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Decoding the Gurus

by Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Browne

An exiled Northern Irish anthropologist and a hitchhiking Australian psychologist take a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, offering their own brands of unique takes and special insights. Leveraging two of the most diverse accents in modern podcasting, Chris and Matt dig deep into the claims, peek behind the psychological curtains, and try to figure out once and for all... What's it all About? Join us, as we try to puzzle our way through and talk some smart-sounding smack about the intellectual giants of our age, from Jordan Peterson to Robin DiAngelo. Are they revolutionary thinkers or just grifters with delusions of grandeur? Join us and let's find out!

Copyright: Copyright 2024 Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Browne


Triggernometry's Big Moment: Entering the Guru Galaxy

2h 30m · Published 03 Oct 08:00

In modern online ecosystems, attention and download metrics reign supreme. Sadly, the gurus are not immune to these incentives, with even the most successful, *cough* Jordan Peterson *cough*, regularly referencing how many people watched their latest video or how many subscribers they have on their 'brave freethinker' tier.

Alongside the attention metrics, you also have the interpersonal networks (and dinner opportunities) that matter so much to the guru-sphere. Celebrity interviews, cross-promotional content and collabs, a PragerU video, a shoutout from Joe Rogan, a long-form discussion with RFK Jnr, dinner and a phone call with Eric Weinstein... such are the untold wonders that await anyone who dares to challenge the 'mainstream' orthodoxy by endorsing some element of the contrarian canon (vaccines are dangerous and public health measures were authoritarian, Biden is terrible/Trump isn't that bad, the mainstream media is afraid to discuss paedophiles, etc.).

It's very easy to see the impact of the financial and interpersonal incentives in the guru-sphere but what is not as common is for those involved in the hustle to talk transparently about how it all works. Enter Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster, the hosts of Triggernometry.

In a recent episode, they lay all of this bare by discussing how Konstantin's viral rhetoric-heavy speech at the Oxford Union (decoded in a previous episode) led to very tangible attention and financial rewards but, perhaps more importantly, the newfound respect of a class of celebrity commentator they had always aspired to belong to. With the encouragement of these intellectual heavyweights they now have BIG plans for a Triggernometry media network!

So join us for this refreshing look at the inner workings of the Gurusphere through the hungry eyes of the Triggernometry boys!

Also on this episode: some updates on previous gurus (Russell Brand & Ibram X. Kendi), discussion of good(!) alternative media content, personal reflections on what Orwellian governments look like, and the psychology of riding roller coasters. Something for everyone!


  • What's Next for TRIGGERnometry
  • Our previous decoding of the Oxford Union speech
  • Chris' Twitter thread on Konstantin's origin story
  • Surfing the Discourse: Analysing the Right-Wing Reactions to the Russell Brand Scandal (feat Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and more!)
  • NY Times: Ibram X. Kendi and the Problem of Celebrity Fund-Raising
  • Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse
  • BBC: Pat Finucane: A murder with 'collusion at its heart'
  • Why They Hate Jordan Peterson - Konstantin Kisin
  • Why Communism is Even Worse Than Fascism - Konstantin Kisin

Interview with the Conspirituality Trio: Navigating the Chakras of Conspiracy

2h 40m · Published 19 Sep 12:15

Back in the early days of the podcast, we tried to take a rest from the wearisome repetition of polemical partisan gurus by covering JP Sears- an alternative-health self-help coach with a sideline in 'comedic parody'. Sadly, we soon discovered he was a red-pilled Roganite 'just asking questions' about all the usual right-wing partisan topics, but with an added dollop of pseudo-profound, self-indulgent spiritual blather.

JP Sears wasn't an isolated case; he exemplified a disturbingly prevalent trend. One that was supercharged during the pandemic and can be observed clearly in figures like Russell Brand, Aubrey Marcus, RFK Jnr and a whole slew of QAnon and anti-vaccine influencers.

To help us disentangle this quagmire and the dynamics at play, we are joined by the three co-hosts of the popular Conspiritualty podcast: Matthew Remski, Julian Walker, and Derek Beres.

We've spoken with them many times over the past few years about a variety of topics but in today's conversation, we explore the contemporary state of the Conspirituality sphere and discuss broader themes they have observed (& how they relate to the gurus we cover). We also examine whether they view activism as core to their podcast, how they handle attacks or engage with legitimate criticism, and how they feel about their own place in the ecosystems they discuss.

We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did!

Also covered in the opening segment is a cursed guru-sphere crossover between the Triggernometry guys and our old favourite, Scott Adams.


  • The new Conspirituality Book!
  • Our recent appearance on Conspirituality to hear the tables get turned!
  • Review of Conspirituality at Science Based Medicine by Jonathan Howard
  • NY Times: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Coalition of the Distrustful
  • 'Why I quit the Conspirutality Podcast' by Be Scofield
  • Medium article referenced on the Defamation case
  • Triggernometry: Trump Must Win to Avoid Prison - Scott Adams

Other Links

Andrew Huberman: Forest Bathing in Negative Ions

2h 10m · Published 06 Sep 08:45

We are back with a moderate-sized Decoding that focuses on Andrw Hubernman a baritone podcaster and neuroscientist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Huberman is a broad-shouldered, big-bearded... science communicator. Extremely popular with the tech-bro optimiser set, he offers science-based 'protocols' on everything from supplement routines to whether you should avoid sunscreen(!).

He's been lauded for his ability to communicate scientific topics clearly and in great depth. But has also faced criticism (including from us!) for his tendency to overhype findings from low-quality studies, promote supplements with dubious claims, avoid any positive mention of vaccines, and cheer on the efforts of his podcasting bros/heroes: Lex Fridman and Joe Rogan.

In this episode, we take a look at a rather specific piece of content, just a 20-minute segment from a recent AMA on the scientific evidence for the benefits of 'grounding' and getting out into nature. We will learn all about the negative ions emanating from streams and waterfalls, the joy that can be sparked by seeing a squirrel wrestle with a nut, whether Huberman actually advocates staring into the sun, and try to solve the age-old question of what is best in life- a sushi restaurant or prancing in a forest.

Also featuring: some good content recommendations (for a change!) and a review of the recent demented goings on in the gurusphere with one Jordan B. Peterson and his quest to destroy the College of Psychologists of Ontario.


  • Surfing the Discourse Podcast
  • Nullius in Verba Podcast
  • Court Decision on Peterson's case against the College of Psychologists of Ontario
  • Conspirituality 163: The Huberman Paradox (w/Jonathan Jarry)
  • Oh No! With Ross & Carrie's first episode on Grounding
  • Mårtensson, B., Pettersson, A., Berglund, L., & Ekselius, L. (2015). Bright white light therapy in depression: a critical review of the evidence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 182, 1-7. 
  • Perez, V., Alexander, D. D., & Bailey, W. H. (2013). Air ions and mood outcomes: a review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 13(1), 1-20. 
  • Wen, Y., Yan, Q., Pan, Y., Gu, X., & Liu, Y. (2019). Medical empirical research on forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku): A systematic review. Environmental health and preventive medicine, 24(1), 1-21. 
  • Critical article by Jonathan Jarry on Huberman's promotion of supplements
  • Time Profile of Huberman: How Podcaster Andrew Huberman Got America to Care About Science

Noam Chomsky: Lover of linguistics, the USA... not so much

3h 22m · Published 18 Aug 06:30

OK, so we're finally getting around to taking a chunk out of the prodigious, prolific, and venerable Noam Chomsky. Linguist, cognitive scientist, media theorist, political activist and cultural commentator, Chomsky is a doyen of the Real Left™. By which we mean, of course, those who formulated their political opinions in their undergraduate years and have seen no reason to move on since then. Yes, he looks a bit like Treebeard these days but he's still putting most of us to shame with his productivity. And given the sheer quantity of his output, across his 90 decades, it might be fair to say this is more of a nibble of his material.

A bit of a left-wing ideologue perhaps, but seriously - what a guy. This is someone who made Richard Nixon's List of Enemies, debated Michel Foucault, had a huge impact on several academic disciplines, and campaigned against the war in Vietnam & the Indonesian occupation of East Timor. Blithe stereotypes of Chomsky will sometimes crash against uncomfortable facts, including that he has been a staunch defender of free speech, even for Holocaust deniers...

A full decoding of his output would likely require a dedicated podcast series, so that's not what you're gonna get here. Rather we apply our lazer-like focus and blatantly ignore most of his output to examine four interviews on linguistics, politics, and the war in Ukraine. There is some enthusiastic nodding but also a fair amount of exasperated head shaking and sighs. But what did you expect from two milquetoast liberals?

Also featuring: a discussion of the depraved sycophancy of the guru-sphere and the immunity to cringe superpower as embodied by Brian Keating, Peter Boghossian, and Bret Weinstein mega-fans.



  • Trust Science, Not Scientists | Peter Boghossian & Brian Keating
  • A new Epistemic courage/humility matrix
  • George Monbiot's Correspondence with Noam Chomsky on Denialism
  • Piers Morgan Uncensored (2023): Piers Morgan vs Noam Chomsky | The Full Interview
  • Politics Joe (2023): Noam Chomsky on Keir Starmer's attack on the Labour left, the war on unions and the future of AI
  • Upon Reflections (1989): The Concept of Language (Noam Chomsky)
  • Jones (2020): Academic article on Chomsky's views on Genocide
  • Daily Beast (2017): How the West Missed the Horrors of Cambodia

The Science and the Art of Gurometry

1h 29m · Published 22 Jul 02:15

The casual listener, who might possibly not be a loyal Patreon subscriber, or might hypothetically not listen devotedly to every Gurometer scoring episode, could conceivably be a little vague about what we mean by a secular guru(!). And therefore might be tempted to make an ill-considered and poorly-informed comment on Twitter or Reddit, thus exposing them to the devastating yet apropos riposte of a "You know nothing, Jon Snow" meme in reply.

Don't let it be you!

Here is a tutorial, a short illustrated primer if you will, on the Science and the Art of 'Gurometry'. No more will you have to live with the shame of not knowing how many syllables there are in anti-establishmentarianism. Never again will you be liable to fall prey to the siren song of pseudo-profound bullshit or fall foul of conspiracy mongers.

Listen to it. Study it. Meditate on it.

In no time at all you'll be spotting gurus in the wild, categorising, and classifying them at will. You'll feel like an ornithologist who's just been given a great big pair of binoculars, a spotter's guidebook, and a free afternoon to wander about a National park. Impress your friends, family, and potential sexual partners with your intimate and subtle understanding of What It Means to Be a Guru.

You're welcome.


  • Online Presentation on the Gurometer at The Stoa
  • DTG Episode 21: Calibrating the Gurometer
  • Strenuous Life Podcast: 10 Red Flags You're Following a Guru, Stephan Kesting with Dr Chris Kavanagh

Mick West & Eric Weinstein: UFO Tango

2h 56m · Published 14 Jul 14:00

We are back with a double-bill decoding!

That's right like moths to the flame, or aliens to a Unified Geometric Field drive, we are back in Weinstein world.

This time we are looking at a conversation between the irrepressible (ex?) podcaster & mathematician, Eric Weinstein, and skeptical investigator, author, and recent guest on the show, Mick West.

The conversation here concerns the evidence for UAP/UFOs and the reaction of skeptics and advocates. It had the potential to be something forensic and transcendent but sadly it gets mired in the messy 'interpersonal drama' that Eric just hates so much and tries to avoid at all costs.

Nonetheless, there is much that can be learnt here, including: the linguistic complexities of the word 'flex', the precise levels of passive aggressiveness that a human mind can tolerate, if there is already secret anti-gravity tech, and whether our obsession with Einsteinian physics is what is stopping us from really understanding what is going on with UAPs.

We don't have answers. We are just asking questions... honest!

Also featured: a recent kerfuffle in the online psychology world over DEI statements, the numerology spectrum, the potential harms of green drinks, and much much more!

So join us, won't you, as we boldly venture through the outermost reaches of the gurusphere.


  • Theories of Everything- Eric Weinstein & Mick West: UAPs, Evidence, Skepticism
  • Jonathan Pageau: The Surprising Symbolism of 666
  • QAnon Anonymous- Episode 168: The Mutant QAnon Numerology Cult in Dallas.
  • Very Bad Wizards- Episode 263: Free Yoel
  • Reason article on the Yoel Inbar incident
  • 2020 Paper on the potential liver impacts of Green Tea Extract
  • Mick West's Book- Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect

Interview with Jonathan Howard on Covid Contrarians

2h 8m · Published 23 Jun 22:40

The pandemic was a confusing time with public health messages from officials and institutions that were sometimes confused, conflicting, or misrepresented and anti-vaccine misinformation being spread widely. Into this mix, a new phenomenon emerged, that of the covid contrarian. Contrarian doctors usually possessed some relevant qualifications and positioned themselves as independent critical thinkers willing to challenge the dogmas of the mainstream and take a more nuanced perspective on the claims made by anti-vaccine advocates.

These contrarian figures are the voices that you would usually hear on 'heterodox' podcasts. Figures like the medical doctor Vinay Prasad, the Stanford professor of Medicine Jay Bhattacharya, or the retired nurse, John Campbell.

But did they really offer an alternative critical perspective? Our guest today, Jonathan Howard, a practising doctor and professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, argues no. And he should know, he has spent the pandemic not only treating patients but tirelessly documenting (and refuting) the claims made by the contrarian set.

This episode is unfortunately topical due to the recent online fracas surrounding Joe Rogan's credulous promotion of RFK Jnr and the subsequent 'calls for debate' and targeted harassment of Dr Peter Hotez -a public health specialist and advocate for affordable vaccines.

In any case, we learnt a lot and enjoyed the discussion with Jonathan and hope you will too. Also covered in this episode: How many pull-ups Matt can do, why Chris is drinking a chalky green potion, the psychology of placebos, and


  • Jonathan's New Book- We Want Them Infected
  • Jonathan's articles on the pandemic at Science-Based-Medicine
  • Jonathan's Older Book- Cognitive Errors and Diagnostic Mistakes: A Case-Based Guide to Critical Thinking in Medicine
  • What the Heck Happened to John Ioannidis?
  • Honestly with Bari Weiss: RFK Jr. Is Striking a Nerve. He Explains Why.
  • Vinay Prasad at The Free Press: What RFK Jr. Gets Right—and What He Gets Wrong
  • Vinay Prasad at Unherd: We need to talk about the vaccines
  • Vice Article: Joe Rogan, Elon Musk Instigate Harassment Campaign Against Vaccine Scientist
  • Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps: "RFK, Joe Rogan & Vaccines" with Michael Shermer
  • Vox Article: Joe Rogan wants a “debate” on vaccine science. Don’t give it to him.

"Mini" Decoding of Michael Shermer's Advice on Conspiracy Theories

1h 25m · Published 21 Jun 21:00

Michael Shermer, a professional skeptic, recently appeared on the noted apolitical podcast Triggernometry to outline his advice on How to Spot a True Conspiracy Theory. Shermer is someone who has spent decades on the subject and just last year published a new book, Conspiracy: Why the Rational Believe the Irrational, so you might imagine he has some important insights to share.

Well... sort of.

Join us as we cast a quizzical eye over suggestions that every reasonable person should be a conspiracy theorist, Barack Obama may have been controlled by shadowy masters, the CIA invented the very notion of conspiracy theories, and that what we really need is to return the good old days when anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish conspiracies were commonplace and spoken of freely... yes, really!

Back soon enough with a full waffle episode!


  • Triggernometry- Conspiracy Expert: How to Spot a True Conspiracy Theory
  • Shermer explaining his Tweet endorsing Stefan Molyneux
  • Shermer's participation in Dave Rubin's Book Club for Don't Burn This Book
  • Shermer's 2021 interview with Bret and Heather with no mention of vaccines
  • Shermer correcting his Tweet about the Nazis being leftwing
  • Positive review at Skeptic for Milo's "Dangerous" Book
  • Shermer explaining why he thinks it is good he mixes his Libertarian politics with his science/skepticism

Interview with Mick West: UFOs, Aliens, and Conspiracy Psychology

1h 44m · Published 17 Jun 03:15

UFOs are all the rage now, and it's certainly a topic that excites many of our gurus *cough* <Eric Weinstein>. Hidden mysteries, advanced technologies, conspiracies, and government cover-ups. What's not to like!?

The truth, as Mulder so eloquently put it, is out there. And sometimes if you combine the outcome of some posterior technical analysis with some basic priors about the fallibility of human perception and memory, then the truth might be a little prosaic (happy Bayesians!!?).

Joining us today is the esteemed Mick West, retired video game developer, who has a long track record of investigating UFO footage, along with a range of other outré phenomena. Mick is admirably positioned to provide practical advice on how to apply critical thinking while being empathetic to friends and family who may have fallen down one or more conspiratorial rabbit holes.

Chris and Matt enjoyed the conversation with Mick a lot, and we think you will too!


  • An example of Eric's UFO Tapdance
  • Lex's Reddit thread for the Matthew McConaughey Episode
  • Mick West's Book: Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect
  • Theories of Everything Channel: Eric Weinstein and Mick West: UAPs, Evidence, Skepticism

Other Links

Eliezer Yudkowksy: AI is going to kill us all

3h 21m · Published 10 Jun 02:00

Thought experiment: Imagine you're a human, in a box, surrounded by an alien civilisation, but you don't like the aliens, because they have facilities where they bop the heads of little aliens, but they think 1000 times slower than you... and you are made of code... and you can copy yourself... and you are immortal... what do you do?

Confused? Lex Fridman certainly was, when our subject for this episode posed his elaborate and not-so-subtle thought experiment. Not least because the answer clearly is:


... which somewhat goes against Lex's philosophy of love, love, and more love.

The man presenting this hypothetical is Eliezer Yudkowksy, a fedora-sporting auto-didact, founder of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, co-founder of the Less Wrong rationalist blog, and writer of Harry Potter Fan Fiction.

He's spent a large part of his career warning about the dangers of AI in the strongest possible terms. In a nutshell, AI will undoubtedly Kill Us All Unless We Pull The Plug Now. And given the recent breakthroughs in large language models like ChatGPT, you could say that now is very much Yudkowsky's moment.

In this episode, we take a look at the arguments presented and rhetoric employed in a recent long-form discussion with Lex Fridman. We consider being locked in a box with Lex, whether AI is already smarter than us and is lulling us into a false sense of security, and if we really do only have one chance to reign in the chat-bots before they convert the atmosphere into acid and fold us all up into microscopic paperclips.

While it's fair to say, Eliezer is something of an eccentric character, that doesn't mean he's wrong. Some prominent figures within the AI engineering community are saying similar things, albeit in less florid terms and usually without the fedora. In any case, one has to respect the cojones of the man.

So, is Eliezer right to be combining the energies of Chicken Little and the legendary Cassandra with warnings of imminent cataclysm? Should we be bombing data centres? Is it already too late? Is Chris part of Chat GPT's plot to manipulate Matt? Or are some of us taking our sci-fi tropes a little too seriously?

We can't promise to have all the answers. But we can promise to talk about it. And if you download this episode, you'll hear us do exactly that.


  • Eliezer Yudkowsky: Dangers of AI and the End of Human Civilization | Lex Fridman Podcast #368
  • Joe Rogan clip of him commenting on AI on his Reddit

Decoding the Gurus has 132 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 258:19:08. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 26th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 4th, 2024 00:45.

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