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Pat Gray Unleashed

by Blaze Podcast Network

Making the apocalypse fun! Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon - Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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Details from Vegas Massacre Emerge, How to Survive a Mass Shooting - 10/2/17

2h 25m · Published 02 Oct 21:02
Hour 1: Horror in an American city ...Massacre already being politicized ...Eyewitnesses to the shooting ...ISIS claims responsibility, FBI says no. ...Police scanner audio from Las Vegas  ...Hoax stories from Las Vegas are already circulating ... Information about gun silencers/suppressors Hour 2: List of the worst mass shootings in American history ...Stories of heroism in Las Vegas ...Terror attacks worldwide this week ...Big vote in Spain as Catalonia seeks independence ...What is a bump fire stock and what does it do? ... Chewing The Fat with Jeffy ...College football lamenting, nude statue coming to DC and what CAN we make fun of anymore? ...Jeffy heading to a 'body farm'?? ... What we know about the Las Vegas Shooter ...Gun laws in Spain Hour 3: Tips on how to survive a mass shooting with John Matthews ...What to pay attention to when you're in a public place ...What to tell your kids to keep them safe ...CBS executive isn't sympathetic to country music fan victims because they're probably gun-owning Republicans ...More details on the Las Vegas killer ...We need a discussion on mental illness, not guns ...The end of combustion engines? ...The son of Hamas speaks out in defense of Israel, and wow, is it refreshing to hear ... Audio you can't un-hear Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Conspiracy theory day, Conservative colleges, Fixing the country - 9/29/17

2h 29m · Published 29 Sep 20:43
Hour 1: Canada's message to illegal aliens ...Reporter vs. Sarah Huckabee at The White House ...Spraying aluminum over our cities??? ...Spike Lee makes us dumber ...Where conspiracy theorists lose their arguments ...THE ALUMINATI ...A way to get rid of hurricanes? ... Hour 2: A list of the most conservative colleges ...What is HAARP and what is its purpose? ...The horrors of war ...Chewing the Fat with Jeffy ...New movies coming out and some remakes you didn't ask for ...Jeffy's take on taxes ...Time for TERM LIMITS!!! ...Look in the skies, Pat! ...Eustace Mullins Hour 3: Chem trails are NOT a thing?? ...Is the government even capable of diabolical conspiracies? ...Understanding where our rights come from ...What's up with HAARP ...End of the protests ...Even Hollywood wising up on these protests? ...One pro league is refusing to protest the national anthem ...Pat has something in common with Linda Rondstadt! ...Moving away from the chemicals ...Thank you P.K. Subban ...How did we survive our childhood ...So what ARE they spraying?? ...Overconfident Shrimp Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Pat's GOP tax take, Hefner tributes, Pat's audio vault - 9/28/17

2h 29m · Published 28 Sep 20:45
Hour 1: Tax plan details ...Hugh Hefner tributes roll in ...Finding CTE early? ...Rep. Steve Scalise returns to congress ...New fence on the way?? ...NFL teams NOT protesting ...WHo is the real Megyn Kelly? ...Awkward moments with celebrities ...Jane Fonda's secrets to looking young(ish) ...Benefits of working at Facebook ...Saul Alinsky's Rule #13 ...Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg's take on the 2016 election Hour 2: Best audio ever ...Capsizing Guam, 'Who pays your salary??', 'Like he likes', and 'That don't make 'em biscuits' ...Something very important died in 2003 ...Nancy Pelosi's favorite word ...Mo Brooks should be a senator ...Day of Mourning for Jeffy ...Sex slaves for Mars? ...Chuck Todd of NBC doesn't understand the Constitution Hour 3: More fun with Pat's audio vault ...Al Sharpton's magical way with words ...A Nancy Pelosi history lesson ...'Mainstream African American...' '...Stand up, Chuck!' ...Obama Phone!!! ...Chris Christie likes hugs, y'all ...Alec Baldwin vs. Sean Hannity ...The defeat of Alan Grayson ...Collectivisation of...wait, what?? ...Most difficult decision in 500 years ...John Kerry's most memorable moments ...Al Gore math ...Chewing the fat with Jeffy: ...Jeffy in mourning over Hugh Hefner's death ...Rep. Scalise back in DC ...Sentimental time with Pat ...'Ain't nobody got time for that!' ...Alex Jones or a race car? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

GOP Tax plan, NFL fallout, Congressional stupidity! - 9/27/17

2h 29m · Published 27 Sep 21:14
Hour 1: GOP tax plan revealed ...The immorality of taxes ...3 strikes for the GOP? ...The communist cadet ...How to be effective against the left ...Pat's renewed commitment ...'Like flipping off grandma' ...How much is the NFL suffering from the anthem protests? ...Communists in our military ...Does the truth matter anymore? Hour 2: Refund for NFL related purchases ...Wisdom from the floor of the House of Representative via Sheila Jackson-Lee ...We're all dumber for having heard Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee ...The London Ravens? ...Sea change for Bill O'Reilly? ...New special month coming for the NFL? ...Chewing the Fat with Jeffy: STDs spreading rapidly ...California is on fire ...How to NOT rob a bank ...Nightly news by the numbers ...Pat's college recommendations ...An alibi for Jeffy? ...Is society done? Hour 3: The GOP has the votes to repeal Obamacare??? (But not today) ...What's going on with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith? ...Robert Plant on tour ...A gay Trump supporter calls in ..."We won't date a Trump supporter" ...Offensive terms for whites? ...Major bribery scandal hits the college sports world ...Big name college basketball coach has been fired ...Lose your ethics and bad things follow ...Paul Revere's poop discovered? ...Terrorist kindergartner?? ...We're catching up with the insanities of Europe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

NFL Under Fire?, Chip & Joanna's Message, A Rock Star's Love for America - 9/26/17

2h 28m · Published 26 Sep 20:22
Hour 1: New way of kneeling ...Unified Barfing ...A player's regret ...A hero among the protesters ...Chip & Joanna Gaines ARE actually leaving their show!! ...Know your rights so you can protect them ...Veterans For Kaepernick ...Representing the Earth ...'This was my howl' ...Full frontal trans nudity ...Bill Nye explains hurricanes ...Megyn Kelly gives hugs ...Remembering Al Roker's bad day Hour 2: How should a country respond to North Korean's ridiculous threats? ...The sad story of Otto Warmbier ...What do we do with North Korea? ...Stupid protests catching on ...Even Jeffy thinks society has gone too far??? ...USFL's last laugh on Donald Trump? ...Most streamed song on spotify ever is??? ...How the Jacksonville Jaguars came into being ...Hope for a peaceful deal with North Korea? Hour 3: Bill O'Reilly headed back to Fox News? ...Bono's love for America continues ...'Shining City on a Hill' ...The truth about capitalism ...North Korea prepping for war? ...Putting the success of Fox News into perspective ...Sen. Orrin Hatch vs. Health Care protesters ...Where problems are solved? ...How Orrin Hatch changed ...Box Office by the numbers ...Movies coming out Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Are you over the NFL?, Anthony Weiner heads to prison, Politicizing death, Free speech cancelled, & Progressives control EVERYTHING - 9/25/17

2h 28m · Published 25 Sep 20:45
Hour 1: Dear NFL, the kneeling is wearing thin ...Kneeling for America, standing for Great Britain ...Right for a president to call for people to be fired? ...A player who stood. ...What Pat witnessed in Houston this weekend ...A veteran's plea to NFL players ...Dropping a little John Adams wisdom is always a good plan. ...Our constitution was made only for a moral ...A refresher on the goals of communism ...Why are NFL ratings down? ...What the NFL should seriously start concentrating on ...The staff of Sen. Marco Rubio has the last laugh Hour 2: Anthony Weiner is headed to prison ...NFL ratings by the numbers ...Whites shot much more often by police than blacks ...THIS is a eulogy??? ...Politicizing death ...Chewing The Fat with Jeffy: 'Doomsday Bullcrap' ...Don't call 911! ...Hobby Lobby Cotton Lady speaks out ...The latest cover of GQ ...Free Speech Week has been cancelled. No, seriously. Hour 3: Pat's weekend helping with clean up effort in Houston ...Don't forget about Puerto Rico's struggles after Irma and Maria ...2 quotes to keep in mind ...Progressives control EVERYTHING ...What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of President Trump? ...Tax rates changing? ...NFL attendance issues in Los Angeles? ...New super sonic passenger jet coming? ...Time for Americans to get back to space ...Cannibal Couple arrested for...well, you can guess why. ...NFL, you're busted. ...Are NASCAR drivers athletes? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Hoax of Mexico City, Mx. Bressack, Misheard Song Lyrics, and the Richest 1% of the Senate - 9/22/17

2h 28m · Published 22 Sep 21:08
Hour 1: Our last full day on the planet. Yay! ...Miracle in Mexico City was a hoax? ...The legacy of CTE among football players ...Where is the sport of football heading next? ...Apple CEO's special words about immigration ...Fat Little Douche vs. President Trump ...Are Americans sick of the hypocrisy yet? ...Rep. Keith Ellison compares illegals to Holocaust victims ...5 year old and his trouble making backpack ...Update on the workplace beheading ...Nice hair, Mr. President ...Back off of BYU! ...One parent's experience with a unique teacher Hour 2: Weird story from the earthquake in Mexico ...Fun with misheard lyrics ..."Hold me closer, Tony Danza!" ..."Wrapped up like a douche ball?" ..."'Scuse me while I kiss this guy!" ..."There's a bathroom on the right!" ...People are actually falling for the Joanna Gaines facial cream story!! ..."Donuts make my brown eyes blue!" ...and the hits keep on coming! Hour 3: Sen. John McCain announces his stance on the GOP Obamacare repeal bill ...A listener comes clean ...'He punched me to victory' ...'Gimme the Beach Boys' ...Jeffy has very bad taste ..."Jeremy's voting for president" ..."I ain't Jed!" ..."As she lays string beans" ..."Lay across my big ass bed" ..."You're roast beef" ...Hey, Elizabeth Warren, you do realize you're among the richest 1% right??? ...Enjoy the last few hours of your life! Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Changing history before your eyes, Only whites are racist, Education has destroyed our kids - 9/21/17

2h 28m · Published 21 Sep 20:04
Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN Hour 1: Turning down a Super Bowl half time show? ...President Trump was right. ...Schools getting a name change ...Know your history before you start trying to change it! ...Asking for a phone number is a crime? ...Name changing is the way of Communist countries ...What qualifies as art? ...Only white people can be racist? ...The racism in Darwin's theory of evolution     Hour 2: Hollywood hypocrisy via Benedict Cumberbatch ...Is the definition of rape still the same? ...How the education system has destroyed our kids ...Where is our society heading? Umm, not a good place. ...What progressive education has given us ...Jeffy stops by to tell us what's happening in our crazy world ...What's going on with bitcoin? Is it time to feed North Korea? ...Panera Bread vs. McDonald's ...Oh, Europe! ...A statue that is actually offensive.     Hour 3: Lawrence O'Donnell's sad on-air meltdown ...STOP THE HAMMERING! (and the auto play ads) ...A white guy's Mexican restaurant dream snuffed out ...Let's ban snow! ...Memory lane with climate change hysteria! ...So what if Donald Trump misspoke...have you heard Barack Obama speak??? ...Why pro-creation in France is OVER ...Zero-tolerance stupidity ...Death by buttering??? ...High school football stadiums are palaces Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

President Trump Gets a Haircut and Love Hates the UN - 9/20/17

2h 29m · Published 20 Sep 20:09
Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN Hour 1: Pray for those suffering from natural disasters ...President Trump's best speech ever? ...President Trump both loves and hates the United Nations? ...Keep your kids away from this new Netflix show!!! ...The left mocks Melania's English skills and that's ok? ...@FreedomDisciple stops by to explain why America is an exceptional place ...Lessons from a European ...Is there a place in our country for people who actually love it?     Hour 2: How Conservatives are shunned in Hollywood ...How Trump got elected ...3 words that explain the election of Donald Trump ...Trump's great timing ...What will you do with your final 72 hours on Earth? ...Scottie Nell Hughes suing Fox News ...Chewing the fat with '68 stone Jeffy' ...The passing of a legend ...New Fox News host ...What it would take to make Jeffy go away ...Trump's new do ...The Fat Little Douche of North Korea ...Words of knowledge from Annie Lennox ...How tough do you want President Trump talking?     Hour 3: A bad story with a happy ending ...A very bad lesson on slavery ...The metric system is good for us?? ...The many places to find Pat online!! ...Here comes the end of the world ...The snake pit that is the United Nations ...The Hollywood left is still targeting President Trump & Russia ...Is Tomi Lahren pushing facial cream now? ...How to explain Nazism to your friends ...The Planet X Theory and everything you need to know about the end of the world...coming Saturday!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Nancy Pelosi vs Illegals, White Privilege Pop Quiz, Pick one: LGBTQI or A - 9/19/17

2h 29m · Published 19 Sep 20:57
Hour 1: The Dreamiest Dreamers that ever did dream... Nancy Pelosi vs Illegals ...The Democrat plan for legalizing DREAMers... New climate change solution... Solution for DREAMers?... The world is ending on Saturday, but there's good news!... White privilege pop quiz!... Memory lane with Mexican President Felipe Calderon... Hour 2: Mexico's immigration hypocrisy... Definition of a sanctuary city... How Hobby Lobby made one shopper very upset... How a politically correct society 'progresses'... One caller's amazing life... Jeffy stops by to chew the fat and tell us how a Texas town is trying to lure Amazon... Why driverless trucking will never be a thing... Jobs Americans just won't do? Hour 3: LGBTQIA - time to pick one... Forced to wear a seat-belt but not a helmet?... Stop the facial cream madness!!!... Catholic church and immigration today... How much amnesty is coming this time around?... Amazing forgiveness... The tab is in on Barack Obama's expense report... Books your children should read... Bracing for Maria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Pat Gray Unleashed has 1637 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 2873:11:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 22nd 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 09:40.

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