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Helping of Happiness

by Hillary Hess

Host Hillary Hess has 7 children and gives tips about how to enjoy mom life , along with her guests


How to Help Kids with ADHD Develop Social Skills (Episode #160)

56m · Published 12 Nov 03:25

What are some strategies for helping young kids with their friendships?

Observe behavior with friends

Role play - practice the skills and the things to say when things come up

Role play should be done over and over. Think of it to go on their daily chore list. It’s not a one time lesson.

Make it fun, the same way you would reward chores or other things you’d like them to get done.

Break skills down into just a few steps. For example: When another child says “NO” to you, say “ok” and walk away or find another toy to play with. Keep it very simple and practice.

How about teenagers?

Use the sandwich effect. Start with saying something kind about them or something you appreciate. Then talk about the skill they need to work on, and finish it up with the other end of the sandwich- more praise or positive feedback.

Have them be an “empathy investigator”. Question for them to ask themselves: What you do think that other person is feeling? Use this strategy when you are talking about situations that arise, during movies you are watching or scriptures you are reading.

How about our adult children?

Change your approach!

Monitor your reactions- deal with your OWN stressors

Learn how to receive revelation in the moment (see below for Niki’s guides for receiving personal revelation)

When we are emotionally triggered we are distanced from the Spirit.

Be a person they want to talk to- not reactionary

AMAZING Black Friday Sale!!! Such A GREAT Christmas Gift!!

We just LOVE Lily & Thistle Watercolor School! We have been painting with them for years. It’s the season of giving and the Buy One Get One deal is HERE!  If you’ve been waiting to get started with painting, but aren’t sure where to begin..


Get a Lifetime Membership for yourself and another Lifetime Membership to give and start painting your way through this holiday season!

Niki has an awesome podcast: Meaningful Minutes!! Here’s a bit more about Niki and all that she offers!!

Niki Olsen is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist and coach who uses mental health skills and a spiritual perspective to reduce anxiety, overwhelm and guilt in women by enriching their connection to themselves and God. The Meaningful Minutes podcast aims to help busy Latter-day Saint women learn simple actionable tools to feel more confident in their efforts toward spiritual growth, more inspired and closer to the spirit in 10 minutes or less.

Meaningful Prayer Journal on sale Nov 8-14 buy 5 get one free no code needed
Seeking Personal Revelation Journal on sale Nov 8-14 use code: FALLSALE for 20% off

Spiritual Survival Course
Other podcasts we’ve had with Niki:

How to Receive Personal Revelation in Your Daily Life (Episode #78)

Parenting Kids with ADHD (Episode #91)

The Mom Break Announcement (Episode #106)

How to Have More Self Compassion with Niki Olsen (Episode #116)

Where to find more from Niki:


I keep my printables, menu plans, recipe ideas and freebies in libraries. My main library, open to anyone, is the free Resource Library. Inside you will find TONS of recipes for every occasion, meal planning & chore chart printables, holiday baking guides, super bowl snacks, and lots of helps and hacks for every family. All of these things have helped me have a helping of happiness in my family life, so I can’t wait to share them with you!!

Get the code for our FREEBIE Resource Library to access our Thanksgiving Recipes!!

Instagram: @nikiolsencoaching

Parenting Deliberately: Creating a Christ Centered Family (Episode #159)

54m · Published 20 Oct 05:00

Katrina Seamons’ goal with Deliberate Family:

Empowering parents to make Christ the focus of their family

Here is a bit about Katrina:

Katrina Seamons is the founder of Deliberate Family. She helps families thrive by inspiring them to live their story. She’s an expert in goal setting and behavior change.

Katrina finds joy in anchoring herself and her family to the Lord. She finds purpose in everything from starting her own business to homeschooling full-time, traveling worldwide with her family to speaking and writing, learning the ukulele to being an informal Disney park travel agent.

She married her high school sweetheart and they currently live in Cincinnati, Ohio with their 5 kids. Katrina has a degree from Utah State University in Early Childhood Special Education. She believes that families thrive as they work together to find purpose and build lasting habits.

From the podcast:

What does it mean to be a family of light?

By focusing on light, we can dispel the darkness. Our children need to know where light can come from. They need to be able to think for themselves and experience and be in a culture of light at home so they can be resilient to dark and heavy things when they go out into the world.

What are some ways we can bring light to our families?

Listen to uplifting music. Music is powerful!

Scripture Study - block out the time to have discussion

Make a plan to take time to be still and align yourself with God

Have councils with your family

Where to find more Katrina and other links we talked about:




Our other episode with Katrina:

Be Married on Purpose Challenge (Episode #138)

Spoonful Of Spirit


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Website




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Hardwiring for Happiness - Finding Joy in the Everyday (Episode #158)

1h 3m · Published 29 Sep 20:24

Show Notes:

Here is a little bio about today’s guest!!!

Jan Hoath is a teacher, coach, speaker, writer, JOY mentor and ‘backcountry guide to the soul,’ and kitchen dancer, on a mission to help leaders discover their most joyful life paths through the wildness of their souls. She helps business owners and entrepreneurs learn to approach their business- and their life- from a place of authentic J.O.Y. and playfulness.

As a leadership coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, former professional alpine ski instructor, and masterful student of life, Jan offers a unique blend and approach to her work including her signature process of The Happiness Prism, through which she guides her clients to build a no regrets life.

Jan can be found embodying her J.O.Y. message skiing and hiking the mountains of Jackson Hole, surfing the waves of Costa Rica, sailing the seas of the Caribbean, meditating with moose, speaking at women's leadership summits, facilitating J.O.Y. coaching programs and retreats, and at home in her log cabin in the woods with her beloved family of 2 kids, Australian husband, and Bernese mountain dog.


Her website

Social media - @JanHoath on Linked In, Facebook & Instagram

Facebook group “Mindful JOY for Big Vision Leaders”

Also, here’s a link to her favorite raclette set!

Spoonful Of Spirit


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Website




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Come Follow Me Sunday School Curriculum

Getting & Staying Organized (Episode #157)

0s · Published 22 Sep 05:00

Show Notes:

Hillary: Why do people have such a hard time getting and staying organized? 

Brittany’s response:

While there are probably more than the ones I’ll share today, here are 4 main reasons why: 

They don’t know how to create effective organization systems that actually stick. 

They are overwhelmed by alllll of the things in their entire home and have no idea where to start. 

They struggle for one reason or another with letting go of items that don’t actually serve them or their family members. 

They think it has to be perfect and give up before even trying. 

They live with other people (namely their spouse or kids!) ha!

And, I just have to say that all of these are valid things. There’s a lot of psychology that goes into all of this, but I think the main takeaway that helps combat some of these is that your organization will get better as you start playing around with it. It doesn’t have to stay that way forever, so try it out, and if it doesn’t work, change it. It’s all a part of the process. Also, organization is a skill. If you’re overwhelmed, start with something super small, like a junk drawer or spice cabinet. Starting small can help you build up momentum for the bigger spaces.

Hillary: You have an awesome Hum Making System you’ve put together.  Can we go through the 4 steps in the system? 

Brittany’s response:
1. Repair - which includes repairing (or upgrading) your home and furniture

2. Clean & Declutter - this helps us get a nice and clean base, and helps us know what stuff we are working with 

3. Organize - Taking the things we’ve kept and organizing them into effective systems using baskets or bins, and labels

4. Beautify - Taking it all and making it pretty and personal for you and your family.

So, for the system, my goal was to really break down every potential space that people have in their homes into months and weeks to take the edge off of organization overwhelm. It’s a system that has helped me, personally, and I am so excited to be able to share it with others!

Hillary: Why is this all so important to you? 

Brittany: I think in a lot of ways, when life gets crazy (who am I kidding - it’s always crazy), it’s nice to be able to go and organize something and have it instantly decrease some of the craziness. For example, when you organize your sock drawer, you know that you won’t reach in and waste a couple of minutes trying to find a matching pair of socks or get stuck with holy socks. Decluttering and cleaning our homes - or just taking care of our space to me is a form of self care, and can really be therapeutic. Just like doing other hard things, like exercising, or eating well, organizing can impact us in ways that we may not realize at first. 

Researchers from Brigham Young University actually did a study about homes and how families treated each other. They found that the square footage and organization and everything actually mattered less than how the people felt about their homes. In essence, the way we feel about our homes can affect our mental well-being. In the article, they even suggested hanging family pictures to help family members feel important and connected. I just loved that! 

I also just know so many people who feel embarrassed about their homes or feel like they don’t even know where to start to make a comfortable space for their family. Then, there are people who aren’t able to buy a house right now and are having a hard time figuring out how to maximize the space that they do have in order to meet their needs.  Since this is a skill that I have been blessed with, I am really hoping to break things down for others so they can find greater joy in their homes today with their families.  

Hillary: You compare our homes to temples. Can you expand on that for us? 

Brittany: For centuries, temples have been holy places where individuals symbolically leave the world to grow closer to God, to feel His spirit, to receive comfort and direction, and to learn more about His ways. At first, the mountains served as temples because they were a high place, symbolically to going closer to God. 

D&C 109: 8  Organize yourselves; aprepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a bhouse of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of corder, a dhouse of God;

 -love applying to home

-temples, other holy religious buildings

-peaceful, calm, clean, orderly, and have beautiful music and art that help us remember God. 

I try to do things to increase the peace, order, and inspiring music and art in my own home. 

-end goal of all of the things I do for my home

-create an inviting and comfortable space for my family where God’s spirit can dwell. If my relationships are suffering for the sake of having my house perfectly perfect, then I have lost sight of that goal.

Hillary: Anything else you’d like to share? 

Brittany: Yes! I have personally suffered with my own mental health battles and these experiences have deeply affected my approach with HappyHomeHum. I want anyone who is suffering loneliness, depression, anxiety, or anything else to know that I see you. I get that it’s so hard. It can be so hard to get going and do the things that you deeply want to do. (Or wish that you wanted to do!) Still, we have all been born with God-given desire to be better. This is a really good thing, but Satan is really good at twisting that desire to our detriment by setting our minds on the many ways in which we may be falling short. This can leave us feeling less-than and hopeless. In this world inundated with social media and pinterest perfection, it’s vital that we learn the art of NOT being perfect and being secure in our shortcomings. The only way that I feel we can really do this is through faith in Jesus Christ, and trust that through His grace, we, and our families can be whole in ways that we could never achieve on our own. That thought is so comforting to me. 

And beyond this, even just a little bit of effort can go a long way. Think of the widow’s mite in the New Testament. Through the merciful grace of God, our tiny efforts can become more magnificent than we would imagine. That thought applies to life, relationships, and even our homes. So, whether you’re organizing with leftover yogurt containers or bins from the container store, I know that you will find joy as you take steps towards making your home a little bit better. 

Access our 3 Weeks of Dinner Ideas in our Freebie Resource Library!

A little about Brittany:

She’s been married for 10 years this December. She has 4 kiddos. Her husband is an accountant and works from home, and she is currently homeschooling my kiddos. They love to go on little outings like nature walks or to museums and sing songs. Her husband served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to France before they got married, so he loves to cook all sorts of different types of food. It’s their way of touring the world with their taste buds. She loves anything creative like playing music, decorating her home, and gardening. She and her husband love watching movies (including foreign films and Hallmark specials together. 

Another fun thing about Brittany- she is sister in laws with our friend, Hannah Stevenson, creator of Lil

Important Tips for Traveling Internationally as a Family (Episode #156)

41m · Published 15 Sep 05:00

Show Notes:

International travel tips

Get your passports as soon as you even begin dreaming about traveling internationally. Passports are very backed up because of the pandemic. Just getting an appointment to get your passport can take a month or two.

If you are having trouble with your passport, contact your congressman! We had a lot of trouble with one of ours. Because we had expedited our passports, our congressman was able to get our passport processed within a week.

Depending on where you are traveling, you may want to bring lots of cash for tips. We went to Mexico and were so happy we had gone with a stash of $1 bills to pay our tips.

Make sure your debit card (not just credit cards!!) is working before you go. We had a non-working debit card situation on our trip and had a very tricky time getting money.

If you need to send yourself money (at least in Mexico), you want to send it in small amounts. We tried sending ourselves $200-500 and none of the money transfer locations were willing to give up that much cash. If we had sent the money in $50 increments, it would have been no problem. Also, make sure your money pick up is in the exact same name as your passport. You may also need a copy of your passport and copy of hotel details to give to the money transfer location.

Have a family council before your trip! Our kids had never been to Mexico, so a few things we included in our family council were: only drink bottled water, always have a buddy, throw the TP in the trash can instead of down the toilet (except at the hotel), how to order non alcoholic drinks, and to be flexible when plans change or we end up delayed or in some kind of waiting place. This made our traveling go so much smoother when things did arise.

Remember that the every day drama of having kids is still going to happen when you are traveling. Kids still wet their pants, get sick and fight with their siblings. Taking a little bit of time to think through your family’s particular needs and expecting the hiccups ahead of time with make for less melt downs in the moment. For example, we brought a bottle of Woolite laundry detergent with us, and we were so glad we did when our 4 year old had some potty accidents. It was easy to wash his clothes in the hotel sink and not have to track down a laundry service.

Study the culture with your kids before you go. Introduce them to the music, some of the foods, conversational phrases in the language and even some of the traditions. It is so fun when they are more vested in the place you are going.

Spoonful Of Spirit

Segment With Lindy Shock

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Access our 3 weeks of dinner ideas in our freebie resource library. Click Here!!

History & Unity: Black History & the Restoration (Episode #155)

51m · Published 19 May 14:55

”Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can unite and bring peace to people of all races and nationalities. We who believe in that gospel- whatever our origins- must unite in love of each other and of our Savior Jesus Christ.” - Dallin H. Oaks

On the podcast Taylor and I talked about her account “To Cheer and To Bless” as well as the YouTubes she airs every week: “Mix it Up:Black History and the Restoration.” She gives us a sneak peek of one of the stories she’s been researching about Susan Gray Reed Leggroon. More about her below:

Susan Gray Reed Leggroon

Susan was a slave from Mississippi until the Emancipation.

She married Mr. Reed (we don’t know his first name) and they had 2 sons. He died and she was a widow. Even though the slaves were now considered “free”, a lot of people still lived like slaved as they worked on the plantations.

Susan married again to a widower named Ned. He had a son from his previous marriage.

Susan had a sister named Amanda. Amanda and her husband had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They were headed West and invited Ned and Susan to go with them. Ned and Susan joined them and crossed the plains to Utah with their 3 little boys.

After 3 years in Utah, Ned and Susan were baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Susan was a mother to 13 children. Only 8 of those children lived to adulthood. (She was so brave to keep going after she had lost 5 of her sweet kids!)

Sept 3, 1875 Susan was able to go to the temple (at that time it was still under construction, so they used the Endowment House). At the temple she was able to make covenants with God and do proxy work for her mother Margaret, Ned’s first wife, and her first mother in law. Ned did the work for her first husband. (Soon after, black sisters were note allowed to receive their endowment. - Just so sad!!)

Susan and Ned moved to Idaho and farmed. They planted trees that are still there! Ned died 2 years before Susan. At their funerals, their lives were celebrated by both black and white people who all said they were “well known, well loved, and were always held in the highest regard to all who knew them”.

Make sure you watch the video below! It is all about Ned, Susan’s husband.

Where you can find more from Taylor Ricks:


Instagram: @tocheerandtobless

Facebook: To Cheer and to Bless

Spoonful Of Spirit

(Segment With Lindy Shock)

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Art in Our Homes: Gathers, Uplifts & Heals (Episode #154)

40m · Published 12 May 14:43

Why is art so important in our homes?


Art, like music, is incredible how it can gather people together from all different backgrounds and religious beliefs. Art can remind us of what we have in common such as love for our families, friends, gorgeous places, the love we have for God and the love He has for us.


Having meaningful, beautiful artwork in your home can make it a holy place and bring in the spirit. Art feeds your soul and connects you to God. It can remind us of what is most important in our lives and help us find courage when our hearts are hurt or burdened.


Paige taught us that through art, you can learn to love your body. Art can represent the beauty in people of all body shapes and sizes. She has seen people find healing from eating disorders through art. It can also help us cope with anxiety and depression.

Where you can find Paige Payne:

Instagram: paigepayne_creations

Website &

Paige’s Workshops

A little more about Paige:

“Since I was a toddler, creating art has been my passion. It has been the only thing I've ever truly loved to do. It has been my escape, my safe place, and something I dreamed I would be able to do for a living someday. I had incredible art teachers all the way throughout Elementary School and through High School. They fueled my passion and helped me to believe that I had something special to offer.

 “My husband and I got married in 2018, and we continued to work on earning our Bachelors degrees. I graduated from Brigham Young University in 2019 with a degree in Fine Arts, and an emphasis in painting. During my last year of University, I started creating custom wedding invitations for brides. This helped me build my confidence, and eventually I started sharing my artwork with the world! I was completely shocked by the response and excitement I was met with. What has happened since then has been nothing short of miraculous for me, and I know that this is what I am supposed to do with my life. I am still in awe when people choose to buy my artwork and display it in their homes. Because of you, Paige Payne Creations has grown and become more than I ever thought possible. You have all made my dreams come true, whilst simultaneously helping me put my husband through Dental School and making it possible for us to start a family someday.  It means more to us than I could ever put into words.”

Spoonful Of Spirit

(Segment With Lindy Shock)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Website

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Where you can find Lindy Shock:



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Seeing God's Hand in Our Lives (Episode #153) with Heather Shaw

1h 2m · Published 05 May 03:41

Get access to our FREEBIES Resource Library and join our email list for bonus content! Sign up here!

Heather’s website: Shop Bee the Light

Shop Bee the Light on Instagram

Shop Bee the Light on Facebook

Some favorite things in the shop:

Tree of life collection

Journals (Great for any spiritually-minded woman with GOALS!)

Modest Clothing

Spoonful Of Spirit

(segment with Lindy Shock)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Website

Signs of the Second Coming from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints

Where you can find Lindy Shock:



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Come Follow Me Sunday School Curriculum

Preparedness in Parenting (Episode #152)

55m · Published 29 Apr 04:46

Jessie’s Answers to our Helpful and Happy Questions:

What is your favorite food or meal? Pizza

What was your favorite trip or dream vacation? Going to Europe with her music program to be at a harp festival

Do you have a homemaking hack for us? I got little pictures of all the meals I like to make and put them on magnets. The kids then get to pick out a few, we put them on the fridge and that is what we eat that week!! BRILLIANT!!

We love pizza too!! Here are some of our favorite family pizza recipes:

Homemade Hawaiian Pizza

Pizza Bites

 Pizza Roll Ups

Mini Cheese Pizzas with Homemade Crust

French Bread Pizza Sandwiches

Find Jessie on Instagram: Jessie (@seek_learning) • Instagram photos and videos

Jessie’s Car Checklist:

Jessie’s Etsy shop:


Emergency Preparedness in Our Homes - Made Easy (Episode #142)

72 Hour Kits - How to Get Started and What to Have In Them (Episode #143)

Use Coupon Code: HAPPY25 For 25% Off Anything In The Plan For Awesome Shop!

Spoonful of Spirit (New Segment):

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Website

Signs of the Second Coming from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints

Where you can find Lindy Shock:



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Come Follow Me Sunday School Curriculum

Joy of Gardening as a Family (Episode #151)

25m · Published 21 Apr 02:07

Where you can find Lindy Shock:



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8 Reasons to Garden with Your Kids

1. Gardening Brings Peace

There is just something calming about being outside in nature. Maybe it's because your plants don't talk back to you, or bark, or meow, or make any verbal requests of you. There have been many times when one of my children has been acting out that we have sent them out to weed in the garden. They usually don't like it, and protest strongly, but they almost always come back in the house much calmer.

2. It Teaches Patience

We live in a society of instant gratification. Texting, Amazon, microwaves, and YouTube can give us what we need in the touch of a button. When you plant a sunflower seed, you're not going to get anything out of it for weeks. It's a great, natural way to learn patience.

3. It's Fascinating To See The Life Cycle Of A Plant

Since we live in a world of grocery stores, many children (or even adults) don't know what the plants look like that their food comes from. It's such a great education for them to see what part of the plant they are eating, and what the plants look like. It's truly remarkable to see how a tiny little seed can grown into a big plant that bears fruits or vegetables to eat.

4. It Helps Curb Picky Eating

When the kids help grow it, they have so much more ownership over the food. They will be much more interested in tasting it. Plus, fresh grown produce tastes so much better than the store stuff that has been picked long before hitting the shelves.

5. It Saves You A Trip To The Store

This is my favorite when we have a lot going in the summer. It's wonderful to grab a few cucumbers and tomatoes sliced up with some salt instead of cooking something up that will add to the heat in my house. If you're staying off the store, not only does it save you money in groceries (although you do have the initial investment of garden installation), but it usually will save money in impulse buying as well. 

6. You Can Preserve It For Later

Another great thing to teach your children is how to preserve the produce that you grow. This is also a lot of work, but brings such a feeling of accomplishment when you are finished. I feel so accomplished when I have a counter lined with jars full of tomatoes or applesauce.

7. It's An Activity For The Family To Bond Together

Working side by side as  a family can be a great time for hard conversations. Sometimes it's easier to bring things up you've been needing to talk about when you're not looking at each other directly and your hands are busy. 

And often the kids will attest, the bonding that occurs is because we are all in misery and suffering together! Ha! Ha!

8. Getting Hands On With Nature

I'm sure my kids spend way more time making mud pies and collecting bugs than they do with the plants. Some of their favorite memories together are when they've found families of frogs or lizards living in our garden. These are such great ways to let your children explore and appreciate nature. Playing in the mud can also be a great tactile experience for them. I don't always love how dirty the kids get, but nature really is fun!!

6. You Can Preserve It For Later

Another great thing to teach your children is how to preserve the produce that you grow. This is also a lot of work, but brings such a feeling of accomplishment when you are finished. I feel so accomplished when I have a counter lined with jars full of tomatoes or applesauce.

7. It's An Activity For The Family To Bond Together

Working side by side as  a family can be a great time for hard conversations. Sometimes it's easier to bring things up you've been needing to talk about when you're not looking at each other directly and your hands are busy. 

And often the kids will attest, the bonding that occurs is because we are all in misery and suffering together! Ha! Ha!

8. Getting Hands On With Nature

I'm sure my kids spend way more time making mud pies and collecting bugs than they do with the plants. Some of their favorite memories together are when they've found families of frogs or lizards living in our garden. These are such great ways to let your children explore and appreciate nature. Playing in the mud can also be a great tactile experience for them. I don't always love how dirty the kids get, but nature really is fun!!

Grab Top 10 Ways to Turn Around Picky Eating in our FREEBIE Resource Library

Grab our Watermelon & Mint Salad Recipe!!

Helping of Happiness has 110 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 75:41:49. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 3rd, 2024 02:40.

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