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Weekly Motivational Word Podcast

by Ortez Wells

Welcome to the weekly motivational word podcast. The purpose of this podcast is to inspire entrepreneurs. With a motivational word to help them overcome their challenges. To acheive success and maximize their potential.

Copyright: Ortez Wells



15m · Published 24 Apr 23:42

Definition: What one intends to do or bring about an aim or plan 

Root Word Meaning: Comes from the Latin word “Interdere” which means to stretch or purpose.

Ortez Definition: Your intentions are your thoughts. That brings about an action to achieve a purpose. www.ortezwells.com

“Our intentions create our reality”

Wayne Dyer

How do our intentions create our reality:

  1. Our thoughts 
  2. Our actions
  3. Our outcomes

How can  our intentions bring about success:

1. Define your purpose in life. Write it down and read it daily.

2. Make sure your actions are in accordance with your purpose.

3. Each night before you go to bed and wake up in the morning. State what you intend to do that day. To achieve a goal or work towards your purpose. 

4. Make sure your outcomes are aligned with your purpose and actions.

5. Monitor your thoughts and emotions daily.

“Your energy flows where your intentions go”

Author Unknown 


14m · Published 20 Mar 13:41

Definition: One who works or studies excessively

Root meaning: steady, hard, and tedious work

Ortez Definition: In order for you to attain any type of success. You must be willing to work hard. Remain steady through all difficulties and obstacles.

What does it mean when hearing a person say I’m grinding:

  1. They possess a burning desire to achieve something great.
  2. They have a vision of where they see themselves
  3. They set goals and focus on daily actions to achieve those goals. 
  4. They are mentally prepared to deal with any difficulties, challenges, or obstacles that come their way.
  5. They don’t stop until they have reached their destination.

“To perform repetitive actions over and over in order to attain your goal”

For more information visit my website www.ortezwells.com


9m · Published 20 Dec 18:03

Definition: The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.

Root Word Meaning: Vis (Latin) which means someone's ability to see.

Ortez Definition: To imagine and plan what the future outcome will be.

“Where there is no vision. There is no hope.” George Washington Carver

What causes us to lose our vision:

  1. Weak Faith
  2. Obstacles
  3. Failure’s

How Do We Gain Vision:

  1. A burning desire to do something
  2. Imagine yourself obtaining what you are desiring
  3. Write down your vision statement and read it daily
  4. Write down the action steps to get what you desire.
  5. Be optimistic about your future

“Believe in your vision. Do everything you can to make it a reality.”

Website: https://www.ortezwells.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hustleandgrind365

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WellsOrtez

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ortezwells

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17m · Published 12 Dec 11:00

On this weekly motivational word podcast. We will taking a look at the word RESULTS. All results has consequences good or bad. RESULTS is what matters in all areas of our life. What that being said lets take a look at this word RESULTS. To see what it means and how you can acheive more success and the things you desire. 

Website: https://www.ortezwells.com 

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/WellsOrtez 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ortezwells

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22m · Published 19 Sep 10:00

Definition: Something that stirs up feelings of great enthusiasm.

Root Definition: Comes from the Latin word exciten. Which means to move, stir up or instigate.

Ortez Definition: Something that stirs a person up and gets them to move. With energy, passion, and enthusiasm.

When a person starts to talk about their dreams, it's as if something bubbles up from within. Their eyes brighten, their face glows, and you can feel the excitement in their words. John C. Maxwell

What causes us to lose excitement:

  1. Unrealistic expectations
  2. Negative energy
  3. No inner motivation

How to get excitement:

  1. Have a burning desire to do something.
  2. Create an environment that will stir up your burning desire.
  3. Focus on how you would feel. Once you have achieved what you desire.

I like what I am doing. I enjoy all parts of the game - the team building, training camp, game days, the excitement of Sunday... it beats working. Bill Belichick

For more information about me visit my website site www.ortezwells.com


13m · Published 05 Sep 10:00


Definition: To be successful or victorious. In a contest or conflict.

Root meaning: Comes from the Old English word winnan. Which means to labor, toil, struggle strive, fight and conquer.

Ortez Definition: To conquer your inner self conflicts. Which will make you victorious at this game called life.

“ Everyone has the will to win. But very few have the will to prepare to win” Vince Lombardi

What are the reasons why people don’t win:

  1. Don’t believe they can
  2. Lack of preparation
  3. Not willing to sacrifice
  4. Short cut the process
  5. No ambition

How to win:

  1. The starting point is you must have a burning desire to win.
  2. Train and prepare yourself daily.
  3. You must have tunnel vision. Imagine yourself already winning the race before starting
  4. Eliminate all distractions.
  5. Go the extra mile.

“You were born to win” Zig Ziglar

For more information about me visit my website www.ortezwells.com


22m · Published 29 Aug 10:00

Definition: A mental attitude or fixed state of mind.

Root Word Meaning: A way of thinking

Ortez Definition: The way you think about a particular thing based on your attitude.

The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good and bad.” Idowu Koyenikan

What is the cause of a bad mindset:

  1. Your environment
  2. Our experiences
  3. The circle of people you are around
  4. Lack of knowledge
  5. Close-minded, not willing to change

How to change your mindset:

  1. Education
  2. New positive experiences
  3. Daily reflection
  4. Form or get into a new circle of people
  5. Monitor your thoughts

“Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.”

Napoleon Hill

For more information about me visit my website www.ortezwells.com


29m · Published 22 Aug 10:00

Definition:  A center of activity, attraction, or attention

Root Word: Originally the word focus was defined as a fireplace. Which is the base on the chimney.

Ortez Definition: It is the foundation or base that requires your complete attention and effort. To achieve desired needs, wants and goals.

Achieve self-mastery over your thoughts, and constantly direct them toward your goals and objectives. Learn to focus your attention on the goals that you want to achieve and on finding ways to achieve those goals.” Napoleon Hill

What causes us to lose focus:

  1. Unexpected situations
  2. Lack of discipline
  3. Fail to plan
  4. Unrealistic expectations
  5. No desire, passion, or purpose

How to get back focus:

  1. Burning desire
  2. Definite purpose
  3. Take the initiative (accountability)
  4. Mastermind Team
  5. Write down your goals and your plan of action steps. Then read them daily and grade yourself weekly. For example, did you complete your action steps, and what were the results?

“Focus on one thing, make it your priority, and stick with it no matter what!” Tyler Perry

Make sure to like this episode and follow my podcast. For information about me visit my website www.ortezwells.com

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20m · Published 15 Aug 10:00

Definition: The action of helping or doing work for someone.

Root Word Definition:  To minister, give aid or help, duty, devotion.

Ortez Definition: Be devoted take action and working to assist those looking for help.

Wealth Principal: Q+Q=C “The quality of service plus the quantity of service equal compensation” Dr. Dennis Kimbro

What is the cause of bad service:

  1. Put money over people
  2. No process or systems in place
  3. Lack of belief in your service or product
  4. Attitude
  5. Never Grateful

How to give good service:

  1. Do more than you are paid to do (Extra Mile).
  2. Educate yourself about the industry you’re in daily.
  3. Embrace change and new ideas.
  4. Make service the top priority
  5. Do what you love
  6. Volunteer

“People will make you rich. Or people will make you poor. Based on the type of service you render” Dr. Dennis Kimbro

For more information about me. Visit my website at www.ortezwells.com

--- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app


19m · Published 15 Aug 10:00

Definition: The action of helping or doing work for someone.

Root Word Definition:  To minister, give aid or help, duty, devotion.

Ortez Definition: Be devoted take action and working to assist those looking for help.

Wealth Principal: Q+Q=C “The quality of service plus the quantity of service equal compensation” Dr. Dennis Kimbro

What is the cause of bad service:

  1. Put money over people
  2. No process or systems in place
  3. Lack of belief in your service or product
  4. Attitude
  5. Never Grateful

How to give good service:

  1. Do more than you are paid to do (Extra Mile).
  2. Educate yourself about the industry you’re in daily.
  3. Embrace change and new ideas.
  4. Make service the top priority
  5. Do what you love
  6. Volunteer

“People will make you rich. Or people will make you poor. Based on the type of service you render” Dr. Dennis Kimbro

For more information about me. Visit my website at www.ortezwells.com

Weekly Motivational Word Podcast has 30 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 9:00:13. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 18th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 17th, 2024 18:40.

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