 60 gigahertz - stating that when one gets exposed to 60 gigahertz research states it depletes 98% of the oxygen that it irradiates into - which is a real concern. Saying this is not a conspiracy theory and that dormant viruses are activated by electromagnetic radiation.

For Example: The Epstein Barr virus is asleep in all of us and when it's exposed to non ionising radiation - he says it becomes activated. Epstein Barr virus is 'herpes.'

He mentions vaccinations that the antibodies etc for vaccinations are made in animal embryos rabbits, chickens, rats, monkeys etc and if there is a latent virus possibly inside these tissues - in the vaccination, that is how it could possibly be transferred to humans. Plus we can see that the electro radiation can activate dormant viruses - and he is not suggesting that this happened in Covid - but there is a real concern that by exposing the planet and everybody to this radiation - that there could be more repercussions.

Listen. Wireless Towers in Australia - Doctors are now coming to the conclusion that these impose an extreme risk of harm to health and ARPANSA are aware of this...

That the Telco industry is following ARPANSA and are failing to listen to the medical practitioners and Doctors are saying that if people are exposed to this radiation. This is becoming a serious issue. Especially with regard to leukemia.

NOTE: There is not one medical practitioner that sits on the ARPANSA board.

They have a disclaimer - do a search and type up ‘ARPANSA disclaimer’ - you will find it says very clearly - that it is not set up to give health advice on electromagnetic radiation and non ionising bands etc - you best go see your qualified medical practitioner. They state it is only for educational purposes - ONLY.

Telecos - Being Held Up for Assault?

There is a Harassmen

Murray Horton: Who owns New Zealand?

59m · Published 22 Jul 22:55

Find out that 10s of $Billions of holdings are hidden with direct NZ Government knowledge - so as to not be scrutinised by 'we the people.’

We first cover some recent history, and the stopping of economic imperialism here in NZ on the far reaches of what was once the British Empire.

However it's about Offshore Corporations being able to profit from NZ resources and labour and taking all their profits away overseas and not really investing in the NZ community at large.

For example, back in 1975 at the bottom of the South Island the Bluff aluminium smelter was built by the Rio Tinto Group an Anglo-Australian multinational and the world's second largest metals and mining corporation. This smelter was classified by CAFCA as the largest corporate bludger in NZ. They obtained cheap electricity from Governmentally owned power stations  - huge amounts -  at a tiny fraction of what a NZ householder would pay for.

Murray also stated that CAFCA has a clear message – that it does not take immigration as a reason for the  inequities of large amounts of money being taken out of NZ, as this can be easily hijacked and if you are not careful, slip into racism – especially if you are not vigilant.

The concern is foreign big business and their domination of virtually all aspects of the NZ economy.

Like land sales, banks, news media etc – but virtually any sector of the NZ economy you care to  think about is dominated by TransNational Corporations. They used to be called MultiNational Corporations – because they increasingly operate in a huge number of countries, a number of them so global that they are far larger than the NZ economy.

Oil corporations and Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft – the digital corporations – they are enormous and continue via software developments to expand their influence whilst encroaching on ours.

NZ Needs to Become Self Sufficient.

AIMs of CAFCA – that NZ should be a self sufficient economy and that if you are going to have foreign investment it has to be for the benefit of NZers not to simply for overseas investors to ‘fill their own pockets.'

For example; 2,000 workers at the Bluff smelter will be now out of work. Because it suits the Corporate interest to do that. That a corporation basically does not have a social contract or obligation and they are doing nothing to improve NZ's debt situation. Thus CAFCA considers them to be a net liability – not an asset.

He mentions also the film playing now in NZ called 'Island of the Empire' and it's about NZ’s military relationship with the United States that's been updated with Murray starring (my words) way back in the mid 1980's featuring journalist Nicky Hager, ex Green MP Keith Locke and his sister Maire Leadbeater. Plus ex Activist now Mayor of Invercargill - Tim Shadbolt.

Also mentioned, is the 30 year old campaign against the Five Eyes Waihopai - Echelon Listening outpost for the US - UK alliance – that vacuums up all our, (meaning your) - telephone calls, fax’s, texts etc etc. And then saves them for later.

Green Rush - Murray mentions the excellent Radio NZ research on who owns our land.

The four largest private landowners in New Zealand are all foreign-owned forestry companies. This superb research by Radio NZ is an eye opener.

The information comes from an excellent RNZ investigation into land ownership in New Zealand.

Using Land Information New Zealand data, Companies Office searches and other research, RNZ compiled a list of what is believed are the 100 biggest private landowners in New Zealand by area, not including the Crown and public entities (which control at least 28 percent of the land) or iwi (Maori).

Forestry – not the above radio NZ article which only focussed on land ownership and did not focus on leased land and that is more dominant. This is important to realise - that it is not what is recorded - but what is obscured or hidden.

Foreign direct investment (ownership of companies) in New Zealand increased from $15.7 billion in March 1989 to $121.7 billion as of March 2019 - almost eight times.

As a proportion of the total output of the economy, Gross Domestic Product, it has risen from 22% to 40%.

Statistics NZ data shows the countries where $100m or more in foreign direct investment was based as of March 2019 as being, in decreasing order: Australia, Hong Kong, US, Japan, UK, Singapore, Canada, Netherlands, British Virgin Islands, China, Cayman Islands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and France (though the investments from some countries have been suppressed). These accounted for 93% of foreign direct investment in New Zealand.. Australia alone accounts for 50% with $57 billion of the $113 billion total.

Murray continues, About You - the average NZ home owner.

The average house owner who owns less than 5 hectares of land and collectively owns about 1.5 % of NZ.

But, it gets worse - those who have around an acre of land with their house on it, such as Mum and Dad owned homes -  the total comes to 0.5% of NZ.

Large units of Privately owned land in NZ 

We have 4,600 people in NZ  0.1% of the total population that own half of the land owned by the 10 largest landowners.

Listen to this, because Murray says the present government is doing something about curtailing the sale of our land … Eugenie Sage, the Green, Minister for Lands ‘outside’ of Government (not invited to Cabinet meetings) has actually said No to an overseas buyer. The Transnational mining company Oceania Gold, who are mining in Waihi in the Coromandel (where there is a huge hole in the ground) was not allowed to expand its operations to buy more farmland so as to use it to dump more toxic waste – however she was overruled by Labour Govt Cabinet Ministers. In this case the Finance Minister David Parker who is basically at the top of the pecking order along with David Clark (also the Minister of Health ) who is associate Minister of Finance. Both overruled her.

However Murray states that since 2017 that this Labour lead Govt, of NZ First and the Greens has been doing something substantive to slow down the sales of land to overseas buyers.

The Government now has a watchdog type unit that is monitoring sales. Called the ‘Overseas Investment Office’  - you must first check in with the OSIO to see if you can buy … listen or better still track the links below this article.


$10,000,000,000 of banking profits from NZers annually - from 5 million people.

NZ's Four largest banks in NZ are Australian - These four Aussie banks constitute an enormous chunk of the NZ economy (and who is it who owns these Australian Banks?  Do they have links back to the UK or the US? Follow the money ….

They are taking out of the NZ economy $10.3 billion dollars profit which is a substantial amount from less than 5 Million people. In the decade from 2010 up until 2119 they made $84.4 billion in profits out of satisfied NZers. Of which ¾ of this money left NZ.

We discuss how the ASB the Auckland Savings Bank, once a very successful ‘Trust’ bank was sold off to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia - which was then privatised by the Conservative Howard, Australian Government.

In NZ the many ‘Trust’ Banks that were here - were absorbed into Westpac of Australia. Only Taranaki and Southland remained sovereign. 

We learn that Jim Anderton of the Alliance Party managed to start Kiwi Bank totally against the wishes of Prime Minister Helen Clark and Finance Minister Michael Cullen of the Labour Party.

In 2019 we learned of ‘other’ tax havens such as the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Channel Islands which include Jersey and Guernsey, Dubai and United Arab Emirates and Island of Man – but the value of all their holdings have been suppressed as quote unquote – Confidential.

That the NZ government refuses to let this information out.

Listen ... we can go on becoming serfs in our own country or we can ask every political candidate why is this so?  Even Ex National PM John Key mentioned that NZers may become tenants in their own country. Not that he really made an effort to alleviate that.

We also learn in this interview, how Labour’s Minister of Finance, David Parker is now making it more streamlined for overseas investors to buy into NZ. This is a shocker.

Note that any purchase in NZ that is under $100 million does NOT have to go through any Government oversight – and they do not show up in the statistics!

Murray gives an example – if the Auckland Sky tower went up for sale at $99.999 million dollars and someone from Russia, China or America wanted to buy it – that sale would not figure in any of the NZ Government books – it would just go through as an ordinary real estate transaction. (hidden from Public scrutiny) So you can see that the present Government has actually taken the goal posts away from the field altogether. This being done in plain sight by our generously paid elected Representatives who have run away with their own agenda by refusing to represent the interest of ‘we the NZ public.’

Just like selling our house or a flat or whatever … but in Australia it’s considerably higher - they have a $520 million threshold – so the Australian public are being sha

Roy Harlow: The Multi Tiered Disinformation Narrative that is Assaulting Our Planet & People

56m · Published 16 Jul 01:12

We consider the Government, the authorities and the schools to be sources of information … and it is very upsetting for people to learn that it is disinformation. So everybody has to now take stock and ask themselves “what do I believe?”

As today, across the English speaking world we are the moving target of an unremitting onslaught from global media. The majority coming out of the six US main corporate conglomerates with the British BBC carrying on the offensive, from the other side of the Atlantic. Feeding this out into the commonwealth of nations, from basically the same hyped up song sheet of fear, fraud and semi truths. It is becoming difficult to discern what truth is and what fiction is.

In this interview, Roy says that one of the things that he can point to universally is that during the Covid lockdown people had the opportunity to reflect on life and that is “how am I spending my time?”

What are my priorities and what do I really value and he says that on an individual level that this is a good thing.

If it took the lockdown to force everyone to put their phone down and stop and go through that exercise - he says OK - let's see that as the good coming from this lockdown.

And if it helps everybody come to the platform of a deeper understanding of themselves and a firmer understanding of their relationship with society and Roys says - he thinks this is a good thing.

Asking the question - what matters to me - Roy says - looking after ‘number one’ - but says that quickly gets old - we know that we can take care of ourselves and being born into this country offers us a great opportunity - ‘you are not for want’ - unless you are foolish about our resources  - but using these resources correctly - so that you make a positive contribution - not only to yourself - but to the whole human society - is really waking up to the ‘selfless’ side of reality.   

However, Roy says that we are all trained by the media and schools to be selfish - and he thinks that that is part of the transition that humanity must go through now. That we must recognise that selfishness has caused all of this - ‘them and us’ - mentality, and if we can come above that to a universal point of view - we can then put that to rest and all of us, individually and collectively - can achieve a higher conscious - perspective.

Coming Together as a Nation

That today, we still could be isolated in NZ for a certain amount of time to come and this interview covers how we in NZ need to come together and cooperate at grass roots with our neighbours, neighbourhood and community. However, Roy states that there is also a force that is trying to herd us - it’s treating us very much like cattle are treated - or lower animal species are treated. This force is stating that what we require is to be rationed or controlled - in what we know, including our freedom of movement - and our freedom of action and choice is all being controlled.

Multitudes of techniques are being involved here. You do not have to have a policeman on a street corner - the people in general will say, Hey! stop that - you!  That’s not accepted here! So that we have a trained society and we have an overview of force - we have a Deep State - that is trying to make us less than our potential. That if we are now going to be cut off - in that sense - not so so much from the rest of the world - but from independence - we have to stop and take a look and if I get my independence back - I am not going to surrender it again, because I now understand its value and I have learned how to use it for a better cause as well as a better level of understanding.

Tim says - Once freedoms are given away - it's very difficult to get them back.  That if we have our freedoms taken away by legislation - there has to be in it, a sunset clause - and a date where it ends and we have to have Parliament come to either continue that particular policy - or better, to open up our freedoms once again.

However Roy sees it in an inverse way - he says the freedoms and the Rights are already God given - this legislation is an artificial attempt to suppress what’s actually - already ours. 

Note every time the NZ Parliament is Opened there is a Prayer to God that asks and reminds all MP’s to be honest and fair in the NZ Parliamentary Process of Governance.

Stating, It isn’t that they are going to be given back - it’s we’re going to stop the false suppression. The Deep State and the Bankers and the Media who all work together to keep us enslaved - they are trying to make us think - we can’t change it. And that they have changed it, and it’s actually the other way around. They can’t change it - we have God given rights - their legislation voting 3/4 % or 50% or just over half or unanimous decision - this voting saying your rights are now gone - are an illusion. Saying this is something that they are trying to impose upon us - this is the narrative -  this is the disinformation narrative - writ - we have these independences - they can’t be taken away from us  - only if we succumb.

That NZers from the Grass roots - need to reclaim our rights.

Roys states - It’s not that they are taken away - you are just not claiming them. You are being made to think by this disinformation narrative that they have control of our rights and they award them to you and you should be grateful and we will take away what we want and we will return what we choose. - But, this is not true!  The rights are there, they have been there for a long time - many many centuries older than this Government.

Or any of the current Governments - This goes back to the Magna Carta - this goes back to Aristotle  - this is all the way back - God given rights have been recognised by intelligent men on the planet. That we today have artificial leaders - people who pretend to be leaders - saying - we can take your rights away and we can control you and we can educate you as we see fit - and we can financially enslave you!

That the ’system’ is actually trying to herd, operate - run us - control us.

But think of the people who recognise this - they will naturally unify - and turn against it.

We as a species - we are in a position where we have experienced much enjoyment - a level of economic achievement - however we are now on a platform of - having to survive as a species.  So who is going to lead us into a future where freedom is also one of the greatest disciplines that we must recognise and treasure?

We have to understand that the media - the politicians - the banks and their policies  - the perceived social authorities of our society. Such as when school will start - when it won’t - what you can do - your health and this and that and the other thing - that there are various foolish or innocent collaborators who believe they are doing the right thing - because they believe the narrative - but they are actively supporting a system that is taking away freedoms. Now - each of these categories are guilty of creating the same deception.  Listen to this interview - this gets interesting … 

The No Smacking Law for example - it was voted down by the people - a huge petition signed it from all over the country - but the Government ignored it. Our elected representatives - ignored it.

What this shows is that the Government our duly elected servants have stopped caring about the people’s opinion.  Why?

Because they have another agenda - that is averse to our agenda.

Roy says our agenda is to survive - to be helpful - to be honest - to be compassionate to be stewards of the planet - to be upright in our dealings and honest - as a standard - teaching our children not to lie - that’s what we want … - but the government is of so much disinformation - for chidden it is fuzzy in their mind - what is the truth - and when do I lie?

That the Gender issues that are messing up young minds - is all part of the same narrative.

That when people watch something on TV, hear it on radio or read it in a newspaper - this Mainstream news is all fed from basically one source. With tentacles that come from the Deep State. Thus there is no independent news now. The 6 main media Corporations in the US and the BBC across that Atlantic.

This is to confuse the population - to muddy the waters and come back to … divide and conquer …

  • GE
  • Disney
  • Time Warner
  • Viacom
  • CBS
  • News Corp

These corporations control as much as 90 percent of all the media in the United States. Consequently, this creates a sort of echo chamber in the media world, from television to radio to news.

While independent media outlets still exist (and there are a lot of them), the major outlets are almost all owned by these six conglomerates. To be clear, “media” in this context does not refer just to news outlets — it refers to any medium that controls the distribution of information. So here, “media” includes 24-hour news stations, newspapers, publishing houses, Internet utilities, and even video game developers.

The 7 corporations - are similar to the 6 banks that control money … whilst the WHO are working to control Health - and yet.. all of these are just one entity, at the top end of the pyramid.

We are being sold 2nd and 3rd rate food that we produce in our own country, here in NZ 

Roy says the needs of the people

Rod Oram: Focusing on our relationship with nature, because nature is our life support system

1h 0m · Published 09 Jul 00:49

When asked about all the issues facing us he replies “what is our ecological relationship with each other and also with the planet as well?”

He says he comes at that - not as to be perceived as a narrow ecological radical - but as somebody who thinks he’s getting to the heart of the issue of ‘what are we doing with our life support system?’

He says he is very aware and cognisant of the trends - the downward trends and the degradation we cause to ‘that’ life support system. And therefore - what we also need to do to turn that around and that this action will affect every aspect of our lives.

That’s his essential focus and he states that he can take these issues down to (he trusts) to a very practical level and a here and now level - because it is ‘quite overwhelming’ … to have to think about the shear inter-dependence and the shear integration of all of these issues.

Listening and Being Aware of Nature

Though we produce huge amounts of waste by the 7.7 billion human inhabitants - Rod says that if we ‘listen’ to nature and take our understanding from nature - it naturally knows, having embedded complete circular systems - so that everything that is used - is reused - everything that is depleted gets replenished - and that in essence is the living system that is the planet.

So if we make sure that we are working with nature and not against it - and we are making sure that we are giving these incredibly complex ecosystems the chance to recover - then, because we are taking the pressure off them - then these ecosystems become far more resilient and can deal with far more variation.

Rod says that these ecosystems can then become far more productive - so potentially they can support more people on the planet ‘as long as we are making sure we are doing everything in sync with nature.

Circular Economy

The ‘circular economy’ was mentioned as one of these concepts and Rod thinks it is a very helpful idea, because it’s a very important bridge between how we think about our linear system now, which is to extract things from our ecosystems in order in which to make and consume things. Often this causes more pollution - which obviously is a very negative thing to put back into the ecosystem  - or to incur loss of resources in that linear system. So he says how do we make sure that everything we do loops back so we make sure that we completely understand how to unmake everything that we manufacture? Stating that all the natural resources that go into what we make - can then be reused again. Or that human made resources and he says we have to be very careful of these - especially that we are working with nature and not against it. Like they are not building up, for example - heavy metals as a toxin in ecosystems. Eg. The heavy use of super phosphate in NZ has caused widespread contamination of farmland due to excess cadmium now being in the soil.

He also mentions our reusing and recycling things but also to repurposing items that we have previously used - to the nth degree so that we completely are ‘an integral part of the natural systems.’

Cradle to Cradle - came up - William Mcdonough and Dr. Michael Braungart and Rod likes this because it encapsulates in a sense, the life cycle that brings you back to where you started. So that you can start all over again. He said that this concept has been around for a while and has been applied to some extent by some ‘real champions ‘ but we have a way to go before all our human activity fits into that model and has ‘that’ right relationship. (essentially, there is a refusal by business and government due to having to change our whole consciousness to see that we are all part of a greater whole, and that all of nature has myriads of cycles embedded in it. 

We humans have yet to make the effort to understand it. Whereas indigenous people are totally surrendered to the cycles of life, being the seasons, moon cycles, tidal, ebb and flow and more subtle ones like the water cycle etc -spawning season etc  and see themselves as an extension of nature's process.  

Conscious Recycling

Tim then mentions that back in 1993 on Deutsch TV he saw a program where BMW showed off a concept that they were working on where computers were used to follow a blueprint of a vehicle being built from the basic constituent parts by robotic machines. e.g. chassis, engine, cab, windows + doors, then windscreen, wheels etc to lastly internal fittings - to finally that BMW being driven off the factory floor. Then what they showed was that say 10 years later or 15 years - (depending if planned obsolescence was still in vogue) the car would return to a designated factory and the computer program would be reversed and the robots would start taking out the internal fittings, the wheels, windscreen, then the doors + windows etc until the cab, engine’ and chassis was left and then these particular components could be reused, recycled or used in some other way. This was a perfect plan to bring the waste signature of a manufactured product to the smallest ecological footprint possible - but somewhere in this process hardened attitudes have prevailed - and this noble idea has been shelved.   

Initiating Change and Encouraging to Adapt, Modify and Transform the Way we Live and Work.

Rod also talked about how do we learn to encourage each other to change … and it is now very important since Covid19 became such a focus and influence on our lives. That the extraordinary statistic of our death rate in NZ was just over 2 people per million - whereas in the UK he said it is 900 people per million, which is 400 times our death rate. Latest 44,000. And we need to remind ourselves we have done well in NZ, but in the last month or so we have become rather fractious and anxious and he senses that we are shutting down to a degree, when his hope is that we can emerge out of the Covid Crisis and head of into a far better direction.

So Rod asks the question - how do we encourage people when obviously many people are struggling with so many things? That they may be unemployed, engaged in stresses and strains in the family and they are maybe worried about their health- and he is very aware of these important issues - and being able to support each other through this. But, needing to think and encouraging people to think how we might do things differently and better, is dear to him

However there is a lot going on:

He mentions:

The Aotearoa Circle and the late Sir Rob Fenwick - co founded with Sir Jonathan Porrit. Sadly Rob died in early March. (I was in touch with Rob some years ago for an interview and we just could not tie in a time.)

The Aotearoa Circle is composed of leading NZ businesses and Government Agencies, and the senior members of the entities involved. The central theme of this is about putting Natural Capital - i.e ecosystems as the centre of everything that we do. He says that rather conventional companies are starting to think in these terms. And he sees some real thought going on in the Circle as to what this future looks like.

Also here in NZ we had Vision Week - which a bunch of organisations got off the ground.  AnewNZ was mentioned. This link was an interview with Dave Breuer - the initiator of AnewNZ. 

Aotearoa 2020 vision and Rod says that we have all these good ideas going on - but we have a very tired and exhausted political system.

Politically - NZ is tired and exhausted

Rod proffers up the meme that rather than reverting to tribal politics i.e just automatically voting for the party that you usually vote for or identify with - but instead - prioritise in your own life and in your own thinking - what is important to you. Therefore finding the part that best aligns with that thinking, and it may not be your traditional party. So vote for the two top issues rather than your normal default tribal loyalty vote. He says this will be a big help in this coming election.

Transcending Party Politics - with a Long Term Societal Consensus.

Rod talks about the short 3 years election cycle so that in this short time, a Government can’t get things done - but … it also ignores the fact that the issues we are working on, are very long term so …

He says we need a very strong ‘societal consensus’ on what we are doing that can completely transcend the short term election cycle. Because, we could never have an election cycle long enough for a Government to really have an impact.

Grand Coalition of the Major Parties?

Rod talks about Ireland where they, after much talking with each other and a stalemate of some months, they have finally agreed to a ‘grand coalition’ of the two major parties. This he says is a very encouraging idea.

He said the Germans have had them too, and though they are very complicated to organise and keep functioning - Rod sees this as a good sign to see that society has a common sense and a common understanding of what needs to be done and a real strong sense of a ‘commonwealth’ and about what needs to be done for the common good. Wealth not seen as a n

Glen Atkinson: Astrology is a fact of Physics

1h 0m · Published 02 Jul 08:40

In this interview with Glen, first we cover his new revolutionary ‘Periodic Table of Elements’ - that he has introduced to the world - that will have all physicists and chemists - globally exclaiming - “why did I not think of that!”

Glen furthers this ‘new paradigm’ that is upon us - by saying that as astrology is a fact of physics he welcomes any physicist to challenge this statement - but so far no one has stepped forward.

The global elite who control the world wide media use this media to put down astrology at every turn, Yet, behind our backs the establishment will always draw up a chart when their babies are born. Whilst these same ruling class will always check their chart or their countries chart before going to war or making a large incursion into a market, or change of government etc.

Thus they have contained and closed down the whole subject, that even academia and intellectuals shy away from it, for fear of compromising their occupation within the upper echelons of education and universities. (except in India).  

As Nikola Tesla once stated.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Glen welcomes input from physicists to look into this ancient of sciences to reinvigorate the debate on its efficacy.

In following up on this statement that astrology is a fact of physics - we have been told (programmed) that astrology is basically a witchcraft belief - and that ‘you have to believe in it’ - and he says that is not true at all. Saying that astrology is based on real things. Like the stars - that they are real things that are emitting real electro magnetic forces and we ‘live in the middle of this field’ of star force … and the old, but true saying that there are as many stars in the sky as there are grains of sand on the earth - and he says if we imagine that - then we have all these ‘beams of force’ that have been constant for billions of years that they create this sort of holographic energetic field and with that we have got the solar system moving - and we have this again like an atom - we’ve got the sun in the middle and we’ve got these sort of energetic magnetic spheres that in the atom will have the electrons all organised - whereas in the solar system we have planets that are ’sitting there’ spinning and condensing matter that has come from the sun but as they move around inside that magnetic shell - they change the form of that shell and so the star light that’s coming through those planetary shells are hitting different  ’tones’ - so it’s like the difference between C sharp and C minus - let’s say Mercury moves around its shell - it warps that shell and so the tone coming from that ’star force’ is altered as it comes through there - and that’s what we receive - we receive that electromagnetic variance on the earth - here. So as the planets move they alter their magnetism within our solar system - and matter follows magnetism - so as the magnetism changes - so does the matter change. 

So there’s a direct relationship between the movement of the planets and the effect on Earth.

Now within the ‘Biodynamic’ agricultural movement there are a few people who have done this work - but there is a particular book - called moon and planet - by Agnes Fyfe ( ) - and this group have been involved in a method called chromatography - where they get the sap of a plant and they ‘rise it up through blotting paper and then they rise up silver nitrate and then they expose that to the light and it develops a picture - and it shows us the qualities of the sap of the plant at the time it was picked. So she did these trials over many years and every so many hours. That what she found was the direct relationship between the movement of the planets and the change in the plant sap. So she showed this direct correlation that plants are completely affected by the movements of the planets. Glen stresses that Astrology has been doing this for 5,000 years and astrologers have been watching this direct relationship. Glen has been doing this for 40 years - that there is a tremendous body of knowledge of what is the influence of the various planets when they are in certain positions and in certain relationships with another planet. So he says there is a very ‘worked up science’ of these effects and, He emphasises - there is no belief here - this is a direct relationship between the state of the field of the solar system and what is happening on earth - there is no belief here.

In this interview: Tim mentions - that the global elite use astrology whilst publicly putting it down - and Glen concurs

Stating that astrology is a fact of physics and is scientifically true and we have a society that wants to base itself on scientific fact yet deny the very basic fact of magnetism and matter. So this is an immense hypocrisy that science is perpetrating on ‘we the people.’  Where he says they will use it - they know it works - it’s a fact of physics and then they come along and try to fool people that it’s all fantasy. He calls it a huge fraud that the scientific community are perpetrating.

Yet, Nancy Reagan wife of US President Ronald Reagan, used the services of Joan Quigley to assist her with helping her husband at many levels during his Presidency. In an interview, Quigley mentioned that over the next seven years, she issued guidance, for pay, that went far beyond mundane scheduling to matters of diplomacy, Cold War politics and even the timing of the president’s cancer surgery.

Glen says astrologers are endeavouring to bring consciousness into a very unconscious realm. He says the greatest next step in human development will be when everybody starts to use astrology and that now with and - all the information now is freely available to anyone with a computer. Stating that it is a very simple language based upon the 9 planets and the sun - (the moon being classified as a planet) there are only 10 planets in the whole game. So all the information now is essentially at our fingertips.

Please listen - there is so much information in this interview … far too much for me to type up … Glen talks about Venus and Mars and the times that they are in-synch and then the other times when they are in opposite situations - we get an understanding of how this all comes about - by looking at the position in the sky of these planets.

He talks about depressed people and what influences and planets can cause depression - that you may have three instances of planetary events influencing you over a very short period - but you can map out when this ‘transit’ passes - this, is a great relief. Meaning you are not going to be in a depressed situation for life. As all things must pass.

Glen talks about transits - and he also broaches previous lives or reincarnation as he expands on the vastness of this cosmology. That it is not just luck - that your birth chart is not just a bad lottery draw - it is actually a result of all of our past lives - be it a million or only a few …  stating that our spirit is this eternal being - that moves from one life to the next and every experience we have - it’s like we put a T-shirt on - like been there and done that!  So we wind all of this experience into and around our eternal spirit - and that becomes our sort of personality - and our psychology - and all of our neuroses - and all that is wound up in what we call the astral body - and he  says this is what astrology is. It is the theology of the astral body - and this is related to the planets. The stars are the spirit realm and the planets are what we call the astral realm - and all of our experiences from the past are accumulated and that is what’s imaged in the birth chart.

Now from birth we have the ability to alter that field of activity and it is through our will, if we have a habit that we don’t like - our will says I am going to change this - I am going to physically force my physical body to do something else - and in forcing the physical body the energetic body has to shift - the mater sort of alters the magnetism as it were. Rather than the other way round. And so by doing that 10,000 times we form a new habit - so we have forced our astral body into a change - so that is the point of life. So this IS the place that we have the opportunity to reorganise this energetic psychology that we have - and so the birth chart is just the starting place.

Listen - Glen talks about progression - he also says fortunately for us the planets in the sky are predictable - listen  ...

You choose your parents and country of birth too.

Quickly covered were subjects that you can research for yourself.

The rewriting of the Bible by Constantine at the Council of Nicea and the elimination of reincarnation out of the Bible.

He talks that we have reduced our understanding of who we are in the Western culture to that of body and a soul and God  - and now science has relegated our soul to the mind and the mind now is seen in many ways as delusional and we take drugs to close down or get rid of the mind and now we are basically just a body …

Some would say an empty body ...

There was a huge amount of information given. This is some of it, below.

  1. Partnerships very often have an earth sign w

Elandra Meredith: NZ’s Tall Poppy Syndrome. Why is withholding Love & Appreciation Seen as a Virtue?

59m · Published 25 Jun 04:10

New Zealand as a small island nation, being so far from other countries stands out - alone.

Once a pioneer country pushing the boundaries of social change, science and physical acumen - it has also remained at another level comfortably numb and this interview addresses - to a degree, how could this be?    

Elandra, NZer  author of “From Stardom to Wisdom: Healing & Love Beyond the Spotlight”, and upcoming book “Voices & Visions of Our New Earth”, is an  international health and healing educator trainer and practitioner. She was a top Auckland University scholar, international prizewinning dancer, model  and actress who went on to a career including co-starring with Roger Moore and Tony Curtis in London’s Hollywood. Deeply unhappy  at University she frequently contemplated suicide; her longing for transcendent wisdom was met with academic intellectualism and  “tall poppy syndrome”. Later as a movie actress in the world of celebrity, fame and fortune she was horrified by her experience of the exploitation and addiction to money and power. Turning her life to yoga and spirituality, dressed in white, running a Californian ashram yoga center for 20 years, she again experienced how giving away  power  – in this case to spiritual devotion –  encourages the dark side of cults and spiritual leaders and gurus, for whom power corrupts, as they turn into self-aggrandizing power-hungry predators,  who get away with betraying, exploiting,  and abusing  hundreds of thousands.

After finding soul family in immersion in the Aloha Ho’oponopono Healing shamanism of Hawaii, her mission became clear; to expose how power corrupts, and to  encourage the choice for a life of purification of character – (rather than the lust for fame and fortune), leading to our culture’s addiction to the multiplication of wants and  toxic success. 

 She has a message for you today about the urgent need in NZ to begin to heal, once and for all, the Tall Poppy Syndrome.

Elandra's opening statement expresses overwhelming thanks and appreciation of what I (Tim) do as a host of GreenplanetFM, which catches me off guard and places me in a humble position…As an elder of our society feeling her graciousness, I reflect that this kind of acknowledgement is exactly what is needed for all of us,  to open the heart connection, to make us feel validated, and to feel part of a warmer and greater whole; a true  family and community that is welcoming and totally  supportive of each other.

So what is the Tall Poppy Syndrome and where did the term come from? It’s actually a shocking story. The specific reference to poppies occurs in Livy's account of the tyrannical Etruscan king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. He is said to have received a messenger from his son Sextus Tarquinius asking what he should do next in Gabii, since he had become all-powerful there. Rather than answering the messenger verbally, Tarquin went into his garden, took a stick, and symbolically swept it across his garden, thus cutting off the heads of the tallest poppies that were growing there. The messenger, tired of waiting for an answer, returned to Gabii and told Sextus what he had seen. Sextus realised that his father wished him to put to death all of the most eminent people of Gabii, which he then did!

Tragically what the Tall Poppy Syndrome has morphed into today especially here in NZ is that we have in many ways 'ducked for cover' and quietly put our head down to do life in a quieter 'kiwi way' - of not standing out, and worse still, making sure no one else stands out - through what has become an ingrained habit of justifying the heavy utilization of criticism and bullying in school and workplace. And worse, even viewing it as a virtue.

Other than in the sporting environment, or in cases where somebody is famous, we remain subdued, and do not express appreciation for others, nor stand up for the virtues and values that most civil societies stand for. This means that anyone wanting to excel may want to choose to leave NZ for overseas pastures, or may descend into despair and depression (leading to NZ’s highest suicide rate in the world for youth and over 60).  There is no one to talk to; vital emotional support from family, community and society as a whole is non-existent or invisible.

Elandra mentions coming into Auckland Airport terminal every year (for over 25 years) and feeling this heavy contractive energy - of unshed tears, deep sorrow - (I Tim, when I was a steward for Air NZ returning from the US, be it LAX or Honolulu also really felt this constrictive and constraining energy when coming home - it was very heavy) but I did not mention this in the interview - because it was not about me!

She talks about  why NZ has the highest suicide rate for youth and over 60 years of age in the world. She talks about suppressed feelings,  held back deep grief and underlying anger that has not been (consciously) expressed and, with no place to share, unshed tears with no place to safely flow.

Of course the biggest picture perspective of all is that we live in a patriarchal society, an authoritarian driven society, where we are basically at war within ourselves through not valuing inner knowingness, inner authority and inner trust. But the world’s Zeitgeist is and must be changing. We have no choice now but to learn to value the indigenous ways of the honoring of the Earth, Nature, and intuition. We all had ancestors who knew how to live in harmony with the Earth and Stars… 

 In many ways - like the previous weeks interview of Paul Levy - the "Wetiko Virus" has taken hold of the general consensus here, the result being a major sense of lack of societal leadership by NZers in this country. Many even defer to others who have moved from overseas to now live here. Wetiko (Native American term for dark energy) is a mind virus that has in various degrees become surreptitiously installed in us all. 

Having done so it manifests as the “inner critic” that puts you down within yourself, and that in turn causes you to put other people down. Which erodes your self-esteem causing you to then also hide and shun friends.   

Elandra describes how in the process of healing her inner critic certain words came to her and she in shock wondered where they came from ... these sneering words inside saying - "You will never write your book,  Elandra – you’ve been trying for 30 years - just give up,  you pathetic woman. Why don't you just dig a hole and go die!"

So she wrote these words down, and she looked at them closely and then these words she heard - fell away - because - this mind virus - does not want its existence to be seen and acknowledged. Let alone going public by sending it to 800 people in a group! By overcoming the desire to remain ‘private’ it worked, now she has a voice inside that never says anything negative about herself and instead cheers her on saying "I love you Elandra”.

Tall Poppy Syndrome causes us to withhold love as well as withhold its expression - she says that in NZ withholding Love, and appreciation and expression has become a virtue! She sees this as the most insidious thing that is happening in this country, this is now "a very NZ thing!" There is also a sense of inferiority in the NZ psyche, plus defensiveness, making it difficult to mention these things… 

She says we have to change this attitude and fast.  So first we have to recognize it.  Also, Elandra tells of her counselor friends having young people (and all ages), show up exclaiming – “I don’t know who I am anymore!”  They have no real authentic role models – just films, pop idols etc.  This in spite of also the wonderful people in NZ  and those who do work with love to help people in despair etc.


This interview broaches much subject matter.

She talks about the USA being not one country but 50 countries all different from each other! They are called states but are 50 countries in ONE!  and these, each one, is mostly  far bigger than NZ – so how can you even compare?!  So with the reflection of this vast geography  there is a sense of  vast space, space and room  to expand your psyche and consciousness  (I concur),  and your  heart is big, ‘cos it has more room - and so she says that the Americans generally support the expansiveness of expression and the heart (Tim having lived there twice - I concur) So in USA it is different,  wanting to stand out is celebrated, supported, applauded and lauded!

 In NZ growing up feelings were not really in our vocabulary – most of us as children did not have parents who addressed  feelings - (I Tim, didn't know there was a different between thinking and feeling - I was unknowingly brought up that way). Parents are afraid of their children’s expression of pain and anger and will shut them up fast. Hear Elandra talk on 'when we were babies and tots' many of us when crying were not really supported and were told to keep quiet and close off to how we felt – listen

In NZ it is the status quo normal to suppress feelings, especially ones deemed negative. This means that speaking out your truth is not done. Withholding expression of truth of feelings – from self and others, (whether negative or positive), is highly dangerous to your health, indeed a cause and catalyst for many kinds of health dysfunctions.  It is actually taboo in NZ to be on talking about or expressing feelings, (I Tim concur). Especially about talking about suicide...

 There is also distrust of mental health and going to psychologists etc. and understandably ... because they are not trained with a full holistic knowingness of the human condition - they are in most cases all intellectualizing.  Remembering that 'Psyche' in Psychology and Psychiatrist means Soul in ancient Greek…but not fully recognized today.

 As an intuitive professional healer of over 35 years Ela

GreenplanetFM Podcast has 531 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 410:09:17. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 5th, 2024 10:46.

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