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Armed and Dadly

by Eric Portwood

Many men today are walking around as suppressed empty shells. Just a glimmer of the inferno that burns deep inside their soul. They walk through life as a zombie just checking the box, never truly becoming the man they are meant to be.

Copyright: Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.


FREESTYLE FRIDAY take action, build forward momentum, sit in your darkness, challenge yourself

28m · Published 04 Feb 22:39

This is the first episode of freestyle Friday. Im starting this today as a means to stay consistent with a weekly recorded episode. No pressure, no script, just my thoughts. In this first episode as I get out of my month long funk, I talk about that. Sitting in your darkness, listening to nature, listening to God and maybe realizing this season of your life is exactly where you're supposed to be. I talk about an anonymous gift and how it restored my faith in humanity. Finding the comedy in life once again. Taking action to gain forward momentum. Challenging yourself daily. 

My Son

17m · Published 07 Jan 22:10

Join me with the first podcast episode of 2022. Today I'm joined by the one and only Landon. My 7 year old son has been asking to do a podcast with me. Including our kids in the things we do is a big part of the Armed & Dadly Podcast and movement. Tune in as we talk about the things we like to do together, favorite subjects in school, what we want to be when we grow up and much more. You will love this one. Im so proud of him.

Know your Value, Keep your own score and stand up for yourself

23m · Published 14 Dec 21:59

Do you know what value you bring to the table? We are all unique and bring different value to this world that others may not. Do you stand up for yourself when your value isn't being recognized appropriately? Its up to us to keep our own score, know our own value and stand up for ourselves when that value isn't being recognized or that score hasn't been kept properly. 

Be You

28m · Published 10 Dec 22:06

In the world of comparison and social media it can sometimes be hard to just be you. Take a listen as we talk about ways to stop comparing and stop caring what others think about you and just be unapologetically you!


44m · Published 01 Dec 11:00

Between running a business and being an attentive father and husband, host Eric Portwood sometimes forgets to slow down and be thankful for all he has. In today’s episode, Eric discusses the importance of practicing gratitude.

From the very first moment of each day, we should feel grateful, not only for the things we have but also for the opportunity to live another day. Whether it be journaling or verbal actions, it is important to find a way to remind yourself and those around you that you are thankful. While it can be easy to get caught up just going through the motions of your day-to-day life, Eric explains that incorporating intentional moments of gratitude will improve your mental health and your relationship with yourself and others. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Armed & Dadly to learn more about the power of gratitude and ways you can implement it into your daily routine to enjoy a life filled with love and positivity. 



• “It's easy to forget about the simple things just because they're always there, but for some people, they're not. We need to remind ourselves to always have gratitude.” (03:53-04:06)

• “When I do focus on the things I'm gracious for, it's easier to relax and sleep at night and it's easier to be present in the moments with your loved ones.” (05:32-05:59)

• “When you practice gratitude, you can feel more joy and that can help move the needle forward in our lives.” (06:36-06:56)

• “As bad as situations can be, there's always good that comes from them and reminds us to be gracious.” (13:21-13:46)

• “We should take time to let people know that we're gracious for them because if we just take it for granted, they might not even know how we feel about them.” (17:33-17:46)

• “Practicing gratitude will help boost your mental health.” (39:25-39:30)




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Set Boundaries and Protect Your Time

19m · Published 24 Nov 11:00

“You've got to protect your own time because you’re not going to get it back,” says host Eric Portwood. After missing out on too many opportunities to spend time with his son, Eric realized that he needed to make a change. In today’s episode, Eric discusses the importance of setting boundaries and giving your time to what matters most. 

According to Eric, it is important we protect our time because it is the only asset we can’t get back. In order to effectively do this,  Eric explains that we need to set boundaries and say no to things that don’t help us progress towards our goals. By holding ourselves accountable and being realistic with ourselves, it will become easier to reprioritize our lives in positive ways. After all, when we protect our time we protect ourselves. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Armed & Dadly to learn how to set effective boundaries, so you can dedicate more time to being the best husband, father, and entrepreneur you can be. 



• “We need to protect ourselves and we need to protect our own time. Time is the only asset that we can't make more of. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time.” (02:08-02:22) 

• “We need to learn how to say no to the things that don't move the needle in the direction it needs to be moved.” (08:05-08:17)

• “You've got to protect your own time because you’re not going to get it back.” (08:45-08:49)

• “One part about setting boundaries is you've got to know yourself. You've got to set daily priorities, and one of those priorities needs to be for you.” (11:32-11:55)




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Rest, Reset and Focus

33m · Published 17 Nov 11:00

“If you're not taking care of your body, then the rest of your life is going to suffer,” says host Eric Portwood. Over the last week, Eric has found himself in a lot of emotional distress. After sorting through his emotions, Eric realized that he had become completely overwhelmed by various aspects of his life. In today’s episode, Eric discusses how to reset and refocus in times of hardship.

To alleviate daily stress and anxiety, Eric has centered Armed & Dadly around four areas of life: body, bonds, beliefs, and business. Eric explains that the most important thing we can do is to take care of our bodies because they are the vehicles that allow us to function. When we take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, we will be able to show up stronger in every other aspect of our lives.

Tune into this week’s episode of Armed & Dadly to learn more about Eric’s four areas of focus and the importance of resting and resetting, so you can continue to prioritize personal growth and success. 



• “We need to remember that we are not responsible for everyone’s emotions around us.” (05:54-05:58)

• “When we are overwhelmed and tired, we lose our focus and it will cause anxiousness and depression.” (07:32-07:40)

• “Let’s get the skeletons out of the closet.” (12:48-12:50)

• “People take medication for anxiety and depression. I take it and it doesn't make you or me or anybody a bad person for having to take medication.” (19:48-20:00)

• “When you take care of yourself, you will show up way better for yourself. You’ll be more present for your family and for your kids and your mind will be clearer to reach your goals.” (22:05-23:26)

• “Take care of your body because your body is the vehicle for your life. If you're not taking care of your body, then the rest of your life is going to suffer.” (24:34-24:47)




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75 Hard

58m · Published 10 Nov 11:00

It’s no secret that there are many overpriced and inefficient wellness plans on the market. However, there are also some free and impactful options out there, too! In order to get his health back on track, host Eric Portwood recently completed the 75 Hard Challenge, a free mental and physical toughness program. Eric’s noticeable results encouraged two of his friends, Sam Edwards and Ben McElroy to take on the challenge themselves. In today’s episode, Eric sits down with Sam and Ben to discuss what 75 Hard is and the optimal approaches for successfully completing the program.

The criteria of 75 Hard is unlike any other program out there. It encourages participants to make choices that impact not only their physical wellness but their mental wellness as well. The 75-day program requires participants to follow a diet of their own choice, drink a gallon of water a day, read 10 pages of a self-improvement book a day, complete two daily 45-minute workouts (one being outside), and, most importantly, eliminate alcohol. While Eric, Sam and Ben all have different approaches to the challenge, they all realize the importance of personal accountability and consistency. At the end of the day, there is no perfect time to start making better choices for your health; you just have to start.

Tune into this week’s episode of Armed & Dadly to learn more about 75 Hard, the importance of accountability, and how choosing to make healthy lifestyle choices now will change the trajectory of your life for the better.



• “When you tie your emotional goals to something that is difficult, it truly holds you accountable.” (09:29-09:35 | Eric Portwood)

• “When you’re accountable and holding yourself to a standard in one area, you start holding yourself to better standards in all areas.” (11:24-11:30 | Sam Edwards)

• “At the end of 75 Hard, it won’t be so much about completing it, although I will be very excited to be able to say I finished it. It's about building the right habits and also getting back to the health goals that I set for myself.” (13:14-13:29 | Sam Edwards)

• “It's the small wins that continue pushing that needle forward every single day.” (15:15-15:23 | Eric Portwood)

• “We all are searching for fulfillment, and oftentimes some of the most fulfilling things we can do is to accomplish something. And it doesn't have to be something profound.” (17:12-17:20 | Ben McElroy)

• “I'm all for being motivated to work out hard and pressing for your goals, but at some point, you have to be cognizant of what you're doing to your body and how much sleep you're getting.” (29:24-29:39 | Eric Portwood)

• “One of the coolest things is if you can drink 32 ounces of water in the morning, it chemically does very similar things to caffeine in your brain. It just doesn't come with that steep drop-off.” (36:41-36:52 | Sam Edwards)

• “One of the nice things about 75 hard is that it doesn't restrict you to a specific diet.” (40:03-40:07 | Ben McElroy)

• “When you're making lifestyle changes, in a lot of cases it's not advantageous to make huge commitments.” (46:52-47:01 | Ben McElroy)




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My Dad

57m · Published 02 Nov 10:00

As an army vet and 40-year firefighter of the Richmond Fire Department, Butch Portwood has left a lasting impression on his community. Even though Butch has helped many people throughout his life, he wants to be remembered most for being a loving Christian father. In today’s episode, host Eric Portwood invites his own father to sit down and discuss what fatherhood means to him. 

When Butch found out he was going to be a father, he knew there were things in his life he needed to change. Even though he often worked long shifts at the firehouse, Butch always made it a point to be there for his kids. According to Butch, he felt confident in his role as a father by setting a good example and only stepping in when needed to. If there was anything he could have done differently, Butch explains that he would have taken his kids to church more because his relationship with God is what made him the man and father that he is. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Armed & Dadly for a conversation between father and son. Learn about God’s role in the family dynamic, the importance of having a father figure, and how the Portwood family has successfully developed generations of strong men and fathers.



• “My parents went through a rough patch, all marriages do. My father had an affair and that was hard, but he got himself straight. Got back on track and he was a better man for it.” (07:36-08:03 | Butch)

• “When your mother and I separated, it was much harder being separated than it was to face each other, sit down, and discuss our problems. Because when you separate, you solve nothing.” (17:56-18:11 | Butch)

• “Once you have a child, that's your life. You are responsible for another human being, and I had to change some of my ways.” (19:00-19:17 | Butch)

• “I wanted to be that strong, quiet father who only interceded when I really needed to but would guide you from behind.” (21:06-21:19 | Butch)

• “There's a lot of kids out there that don't have dads to spend time with. Just because you're not their dad doesn’t mean you can’t be an influence in these kids’ lives. You change their outlook on a lot of things if you just set the example and be a positive role model in their lives.” (24:45-25:12 | Eric)

• “I wish I’d taken you to church more and spoke with you more about Jesus and God. Men that do that with their sons and daughters help them to have fewer problems in life.” (25:44-26:08 | Butch)

• “You're gonna have problems but you always have somebody fall back on: that's God.” (26:17-26:25 | Butch)

• “I want people to think I was a Christian man who always tried to do the right thing even when it's hard.” (53:34-53:46 | Butch)




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What It Means To Be Armed & Dadly

29m · Published 20 Oct 20:54

Welcome to the Armed & Dadly Podcast! On today’s episode, host Eric Portwood gives listeners some background on himself, what inspired him to start the podcast and what they can expect to hear on future episodes. 

An army veteran and retired Firefighter Paramedic, Eric has always found a sense of significance through his work. During the pandemic, Eric wrapped up his firefighting career and became a real estate agent full time. He now finds purpose by sharing his Armed & Dadly mission and lifestyle, which encourages men to forgo violence and instead use their mental and physical strength to become protectors, providers and leaders. 

Tune into the premiere episode of Armed & Dadly to learn more about the inspiration behind the podcast and what you can hear moving forward. From health- and fitness-related topics to discussions about marriages, friendships and community relationships to deep dives on toxic masculinity, this podcast will motivate you to examine how you are contributing to society and your loved ones in a meaningful way. Listen in and discover how to leave your lasting legacy!



• “Brad always pushed me to do things that I didn't have confidence to do or didn't feel like I could do well. He just always saw things in me and saw things in everybody that that they may not see in themselves….So, that's where this podcast is going. I want to continue his legacy by continuing to push people forward, push them out of their comfort zone, do things that they didn't think they could ever do.” (07:51-08:36)

• “Armed and Dadly means you're strong, but you're gentle….You're strong, mentally and physically capable of extreme violence because you train every day...but you choose to forego that violence, to be a protector, to be a provider, to be a leader.” (12:04-12:54)

• “Masculinity is not toxic in itself. Masculinity is needed. It's needed in the home, it's needed in society.” (14:24-14:31)

• “There's truly a power in a man's tears. There's too many of us men that have for years held back those tears, we've held back the vulnerability that is so much needed.” (15:43-15:59)

• “We will be the best version of ourselves every single day that we get up. We're going to have gratitude that we can get up, whether we have to get up early, whether we get up and we're sore from working out, whether we get up and we don't feel well, we're unmotivated. We're going to be gracious that we're able to get up. So many people don't have that luxury.” (27:22-27:46)




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Armed and Dadly has 40 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 17:51:26. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on October 27th, 2023 12:13.

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