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Salad With a Side of Fries Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss

by Jenn Trepeck

What to eat and when to cheat! Let's decipher between all the “diets” out there. You know what to do but it itsn't working. In fact, your diet could be making you fatter. Ever wondered if cryo-freezing your fat cells would really work? Should you try acupuncture? A hypnotist? If you do, how do you know if someone’s good? Salad with a Side of Fries is the podcast that will answer all these questions and more! Talking wellness and weight loss for real life, because most of us are going to drink, eat out, skip the grocery store and who wants a life without fries or dessert?! Host Jenn Trepeck’s expertise as an optimal health coach, in practice for over a decade, along with experts in various modalities will clear up the myths, mis-information, bad science and marketing to reveal the truth of HOW TO EAT and HOW TO CHEAT!* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This podcast, its content and guests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Nutrition Nugget: Enough

5m · Published 31 May 07:00

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn's talking about enough. Most of the time when people hear the word “enough” it comes with a negative connotation. Jenn is flipping the script and providing a new statement to help you navigate negative moments when you are tempted to beat yourself up for “not doing enough”. You are enough! Tune in to this episode for a great way to switch your outlook on your actions and self-talk. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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Take Your Foot Off the Gas (Reverse Dieting)

54m · Published 29 May 07:00

Do you feel like you are juggling too many things between work, socializing, your health, family, etc. and something has to give? This may be the ideal time to take a step back, allow yourself to slow down and do less so you can achieve more. Tune in to learn more about what that looks like when it comes to your health and activity.

This week, Jenn is talking about taking your foot off the gas when it comes to your health and wellness goals. She explains how to evaluate if you need to take a step back in your intensity (even if you feel like you’re already balanced in your nutrition) - whether that’s for a week, a month, or a season in order to show your body appreciation and allow it to rest and heal. Jenn explains how physiological stress can impact your hormones and how reverse dieting may be the next step in your wellness journey. She describes what is required during this phase and how you will know when you are done with the phase of less intensity. Tune in to learn more about reverse dieting and taking a step back!

The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


  • [5:04] How do most people tend to approach weight management?
  • [9:00] What are different phases to focus on?
  • [11:41] What's the connection between consistency and intensity?
  • [14:40] When might you want to step back from your current maintenance intensity?
  • [18:24] How do you know if there is physiological stress happening?
  • [21:43] Why do we use food as a way to fill needs that aren’t actually physical stomach hunger?
  • [26:44] What does it mean to be on the same team as our body?
  • [37:35] What is reverse dieting and how can it impact our health?
  • [46:22] What’s required for this phase to serve you?
  • [47:50] How long do you stay in this phase and how do you know when you're done?


  • [10:08] Our metabolisms don’t like the same thing all the time. Surprises actually kick the body into working a little more.
  • [36:40] The idea of achieving more by doing less is letting go of some of the things that we are holding onto, so that we can experience and hold the next thing that shows up.
  • [39:57] When slowly adding more calories into your diet, it helps the body recover. It helps the body get out of that panic and out of that survival mode without shocking it.


[11:07] “I talk all the time about living in the gray area, that in between, where we eat some and exercise some. That is really an area of balance and maintenance, that is in fact a long term strategy. Yet even in the bigger picture, there are times when each of these approaches fit, and a time when there’s another one that fits.” - Jenn Trepeck

[32:26] “We want to be on the same team as our body, instead of always fighting our body.” - Jenn Trepeck

[34:44] “Be more connected to your inner self. Give enough time to rest, to go to nature, and with that, your body can open up and also absorb more love and nutrition into your body, which makes you less hungry and which also makes you more happy to move around. In that case, the weight will go down automatically.” - Nandar

[46:19] “What’s required for this phase to serve you? Recognizing that even here in this phase, consistency is important. We want to also remove the fear from food, remove the fear from eating more, and the way we can do that is focus on the nutrients.” - Jenn Trepeck

[50:56] “Not every moment is a time to push. Sometimes even in a world of balance, we might choose to let things go a little more. You will know when you're ready to shift again.” Jenn Trepeck

[51:20] “It’s all about our self love. However you are feeling right now, if you are not feeling well, we have to take care of ourselves. It is not about how we look on the outside or how much we weigh on the scale, it’s about how we are feeling right now, so that it’s sustainable for the long run.” - Nandar


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Nutrition Nugget: NAD

14m · Published 24 May 07:00

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn's talking about NAD. Are you looking for the fountain of youth? According to researchers, NAD is the closest thing they’ve found! Jenn shares details about NAD and how it affects our body. She talks about what depletes NAD in our systems and how this can impact our aging. Jenn walks through the reason that NAD is essential to aging well and shares a supplement that she has been using. Lastly, she reminds listeners of the foundational lifestyle factors that also increase the likelihood of aging well. Tune in to learn more! Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


Prime Anti-Aging Nutraceuticals® NAD+

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Age Defying Insights (feat. Chris Burres)

58m · Published 22 May 07:00

How do you die young, at a very old age? By learning how to appropriately care for your mind and body, and by aging well, you can reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and more. Tune in to learn the secrets to defy aging.

This week, Jenn is joined by author and host of the Longevity Health Summit, Chris Burres. Chris explains the Longevity Health Summit, and the results of the 50+ interviews that he conducted with experts about longevity and improving health as we age. He describes the silver bullets that he went out to uncover as well as some of the top surprises and takeaways that he found through the interviews. Jenn and Chris go on to talk about why people have a hard time sticking with things or even getting started with new healthy habits. Tune in for this informative episode to learn how you can improve your day to day habits to increase your longevity and extend your life!

The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


  • [6:21] Chris shares his history as a scientist and discovering a molecule.
  • [10:22] What was the Longevity Health Summit and what experts were a part of it?
  • [14:50] What were the two silver bullets that Chris went into the Summit trying to find?
  • [21:45] What is the age escape velocity?
  • [24:29] Chris asked experts in wellness and longevity how long people are going to live.
  • [30:48] Are we in control of how long we live and what type of health we are in?
  • [35:47] What were the biggest surprises Chris learned from all of his interviews at the longevity summit?
  • [44:27] Why do we not take action on the information we know would help us improve our health? What is getting in our way?


  • [16:51] If you address aging, then you’ll also address Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
  • [40:51] Mindset is the most important thing when it comes to your health. If you don’t have the mindset to make changes and create healthier habits for yourself, then you ultimately won’t do any of those other habits that increase longevity and prevent disease.
  • [44:31] You’re not where you want to be, not because of what you don’t know, it’s because of what you do know and you’re not doing.
  • [47:55] Choosing to overcome something that you really don’t want to do, such as a cold plunge, or a cold shower, or making the bed is great for your brain.


  • [15:22] “I hope everybody understands what you just said, that if we call aging a disease, then we can get funding for it, because health does not have funding.” - Jenn Trepeck
  • "We need to be addressing aging and you need to be doing everything you possibly can because there's a finish line, and at some point, I believe, there will be the last person to die of natural causes." - Chris Burres
  • "We currently don't separate living longer from living in an infirm state." - Chris Burres
  • "In 1950 medical information doubled every 50 years. Today, medical information doubles every 73 days." - Chris Burres
  • [45:56] “In any endeavor, I describe it this way, that success is ultimately kind of boring. Whether you think about the success of Michael Phelps, he swam probably at the same pool, at the same time, for decades. He ate the same huge amount of calories every day for decades. This doesn’t sound exciting, this sounds like I wouldn't want to do that, which is why it’s so amazing that he did that. So you really do have to kind of buckle into some of these things that are going to be boring, and they’re really good for you, and you’ve got to be focused on the long haul.” - Chris Burres


Carbon-Nano What? Episode

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Published author, Host of the Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity Health Summit, patent holder with a surprising twist – he’s not just a visionary scientist but also a master of comedy improv. Chris Burres is the founder and chief scientist at MyVitalC, where he manufactures a Nobel Prize winning molecule responsible for the single longest longevity experimental result in history, a full 90% extension of life. He is the intersection where science meets laughter and his life’s mission is to help people live longer, healthier, happier, pain-free lives one dose at a time.

Nutrition Nugget: Neural Nostalgia

5m · Published 17 May 07:00

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn's talking about neural nostalgia. Music binds to our brains differently as teens than as adults. Neural nostalgia is the feeling of being transported back to our teenage years when we hear a specific song from our past. When we hear these songs, our neural pathways associated with the original experience become activated. Neural nostalgia can act as a buffer against daily stress, help us feel more socially connected, and may enhance feelings of wellbeing. What’s your favorite song from your teen years? Add it to the queue and turn it up! Tune in to learn more about neural nostalgia and how it works! Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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Blue Zones: A Blueprint for Physical and Mental Health

49m · Published 15 May 07:00

The people who live in the Blue Zones are said to be the healthiest, happiest people, with lower rates of chronic diseases and a longer life expectancy. What is behind their longevity and can we learn to implement it into everyday life? Yes, we can! Tune in to learn how.

This week, Jenn is discussing Blue Zones and how the habits and way of life of those who live in these Blue Zones can be the blueprint for physical and mental health. She discusses what these places have in common when it comes to food/diet, culture, environment, movement, and community. Jenn explains why the way they live their lives leads to longevity, and how we can implement some of those things into our everyday lives. She talks through how the standard American life and habits impact our abilities to live a long healthy life, and what our modern American lives are missing. Tune in to learn more and uncover what you can add into your life to improve your healthspan!

The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


  • [4:49] Where are the 5 Blue Zones and what qualifies as a Blue Zone?
  • [6:33] What are the biggest factors in longevity?
  • [8:12] What do all of these Blue Zones have in common when it comes to food?
  • [16:20] How does the environment play into the habits of those living in the Blue Zones?
  • [18:49] What does movement look like in the Blue Zones?
  • [27:08] What changes are currently being made to try and increase longevity in other cities?
  • [30:05] What are the commonalities in the Blue Zone cultures?
  • [32:30] What is the difference between lifespan and healthspan?
  • [36:18] How do these communities share their ups and downs of life?
  • [41:45] What are our modern American lives missing?


  • [24:54] The more activity in terms of going about the course of our daily lives, the better. That’s what will make a tremendous difference in our longevity.
  • [36:00] Community is just as important as the food we put into our bodies. Connecting with those around us through the stories we share while breaking bread and having quality friendships can aid in a longer lifespan, as evidenced by the communities within Blue Zones.
  • [42:21] The NIH funded a study for over 11 years, they followed highly functioning people between the ages of 65 and 92 and found that individuals who express a clear goal in life, something to get up for in the morning, something that made a difference, lived longer and were sharper than those who did not.
  • [44:07] Only 30% of Americans have purpose in their work. We are generally out of alignment between our values, our purpose, and our work. If we can move toward alignment and have a reason for getting out of bed in the morning, it’s truly transformative in terms of health.


“These are the areas where people are living past 100 years old. They also have the lowest rates of chronic disease. Even with these people who are at 100 or beyond, they have the highest cognitive function, the sharpest memory...far exceeding the physical vitality of what we see elsewhere." - Jenn Trepeck

"Certainly genetics play a factor, but...only about 20-25% of how long we live. The other 75-80% is about our lifestyle, how we're living everyday." – Jenn Trepeck

"They stop eating when they are 80% full, which is not easy for many of us to do." - Jenn Trepeck

[12:18] “So essentially the way Americans eat, it’s like stepping on the gas, pressing down the accelerator pedal of aging and disease, so it’s also a function. I say that just to highlight that this isn’t permanent. It’s not like, oh, we do these things, check the box and we’re done. It’s a continued commitment to these choices in this lifestyle.” - Jenn Trepeck

[36:32] “What we see in the Blue Zones and in these communities with longer health spans is that they laugh together and they cry together, right? That there's emotion in these communities like in Sardinia in particular. They have this healthy social life, at least three friends that you can laugh with and who care about you on a bad day is worth about eight years of life expectancy. In the 80s, Americans had about three friends. Today, we’re down to about two friends that meet that criteria.” - Jenn Trepeck

[40:54] “I think it’s also our modern world where we have such a connection to our work, and then post retirement, we lose our purpose and that’s a major risk factor for deteriorating health.” - Jenn Trepeck

[45:24] “A great little exercise or practice to do for everybody is grab a piece of paper and write down all the activities that you do in your day. The little things like washing your face or even the bigger things, maybe it is your work. Write down the list of the things that you do in a day and then go through, and just highlight the ones that bring you into alignment with your purpose. No judgment, just see how that plays out and then see what happens if you can start to build some things into your day where there’s at least something every day that’s an activity aligned with your purpose.” - Jenn Trepeck

"While Blue Zones have a lot to teach us, I think it's also really heartening that there's nothing there that the rest of us also couldn't do." - Jenn Trepeck


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Nutrition Nugget: 75 Hard

14m · Published 10 May 07:00

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn's talking about 75 Hard. The challenge was created in 2019, however it has become more popular in the last couple years. Jenn talks about the program’s requirements and rules and how she feels about them. She also discusses the restrictive nature of the program. She then talks about alternatives people can do to achieve similar goals, in a less restrictive way. Tune in to learn more. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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Memory: Why we Lose it & How to Keep it

50m · Published 08 May 07:00

Did you know cognitive decline can start as early as 40 years old? And the typical patient with Alzheimer’s symptoms is no longer elderly! In fact, it’s a 52-year old menopausal woman. Mind blown? Tune in for signs to look out for and preventable steps to take to ensure that your brain stays as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

This week, Jenn is discussing cognitive decline and why we are starting to see it more commonly in adults as young as 40. Jenn explains what cognitive decline is, as well as the signs and symptoms that you may see when you start to experience it. She walks through the impacts that lifestyle habits play in cognitive function, and how the seemingly innocent things you are currently doing in your daily life may actually be impacting your cognitive future. Jenn provides some tangible things that you can start doing now to ensure that your brain stays healthy for as long as possible. Tune in to learn more!

The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


  • [11:29] What is cognitive decline and what are the signs of it?
  • [15:12] What in our diets and lifestyle are causing cognitive decline?
  • [18:10] How are memory challenges and focus challenges different?
  • [19:18] What is the connection between body fat and brain volume or cognitive function?
  • [23:41] How are toxins impacting cognitive decline, especially in menopausal women?
  • [28:47] What are active, preventative measures we can take towards reducing/preventing cognitive decline?
  • [34:28] How is the brain’s lymphatic system impacted by sleep?
  • [36:15] What does low-glycemic impact nutrition have to do with cognitive decline?
  • [38:46] Why should hydration be a priority?
  • [39:26] Which minerals are essential for brain health?
  • [45:05] What are the best actions to support your body in what it needs?


  • [16:04] Every human has progressive decline due to age and hormone changes. We can speed that up or slow that down, which happens through our lifestyle.
  • [34:40] Good, quality sleep is crucial for brain health. Sleep promotes the elimination of debris in the brain.
  • [47:38] Cognitive decline is real and looks like so many more things than we once thought. There are so many more factors involved than what we once believed. Start focusing on prevention, activity and awareness by at least 40 years old.


  • [1:53] “It’s actually now recommended that we start working toward actively reversing and preventing cognitive decline by age 40.” - Jenn Trepeck
  • [19:18] “Increase in body fat leads to a decrease in brain volume and cognitive function. Central obesity in midlife increases the risk of cognitive decline, so carrying that extra weight around the middle increases that risk, independent of blood glucose or cardiovascular comorbidities.” - Jenn Trepeck
  • [38:47] “Just a 2% increase in brain hydration can promote concentration, memory recall, and reaction time. Proper hydration is linked to productivity, healthy mood, and mental emotional balance. Cognitive function, sensory fitness, reaction time, and hydration status are all linked.” - Jenn Trepeck
  • "This is no longer late in life and it is no longer unpreventable or uncurable in a majority of cases." - Jenn Trepeck


Debunking Detox Episode

The Body’s Daily Detox Episode

Ultimate BioHack - Sleep Episode

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Nutrition Nugget: Sparkling Ice

9m · Published 03 May 07:00

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, at the request of listener Sara, Jenn's talking about Sparkling Ice, a flavored sparkling water. Jenn is taking a deep dive into the ingredients of the different varieties and flavors on the market. They claim to contain antioxidants and vitamins, but what are the sources of these ingredients and are they actually beneficial or just fancy marketing? Jenn also shares her favorite way to enjoy a refreshing sparkling water with a pop of flavor. Tune in to learn more! Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


Nutrition Nugget: Healthier Sodas

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Gut Bacteria & Your GI Upset (feat. Lindsey Parsons)

37m · Published 01 May 07:00

Is bloating an issue for you? It’s incredibly common yet that doesn’t mean it’s normal. This episode breaks down common GI issues and how to detect and prevent them. Tune in to learn more!

This week, Jenn is talking with certified health coach Lindsey Parsons about all things gut health. Lindsey walks through her story of dealing with chronic SIBO, as well as common GI upset such as candida, IBD, IBS, and more. She discusses how to handle bloating and how to understand the root cause of it. Lindsey explains what the “perfect stool” is and how to recognize if your stool might be off due to a larger issue. Jenn and Lindsey talk about weight loss resistance and fat loss resistance and how it is all connected to what’s happening within the gut. Tune in to learn more about gut health, probiotics, fiber and more!

The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


● [3:47] How did Lindsey get started with her specialty of stool and gut health?

● [5:40] Lindsey talks about the connection between gut health and the immune system/autoimmune issues.

● [8:40] How do you handle bloating and what is the cause of it?

● [11:52] How do you manage chronic diarrhea or constipation?

● [13:37] What is the “perfect stool”?

● [17:00] How is weight loss resistance or fat loss resistance connected to what’s happening in the gut?

● [19:03] How does candida tie in to gut issues?

● [22:02] What is slow motility in the small intestine and large intestine?

● [22:46] How do you know when you should add more fiber in your diet?

● [25:32] When should you use probiotics?

● [28:05] How can people go about testing on their own?

● [28:57] Lindsey talks about a few more items that help the gut.


● [5:59] For an autoimmune issue to become active, generally the body has to become weakened in order for the autoimmune issue to flare up. This could be leaky gut or intestinal hyperpermeability, or a gut infection.

● [9:58] If you suspect that you have GI issues, first start with a gastroenterologist to clear any major issues such as cancer. Once that is cleared, then you test with a gastroenterologist who is educated in SIBO or find a functional medicine doctor who can run tests such as a GI Map.

● [23:47] Fruits and vegetables are the best source for fiber, but the real powerhouses diet-wise are going to be your beans, lentils and chickpeas. You’re never going to get enough fiber unless you eat those foods in your diet regularly.


“A leaky gut is allowing out these antigens, be they parts of gram negative bacteria called lipopolysaccharides, which create inflammation, or they might be partly digested food particles like gluten, which is something that really resembles your thyroid gland. So therefore, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of the most common autoimmune disease because the body sees that thing come out of your intestines, not digested, full protein, and thinking that doesn't belong here, attacks it, and then says what else looks like that in the body, oh well your thyroid gland, so let me attack that too.” - Lindsey Parsons

“When I’m at my worst, I can look six months pregnant easily. So, bloating is very much associated with SIBO. If somebody says they’re bloated and it’s every day, and usually unless they’re following a very strict diet that doesn't have any high FODMAP foods, then typically you’re going to be looking at SIBO and that may have been diagnosed as IBS because it may then go along with diarrhea or constipation or other GI issues.” - Lindsey Parson

“If you’re just a generally healthy person who maybe is just a little bit constipated, you probably do need to add some more fiber to your diet. Fruits and vegetables being the best source, but really the powerhouses diet-wise are going to be your beans and your lentils and your chickpeas, those kinds of foods.” - Lindsey Parsons

"If you have low stomach acid and you're not breaking apart your proteins properly then you're probably not getting enough of the two essential nutrients needed to take fatty acids and...turn them into energy." - Lindsey Parsons

"Typically it starts with some sort of trigger, like a stressful period in your life or a period of antibiotics, which weakens your immune system, raises your cortisol, which raises your blood sugar and see dysbiosis, too many pathogenic bacteria and not enough commensal bacteria and then you start to see overgrowths of candida...which may cause sugar cravings or carb cravings." - Lindsey Parsons

"The symptoms you're experiencing are your body communicating with you...let's listen and support it because our gut health translates into our overall health." - Jenn Trepeck


Down and Dirty Part 1

Down and Dirty Part 2

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Free E-Booklet “Finding Your Root Cause Through Stool and Organic Acids Testing”

Free Quiz to see Which Stool or Functional Medicine Test Will Help You Find the Root Cause of your Gut Health Issues

Lindsey's Rupa Health Lab Store


Lindsey Parsons, EdD is a Certified Health Coach working out of Tucson, Arizona. She specializes in helping clients heal gut health issues and reverse autoimmune disease naturally. She also hosts the podcast "The Perfect Stool: Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome". Prior to starting her health coaching career, she co-founded and ran a nonprofit advocating for healthier food in the Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland.

Salad With a Side of Fries Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss has 528 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 295:45:37. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 19:48.

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