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All Things Testosterone

by Brandon Church | TRT Community

Check us out at Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can be a confusing, difficult process. Knowing you’re deficient, finding a doctor, and dialing in your protocol are tough. On All Things Testosterone we walk through All Things Testosterone. We talk about research, review labs, take questions from our community members, and interview experts in an effort to support men and women facing hormone deficiency and help them find treatment options they can trust. If you're a 30+ year old man and feeling fatigued, having difficulty focusing, or losing ambition and drive, this podcast is for you! Whether you’re looking for information, advice, want to stay up to date on the latest protocol, or just need help finding a doctor, we’ve got you covered. You can join the community at: You can email [email protected] with questions or concerns.

Copyright: 2023


20 Questions That Could Save Your Life with Jo Bhakdi

24m · Published 12 Jun 07:19

JO BHAKDI, founder and CEO of Serenity, the most advanced genomic and AI-driven preventative care system in the world, created to serve the overarching goal of extending the human lifespan by a decade within a decade. Their new preventative healthcare platform is live and ready for use!


The difference between early and late detection can often mean the difference between life and death. In fact, detecting breast and colon cancer at stage 4 increases survival rates by 71-77%. Early intervention can reverse 80% of type 2 diabetes diagnoses and prevent 34% of deaths caused by heart disease. 


Driven to create a solution to make early detection and treatment solutions available to everyone, Jo and his team designed 20QUESTIONS, a first-of-its-kind platform. Free for all to use, visitors to the site are asked 20 personal health questions before being provided with accessible next-step solutions designed to close that person’s care gap and bring them quickly up-to-date on screenings for chronic and acute diseases based on their responses. 




  • Please explain what is and how it will save listeners' lives.
  • 20 questions are all that it takes? 
  • What is the care gap and how do we close it?
  • How do screenings play a role in preventative healthcare?
  • How can we bring primary care to the standard it should be?
  • What are ways we can help physicians bring better care to their patients?
  • What are ways we can prioritize preventive health?
  • Why is investing in preventive medicine the economic shift we need?
  • So, it’s the technology that makes this possible. What do you see as the role of technology in the future of healthcare?
  • What is precision medicine?
  • What is population health?
  • It's time for healthcare to be about patients. How?
  • How can preventive care be made easy for patients?
  • Why should genomics be the standard of care?
  • What’s next for genomic medicine?
  • Where do listeners go to learn more about the 20 questions that will save their lives?

Erectile Dysfunction Solutions with Dr. Torgerson

36m · Published 05 Jun 07:38

Dr. Cory Torgerson is one of Canada's most respected men’s health and intimacy performance experts and one of the country’s top facial plastic surgeons. His exceptional skills and expertise have earned him national recognition from his patients and colleagues. Dr. Torgerson received his medical education and surgical training from the prestigious University of Toronto, where he completed his entire training within the university's hospitals and the University Health Network. He is a certified specialist in head, neck, and facial surgery by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. In addition to his successful surgical practice, Dr. Torgerson has been invited to teach and lecture on men's health and performance issues across North America. He has appeared in various media outlets, including Global News, 16×9, The Marilyn Dennis Show, The Morning Show, City News, and E! Beauty Channel Beauty News. He lives in Toronto.

• How has the landscape of men's health, particularly ED, changed over the past 40 years?

• What are the primary external and personal factors contributing to the increase in ED cases?

• How do lifestyle choices and societal pressures impact men's sexual health?

• Why is it crucial to address the issue of ED and promote men's overall well-being?

• Can you briefly explain the science behind The Big Shot and how it differs from traditional ED treatments?

• What are the key benefits of The Big Shot compared to other treatments available on the market?

• How has The Big Shot been received by both the medical community and patients?

• Are there any misconceptions about ED treatments that you'd like to address?

• What role does mental health play in ED, and how can men better address their emotional well-being?

• Can you share some success stories from patients who have used The Big Shot for ED treatment and penile enlargement?

• How can men learn more about The Big Shot and take the first step towards improving their sexual health?

If you need help with your TRT or finding a doctor, check out


Will the DEA End Telemedicine for TRT?

2m · Published 04 May 19:03

On February 24, 2023, the Drug Enforcement Agency announced proposed rules for prescribing controlled substances via telemedicine after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency expires.


The proposed rules were open for public comment for only thirty days, after which DEA would presumably issue final regulations. The proposal created two new limited options for telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances without a prior in-person exam. The options were complex and more restrictive than what has been allowed for the past three years under the covid waivers. 


The DEA’s proposal would discontinue the ability for telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances where the patient never has any in-person exam (with the exception of a prescription period of no more than 30 days’ supply). The initial reactionis the rules are more restrictive than necessary and impose concerning limitations and burdens on clinicians and the patients they treat.


In response to more than 38,000 comments on the proposal, the DEA and the Department of Health and Human Services submitted a draft temporary rule to the Office of Management and Budget that provides a temporary extension of telehealth flexibilities for controlled substance prescriptions. Details about the rule will become public after it is published in the Federal Register. I don't know when that will be.

Just the Tip: Will Testosterone Make me Taller?

2m · Published 27 Apr 08:00

Testosterone, a hormone primarily associated with the development of male sexual characteristics, plays a role in bone growth and maturation during puberty. However, once a person has reached the end of their puberty and their growth plates have closed, which usually occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood, further increase in height is unlikely, regardless of testosterone levels.

During puberty, testosterone promotes the growth and fusion of the long bones, such as those in the arms and legs, which can result in an increase in height. However, once the growth plates at the ends of these bones close, usually by the age of 18-20 years in males, further height increase is not possible as the bones have reached their maximum length.

It's important to note that the effects of testosterone on height are influenced by various factors, including genetics, nutrition, and overall health. If you have concerns about your height or development, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your individual circumstances.

Being Testosterone Dominate with Susan Bratton

51m · Published 24 Apr 08:00

Best selling author, publisher of over 30 books, a Sexual biohacker, Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Expert to Millions," is a champion and advocate for all those who desire intimacy and passion their whole life long. Susan is a spokeswoman for GAINSWave and FemiWave and is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance vitality.


Susan has been featured in the New York Times and on CNBC and the TODAY Show. She makes frequent appearances on ABC, CBS, The CW, Fox and NBC.


You can find The Susan Bratton Show® at, her personal shares on Instagram @susanbratton, and her lust-for-life supplements, FLOW and DESIRE at



  • So Susan, what is a Sexual biohacker
  • How important do you think sexual chemistry is?
  • How can you develop or create sexual chemistry?
    • How can you improve on strong chemistry?
  • Testosterone/erection connection


  • Leading a large group of TRT guys. We often see guys complaining that now that they're on trt, they want sex more. The complaint is that the spouse is not on the same level, and then being ignorant men, people chime in with the obligatory "does she have a sister" type comments. So testosterone creates certain personality traits in men, that don't always translate directly to women. What I like try - is using my energy and ambition from TRT to serve Kayla in ways I know typically turn her on. Dishes, laundry, handling life…being helpful. This woman is driven wild when I'm just helpful. Tell us a bit about how women are different, being estrogen-driven and what men can do to communicate through that.


  • Appreciating and leveraging the many benefits of the hormone testosterone to one’s advantage


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Just the Tip: How Testosterone Works 113

3m · Published 20 Apr 08:00

Testosterone is a hormone that belongs to a group of hormones called androgens, which are responsible for the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone is primarily produced in the testes in males, although it is also produced in smaller amounts in the adrenal glands in both males and females.

Testosterone exerts its effects in the body by binding to androgen receptors, which are present in various tissues throughout the body. Once testosterone binds to these receptors, it can enter the cell and interact with the cell's DNA, leading to changes in gene expression and protein synthesis. This, in turn, results in a wide range of physiological effects on different tissues and organs in the body.

Some of the key functions of testosterone in males include:

  1. Development of male sexual characteristics: During puberty, testosterone stimulates the development of primary and secondary male sexual characteristics, such as the growth of the testes, penis, and scrotum, deepening of the voice, growth of facial and body hair, and increased muscle mass.

  2. Sperm production: Testosterone is necessary for the production of sperm in the testes, which is essential for fertility.

  3. Muscle and bone growth: Testosterone helps to stimulate protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle mass and bone density.

  4. Regulation of mood and cognition: Testosterone can influence mood, cognitive function, and energy levels, although the mechanisms underlying these effects are complex and not fully understood.

  5. Regulation of red blood cell production: Testosterone stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, which helps maintain normal hematocrit levels.

It's important to note that testosterone levels in the body are regulated by a complex feedback system involving the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical intervention that involves supplementing testosterone in individuals with low testosterone levels, under the guidance of a healthcare professional. TRT can be used to treat certain medical conditions related to testosterone deficiency, but it should always be done under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider, as improper use of testosterone or other androgens can have potential risks and side effects.

Nelson Vergel: Things Your Doctor Didn't Tell You

1h 2m · Published 17 Apr 07:50

A chemical engineer who, by his own necessity has become a leading advocate for sports nutrition, supplementation, hormone therapies, and promotion of health and wellness. He's given over 700 lectures, leads a wellness forum with over 55k members, has written 3 books and is now bringing labs to you with no doctor visit. If you haven't guessed it, today's guest is Nelson Vergel. Nelson owns Discounted Labs. You can literally purchase a lab req directly from his site and walk into a Lab Corp or Quest and have your blood drawn. Use promo code Brandon15 or Brandonvip for 15% off.


Things your doctor may forget to tell you before you start TRT


  • Clomiphene alone or hcg with TRT. What is the most current protocol for those that want to remain fertile?
    • What about for those that are older and/or don't want kids?
  • Elevated Hematocrit - TRT may increase your blood viscosity or proportion of red blood affecting cardio health. I've spoken to doctors that require the patient to stop trt because of this, donate blood because of this, and even some that do nothing - using elevation hematocrit as reason (colorado)
    • What's the actual risk of crashing iron if you donate twice a year?
  • TRT shuts down your natural production.
  • Does TRT help you lose weight? Many people say no, but I'd argue that when you take TRT, your body functions at a much higher level than your baseline, including your metabolism. Not a magic bullet though.
  • IM vs Sub q injections - what's your preference? Needle gauge?
  • Gels and creams - which is superior?
  • Injecting every two weeks
  • TRT can worsen sleep apnea
  • Libido improvement
  • Monitoring your own labs without a doctor's visit
    • How'd you decide to start Discounted labs?
  • Telemedicine - do you see the vast majority of guys using clinics or are they able to treat with any doctor?
  • TRT does not cause prostate cancer or heart attacks. Where did this come from?
  •,, reddit, facebook groups
  • Doctor only checking total t - my story
  • Some men do not get benefits from TRT - medications to blame?
    • Which meds?
  • Biggest mistake you see?
  • Most important labs to monitor after starting?
  • What to look for in a doctor?


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Abs at 60 with Greg Damian

35m · Published 03 Apr 08:14

Gregory Damian is an author, motivational speaker, health and fitness influencer and a coach. His mission is to assist men over 50 overcome perceived limits of their age to look and feel younger. He does this by applying his four step DOLR system.


Gregory holds three degrees and was enrolled in a Biomedical Engineering PhD program. He is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a certified Sports Nutrition Advisor.


In 2004, he performed 495 pull-ups in a single hour in a world record attempt, and he also won a half-marathon running race. In his 50s he won two bantamweight bodybuilding competitions. As a triathlete he was ranked in the top 8% in the US in his age group. At the age of 60 he stays in the best shape of his life.


Topics discussed:


  • First of all, I need to know - what was the pull-up world record in 2004?!
  • You had a big life shift at 60 years old. What did life look like before the shift, what caused the shift, and what does it look like now?
  • Your DOLR approach to life - Dream Big, Own Your Life, Live Well, Recharge often
    • Can you walk me through some samples of what those steps/goals may look like?
  • Book - Abs at 60: The Four Steps to Look and Feel Younger at Any Age
    • What was your body fat % in the book photo? 5-6%? Out of curiosity, what it is regularly?
  • - free workbook that contains the exercises from each chapter. Tell me about what some of that looks like.
  • Do you mind me asking how old you are?
    • I feel like taking advice from someone that looks like you is in my best interest. I'm looking to switch the diet up a bit. What would you recommend?

How to Mimick a Fasting State with Food with Dr. Antoun

38m · Published 27 Mar 08:00

How does Prolon work? Why does it work? What even is it? 

Today I'm talking with Dr. Joseph Antoun, CEO of L-Nutra, former Director of Health Policy at the University of Chicago, and former Editor in Chief of the Journal of Health Systems and Reform. We'll be talking about a recent study by The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism on the effects of a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) on type 2 diabetes in adults; and to reveal the findings of which that suggest it is the first-ever nutrition-based program found to promote regression and remission of diabetes and—the truly groundbreaking discovery—support temporary reversal of diabetic nephropathy.


The fasting-mimicking diet has gained recognition in recent years as an approach to weight loss and overall human longevity. Until now, options for slowing the progression of diabetic nephropathy have been limited to controlling glycemia, lipidemia, and blood pressure. This new study suggests a game-changing approach. It's the first time scientists and doctors have discovered an effective reversal of kidney disease through nutrition.


Fasting is not just for diabetic patients. Everyone can benefit from the process and Dr. Antoun explains how and why.

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How to Fix Chronic Pain with Rick Olderman

32m · Published 20 Mar 08:00

Rick Olderman is a sports and orthopedic physical therapist with more than 25 years experience that specializes in helping people with chronic pain experience a pain-free life.


Rick's  Fixing You Method, is the only system in the world to:

  • Fix habits that cause strain to your muscles and joints
  • Correct muscle length and weakness to reinforce healthier habits
  • Use unique taping techniques to support your body until you have better control
  • Teach neurological techniques to eliminate muscle tension
  • Offer techniques health practitioners can use to eliminate muscle or joint strain


Rick has a new book, Solving the Pain Puzzle, coming out in 2023 and has posted a few chapters from that book on his website,, where people can also pre-order his book and find his home programs as well as other free stuff.


You can work with Rick by visiting or by visiting

PROMO - FIXINGYOU for 20% off


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All Things Testosterone has 142 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 73:09:17. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 28th, 2024 13:41.

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