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Lesbians Who Write Podcast

by Lesbians Who Write

Conversations about writing and lesbian fiction


LWW 170: How Was Your 2022?

42m · Published 12 Dec 11:48
On the morning of the I Heart SapphFic Mega Sale, the website was down. Yikes! Luckily, the website came back, and the sale was a big success. The launch of Christmas at Rainbow Falls has gone well. Now TB & Miranda are busy organizing the 2023 IHS Reading Challenge, planning the last 99-c sale in 2022, and they’ve started writing season 2 of A London Love Story. Lots going on! Clare has been unwell and recently underwent surgery, which went off smoothly and she’s recuperating. Unfortunately, before the surgery, she had a 4-day migraine. Because of all of that, she doesn’t have a lot of work news to report. Clare’s in hot demand for podcasts! In good news, she’s had some fun and her house is decorated for the holidays. Hooray! They move on to the topic: how has your 2022 gone? They start off by describing their years with 3 words, but they don’t leave it at that, naturally. They break down what they’ve accomplished, the curveballs thrown their way, and how they pivoted. What are your 3 words to sum up your 2022? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.comand leave a comment on the episode. Please note, the next episode will come out on Monday, January 16th. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: Christmas at Rainbow Falls: https://mybook.to/ChristmasAtRainbowFallsMarkinson

LWW 169: To-Do Lists

48m · Published 28 Nov 11:10
Christmas at Rainbow Falls has been published! In the back of the book is a bonus scene for Take Two, which has a connection to Christmas at Rainbow Falls. TB wants more rainbows and is tired of all the hate in the world. The IHS Mega Sale is going on now through November 29. And, finally, it’s the home stretch of NaNo. Write TB. Write! The Christmas Catch launch has settled down, but the narrator fell through. In good Clare audio news, It Started with a Kiss will be out soon! The football book is going on forever, so it needs some work. Clare had a fab time in Portugal, and she played beer pong for the first time. Now that she’s rested, it’s time to tear into the footy book. TB has a novel solution to the footy book issue that Clare doesn’t seem to truly appreciate. They move on to the topic: what to-dos are on your author business list? They share the tasks that must get done, including ones they’ve been putting off because they don’t wanna do them. Recording the episode causes them to freak out and it’s depressing how much always needs to get done. Let us know what you think? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: Christmas at Rainbow Falls: https://mybook.to/ChristmasAtRainbowFallsMarkinson Take Two: https://mybook.to/TakeTwoMarknson IHS Mega Sale: https://iheartsapphfic.com/2022/11/25/mega-sale-page-1/ It Started with a Kiss: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/it-started-with-a-kiss/ The Christmas Catch: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/the-christmas-catch/

LWW 168: Embarrassing Tidbits from Real Life We Put into Our Books

44m · Published 14 Nov 10:50
TB and Miranda got Christmas at Rainbow Falls to the editor on time, but it was a close call. TB is joining the daily Zoom NaNo sprints every day, and she’s getting words on the page. The weather has been on the warm side in November, allowing TB and Miranda to meet up in Concord for their tradition when they start a new project. On a particularly warm day (record-breaker), TB was battling a fever from her Covid and flu jabs. Clare also got her Covid jab, but she didn’t get sick. Sadly, things keep going wrong with The Christmas Catch launch. In good writing news, Clare is getting back into the writing swing with the footie book and an author buddy helped her out with some of the plot issues, although TB has the perfect solution. Audio fans: It Started with a Kiss will be available soon! Clare’s in Portugal for a week. Exciting times! They crash on to embarrassing stories from their lives that they’ve put into books. TB recommended this topic because she thinks people could use more laughter and both of them have plenty of silly moments they aren’t afraid to share. Let us know what you think? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: I Heart SapphFic Author Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ihlauthorforum IHS NaNo Sprints: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ihlauthorforum/permalink/521938029357763 It Started with a Kiss: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/it-started-with-a-kiss/ The Christmas Catch: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/the-christmas-catch/

LWW 167: What Was the Inspiration for Your Last 3 Books?

54m · Published 31 Oct 09:42
TB and Miranda are furiously working on their November 1 edit, and they can’t blow past the deadline because it’s a Christmas book and there’s no time to waste. This has been the story of TB’s year. Needing to make one grueling deadline after another and it’s exhausting. Once TB meets this deadline, she starts right in on Nano. There’s no rest in sight for TB! Quite a lot is happening in Clare’s world. The Christmas Catch has launched, but it wasn’t a smooth one. The ebook took five full days to publish, which is highly unusual. Clare attended the Kindle Storyteller Award. She didn’t win, but she’s a winner to all sapphic readers and authors. The good news, the night was so lovely, and all the authors were supportive of each other. It’s beautiful to see! They move on to the topic: What was the inspiration for your last 3 books? This is one of the most common questions authors are asked, so Clare and TB discuss their most recent books. The conversation proves you never know where inspiration will come from, and TB is shocked by one of Clare’s admissions. Let us know what you think? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: I Heart SapphFic Author Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ihlauthorforum IHS Mega Sale Form: https://forms.gle/7pttb1SUT1WHTEqw7 The Christmas Catch: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/the-christmas-catch/

LWW 166: What Mentorship Would You Choose?

33m · Published 17 Oct 11:07
TB is frazzled after a very stressful week that involved launching Devil’s Advocate and the new I Heart SapphFic website. In good news, Devil’s Advocate reached #1 in Lesbian Romance and Lesbian Fiction and the website debut went well! What a relief! TB is ready for a weekend away and is heading to Ptown for Women’s Week. This is the launch week for The Christmas Catch. Toot toot! It’s packed with Christmas feels and humor. Clare forgot, again, how time consuming book releases are. Now it’s time to turn her attention back to the football book. Sadly, Clare hasn’t been feeling all that well. Please send positive thoughts. In exciting news, It Started with a Kiss has been shortlisted for the Kindle Storyteller Award. They move on to the topic. TB asks, if you were offered a mentorship with the leading expert in one area of the writing business (craft, creative skills, time management, marketing, editing, business, etc.), which skill would you choose and who would you want to learn from? Have a listen to learn their answers. Let us know what you think? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: The Christmas Catch: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/the-christmas-catch/ It Started with a Kiss: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/it-started-with-a-kiss/ Devil’s Advocate: https://mybook.to/DevilsAdvocateMarkinson I Heart SapphFic: https://iheartsapphfic.com/

LWW 165: If You Died Tomorrow What Would Happen to Your Business?

37m · Published 03 Oct 12:42
Devil’s Advocate is with the ARC team, meaning it’ll be live soon! The new website for I Heart SapphFic is about to launch. That means TB is launching a book and website at the same time. The website has a BookFinder that’ll make finding sapphic books so much easier. The Christmas Catch is with the ARC team. The good news, the book makes Clare laugh, and she claims it’s her funniest one yet. She’s zipping along on the football, and she’s been doing research by going to women’s matches. The audio of Christmas in Mistletoe is out! They crash on to the mystery topic that Clare came up with: if you died tomorrow, what would happen to your business? They discuss the systems they have in place, although one of them is a wee bit more prepared. Have a listen to find out more. Let us know what you think. Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com to leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Database BookFinder Form: https://forms.gle/ywBM9WZVHyYGRNUp8 Christmas in Mistletoe: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/christmas-in-mistletoe/

LWW 164: Universal Pleasure Buttons

37m · Published 19 Sep 10:15
Devil’s Advocate is with the editor and TB is enjoying the break. Now TB and Miranda are plotting their next two books. On I Heart SapphFic, there will be a Free Fall Event that runs September 21-23 and spoiler, all the books are free. TB’s also organizing the IHS 2023 Reading Challenge, which she hopes will be bigger and better than this year’s. There’s a lot of pomp and ceremony going on in the UK right now, but Clare was still able to watch Saturday Kitchen. Clare’s festive book should be out to the ARC team soon and the book will be published mid-October. The footie story is going strong, and Clare has a ton of audio news. Lastly, Clare celebrated her birthday! Toot toot! They crash on to the topic: universal pleasure buttons. Clare takes the reins and outlines why people are drawn to fictional stories. There’s science behind this theory and Clare expertly walks listeners through everything to ensure you’re hitting all the right pleasure buttons. Let us know what you think? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB

LWW 163: Talent: Nature or Nurture?

46m · Published 05 Sep 09:58
TB and Miranda are furiously working on Devil’s Advocate, which will be going to the editor soon! In audio news, TB hit approve on two audiobooks on the same day, and she’s wondering if both will come out on the same day. On the I Heart SapphFic front, TB shares the name of the company who is redesigning the website and how it’s connected to Shonda Rhimes. TB and Pepper, the car, just celebrated their one-year anniversary. Clare had a day of self-care, that included her feet, which TB didn’t know was a thing, but is rethinking this oversight. Clare’s Christmas novel has a cover, but she’s not ready to reveal it yet. She tackled a huge job: sorting out her ARC team and it’s possible she threatened them. Clare’s still banging on two books and footy fans rejoice. The football story might get done before the next London installment. Don’t fret, London fans. She’ll get that book done. They bang on to the topic: talent. TB asks: do you think a person is born with talent or can it be nurtured? Clare, who hates being surprised, tackles TB’s question with the usual aplomb while TB rambles, even though she knew the question ahead of time. Have a listen to hear their answers and to find out if they agree. What are your thoughts about talent? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB

LWW 162: What or Who Has Inspired You This Year?

32m · Published 22 Aug 10:59
TB had problems with her mic, and the duo apologizes for the low volume when TB speaks. TB is back from her Maine writing retreat and she’s more relaxed. Miranda & TB worked on Devil’s Advocate at the lake house, and the temperatures were nice and cool. Now TB is thinking living in Maine might be a good idea. Another good thing: TB finally has feeling back in her fingers! Clare’s got a new lease on the writing life and is working on two new projects. She keeps forgetting that her Christmas book is ready for launch and fingers crossed she doesn’t space hitting the publish button in a couple of months. She’s commissioned two audiobooks since the last recording. Two seems to be Clare’s magic number these days. They crash on to the mystery topic. TB had no idea what question Clare wanted to delve into until Clare asked it live on air. Here’s what she asked: What or who has inspired you the most this year? Have a listen to learn their answers and find out the UK football fact that sickens TB. What's inspired you this year and why? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: Follow Clare’s Author Newsletter: www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/free-stuff/ Follow TB’s Author Newsletter: https://eepurl.com/hg1ujX

LWW 161: Conferences

48m · Published 07 Aug 23:30
TB and Miranda are working on Devil’s Advocate, their next cowrite, but the heat and humidity are killing TB, making her sluggish and cranky. TB survived the IHS Christmas in July sale, which was the best yet. Sadly, Amazon is struggling with rankings yet again, so it was hard to tell by the charts. TB is currently in Maine on a writing retreat. Go TB, go! Clare got the Christmas book from the editor in 5 days! Word is, it’s the funniest Clare Lydon book yet. The Brazilian translation of You’re My Kind has been released. Unfortunately, it too is getting snagged in the Amazon ranking debacle. Clare went on a rant on Twitter about book returns and many authors cheered her on. Book pirates suck! They move on to the topic: conferences. Clare and TB have both been to conferences recently, so this chat is timely. One of the most popular questions the duo receives is whether conferences are worth the investment (travel, accommodations). It’s a difficult question to answer since it’s hard to see the return on the investment, but both Clare and TB believe the networking with other authors in real life cements deeper connections. Also, you learn loads of things. Have a listen and find out how they get distracted by a trash truck. Exciting times! What do you think of conferences? Love them? Hate them? Do you go? Head over to lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: [email protected]. Happy listening! Clare and TB Links: You’re my Kind (Translation): www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/translations/de-volta-para-voce/

Lesbians Who Write Podcast has 188 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 118:25:11. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 8th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 25th, 2024 11:40.

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