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Bacon and Juice Boxes

by Jerry Turning

Our Life With Autism

Copyright: Bacon and Juice Boxes: Our Life With Autism


Episode 15: Vitals Aware Services: An Interview With Co-Founder Nick Tietz

37m · Published 22 Jun 00:50
I try not to push a lot of products or services. I know how annoying that can be. But, when it comes to the safety of our kids (and adults) and bridging the gap with the Law Enforcement community, I won’t be bashful sharing anything I find that might do some good. Today, I had ...

Episode 14: Should I Discipline? Lessons From a Police K9 Trainer

18m · Published 15 Jan 15:58
Mr. Bacon tackles a sensitive and difficult topic:  Discipline.  When is it appropriate?  When is it ineffective?  There are some basic psychological principles of dog training that are surprisingly applicable.  No, I’m not comparing our kids to dogs.  Don’t freak out, walk with me a minute and I’ll explain…

Episode 13: The Wheels on the Bus Go…

24m · Published 17 Sep 00:24
Eric had a problem on the school bus today.  Mr. and Mrs. Bacon have differing opinions about the best course of action.  They do what any healthy 21st Century couple would do:  They argue about it online and record the whole thing.  😉 Love to hear your thoughts!

Episode 12: “Police and Autism- Bridging The Gap”

30m · Published 29 Jul 01:01
Mr. and Mrs. Bacon speak candidly about recent events, their fears, and their vision for bridging the gap between Law Enforcement and the Autism community.

Episode 11: “An Ear, Some Advice, and a Kick in the Butt”

13m · Published 20 Jun 18:54
Mr. Bacon responds to a message from a struggling fellow Autism Dad asking for some advice about family, comparison, relationships, and staying on course.

Episode 10: ICE4Autism

38m · Published 09 Jun 13:49
Mr. Bacon speaks with Wanda Refaely, owner and creator of ICE4Autism, the only Autism-specific In Case of Emergency smart phone app.

Episode 9: Autism Siblings (Our Anna)

32m · Published 06 Jun 09:39
Mr. and Mrs. B. discuss the Autism sibling dynamic and the best big sister ever, Anna.

Episode 8: “Bacon and Fries: An Interview With ‘Mamma Fry'”

45m · Published 01 Jun 09:45
Mr. Bacon sits down with Eileen Shaklee (Mamma Fry) from Autism With a Side of Fries and discusses Autism, blogging, The Magical Feeding Therapist, and Tom Hanks.

Episode 7: “Keeping Friendships as Autism Parents”

34m · Published 28 May 01:24
Mr. and Mrs. B. discuss the challenges of maintaining friendships as Autism parents and the importance of having understanding, flexible, and non-judgmental friends… preferably without nice things in their home that might be broken.

Episode 6: “Vacations”

30m · Published 18 May 09:06
Tha Bacons talk about their trials and tribulations taking on the epic challenges of a Special Needs family vacation.  Tips, advice, sharks… what more could you ask for in a podcast episode?

Bacon and Juice Boxes has 10 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 5:06:54. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 27th, 2023 11:09.

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