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Early Risers

by Minnesota Public Radio

George Floyd’s death was a tragedy and a wake up call — expanding a global conversation about race and racism. And young children have been watching it all. So how do we help them make sense of this? Early Risers is a podcast from Little Moments Count and MPR with frank facts, engaging stories and real how-tos for anyone who cares about raising children with a clear-eyed understanding of cultural differences, race and implicit bias. Hosted by Dianne Haulcy of The Family Partnership.

Copyright: Copyright 2024 Minnesota Public Radio


Navigating Parenthood as Black Parents in a Growing Minnesota City

27m · Published 19 Apr 10:00

In this episode of Early Risers, Dianne speaks with Kai and James Miller, a married couple raising their two daughters in Rochester, Minnesota. Kai and James share their experiences as Black parents in a growing city that's becoming more racially diverse.

Despite the demographic changes, the Millers have struggled with feeling isolated while working to ensure their daughters see positive representations of themselves in school and the community.

Even with these challenges, Kai and James are taking concrete steps to build their daughters' confidence and self-esteem. We can all learn from their insights on navigating parenthood and identity in a changing landscape.

Episode resources: 

Raising Race Conscious Children - A website and book series dedicated to providing resources and tools for parents to have conversations with their children about race and racism. The website includes articles, book lists, and discussion guides.

The African American Parenting Group is an online community for African American parents to connect, share resources, and support each other.

"Parenting in the Age of Black Lives Matter" is a resource guide compiled by the organization EmbraceRace. It includes articles, videos, books, and podcasts for parents who want to engage in conversations about race and racism with their children.

"Talking to Children About Racial Bias" is a guide created by the American Psychological Association that offers tips for how parents can talk to their children about race and racism.

The National Black Child Development Institute is an organization that provides resources and advocacy for black children and families. Their website includes articles, resources, and events related to parenting and education.

White Parents Navigating Anti-Racist Parenting in Minneapolis

24m · Published 22 Mar 10:00

In this episode of Early Risers, Dianne speaks with Ellen Guettler, a white parent raising her two boys in Minneapolis. Ellen shares her journey of practicing anti-racist parenting in community with other white parents. Growing up, Ellen attended integrated public schools in St. Paul during the 1990s.  She remembers feeling tensions around race and racism but never had the opportunity to talk about these issues with adults. Now, as a parent, Ellen is committed to navigating these conversations with her young children.  She shares some of the questions and discoveries she's encountered on this journey. We can all learn from Ellen's insights and experiences, as they offer valuable perspective on navigating anti-racist parenting as a white parent in a diverse community.

Episode resources: 

Teaching Tolerance - A website with free resources for educators and parents to promote social justice and anti-bias education. It has a variety of articles, lesson plans, and activities that can help parents understand how to talk about race and racism with their children. 

Raising Race Conscious Children - A blog that provides resources, tips, and insights on how to talk about race with young children. It offers specific advice for parents of different races and backgrounds, including white parents. 

EmbraceRace - A nonprofit organization that aims to educate and support caregivers to raise children who are "thoughtful, informed, and brave about race." They offer webinars, resources, and a supportive community to help parents navigate conversations about race and racism with their children.

Anti-Racism Daily - A daily newsletter that provides insights and resources on how to fight racism and become a better ally. It offers practical advice for parents and caregivers on how to have conversations about race and raise anti-racist children.

Parent Toolkit - A website that offers resources for parents on a variety of topics, including race and diversity. It has articles, videos, and activities that can help parents navigate conversations about race and racism with their children. 

"Talking to Children about Racism, Police Brutality, and Protests" - An article from Ahaparenting.com that provides guidance for parents on how to talk to children about these complex issues. It offers age-appropriate strategies and tips for how to promote empathy and understanding. 

"Children Are Not Colorblind: How Young Children Learn Race" - A talk by Erin Winkler, a professor of Africology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In this talk, Winkler explains how children learn about race and offers insights on how parents can help them develop a positive racial identity.

How Children’s Books can be Tools for Resistance: A Conversation with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi

24m · Published 30 Nov 11:00

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi is an award-winning historian who is known for his best-selling books on antiracism. But a few years ago, he also started writing books for very young children, including a new book “Magnolia Flower,” which he adapted from a short story written by Zora Neale Hurston. In this special episode of Early Risers, Dr. Kendi reflects on his personal journey as a parent and children’s book author, including how children’s books can teach children about cultivating love as a tool for resistance.

Discussion Guide https://files.apmcdn.org/production/6362a4e22bfbde1e11d6a555a6d421ea.pdf

Episode resources:

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi has published several books for young children, including “Antiracist Baby,” “Goodnight Racism,” and most recently “Magnolia Flower.”

“My Family’s Doll Test”: Dr. Kendi’s 2022 essay in The Atlantic about the Clark doll test experiments from the 1940s and the importance of being intentional about representation in children’s toys and books.

“Dr. Ibram X. Kendi Recommends 6 Books to Help Your Kids Understand Race”: Dr. Kendi’s 2021 interview with NPR.

Early Risers: Wisdom From Our Guests

48m · Published 10 Aug 10:00

How do children learn about race or racism? Is it ever too early to start talking to them about it? What kinds of conversations should we be having with young children about these issues? In this special episode of Early Risers, host Dianne Haulcy revisits highlights from some of her past interviews with educators, psychologists, children’s book authors, brain researchers, therapists, and others. Together these experts offer insights, practical tools, and guidance for raising children with an understanding of cultural differences, racism and implicit bias.

The voices include:

  • Dr. Rosemarie Allen - associate professor, School of Education at Metropolitan State University of Denver

  • Louise Derman-Sparks - anti-bias education expert and author, “What if All the Kids Are White?”

  • Dr. Damien Fair - cognitive neuroscientist and co-director, Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain, University of Minnesota

  • Peggy Flanagan - 50th Lieutenant Governor, state of Minnesota

  • Christina Gonzalez - director of Student Support Services for Richfield Public Schools, Richfield, Minnesota

  • Beth Hall - executive director, PACT, An Adoption Alliance

  • Brook LaFloe - early childhood educator and entrepreneur

  • Resmaa Menakem - therapist, coach and author, “My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies”

  • Bao Phi - Writer and award-winning children’s book author, “A Different Pond”

  • Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum - psychologist and author, “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? and Other Conversations About Race.”

Episode resources:

Anti-bias educator and author Louise Derman-Sparks describes the creative use of persona dolls as a tool for promoting inclusion and reducing bias. Here’s an example of how persona dolls are being used in one early childhood classroom.

University of Minnesota cognitive neuroscientist Damien Fair discusses the Harvard Implicit Association Test, which includes a variety of free online assessments where you can gain insight about your own implicit biases.

Early childhood educator and entrepreneur Brook LaFloe describes an Indigenous cultural resource called the medicine wheel that helped her to conceptualize the interconnectedness of the different peoples of the world as a child.

There is a lack of racial and cultural diversity in children’s book characters as well as authors. EmbraceRace crowdsourced a list of recommended children’s books, featuring “kids of color being themselves.”

A Pediatrician Gets Real with His Patients in Talking About Race

33m · Published 27 Jul 10:00

When it comes to a child’s healthy development, the role of a family pediatrician can’t be underestimated. In recent years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health officials have identified racism as a serious public health threat. So how can pediatricians help parents and caregivers address issues of race and racism? Dr. Nathan Chomilo is a practicing general pediatrician as well as a leading voice around health equity, both in Minnesota and on the national level. He describes the conversations he has with his patients about race and how parents can work with their pediatrician as an ally when a child encounters racial bias.

Guest: Dr. Nathan Chomilo is a General Pediatrician at Park Nicollet Health Services/HealthPartners and Executive Committee Member, American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Minority Health Equity & Inclusion.

 Early Risers Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion Guide

Episode resources: Dr. Chomilo shared a variety of resources he recommends to families, including

“Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story of Racial Injustice” by Marianne Celano, PhD, ABPP, Marietta Collins, PhD, and Ann Hazard, PhD, ABPP:  A picture book for children ages 4-8 that tells the story of a police shooting of a Black man and how two families—one white and one Black—talk with their children about what happened.

Raising Race Conscious Children: A blog and resource for parents and educators engaged in actively challenging racism.

EmbraceRace: A parent-led website, online community and podcast for parents who want “to raise kids who are thoughtful, informed, and brave about race.”

We also recommend watching Dr. Chomilo’s 2020 grand rounds presentation to his medical colleagues at the University of Minnesota, “Racism’s Roots in Medicine &  Impact on Early Childhood.”

How Babies Start to Learn About Race

32m · Published 13 Jul 10:00

Babies are like little scientists. They come into the world with a natural ability to notice patterns and form connections. By the time a child is two years old, research shows that they are already noticing racial differences. Dr. Charisse Pickron is an assistant professor and director of the Child Brain and Perception Lab at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development. She investigates how babies and toddlers start to learn about race, including why humans may have evolved to prefer the faces of people who look like them. Her research illuminates how parents and caregivers can widen our circles of connection and disrupt what she calls a “long trajectory of bias.”

Guest: Dr. Charisse Pickron is an assistant professor and director of the Child Brain and Perception Lab at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development.

Early Risers Season 3 Episode 4 Discussion Guide: https://files.apmcdn.org/production/9df8c95dbf95d2af8fb252860e7bdf21.pdf

Episode resources:

“Individual and Collective Implicit Bias in Early Childhood” - Video of a 2019 panel moderated by Dianne Haulcy where Dr. Pickron provides an overview of her research on infants and toddlers.

When and How to Talk to Your Kids About Race - Dr. Pickron provides helpful tips for parents and caregivers.

Dr. Pickron mentioned the work of psychologist Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, author of “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? and Other Conversations About Race.” Early Risers host Dianne Haulcy interviewed Dr. Tatum in 2021. You can listen to that episode here.

Helping Children to Love the Skin They’re In

24m · Published 29 Jun 10:00

As parents and caregivers, we need to be intentional about helping children–especially children of color–develop a strong foundation of positive self-esteem and ego strength. This protects them from internalizing racist messages and helps them to build a positive racial identity. Research studies show that having a positive racial and ethnic identity is associated with higher resilience and problem-solving skills. But where should parents and caregivers begin?

Guest: Dr. Aisha White directs a program called Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education, based at the University of Pittsburgh, that supports the positive racial identity development of Black children. This includes feeling good about their skin color and hair texture, as well as having positive associations about belonging to a larger Black community and diaspora. It’s a way of countering the anti-Black racism in this country, with roots reaching far back to the transatlantic slave trade, the Jim Crow era that followed, and whose presence continues to impact us today.

Early Risers Season 3 Episode 3 Discussion Guide .pdf

Episode Resources:

Dr. White served as an advisor on this Emmy Award-winning PBS Kids Talk About Race and Racism special that models how parents can engage with young children in conversations about race.

Dr. White wrote a personal essay about an encounter she had with her grandson about colorism and how she responded when he told her that a book character’s skin was “too dark.”

“How to Talk Honestly with Children About Racism”: In this article for PBS Kids, Dr. White offers resource suggestions and concrete actions parents and caregivers can take, including specific activities and picture books that can open up conversations about race and racism.

In this interview, Dr. White discusses her work in children’s media, including how she advises script writers to represent Black characters authentically.

Dr. White mentioned the work of Louise Derman-Sparks, a longtime leader in anti-bias education in early childhood. Early Risers host Dianne Haulcy interviewed Louise Derman-Sparks in 2021. You can listen to that episode here.

Disrupting the bias within us

33m · Published 15 Jun 10:00

What should we say when a young child expresses or experiences racial bias? Maybe it’s when a child makes a comment about somebody’s skin color being ‘too dark’ or how they don’t want to play with a child of a different race. Or maybe it’s when a child has experienced racial bullying or some other kind of racialized incident in the classroom. As adults, we may find ourselves reacting or freezing up in these moments. A healthier response is to prepare what early childhood education professor and scholar Dr. Rosemarie Allen calls “a treasure chest” of ready responses for disrupting racial bias in the moment. 

Episode Discussion guide: https://files.apmcdn.org/production/73bf40c331d88de1e8cb76003aa9455c.pdf

Guest: Dr. Rosemarie Allen

Dr. Rosemarie Allen, guest on Early Risers podcast

Dr. Rosemarie Allen is a national leader around racial equity in early childhood. She’s an associate professor in the School of Education at Metropolitan State University of Denver and is founder, president and CEO of the Center for Equity and Excellence, a consulting firm specializing in racial equity and inclusion.

Episode Resources:

Dr. Allen has authored two children’s books about Black hair, “Stylish and Straight,” and “Cute and Curly.” She wrote these books in part, to provide white teachers with a window into the daily routines and lived experiences of Black children in their classrooms.

Here are some other book titles and authors Dr. Allen recommends:

How to Be an Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Dr. Allen describes this book as a must- read for all educators.

Waking up White by Debby Irving – a chronicle of a white educator’s equity journey.

The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family by Ibtihaj Muhammad – a children’s book about a Muslim girl’s pride in wearing her hijab and how she responds to bullies at school.

Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry – a children’s book that celebrates the beauty of Black hair and a father’s love for his daughter.

Spare the Kids by Dr. Stacey Patton – a book for adults that unpacks the harm of using corporeal punishment as a means of disciplining Black children. Dr. Allen also recommends Dr. Patton’s workshop on decolonizing Black parenting.

Dr. Allen participated in a virtual panel discussion, “Teaching Anti-Racism: Making Sense of Race and Racism for Young Children” hosted by Minnesota Public Radio and Early Risers in June 2021.

We also recommend Dr. Allen’s 2016 TEDx talk “School suspensions are an adult behavior,” where she talks about the epidemic of school suspensions in pre-school settings and how children of color are disproportionately impacted.

The Power of Place: Visiting George Floyd Square with Young Children

30m · Published 01 Jun 10:00

George Floyd Square in Minneapolis has become a creative memorial and gathering space for healing. It also tells a much bigger story about racism, policing, and the struggle for racial justice in this country and around the world. All of this can be complicated and confusing for a young child. So how can we help children make sense of this? In this episode, Early Risers host Dianne Haulcy visits George Floyd Square with early childhood education expert Sheila Williams Ridge. Together they unpack how parents and caregivers can prepare to bring young children here, including what to do and say to help children heal.

Guest: Sheila Williams Ridge

Sheila Williams Ridge is co-director of the Child Development Laboratory School at the University of Minnesota. She’s also co-author of “Nature-Based Learning for Young Children: Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Budget.”

Download the Discussion Guide


More Resources:

George Floyd Global Memorial

George Floyd and Anti-Racist Street Art Archive

From MPR News with Angela Davis: Coping with prolonged grief over George Floyd, mass shootings and the pandemic

From NPR: Many know how George Floyd died. A new biography reveals how he lived

Bias and the Developing Brain

33m · Published 19 Jan 11:00

The human brain is hardwired to recognize patterns—that’s how we figure out the world, and why humans have been able to adapt and survive over millennia. But the brain’s ability to quickly form cognitive associations can also lead to racial biases, even in very young children. On the season two finale of Early Risers, host Dianne Haulcy speaks with University of Minnesota cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Damien Fair about how we can train our brains to recognize bias and why the first thousand days of a child’s life are so critical for brain development.

Dr. Damien Fair studies the developing brain as a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Minnesota: He is a professor at the Institute of Child Development, a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota Medical School and the Redleaf Endowed Director at the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain at the University of Minnesota.

Download the Discussion Guide


Dr. Fair was recognized as a MacArthur Fellow – also known as a ‘genius grant’ recipient in 2020. The MacArthur Foundation produced this video about Fair and his work.

MPR News reported on Dr. Fair and the launch of the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain at the University of Minnesota in 2021.

In 2017, Fair gave a TEDx talk about his brain research, titled “Does the brain rest? New advances in studies of brain development.”

Fair discusses the Harvard Implicit Association Test during this episode, which includes a variety of free online assessments where you can gain insight about your own implicit biases.

Early Risers has 34 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 16:30:24. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 24th, 2024 12:10.

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