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Visionary Mother

by Kristin Laffrey

Copyright: © 2024 Visionary Mother


135. Building a profitable and sustainable business that thrives

38m · Published 26 Feb 21:00

What are the essential elements to driving business success?

This episode dives into what it takes to build a profitable and sustainable business where you AND the business thrive.

Learn about overcoming challenges, achieving long-term growth, and creating a fulfilling journey on your entrepreneurial path.

In this episode we cover:

  • The greatest impacts of the "hustle" mentality and how to define your own business success
  • Developing strategies for long-term sustainability and consistent, organic growth
  • Prioritising personal fulfilment and well-being alongside your business success

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

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134. When your motherhood journey leads you to supporting other mothers

23m · Published 19 Feb 21:00

Motherhood can be an incredibly transformative journey, often leading mothers to re-evaluate their priorities, career goals and purpose.

Many mothers feel a pull to use their experiences and skills to support other mothers on their journeys.

This episode explores the different ways mothers can turn their passions into businesses that uplift, empower and support others. We'll discuss the challenges and rewards of building a business centred around motherhood support and how to either start or grow your business for greater impact.

In this episode, I dive into:

  • The common reasons why mothers feel called to support other mothers through their businesses.
  • The different types of businesses mothers can create to serve others and how to make your business unique to you.
  • The unique challenges and opportunities of building a business around motherhood, such as balancing motherhood with entrepreneurship and finding your niche market.
  • Three key steps for overcoming challenges, staying motivated, and building a thriving business that makes a difference.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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133. Solidifying your pathways for attracting the right clients

13m · Published 07 Feb 06:00

One of the key components of booking consistent clients is being able to be seen by them. If right now you don't have clear pathways for increasing visibility and growing your audience then this is going to impact your ability to book consistent clients.

In this episode I break down the importance of solidifying pathways for reaching clients so that you can be seen by the right people to create a pipeline of clients.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

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132. Shifting from consuming to CREATING content

22m · Published 23 Jan 20:00

Finding it difficult to create content because you either don't see the value in what you have to say or feel like what you want to say is already being said?

This episode is for you. In this episode I break down:

  • The key role your content plays in your business
  • External actions to take TODAY to shift from consuming content to creating your own content
  • How to create content that connects with your audience
  • A powerful mindset shift to make if you don't believe what you have to say is worthy of being heard

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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131. Three key actions to get BACK into the flow in your business

18m · Published 16 Jan 21:00

Are you coming out of school holidays, Christmas break, and time away from your business and struggling to find a flow again in your business?

If so, then I can imagine you may be lacking motivation, not feeling productive and feeling like business feels challenging right now.

This episode of the podcast is going to break down 3 key actions to take in your business to support you to get back on track, build momentum and feel inspired again.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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130. Knowing what's holding your business back so you can GROW

16m · Published 14 Dec 20:00

How do you move your business forward and grow?

This episode dives into the key driver for business success:

  1. Knowing what is holding you back from growing
  2. Implementing a solution to move you through it

In this episode I break down:

  • The challenge I see for many women building their business
  • What holds women back from sustainable growth
  • The key to ensuring you are growing (and not staying stagnant in your business)

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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129. What is required for long-term business growth

13m · Published 21 Oct 05:00

A successful business is built from strong core foundations.

This episode was sparked by a conversation I had with an incredible woman I support who really wants to scale her business and realising that she needed to solidify her business foundations first.

In this episode, I break down:

1. The two components to growing your business (one/multiple offer you can sell and strategies to sell those offers)
2. It’s not just about getting your next client, it’s about you feeling confident and clear with your repeatable sales process and marketing strategies
3. The significant shift you see when you don’t skip building the foundations within your business

This where we go deep in the Mothermind and this is how I support my clients. I hope this supports you too in connecting with what you need right now to build your business for long-term profitability and sustainability.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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128. You are the most valuable asset within your business

13m · Published 05 Oct 01:00

What has served me time and time again in my business has been separating myself from my business. Seeing that there is the business I am building but there’s also ME showing up within the business - both of these are going to significantly impact your results.

And that is why your health and well-being are crucial to the long-term success of your business. Because you are the most valuable asset within your business and if you are looking after yourself then you can’t look after the business.

This episode is for you if you are struggling to prioritise yourself and grow your business. In this episode I deep dive into:

  1. Why you are the most valuable asset within your business
  2. How you’re helping your business grow by simply differentiating yourself from the business
  3. The 2 places I see women get stuck when they are not allowing themselves space to take care of themselves
  4. The 2 crucial questions to connect to so that you can show up differently TODAY in your business.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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127. Letting go of the belief that business has to feel hard

13m · Published 28 Sep 05:00

In this podcast episode I dive into the belief that business has to feel hard.

This is a conversation I have had with many clients around embracing and enjoying what they have created within their business:

  • Enjoying the downtime between launches and not feeling they have to be doing more
  • Taking back and enjoying the time they have because they have streamlined their business
  • Being booked out months in advance and allowing that to be ok that they aren’t booking more clients or heavily marketing their services
  • Enjoying their family and their life because of the flexibility they have created to do so

In this episode of the podcast, I share how to allow yourself to celebrate and embrace where you’re at in your business, and break down the following topics:

1. What are the things that makes business feel hard.

2. Why it’s important to enjoy the incredible place you are at in your business and not make it a bad thing.

3. The ways you can allow yourself to make business feel easier.

When you connect with where you’re making business feel hard and start making decisions to take you to your desired impact and income, that’s when incredible shifts happen.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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126. When someone would choose YOU over other support

13m · Published 21 Sep 02:00

The reality is that starting an online business has very little barriers to entry, which makes the online space very competitive. Although this may feel disheartening, this is where positioning yourself in a way that will differentiate you from other businesses becomes crucial.

In this episode of the podcast, I will share what it takes to be the person that your clients choose over someone else and explore the following topics:

1. What differentiates women in business in their industry (their unique process for serving clients)

2. Why it’s important to gain clarity around your unique approach for supporting your clients

3. My advice when it comes to building your unique framework

May this remind you that you have your own unique ways in supporting your clients and you just need to connect to what that is.

Hello visionary, ready to create solid foundations and simplify your strategies for business growth? Make sure you jump on the Mothermind waitlist. This is my business academy that is going to set you up for your next level impact and income!

Have we met yet? I’m Kristin Laffrey. I support women to solidify their business foundations, align their mindset and simplify their strategies to turn their vision for impact into a profitable and sustainable business.

After the birth of my daughter, I left my 10+ year corporate career across strategy, finance, analytics and accounting for some of Australia’s largest ASX-listed organisations to support women that feel called to create an impact to be able to attract their dream clients, monetise their gifts and build their business without sacrificing themselves or their family in the process.

If you are a pregnancy coach, birth educator, sleep consultant, doula, fertility coach, lactation consultant, fitness/wellness professional, matrescence educator, parenting coach or creative here to share your gifts – welcome, this is exactly where you are meant to be!

Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday ✅

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Visionary Mother has 259 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 70:37:20. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 5th, 2024 18:11.

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