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Living and Loving Your Life with Chantel Allen

by Chantel Allen

Learn how to stop overthinking and overdoing so you can connect to the one thing you shy away from: your emotions. I’ll show you how to align your head and your heart so you can harness the power of emotion to take control of your life and create the impact you dream of.


Embrace Your Emotions: Empowering Insights into Near and Far Enemies

27m · Published 30 May 07:27

In this episode, guest Kathy Moffat and I, delve into the fascinating world of emotions with a focus on near and far enemy emotions. Our guest, an expert in emotional intelligence, helps us explore how understanding these nuanced emotional states can lead to personal growth, better relationships, and enhanced well-being. Tune in to discover practical strategies for recognizing and managing these emotions in your daily life.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Introduction to Near and Far Enemy Emotions:

    • Definition and examples
    • Importance of distinguishing between them
  2. Personal Stories and Anecdotes:

    • Guest shares personal experiences with near and far enemy emotions
    • Real-life implications and lessons learned
  3. Practical Strategies:

    • Mindfulness and self-awareness practices
    • Tips for recognizing and managing near and far enemy emotions
  4. Impact on Relationships:

    • How these emotions affect personal and professional relationships
    • Building deeper connections through emotional clarity
  5. Cultural and Societal Influences:

    • Role of societal norms in shaping our emotional understanding
    • Overcoming cultural barriers to emotional intelligence
  6. Future Implications:

    • The evolving conversation around emotions
    • Hopes for societal growth and emotional resilience

Questions to Ponder:

  • Can you identify any near or far enemy emotions in your life?
  • How might understanding these emotions change your interactions with others?
  • What steps can you take to cultivate greater emotional awareness?

Guest Bio:

Kathy Moffat is a Certified Life Coach specializing in relationships and confilct resolution. With years of experience in coaching, Kathy brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights into understanding complex emotional landscapes.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
  • Kathy Moffat Coaching on instagram

Call to Action:

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review on Apple. Share this episode with friends and family who might benefit from understanding their emotions better.

Show Notes: Here

Connect with Us:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Youtube: @ChantelAllenCoaching
  • Instagram:@chantelallencoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

The Anger Epidemic Debate

14m · Published 23 May 07:02

Welcome to the debut episode of The Anger Epidemic Debate! In this episode, we dive deep into the growing issue of anger and disconnection among today's youth. Join us as we explore the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to this pressing societal problem.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Introduction to the Anger Epidemic:

    • Overview of the increasing disconnection and anger among children and teenagers.
      • Impact of technology and social media.
      • Influence of family dynamics and societal pressures.
  • Consequences of Disconnection:

    • Effects on academic performance and social relationships.
    • Long-term implications for mental health and well-being.
    • Potential for increased violence and societal instability.
  • Conclusion:

    • Recap of the key points discussed.
    • Encouraged to continue the conversation on instagram

Call to Action:

We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts and experiences on youth anger and disconnection. Follow me on social media and join the conversation using the hashtag #AngerEpidemicDebate.

Show Notes: Here

Connect with Us:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Youtube: @ChantelAllenCoaching
  • Instagram:@chantelallencoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Healing Inner Resistance- A Guided Meditation for Embracing Your Inner Child

11m · Published 16 May 07:14

In this episode, we invite you to join us on a 10-minute guided meditation designed to help you process feelings of resistance and shame by connecting with your inner child. This meditation offers a safe space to acknowledge and embrace difficult emotions with compassion and understanding. Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this session aims to support your journey towards self-healing and inner peace.

Show Notes: Get more here

Key Takeaways:

  • This meditation provides a space for acknowledging and processing difficult emotions.
  • Embracing your inner child can foster deeper self-compassion and healing.
  • You can return to this meditation whenever you need to reconnect with yourself and find inner peace.

Connect with ME:

  • Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Thank You for Listening! I appreciate you tuning in to this episode of "Living and Loving Your Life." If you enjoyed the show, please consider leaving us a review on Apple and sharing it with your friends and family. Stay curious, stay energized, and until next time, embrace acceptance and let your energy flow!

Letting Life Flow: Acceptance as the Ultimate Energy Charger

21m · Published 08 May 07:06

Description: In this episode of "Living and Loving Your life," we delve into a fascinating concept: how acceptance can actually create energy in our lives. We explore the dynamics of resistance versus acceptance, uncovering how resisting what is can drain us, while accepting reality can invigorate us. From practical steps to recognizing resistance to real-life examples in work and emotions, we unpack how shifting from resistance to acceptance can transform our energy and outlook on life.

Key Points:

  • Introduction to the concept of how acceptance can generate energy.
  • Understanding the signs of resistance and its impact on our energy levels.
  • Practical steps for shifting from resistance to acceptance.
  • Real-life examples illustrating the difference acceptance can make in work and emotions.
  • How acceptance can free up mental and emotional space for more productive and fulfilling pursuits.
  • Reflections on areas of life where acceptance could lead to increased energy and well-being.

Episode Highlights:

  • Recognizing resistance: Signs in body and mind.
  • Shifting perspective: Practical steps for cultivating acceptance.
  • Work example: How acceptance can lead to creative problem-solving.
  • Emotional example: Moving through negative emotions with acceptance.
  • Embracing acceptance as a continuous journey of growth and transformation.

Conclusion: Join us as we explore the transformative power of acceptance and how it can become a source of energy and vitality in our lives. By embracing acceptance, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences, fostering a greater sense of peace, resilience, and well-being.

Connect with ME:

  • Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Thank You for Listening! I appreciate you tuning in to this episode of "Living and Loving Your Life." If you enjoyed the show, please consider leaving us a review on Apple and sharing it with your friends and family. Stay curious, stay energized, and until next time, embrace acceptance and let your energy flow!

Spiritual Evolution: Nurturing Truth in Self-Discovery with Mark Butler

45m · Published 02 May 07:08

Show Notes:

Today I have the honor of having on Mark Butler as my guest on the podcast. Mark is a wealth of knowledge and has an amazing way of looking at and taking apart thoughts and ideas. I have always loved his perspective on religion and how it paires beautifully with coaching. This is something I have seen struggling in the world, in my personal relationships as well as in the industry and so I wanted to take this opportunity to take this apart with him. Listen in on this candid converstaion around truth, faith, character development and how to bridge coaching and faith.

Key Takeaways:

  • What does it look like to navigate being selfish and self less
  • Truth about what relationships are and what they require
  • How to integrate faith and truth into what we learn about coaching
  • How to develope ourselves

As mentioned in the show:

  • We mentioned the thought model- if you're unfamiliar with this model you can learn more about it on these podcasts
    • Understanding Thoughts
    • Let's do some feelings
    • Let's take action
  • Mark Butler's podcast

Show Notes: Here

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Truth Unraveled: Navigating the Divide Between True Truths and False Truths

14m · Published 25 Apr 07:21

Show Notes:

  1. Introduction

    • Welcome to "Truth Unraveled," where we delve into the complexities of truth and falsehood.
    • Today's episode explores the nuanced difference between true truths and false truths, shedding light on the blurry line separating authenticity from deception.
  2. Defining True Truths and False Truths

    • What constitutes a "true truth"? How does it differ from a "false truth"?
    • Discussing the importance of discerning genuine facts from misleading information.
  3. The Nature of Truth

    • Exploring philosophical perspectives on truth: correspondence theory, coherence theory, pragmatic theory, etc.
    • How does our understanding of truth shape our perceptions of reality?
  4. Types of Falsehoods

    • Identifying common forms of deception: misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories.
    • Understanding the motives behind spreading false truths: manipulation, power dynamics, and ideological agendas.
  5. Cognitive Biases and Truth Perception

    • How cognitive biases influence our ability to discern truth from falsehood.
    • Strategies for overcoming confirmation bias, belief perseverance, and other cognitive traps.
  6. Navigating the Information Landscape

    • Tips for evaluating sources and verifying information in the age of digital misinformation.
    • Recognizing red flags and warning signs of false truths.
  7. Case Studies and Examples

    • Analyzing historical and contemporary examples of true truths and false truths.
    • Highlighting the impact of misinformation on society and individual decision-making.
  8. The Ethics of Truth

    • Exploring the ethical implications of spreading false information.
    • The responsibility of media, influencers, and individuals in upholding truthfulness and integrity.
  9. Conclusion: Seeking Authenticity

    • Emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, skepticism, and intellectual humility in our pursuit of truth.
    • Encouraging listeners to cultivate a discerning mindset and engage in constructive dialogue to uncover true truths amidst the sea of falsehoods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Truth is multifaceted, encompassing both objective facts and subjective interpretations.
  • False truths often exploit cognitive biases and societal vulnerabilities.
  • Critical thinking and information literacy are essential tools for navigating the complex landscape of truth and deception.
  • Upholding truthfulness and ethical integrity is a collective responsibility in fostering a more informed and just society.

Show Notes:

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Transient Truths- Navigating Faith, Freedom, and the Four Steps to Liberation

29m · Published 18 Apr 07:00

Today's podcast is a little different in that we are sharing favorite thoughts, insights and ideas. Think of this as a buffet of information and tools to use next.

Favorite thoughts we explore today:

  1. Faith needs doubt to grow:

    • What is faith without doubt?
    • How faith requires doubt
  2. Everything is temporary

  3. Embracing the chaos within in order to let go of control

  4. You can be right or you can be free

  5. 4 steps to Freedom:
    1. I can't
    2. I strive to (I have to)
    3. I want to
    4. I am
  6. Takeaways for Listeners:

    • Embracing more of right now will help us to grow
    • Check in with what you're feeling, and where you might be on the 4 steps to freedom scale.

Let me know if this style of pdocast resonates for you. What phrase, thought, or tool are you taking with you this week?

Show Notes: Here

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Beyond Black and White: Embracing the Spectrum of All-In Living

22m · Published 11 Apr 07:02

Today we're going to discuss the difference between being All in and All or Nothing thinking. There is a difference, and being able to recognize it will help us move forward in our growth and progress. Join us as we explore the key points and takeaways from our discussion on navigating life's complexities with flexibility, resilience, and growth.

Key Points:

  1. Introduction to "All-In" Thinking:

    • Definition and contrast with "all or nothing" mindset.
    • Understanding the spectrum of possibilities in life's gray areas.
  2. Pitfalls of "All or Nothing" Thinking:

    • Success defined in binary terms.
    • Negative impact on well-being and motivation.
    • Examples across various domains: career, relationships, fitness.
  3. Embracing the Empowerment of "All-In" Thinking:

    • Flexibility in approach and mindset.
    • Resilience in the face of setbacks.
    • Growth-oriented perspective on challenges and opportunities.
  4. Practical Strategies for Cultivating an "All-In" Mindset:

    • Cultivating self-compassion and kindness towards oneself.
    • Adopting a growth mindset: viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning.
    • Building a supportive community for encouragement and accountability.
  5. Takeaways for Listeners:

    • Shift from binary thinking to embracing life's nuances.
    • Recognize the power of resilience and adaptability.
    • Practice self-compassion and foster a growth-oriented mindset.
    • Surround yourself with a supportive community to stay committed to your goals.

Join us on this journey of exploration and empowerment as we uncover the keys to living life with purpose, resilience, and fulfillment. Tune in and discover how embracing an "all-in" mindset can transform your approach to challenges and opportunities, leading to a richer and more meaningful life experience.

Show Notes: Here

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Beyond Self: Finding Harmony in Self-Development and Connection

16m · Published 04 Apr 07:40

In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the delicate balance between self-focus and connection with others. Join us as we delve into the importance of selfishness in self-development, the pitfalls of excessive self-centeredness, and the profound impact of meaningful human connections. Through real-life examples and insightful reflections, we uncover the essence of personal growth within the context of community and interconnectedness.

Key Points:

  1. The Importance of Selfishness: Understand how prioritizing oneself is essential for self-awareness, self-love, and personal growth. Explore examples illustrating how constructive selfishness can serve as a catalyst for positive change.

  2. The Pitfalls of Excessive Self-Centeredness: Examine the dangers of getting lost in our own world and neglecting the enriching experiences that come from connecting with others. Discover why striking a balance between self-focus and interpersonal relationships is crucial for holistic well-being.

  3. The Power of Meaningful Connections: Explore how interactions with others serve as mirrors, reflecting back our strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. Learn through real-life stories how supportive relationships foster personal growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

  4. Striking a Balance: Gain insights into how to navigate the complexities of self-development and interpersonal connections. Discover practical tips for embracing both individuality and interconnectedness, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.


  • Recognize the value of selfishness when channeled constructively for personal growth.
  • Reflect on the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between self-focus and connection with others.
  • Embrace the transformative power of meaningful relationships in fostering personal development and well-being.
  • Commit to cultivating a sense of community, support, and reciprocity in your journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment.

Show Notes: Here

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Embracing Uncertainty- Finding Freedom in Lostness

16m · Published 21 Mar 07:00

In this episode, we delve into the intricate dance between feeling lost and uncertain, and how embracing love, curiosity, and openness can lead us to unexpected freedom. Through personal anecdotes and practical insights, we explore the transformative power of navigating uncertainty with a mindset of exploration rather than fear.

Key Points Covered:

  • Understanding the natural human experience of feeling lost and uncertain.
  • The role of fear and anxiety in exacerbating feelings of uncertainty.
  • The importance of approaching uncertainty with love, curiosity, and openness.
  • Personal stories of navigating through uncertainty and finding unexpected freedom.
  • Practical steps to shift from fear to curiosity when faced with uncertainty.
  • How embracing uncertainty can lead to personal growth and transformation.


  • Embracing uncertainty is a natural part of the human experience and can lead to personal growth.
  • Shifting from fear to curiosity when faced with uncertainty can open doors to unexpected opportunities.
  • Cultivating a mindset of openness and exploration can transform feelings of lostness into feelings of liberation.

Closing: Join us as we explore the depths of human emotions and experiences, and learn how embracing uncertainty can lead to newfound freedom and growth. Remember, in the journey from feeling lost to being found, there lies the path to true liberation.

Show Notes: Here

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself- sign up with this link here.

Living and Loving Your Life with Chantel Allen has 304 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 99:27:13. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 19:42.

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