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Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed

by Inna Topiler

If you have Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism - YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. You have probably seen a doctor (or two) to help you improve energy, lose weight, reduce brain fog, help hair loss and many other symptoms. You may have tried medication and maybe even diet changes and supplements. However even with that, you may still not feel completely supported or back to your old self. Instead you are likely feeling discouraged, dismissed, and lost. Sound familiar? When it comes to dealing with your frustrating thyroid, Hashimoto's and autoimmunity symptoms, you have to really understand where the symptoms stem from and look at them from all angles - like a detective. That’s exactly what host, Inna Topiler does in Thyroid Mystery Solved - Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed. As a leading Thyroid and Hashimoto’s expert and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist with 20 years in clinical practice, she refuses to accept the unexplained and looks at thyroid in a much more detailed way. In this podcast, she shares real cases where she reveals how she solved the thyroid issue and gives the exact protocols that she used with her patients, clients and students to help them feel like their old selves. She shares her vast knowledge and sheds so much light on thyroid and offers practical step by step guides to help you feel better too. The answers are out there, you just have to know where to find the clues. Whether you are newly diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism or have been dealing with thyroid challenges for a while, please know you are NOT alone. This is a place where you will be seen, heard and understood and will gain such valuable insights with Inna's in depth and heartfelt explanations. It’s time for you to solve your Thyroid Mystery without having to spend hours a day researching or struggling to make sense of contradicting information. The life you deserve is closer than you think and YES you CAN lose weight, improve your energy, fight brain fog and reduce inflammation with Hashimoto's and thyroid issues. Subscribe to Thyroid Mystery Solved - Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed and Inna will show you as many possible answers starting right NOW!

Copyright: © Copyright 2019-2024 Inna Topiler. All Rights Reserved


013 The Case of Becoming a Health Self-Advocate with Misty Williams

45m · Published 13 Jun 08:00

The Case:

  • Misty was 35 and concerned about fertility
  • Doctors discovered (and operated on) endometriosis leaving her with brain fog and extreme fatigue
  • Medication and more surgery were suggested but she was told that her symptoms were normal

The Investigation

We Americans tend to trust our medical system despite statistics that show a failing system. We feel lost when a doctor tells us something is fine when we know in our gut it’s not. We don’t speak up when we’re told our symptoms are normal and that we should just get used to living with them. We ignore our instincts because we believe someone who’s been educated must know more about our bodies than we do.

Misty’s experience is all too common. She was given few options and dismissed. She was told that because her labs were ‘normal’ she should get used to these symptoms. When more mysterious symptoms showed up and were dismissed (like a 45 lb weight gain) Misty knew that she had to fight for her quality of life.

Since then, she’s not only become her own health advocate and solved many of her unexplained health issues, she’s also become a champion for others struggling with a medical system that’s failing them.

Misty isn’t just a case in Health Mysteries Solved. She’s also the creator of Healing Rosie a resource website for women who want to get to the bottom of their concerns by becoming a health self-advocate. She’s passionate about helping people stand up for themselves and demand both answers and a quality of life. Misty also facilitates an online community where women can share their stories and knowledge as they navigate their way to better health.

Doctors Don’t Have All the Answers

While medical doctors do have a great deal of knowledge and play an important role in diagnosing conditions and finding treatments, we can’t assume that they know everything. Anyone wanting to become their own health advocate must get comfortable with questioning their doctor, finding answers elsewhere, and not accepting the doctor’s opinion as final. It’s okay to keep looking even when a doctor says that ‘labs are normal’ or that you have to get used to living with certain symptoms or limitations.

Women Normalize Suffering

One of the biggest reasons that we fail to get to the bottom of our health issues is that women accept suffering as part of the female condition. Our mothers, other women, and doctors have trained us to believe certain sufferings are ours to bear - especially around menstruation. And, all too often, we put others’ needs before our own. We are culturally programed to take care of our children, our spouses (and sometimes our bosses or employees) before we take care of ourselves. We simply accept that it’s normal to be tired, have brain fog (especially after a certain age), gain weight, be irritable, and deal with chronic pain.

We have to stop accepting suffering and start expecting to feel good.

Set Health Goals

Even as health self-advocates, we need doctors to help us navigate the medical insurance industry. One way that Misty recommends getting doctors on board with your quest for good health is to discuss health goals with your doctor. This makes your requests less about whether your labs are normal or if you should be accepting a certain symptom as unavoidable. Instead, it gives the whole process an outcome that the doctor can get behind.

Personalize Your Health Goals

Every person is going to have different goals for their health. Misty offers 10 basic health expectations but each individual has to prioritize their own list. Some of her goals include having a regular and pain-free period, maintaining a healthy weight that is under 30% body fat, having energy for your day, getting great sleep, having a healthy libido, and having good digestion. All 10 health goals are discussed in this episode.

Find the Right Doctor

Sharing your health goals with your doctor is a good way to determine if this is the right doctor for you. If your current doctor is not receptive to assisting you with your health goals, you may want to find a different doctor. This can be a time consuming process so Misty suggests having an initial consult with a potential doctor before going through the process they have for becoming a new patient - which can take months.

It Takes a Team

What many women fighting for their own good health need to know is that it takes a team of practitioners to get results. Misty suggests having a doctor (who is onboard with your health goals and willing to request labs needed to support them), a functional medicine doctor and a nurse practitioner.

Affording Good Health

All of this can seem out of reach financially for many people, especially if their insurance is limiting. Misty provides some great tips on how to get as much as possible covered and to do a certain amount of work on your own to decrease out-of-pocket expenses. This includes communicating with your insurance company to gain clarity on how to get certain labs covered. Or, it might be leaving the country for inexpensive procedures like dental care in Mexico. Her community has also proven to be a great resource for people looking to be savvy with their health dollars.

Good Resources are Available

One of the first steps in becoming a health self-advocate is educating yourself. Misty recommends multiple books for various conditions and suggests that most women will want to heal their gut first and keep an eye on their thyroid. But most importantly, don’t settle for poor health and a compromised quality of life - get to the root of the problem and be your own advocate.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

Misty was able to really dig in to find the root cause of each issue despite the complicated collection of concerns. She continues to fight for her own quality of life and empowers others to do the same. Could standing up for yourself and becoming your own health advocate be what you need to reclaim your health? Perhaps you know someone else who needs to become their own health advocate? Share this episode with them.


Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Misty Williams. You can connect with her through her website, Healing Rosie or join her free Facebook Group or follow her on Instagram.

Suggested Resources:

The Paleo Thyroid Solution: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, And Fatigued At The Hands Of Uninformed Doctors - Reclaim Your Health! by Elle Russ Healthy Gut, Healthy You by Dr. Mike Ruscio

Dr. Al Danenberg’s Blog

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.

Sign up here:

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

Invitation to the Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

4m · Published 11 Jun 09:00

If you or someone you know has Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, you probably know that the diagnosis often comes with mixed emotions.

On the one hand, it’s a relief to know that there really is a reason for all of these symptoms.

No more confusion around symptoms that come and go. No more doctors dismissing your concerns. You finally have proof that it’s not all in your head.

But, that relief often ends when you discover that there is no specific cure. Soon the frustration, fear hopelessness sets in.

You go searching for answers only to find confusing and conflicting information. You end up feeling overwhelmed and you start to worry that you’re never going to feel good again.

I’ve Been There

I remember the emotional roller coaster I felt when I was first diagnosed 18 years ago. It took me a long time to find and avoid my Hashimoto’s triggers. BUT this understanding changed my life.

Now, as a clinical nutritionist practicing a functional medicine type approach, I’m on a mission to help everyone with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism regain control of their health.

There is Hope

I created the Overcoming Hashimoto's Summit because I learned to thrive and I want everyone who’s been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism to know they’re not alone. In fact, it’s estimated that in the US alone, 14 million people have Hashimoto's. And millions more have hypothyroidism which is an underactive thyroid and often also have Hashimoto’s but don’t even know it. I’m so excited to share a holistic approach to treatment with the help of some of the foremost experts researching hypothyroidism and autoimmune triggers today.

7-Days of Ideas, Research, and Solutions

During this virtual 7-Day summit you’ll hear from some of the world’s top experts including:

  • Peter Osborne about the role food allergies may be playing in your symptoms.
  • Sarah Ballantyne will breakdown the Autoimmune Protocol diet so that you can shift your diet and feel better.
  • Chris Shade will share the information you need to know about heavy metals and how they influence your disease.
  • Trudy Scott will help you understand why you feel so anxious and what to do about it.

This is just a fraction of what we’ll be exploring at the Overcoming Hashimoto's Summit.

Be at the Forefront of Research

Through this single event, you’ll have access to the research and insights of 34 world-renowned experts in Hashimoto’s Disease and it’s triggers. Remember, Hashimoto's affects the thyroid but it’s an autoimmune disease which means we have to consider everything from your physiology, your history, your emotions, your environment and even your beliefs.

Take Control of Your Health

By the end of this summit, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to manage your disease and take back the power in your health struggles.

So, join us for the summit. Educate yourself. Be your own advocate. Get the answers you need to overcome Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism which is often caused by Hashimoto’s.

Do you remember a time when you woke up and didn’t have to worry about how you’d feel today? Where you didn’t have to take stock of your physical or emotional state? A time when you could just get up and approach the day like it could be the best day ever? Wouldn’t you like to feel that way again? Imagine, after just one week, feeling totally in control of your Hashimoto's and thyroid health because you have the knowledge to create a wellness plan that will work for you.

Join Us Live

The summit is live from July 15 – 21st, its online so you can watch from the comfort of your own couch and its completely free.

Signing up is easy. Just click this link, enter your email address and you’re in.

Let’s take the fear and frustration out of living with Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism. Let’s reclaim your health.

Even though the summit doesn’t official start till July 15th, if you sign up right now, you will have access to 3 of the talks right away so you can start digging into this life changing information. These are just the tip of the iceberg of all the topics that we cover in the summit and I am so excited to share all the interviews with you so be sure to grab your free spot today!

Register for free here:

012 The Case of Daily Bloating and Gas w/ Dr. Seth Osgood

40m · Published 06 Jun 08:00

The Case:

  • Melissa is 35 woman experiencing daily stomach discomfort.
  • As each day progressed she got more bloated, gassy, and uncomfortable belly distention.
  • She tried elimination diets and even antibiotics but the bloating kept coming back.

The Investigation

When Melissa came to me she had already been diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth). Her doctor prescribed antibiotics and that worked, at first. But, the symptoms came back so I knew we had to get to the root of the problem if we were going to help Melissa stop feeling like she was 4 months pregnant.

SIBO is an excessive amount of bacteria in the small intestine. This can cause a variety of symptoms and if left unchecked can lead to more serious concerns. SIBO can also be caused by more serious health concerns. Once considered to be rare, SIBO is now easier to diagnose and it is estimated to affect up to 15% of otherwise healthy people.

Dr. Seth Osgood is a board certified family nurse practitioner and Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. He specializes in Autoimmune Disorders with specific emphasis on digestive health. It was his own family’s chronic gut issues that swayed him from his traditional medicine path to a functional medicine approach.

Bacteria Belongs in the Large Intestine

There is a lot of talk about healthy bacteria in the gut. This flora should mainly live in the large intestine. When it moves into the small intestine, the body is not set up to deal with it and so it ferments and produces gases. This is what causes bloating and that sense that you feel or look pregnant because of the distended belly.

Symptoms Range

Melissa’s main complaints are common symptoms of SIBO - gas, bloating, and an uncomfortable distended belly. Additional symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, belching, skin irregularities (eczema, rosacea, acne, and weird rashes), abdominal discomfort (sometimes diagnosed as IBS), and weight loss or weight gain.

SIBO is Seldom the Primary Issue

A more holistic approach to SIBO will look for the root cause of the bacterial overgrowth. A common cause is low stomach acid (creating an inability to breakdown food). A low functioning thyroid, stress, impaired vagal nerve dysfunction (parasympathetic response), autoimmune issue or nutritional deficiencies can also contribute to the development of SIBO. Low levels of pancreatic enzymes can also make it difficult to breakdown food which leaves the food to putrefy and breed bacteria.

Some Pharmaceutical Use Can Lead SIBO

Chronic use of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (like aspirin and ibuprofen) can lead to dysbiosis (a microbial imbalance. PPI (proton pump inhibitors) is a commonly prescribed acid blocker that decrease the amount of acid in the stomach, so extended use of these can also contribute to SIBO.

How to Diagnose SIBO

There are a few tests that can be done to confirm SIBO. The gold standard is a three-hour hydrogen breath test. After consuming a sugary water (fuel for the bacteria), the time it takes to produce methane and hydrogen indicates where the bacteria are living - in the large or small intestine. The concentration of the gases is also telling. Additionally, an organic acid test will help determine if the issue is bacterial or fungal or both. A stool test may also help provide a bigger picture of digestive issues.

You Can’t Fix SIBO if You’re Not Pooping

Failure to clear your bowels on a regular basis leaves too much fuel for bacteria in your small intestine. For some, low motility is a symptom of SIBO but it can also be a contributing factor. In order to solve the gut imbalance, the bowels need to be moving regularly.

Options for Treatment

Once you have the whole picture and understand (and have dealt with) the root cause, there are several options for treatment. Dr. Osgood and I prefer an herbal approach. There are several combinations but the right one for you is going to be based on what’s working for your body. There is not a one size fits all and finding the right combination will require some testing. Temporarily following a specific diet (like the elemental or low fodmap diet) may help speed up recovery.

Treating SIBO is Tricky

For many people the first stop they make is to their traditional doctor and potential a gastroenterologist. And while SIBO can be diagnosed, the traditional approach is to treat SIBO with medication. This often will kill off the overgrowth but it doesn’t really deal with how the overgrowth happened in the first place. As a result, patients will often have a recurrence like Melissa did.

Prevent SIBO Relapses

Getting your gut bacteria back in balance is never a permanent state, you have to work at maintaining that balance. The keys to avoiding a relapse are maintaining stress levels, taking advantage of probiotics (find the right one for you as some may irritate your system), stimulate the parasympathetic tone with vagus nerve exercises, eating a clean diet, and encouraging good motility.

Mystery Solved

We did some further testing with Melissa and were able to narrow down the details of her SIBO and identify a food allergy that she was unaware of. We also had to deal with her constipation which we did with Calcium Magnesium Citrate and Paleo Fiber. We stimulated her stomach acid production with supplements and started doing vagal nerve exercises so that she could better produce the acid without supplements. She was then ready for a cleanse. She responded well to a low fodmap diet and implemented some natural antimicrobials. Six weeks later, she was feeling better and took some maintenance and support supplements for a few more months to help her avoid an immediate relapse. The supplements used are listed below.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Melissa we were able to determine that just dealing with the gut bacteria wasn’t enough for long-term health. We found all of the pieces to her digestive issues and she was thrilled to be feeling better (and fitting into those skinny jeans again). Could gut imbalance or SIBO be the missing clue for you or someone in your life? Share this episode with them and take action to restore a healthy microbiome in your belly.


Thanks to my guest Dr. Seth Osgood. You can connect with him through his business Grassroots Functional Medicine: Or connect with him on Facebook or Instagram.

Want to see more SIBO research? Here is a prominent study:

Mentioned Supplements:

FC Cidal

GI MicrobX


Motil Pro

Cal/Mag Citrate

Paleo Fiber

Bitter X


Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.

Sign up here:

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

011 The Case of the Super Low Libido w/ Lauren Handel Zander

37m · Published 30 May 08:00

The Case:

  • Elise is 37 and for the past 5 years, she’s had very low sex-drive
  • Extensive hormones tests gave no physical explanation
  • She and her husband wanted to find a way to reconnect and make sex a part of their relationship again.

The Investigation

A sexless marriage is defined as one where the couple has sex less than 10 times a year. For Elise, her disinterest in sex had been going on for 5-years. There were many factors that played into this - including being on an opposite work schedule to her husband - but she knew that it was primarily because of her low libido.

I ran some additional, more comprehensive lab tests (to make sure that her doctors hadn’t missed anything) but found nothing out of the norm.

I did notice one thing. When Elise talked to me about her issue with sex drive, she seemed embarrassed. She giggled nervously everytime she mentioned sex.

I suspected that something in her past or her upbringing might be the clue we need to find to solve this health mystery.

I turned to Lauren Handel Zander. She’s the co-founder and chairwoman of the Handel Group and has been a life coach for over 20 years. She’s also the author of “Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap, Face Your Fears, Love Your Life.” She is passionate about helping people create the life of their dreams from every angle.

Viability of a Great Relationship

Lauren believes that the depth and viability of a great relationship relies on both the enjoyment of life and the romantic partnership. It’s non-negotiable. Couples who explain away their low libido with time-constraints, stress, kids, or disinterest put their relationship at risk.

People are Lazy

Lauren points to the ease with which we can move sex to the bottom of the to-do list. It can easily become something that we don’t have the energy for. But, like going to the gym to stay fit, we need to find the energy for a healthy sex life.

Make a Commitment to Sex

Lauren recommends committing to sex the way you would commit to the gym. Promise yourself and your partner that you’ll meet x-number of times per week. You have to make it a priority and commit to it. She even encourages people to have a consequence for not keeping your promise.

Shame and Epigenetics May Affect Libido

A few weeks ago we spoke with Dr. Mario Martinez (Episode 007) about how shame and personal belief systems set by our parents can create a physical reaction. That includes a low libido. Epigenetics (which is the expression of our genes based on learned behaviour from our parents) can likewise affect our sexdrive.

Have the Sex Talk

To get to the root of this potential cause of a low libido, Lauren encourages her clients to talk to their parents about sex. Yes, even though they are adults, she suggests they finally have an open and frank ‘sex talk’. This releases the taboo around sex and can bring some honesty and reality to what married sex is really all about. It also takes the awkwardness and embarrassment out of the topic which can be incredibly freeing.

Know What You Want

It’s important for couples who are dealing with a sexless marriage (or a low-sex marriage) to get in touch with what they actually want. And, that they express this to each other. Lauren uses a visualization method that she encourages people to do specifically with their sex life.

Low Libido Can be Hormonal

A reduced sexdrive can be the result of hormone levels. In Elise’s case it wasn’t but if you’re suffering with a disinterest in sex, it’s important to have your estradiol, progesterone, Testosterone and DHEA-S tested. Lowered sex drive can also be experienced by those dealing with a thyroid issue so be sure to have your doctor check that as well.

Mystery Solved

Elise didn’t have any hormonal reasons for her low libido so we started to employ some of the methods offered up by Dr. Mario Martinez and Lauren Handel Zander. Elise was a bit resistant at first but she followed through. She even had ‘the talk’ with her parents and was able to let go of the awkwardness she felt around sex.

For Elize, her sexual health mystery was solved with some emotional work and a commitment to being more sexually engaged with her husband.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Elise we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain her sex drive. Could shame, epigenetics, or laziness be your missing piece of the healthy sexlife puzzle? Have you listened to a friend complain about a low libido or sexless marriage? Be sure to share this episode with them.


Thanks to my guest Lauren Handel Zander. You can connect with her on Instagram or Facebook. She also has an online course that I recommend AND my listeners get $75 off by clicking my special link and using the promo code HEALTHMYSTERIES75

Mentioned Supplements

Fem Guard + Balance

Chaste Tree (not available online, speak to your health practitioner)


Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

Related Podcast Episodes:

Episode 007 - The Case of the Teacher Who Was Always Sick w/ Dr. Mario Martinez

Episode 003 - The Case of the Insidious Fatigue w/ Author, Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

010 The Case of the Embarrassing Eczema and Rash w/ Beth Mosher

30m · Published 23 May 08:00

The Case:

  • Karen is 31 and eats a very healthy diet.
  • She started to experience eczema, rashes, and itchy skin as well as anxiety.
  • Doctors prescribed topical steroids and antihistamines but these only masked the symptoms.
  • Here condition escalated to swollen eyes and hives on her face.

The Investigation

When I met with Karen I suspected that her diet was to blame for her condition even though she was eating really healthy. I just knew there was something in her diet that was causing the problem; something was causing a histamine reaction. But, I also suspected it likely wasn’t a traditional food allergy.

I brainstormed with my partner at Complete Nutrition and Wellness, Beth Mosher. She’s a clinical nutritionist who has been studying nutrition and how it relates to health and human development for almost 20 years.

I knew that together, we could solve this health mystery. We knew that it wasn’t a specific food allergy or sensitivity so we had to look at how else food could be impacting her.

Allergic Reactions can be to Components of Foods

Some people may have traditional tests that prove they are not allergic to a certain food but that does not necessarily mean that they won’t have an allergic reaction to a component of this food. Certain components of foods, particularly plant foods, produce histamine reactions.

High Sulfur Foods

Sulfur is found in a variety of foods in varying degrees. Leafy greens have a high amount of sulfur, especially spinach and kale. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli also contain sulfur. Protein can contain sulfur, specifically eggs and shrimp. Fermented foods including pickled foods, beer, and wine also contain high amounts of sulfites.

Sulfur Can Cause a Histamine Reaction

Many foods contain sulfur and while some sulfur is important for the body to function optimally, too much can create a backlog. When the body tries to metabolize this backlog of sulfur it can produce substances that create a histamine reaction. This can manifest as itchy skin, hives, swelling, or eczema.

Genetics Also Plays a Role

Not everyone who eats sulfur-rich foods is going to have this histamine reaction. Every body is different. One person may eat a diet high in sulfur with no adverse reaction because they are not predisposed to it genetically.

Sulfites Can Build Up in the Body

Sulfites can be quite toxic when they backup in the body (because they are not being properly processed) and can be converted into ammonia. Symptoms like hives, itchy skin, swollen lips and eyes, and eczema can appear to come out of nowhere. People who have not changed their diet at all might not think that food could be the cause because nothing has changed. However a diet (like the paleo diet) can cause sulfur build up overtime, which can reach a point where the body can no longer metabolize it and the result is a histamine reaction.

Early Signs of Sulfite Buildup

Sulfur generally produces a histamine reaction including hives, rashes, and itchiness around the eyes. However, a sulfur buildup in the early stages can present as headaches, itchy skin (without hives or rash), or digestive issues. Feelings of anxiety can also be a symptom of sulfur overload as metabolizing sulfur can release ammonia which in turn elevates cortisol (the stress hormone). Reducing high sulfite foods and managing sulfur in general when these early signs show up could help reduce the chances of a full histamine reaction.

Detoxing Sulfite Overload

When detoxing the body of excess sulfites, it’s a good idea to take Epsom salt baths every day or every other day. Place a cup and a half of Epsom salts in a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. This helps the body metabolize the backlog of sulfites and get the toxins out. Charcoal tablets may also help to absorb the ammonia and carry it out and molybdenum can help the SOUX enzyme process sulfites more efficiently.

Testing for Sulfite Overload

There are a few tests that can be done to prove the skin irritations are caused by a histamine reaction caused by sulfur overload. One is an organic acid test done through urine. There are also genetic tests that can be done. However, most people prove out the cause by lowering their consumption of sulfite rich foods and seeing if the symptoms subside.

We Need Sulfur

Many high-sulfur foods are extremely healthy and our bodies need sulfur. However, if it is not processing it into sulfate (do to a blockage in the pathway caused by a buildup) then we need to address that. It’s important to find a balance and to be aware of the warning signs that there might be a backlog of sulfites in the system.

Mystery Solved

Our suspicions were confirmed with Karen after we ran an organic acid test. What we found was that despite eating a lot of sulfur-rich foods (like green drinks and veggies), her body was not converting that into sulfate which meant that her body was instead, creating ammonia. This led to her skin issues and likely released cortisol which could explain her heightened feelings of anxiety.

It might sound crazy for a nutritionist to say, but the prescription was for her to decrease her green juices and other sulfur-rich foods. She also took regular Epsom salt baths to help with the detoxification process. Her body (and skin) responded within a week to these changes. Now she’s careful about how much sulfites and high sulfur foods are in her diet.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Karen we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain her healthy skin. Do you suffer from unexplained allergic reactions like hives, eczema, rashes, itchy skin or swollen lips or eyes? Could this be the missing clue for you or someone in your life?


Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Beth Mosher. You can connect with her on our website

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

009 The Case of the False Negative Celiac Test w/ Dr. Peter Osborne

22m · Published 16 May 08:00

The Case:

  • Diana is 36 and suffers from irregular bowel movements and stomach upset.
  • Endoscopies, colonoscopies and genetic testing for celiac disease provided no answers
  • She tried adjusting her diet but nothing has helped and her doctor was stumped.

My first suspicion was that her Celiac test was a false negative or that she had some underlying gluten-sensitivity. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats and many people may have the sensitivity. It’s estimated that 30 – 40% of people are genetically positive for gluten-sensitivity. Many go undiagnosed.

Dr. Peter Osborne is world renown in the field of gluten and grain sensitivity. He is the author of the highly acclaimed bestseller, ‘No Grain, No Pain’ and is a Doctor of Chiropractic and board certified in clinical nutrition and pastoral medicine. He is the clinical director of Origins Healthcare in Sugarland, Texas and is also an advisor for Functional Medicine University.

He joins me in the discussion of this case to share his significant expertise in this field.

Confusion Around Gluten Terminology

Many people mislabel conditions relating to gluten and mistakenly use gluten-sensitive, gluten-intolerant, gluten allergy, and celiac interchangeably. So, what is the difference between gluten sensitivity and gluten allergy? What’s the difference between gluten intolerance and celiac disease?

Dr. Osborne explains that gluten sensitivity is a state of genetics which is not a disease. However, this sensitivity can lead to the development of celiac disease which is an autoimmune disease. Gluten intolerance is a reaction to gluten without the genetic disposition. The body cannot digest gluten properly because it is not producing the necessary enzyme. This can result in irritable bowel, gas, bloating and other intestinal discomforts. An allergy to gluten it very rare. Classically, this would show up as an acute response similar to other food allergies which often have symptoms like hives, swollen lips, and throat constriction. It’s potentially life-threatening.

Traditional Testing for Celiac is Insufficient

Most doctors will test two genetic markers for celiac disease but there are 5 antibodies that should be tested. Some people, like Diane, are told they don’t have Celiac disease and can eat gluten when that is not the case. Comprehensive tests that specifically include HLA DQ2 and DQ8 as well as the wheat zoomer (see below for links to these tests) are needed to completely rule out gluten issues. These tests are a simple cheek swab and a blood test.

Gluten Sensitivity due to Genetics is Permanent

While some people may feel better after giving up gluten for a period of time, this does not mean they can return to eating gluten. Dr. Osborne says that it can’t be reversed and his best advice is to stay away from it if they want to maintain their health. Eating gluten (for those that have the gluten genes) is unhealthy for them so if they go back to it, they’ll soon feel the repercussions of their unhealthy ways.

Consider the Quality of Grains

People who do not have the genetic markers for gluten sensitivity, antibodies to gluten, or the presence of autoimmune disease do not need to follow a gluten-free diet. However, it’s important to look at the quality of the food they’re eating. Grains can have mold or mycotoxins (see episode 006). They may also have trace amounts of pesticides that could include glyphosate which has been linked to cancer, neurodegeneration and fertility issues. In addition to that, many grains have been genetically modified.

You Can’t Just Take a Pill

There are enzymes available in supplement form that will help the body digest gluten. While this might seem like a ‘get out of jail free’ card, it’s not. If you have a gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease these are meant only to protect you against unwitting exposure (often through cross contamination in non-gluten-free restaurants or homes). It’s not a magic pill that you can take and then go devour a pizza. Sorry, guys.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Diana we were able to get to the real root of the problem and help her regain her health. Could a gluten sensitivity be the missing clue for you or someone in your life? Please share this episode with them so that they can feel better too.


Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Dr. Peter Osborne. You can connect with him through his website:

You can get a copy of his book No Grain, No Pain here:

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

008 The Case of Significant Spider Veins w/ Belinda Brown

21m · Published 09 May 08:00

The Case:

  • Victoria is a 45 year-old mom of three who works full time.
  • In the last 9-months, severe pain in her hip has made her active lifestyle difficult.
  • She was treated by a physiotherapist and a chiropractor and even tried natural supplements but nothing helped.

The Investigation

When I met Victoria, I noticed she had spider veins on same leg that was in pain. I suspected that was a clue.

Spider veins, a form of varicose veins, are abnormally enlarged vessels that usually appear on the legs like dark blue or red squiggly lines. About 50% of the population develop spider veins but women are more susceptible, especially as they age.

Many people consider spider veins to be a cosmetic problem that’s not how they are viewed in chinese medicine.

That’s why I turned to Belinda Brown for help with Victoria’s health mystery. Belinda is a classical acupuncturist with a busy practice in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Acupuncture Works with the Body’s Qi

Qi (pronounced chee) is the flow of energy through our body. We are in good health when our Qi is moving smoothly. When it is blocked or stagnant, or deficient we experience illness. Qi travels along meridians (or pathways) in the body. Acupuncture is the ancient art of unlocking or activating the Qi along these meridians.

The Difference between Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Many people have heard of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM as it is the most common in the United States. This approach to acupuncture works with 12 meridians. Belinda practices Classical Acupuncture which recognizes 76 meridians.

Vanity is Not the Only Concern for Spider Veins

Often spider veins make people self conscious of their looks. But, vanity is not the only reason to have your spider vein looked at. Belinda explains that spider veins can be an indicator that there is something deeper going on. Spider veins can be the body trying to push illness up to the surface. This negatively impacts the body’s Qi, specifically the Luo Meridian.

Restore the Qi to Create an Opportunity for Healing

By releasing the vessels involved in the spider veins, you can restore Qi and create a better environment for healing. While it may seem like this is a cosmetic solution, the treatment of these spider veins can have a dramatic affect on the illness that caused them.

Mystery Solved

In Victoria’s case, the spider veins and the pain in her hip were both signs that she had a benign tumor - something that doctors hadn’t even looked for. Belinda knew pretty quickly that something was off and she was able to pinpoint the issue. By treating the spider veins through acupuncture, not only was she able to reduce the appearance of the veins, she was able to restore the Qi and reduce the size of the growth.

Victoria ignored the spider veins, shrugging them off as part of getting old. She tried to work through her hip pain. By working with Belinda and I she was able to see that these two seemingly unrelated things we actually clues to a serious issue she didn’t even know she had.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Victoria, we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain her health. Could spider veins be a clue that you or someone you love is missing? Don’t just treat spider veins, speak to an acupuncturist to find out if they’re trying to reveal the secrets of your well-being.

Thanks to my guest, Belinda Brown. You can connect with her on her website:

Mentioned Supplements:


OmegAvail Ultra

10% off Designs for Health Supplements with code DFH10

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback helps me create better shows, and it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

007 The Case of the Teacher Who Was Always Sick w/ Dr. Mario Martinez

41m · Published 02 May 08:00

The Case:

  • Bethany is a 37 year-old teacher who’s always sick
  • Doctors can’t explain why her immune system is failing
  • She’s meticulous about her hygiene and has tried every natural supplement available.

The Investigation

The obvious explanation for Bethany going from cold, to flu, to cold was that she worked in a classroom full of germs. But, her fellow teachers weren’t getting sick like she was. Bethany seemed to be sick with something new every month. When changing her diet and taking the usual nutritional supplements didn’t help, we knew there had to be something else going on. Usually, I don’t like to say that it was all in her head but in this case, I suspected there was a mind body connection.

My first clue came when Bethany mentioned how meticulous she was about washing her hands and how bad she felt about getting sick and missing work. That’s when I knew I needed to dig deeper into her mindset.

It turned out that she had some deep-seated shame around being sick that went all the way back to her childhood. Her parents had, over time, taught her that getting sick should be avoided at all costs and that it was very bad.

How could this result in her physically getting sick? Did this mean that she wasn’t actually sick she only thought she was sick?

The answer is actually a scientifically proven physiological response to shame. It’s something I first learned about when I encountered the research of Dr. Mario Martinez.

Dr. Mario (as I like to call him) is the bestselling author of the Mind Body Code: How to Change the Beliefs that Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success. He has also created multiple learning series on the connection between mind, body, and self. He is a world-renowned expert on biocognition and I am honored to call him a mentor.

Because of my work with Dr. Mario, I knew that this fear of illness that Bethany’s parents had instilled could be the missing clue in her health mystery.

Biocognitive Science is an Integrative Science

Dr. Mario starts by explaining that the connection between our mind and our physiology is proven scientifically. His work also takes our culture into consideration. This includes looking at our collective beliefs of anything important to a group like religion, our concept of wellness, ethics, and aesthetics to name a few.

Cultural Understanding Comes from Cultural Editors

We learn about the good and bad of our culture from those in a position of authority. In the beginning, this is likely to be a parent but doctors, teachers, pastors can all be a part of that too. These editors teach us shame as a way to survive in our culture but at some point, the need to survive ends and we can hang on to the shame unnecessarily.

Shame Causes Inflammation

Research has proven that shame can cause a physiological reaction; inflammation. We know that inflammation is associated with many diseases including those affecting the immune system. When we hang on to non-survival shame, we can compromise our health.

There is an Antidote to Shame

Dr. Mario’s research shows that there is a way to reverse feelings of shame, even deep-seated, spontaneous shame responses. In this episode, we discuss the method of first identifying the trigger of shame, the feelings associated with shame, and the mental trick for reversing or countering the physiological response to shame.

Belief in Genetic Predisposition Can be a Trigger

Another way cultural conditioning affects our health is when we believe that any genetic propensity to an illness will lead to us realizing that illness. This belief has a physiological effect on the body. Our mind is sending signals to enhance the genetic expression of that illness.

Set Personal Boundaries to Avoid Triggers

Shame can be triggered by many things including partners, parents, or you boss. It’s important to create boundaries for these potential shame triggers so that you have less exposure to feelings of shame. You can also recondition your thinking around genetic disposition beliefs.

Mystery Solved

When Bethany and I started to really dissect where her shame around getting sick came from we realized that being around kids in a classroom (which can be a bit of a petri dish or germs) was a major trigger. Because of my past work with Dr. Mario (and my personal experience in healing shame responses) Bethany was able to counteract her physiological response to the fear of illness and shame of missing work.

The solution to this mystery wasn’t found in a pill or a supplement. We had to change the messages being shared between the mind and body. Bethany is doing much better now. She still gets a cold from time to time, but she no longer feels any shame about it.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Bethany, we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain control of her health. Could shame or cultural cues be the unknown clue for you or someone in your life?

Spend some time considering any shame you might feel during your day. Take some time to follow the techniques shared in this episode. Notice how shame feels and where it’s located. Use the antidote revealed by Dr. Mario. You might be surprised at the physiological response to some of this mental work.


Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Dr. Mario Martinez. You can connect with him on his website and discover more about the learning series we discussed. Here is how you can join his private Facebook group. And, here are some links to his books:

The MindBody Self: How Longevity Is Culturally Learned and the Causes of Health Are Inherited

The Mindbody Code: How to Change the Beliefs That Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success

Here are the supplements I mentioned:

Immunitone Plus

Zinc Supreme


Thanks for Listening!

*If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast.*

Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

Say ‘hi’ to me on Facebook and Instagram. Comment on this episode and let me know if it helped.

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

006 The Case of the Dizzy, Tired, Confused Brain w/ Evan Brand

41m · Published 25 Apr 08:00

The Case:

  • Jena is 35 who recently moved across the country.
  • Since then, she’s experienced sinus issues, brain fog, dizziness, and fatigue.
  • Her GP sent her to specialists who did countless test but they couldn’t figure out what was going on.

The Investigation

Jena knew there was something going on even though all of the doctors and tests revealed nothing. When she came to me, we looked at a bunch of possible causes that the specialists may have missed. But, when she told me that she’d recently moved into an apartment where they had recently repaired some water damage, I knew we had our first clue to the real cause of her problems.

Mold can cause a great deal of health issues, even if you can’t see it. Evan Brand knows this from personal experience. Now, he’s made it his mission to reveal just how prevalent and harmful mold can be to our health.

Evan is a Clinical Nutritionist who has been studying the effects of mold on the brain and body.

His interest came about when he discovered that exposure to mold was the root cause for his own personal health mystery. With his research as well as the clinical work he’s doing with his clients, Evan has joined a handful of experts on this topic in America.

I was excited to share Jena’s case with him and find out more about mold in our environment and food supply.

The List of Potential Symptoms is Extensive

When mold is present in an environment, it releases ‘mycotoxins’. If a significant amount of mycotoxins enter the body, it can cause a wide range of symptoms including anxiety to heart palpitations to depression to anger and irritability to insomnia, blood pressure problems, cold hands, cold feet, dizziness and vertigo. He says some people have experienced tremors or twitching which could lead to a misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Mycotoxins Have an Affinity for the Cerebellum

Many different types of mycotoxins attack the cerebellum which is a part of the brain. This area of the brain is responsible for spatial navigation. This is why people with mycotoxins in their body may find themselves dragging their feet, twitching, experiencing vertigo or feeling dizzy like Jena was.

It’s Not Just Black Mold

Most people know that black mold in a home is unhealthy but when they don’t see black mold, they think their home is fine. As Evan explains, there are a variety of different molds (some that are hard to spot) that can give off mycotoxins.

Myth: Mold Causes Allergies or Sinus Problems

Many people who are affected by mycotoxins from mold do not experience any allergy-type symptoms, sinus issues, or breathing problems. There are many ways that mycotoxins present so people should be aware that an absence of typical sinus-related issues does not mean that mold is not the cause of health issues.

Mycotoxins Can Also be Ingested

Inhalation of mycotoxins (usually from being in a moldy building) is the number one issues but we can also ingest mold and their byproduct; mycotoxins. Mold on foods is often not visible. The most common carriers of mycotoxins are grains (corns, rice, wheat), peanuts, coffee, chocolate, and wine (grapes)). And, Evan believes that as GMO foods become more prevalent, the risk of mold infections increases.

How to Test for Environmental Mold in Your Home

The gold standard for testing your home or office for mold or the presence of mycotoxins is called the ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index). This is where a sample of the air is collected. Evan feels that this is not the most accurate test. Instead, he recommends doing a ‘plate test’ which can be acquired from Immunolytics Labs (see below for links). These can be used to test your home, your office or even your car - wherever you are spending a significant amount of time.

Testing for Mycotoxins in the Body

Determining levels of mycotoxins in your body requires a specific urine test. Evan recommends also doing an organic acid test just to see the full picture of fungal metabolites at play. This test can be repeated once actions have been taken to gage successes in detoxifying the body.

Detoxing Mycotoxins can be Challenging

When we start to experience symptoms as a result of mycotoxin exposure, it usually means that the body is at a breaking point. We often talk about the bucket being full before we notice anything. To start emptying out the bucket, the environment has to be cleared of mycotoxins, then the diet needs to shift and finally, we have to actively encourage the mycotoxins out of the body. However, we can’t live in a bubble so when we get exposed to mycotoxins in other environments (whether that’s a store we go to or a friends house), our bucket starts filling back up before it’s had a chance to empty. For this reason, detoxing can take a long time.

Mystery Solved

Evan believes that most of us experience a high level of exposure to mycotoxins which results in almost everyone having some form of toxicity. If you struggle with health issues that seem to have no other explanation, then a simple test may provide you with the answers you’ve been looking for.

For Jena, this was absolutely the case. Once we were able to pinpoint the issue, the investigation moved to her apartment. Luckily, her landlord was proactive. When he discovered that the old leak had not been fixed, he fixed and cleaned out the HVAC system too.

Jena was finally living in a mold free environment so the next step was to rid her body of the toxins. We put her on a strict diet protocol which also included a variety of supplements. Within a few months, her blood tests showed a significant difference in her mycotoxin levels and she was feeling so much better.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Jena we were able to track down the root cause of all of her health mysteries and help her feel better. Could mold and the mycotoxins they release be the missing clue for you or someone in your life?

Consider getting tested - it could give you the answers you’ve been looking for. And please share this episode. It could change someone’s life. It changed Jena’s.


Thanks to my guest Evan Brand. You can connect with him on Instagram, Facebook or his website:

If you are interested in testing your environment, here is where you can access the ‘plate test’ we discussed.

Immunolytics Labs

Here is a list of the supplements I mentioned:

Anti-Candida (Antimicrobials)

GI MicrobX

FC Cidal


Oil of Oregano


Gut Healing

GI Revive

Mitochondria Support

Methyl B Complex


Liposomal Glutathione Liquid

AC Glutathione (capsule) *please note, you will need to log into the website to view this one but creating a login is free.

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

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Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

005 The Case of the Soul-Crushing Insomnia w/ Emily Fletcher

29m · Published 18 Apr 08:00

The Case:

  • Amanda is a 37 year old mom working part time.
  • For 5 years she struggled with insomnia that kept her mind racing and her body tired.
  • She tried sleep medications, antidepressants, and melatonin but they made her groggy. I tried addressing her adrenal issues with supplements, but the insomnia persisted.

The Investigation

There was no question that Amanda’s case was not your typical insomnia case. When we discussed her busy lifestyle, it became clear to me that stress was playing a role in her issue. We worked on controlling her elevated cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and rebalancing her nervous system. And even though she felt calmer and more in control, sleep still evaded her. I could tell that supplements alone were not going to put out this stress-fire.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates that 35% of Americans do not get enough sleep. A lack of sleep becomes insomnia when it causes you to feel impaired during the day and persists for over a month without any other discernible cause. About 6% of Americans fall into this category.

Emily Fletcher is very familiar with insomnia because she suffered with it for a long period of time. It caused her to feel worn down, stressed out, and unhappy despite having a dream job she’d worked her whole life to get.

Luckily, she discovered meditation and it changed everything for her. Since then, she’s taught a technique she developed called Ziva Meditation to thousands. She also wrote the book, “Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance”which she hopes will also help people get a handle on their stress and conquer their insomnia.

Stress and Insomnia are Intermingled

The effects of stress on the body can be significant, especially over time. One of the things that stress does is release hormones that keep the body and brain alert. When it comes time to sleep, the mind simply can’t relax. And then, we experience stress from not being able to sleep. Emily says it’s like the chicken and the egg conundrum - you can’t really say which comes first.

When we are tired, we feel stressed. When we are stressed we feel tired.

The Modern World Isn’t Helping

In addition to our stress, there are other things in the modern world that may be contributing to sleeplessness. Emily points to our screen time (blue light mimics the daylight and tricks our circadian rhythm into thinking we should be awake). Our modern diet also plays a role in sleep issues because we generally consume too much caffeine and sugar. In addition, we are living in a time where everyone is busy and sleep is not seen as a priority. Emily says that tiredness and busy-ness trigger the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which in turn makes it hard to sleep and further fuels our stress.

Stress Makes us Stupid, Sick, and Slow

Being in a perpetual state of stress slowly breaks down our body and our mind. We might place the blame on lack of sleep or insomnia, but it’s really the stress.

Emily believes that meditation (not mindfulness) can reset this cycle. By meditating each day, you give your body the time to deal with the stress so that when it comes time to sleep, you can actually dedicate that time to sleep. When the stress is taken care of, the insomnia goes away.

If you never deal with the stress, you will forever be using sleep time for stress relief and never actually experience reparative sleep which is essential for optimal health.

Eliminating Health Mysteries

Amanda tried Emily’s technique and was amazed that after a couple of weeks she actually slept through the night. It took some time to undo the damage done by 5 years of insomnia but with a regular meditation practice and the right supplements, we were able to get Amanda’s health back on track.

If you suffer from insomnia or known someone who does, please take a look at stress management techniques like Ziva Meditation - it could be the missing piece of the puzzle. And, remember that just because so many people shrug their shoulders because everyone is stressed out, it’s not okay to let it get to the point of insomnia and start an avalanche of health issues.

The answers to your insomnia and stress are out there and accessible to you. You can solve this health mystery.

Be sure to share this episode with anyone you know who is struggling with insomnia.

Resource Links:

Resources and products mentioned on the podcast:

Phosphatidyl Serine (PS 150)

Pharma GABA (chewable)

Liposomal Liquid Gaba

Myo Sedate

Magnesium (in the glycinate form)

Thanks to my guest Emily Fletcher. You can connect with her here:

If you’re interested in her online meditation program go here.

Or, Grab her book: Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance plus when you use this link, you’ll get a bonus gift that’s just for Health Mysteries Solved listeners!

Thanks for Listening

If you like what you heard, please rate and review this podcast. Every piece of feedback not only helps me create better shows, it helps more people find this important information.

Never miss an episode – Subscribe NOW to Health Mysteries Solved with host, Inna Topiler on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Podcasts. Find out more at

Say hi to me on Facebook and Instagram. Comment on this episode and let me know if it helped.

Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

Claim your free spot to this 7-day virtual summit featuring the top experts in Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism so that you can overcome this diagnosis and feel better.


All information, content, and material on this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Some of the links provided are affiliate links. This means we may make a very small amount of money should you choose to buy after clicking on them. This will in no way affect the price the product but it helps us a tiny bit in covering our expenses.

Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed has 185 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 117:15:41. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 00:40.

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