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by Voxology

Voxology (Formerly the Vox Podcast with Mike Erre) is a collection of voices that question and discuss our culture's most relevant topics in relation to Christ and Christianity. We talk LGBTQ, American and church politics, Christian culture's catastrophic marginalization of the very people Jesus implores us to love and so much more. If you have serious questions about the church’s representation of Jesus, what he has done and the beauty of his work on earth today, join hosts Mike Erre and Tim Stafford and their guests to talk things out and find your way back to the true mission of Jesus.

Copyright: Voxology


418 - Revelation - Part Fifteen: The Throne at the Center of the Universe

1h 16m · Published 28 Aug 17:50

Revelation - Part Fifteen: The Throne at the Center of the Universe. Epic title. Back to Revelation and a look into the Emperor Domitian, who reigned from 81-96. When Domitian (81-96 AD) became emperor there was significant change in the demand for deification. Domitian was obsessed with his own (and his brother Titus' and father Vespasian's) deity. Augustus once explicitly forbade his fellow citizens to address him with the title “Lord.” He did not want to be master of slaves, but first citizen of the empire. But Domitian ignored his forefather and followed in the ways of Nero….He did not wish to be a citizen among his fellow citizens, but a superhuman being in charge of the destiny of humanity. Coins of the era call Domitian the father of the gods... Domitian insisted on being called "Lord and God" whenever he was mentioned or addressed.

How does John address this? What are we to take away?

First, Tim shares some troubled times with how our language and words can incite violence against the LGBTQ community and how everyone, regardless of your opinion, needs to choose words more wisely. Laura Ann Carleton was murdered in Lake Arrowhead California for displaying a pride flag outside her shop. People can become militarized and violent by language they hear from the pulpit, news etc. Words carry power.

Also, Mike and Tim discuss an email about therapy. Should you seek a Christian therapist or does it matter?

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

417 - Center Set Sexuality - with Suzie P. Lind

1h 20m · Published 21 Aug 15:42

Center Set Sexuality. Today, we talk with Pastor Suzie P. Lind about what a center set approach to sexuality might look like. What does healthy desire look like? How do we talk to our kids about sex? Why wait until marriage? What is God's ideal?

Angel Story: -Gnosticism -Overspiritualized view of sex -Bounded approach to sex: Purity Culture -Led to purity codes -Taught us to fear sexual desire Animal Story: -Expressive Individualism -Underspiritualized view of sex -Fuzzy set approach to sex: Anything goes -Consent is only factor -Taught us to follow Sexual desire Human story: -Embodied Theology -Center Set approach to sex -Which leads to wisdom -Taught us to form sexual desire

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

416 - The Ballot & The Bible - with Kaitlyn Schiess

1h 11m · Published 14 Aug 18:42

The Ballot & The Bible. This episode we sit down with Kaitlyn Schiess to discuss her new book, 'The Ballot and the Bible.' How does our faith inform our politics? How does our involvement in politics effect our faith? What is the matrix by which we measure or remain accountable? How do we approach this new political season that will more than likely be as contentious as the previous?? What does the Bible tell us about this balance? Kaitlyn is a dear and incredibly wise friend and we always jump at the chance to have her on. She is a co host of the Holy Post podcast.

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

415 - Revelation - Part Fourteen: Sexual Immorality

1h 27m · Published 07 Aug 17:58

Revelation - Part Fourteen: Sexual Immorality. Here we go... Image. Likeness. Desire. Dominion. Human. Purity. Angels. Animals. Holy moly. God created us fully human – not to be animals, not be angels. An animal – physical body, but no spiritual life. An angel – spiritual life, but no physical body. God didn’t not create us angels, nor did he create us animals… Human beings are unique in creation – fully physical and fully spiritual…two distinct realms brought together in humans. So what does that mean for sex?

Theological Considerations: 

  1. Who am I? 
    1. Beloved by God in brokenness/I am a guest at Jesus’ table
    2. Log and Speck - I am deeply broken, too
  2. What community am I a part of? 
    1. I am part of a community that is called to offer hospitality to the outcasts and marginalized - FORSAKING ALL OLD CREATION DYNAMICS 
    2. I am part of a community has done real harm to LGBTQ+ people -  they are wounded deeply and set up in the worst possible state to figure this out (rejected by family and church)
    3. I am part of a community that regularly fails to to include single, divorced, and gay people. 
    4. I am part of a community that is focused on sexuality disproportionately relative to it’s emphasis in the scriptures 
    5. I am part of a community that has lost any authority to instruct others on sexual matters

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

414 - Three Men & a Barbie - with Dr. Timothy Gombis (SPOILERS)

1h 14m · Published 31 Jul 18:43

Three Men & a Barbie. CONTENT WARNING: There is talk of rape culture and suicide. ANNND, SPOLIERS FOR BARBIE!! Today, Mike and Tim welcome the other Tim (Freakin Gombis) to discuss the new film 'Barbie,' by revisiting the conversation "God is Not in Control" (episode 239). What is the controversy about? Is the film too feminist or not feminist enough? What are folks like Ben Shapiro so triggered by? How does our need for God to be 'in control,' shape the narrative of 'control' in this time? How do we manifest 'control' in God's name? How does Oppenheimer fit in? Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds... We also read a listener email dealing with suicide. What is the correct posture and response when we were mostly raised to understand suicide as the 'unforgivable sin?' Gloria's speech from Barbie: HERE As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

413 - Revelation Part Thirteen: Poverty & Riches

57m · Published 24 Jul 13:00

Revelation Part Thirteen: Poverty & Riches. Some sound issues today as Mike's mic decided to defect... “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write..." This episode we continue our decent into Revelation. Laodicea was an affluent city, located strategically at the intersection of three major trade routes. The city quickly became a banking and trading center, known especially for its woolen carpets and clothing. Also in Laodicea was one of the ancient world’s most prominent medical schools, especially famous for its eye and ear treatments. 

Scholars have found cultural allusions in this message not only to Laodicea’s wealth but also to the local production of eye salve, the use of black wool, and especially the city’s lack of a good water supply. How does that fit metaphorically? How does Las Vegas fit in? What does the "lukewarm, I'll spit you out" reference have to do with it? There are so many cultural references... where do we fit in? John recognized that the acceptance of Rome’s mythology was an act of giving worship to evil masquerading as divine authority.

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

412 - Revelation Part Twelve: America the Beautiful?

1h 10m · Published 17 Jul 17:33

America the Beautiful? Today, Mike and Tim fight off a Seth and Mazzy interruption to discuss how the model of ‘Christian Nationalism’ is nothing new. Rome built a civic religion that John rebuked... What exactly does a civic religion look like in this case? How has America followed Rome? What parts of civic life have we ordained? Solemn devotion and allegiance? Blessing of the State? What lens does John offer us to examine? Is it unpatriotic to critique America? How do we as Christians exercise a healthy patriotism while advocating for the Kingdom of God? Has Christianity, as the dominant American religion, been co opted in service to the sacralization of power? How do we take the narrative back?!?!? How do we participate, even with pride, and resist the baptizing of American ritual? How did self preservation become a Christian trait when we follow a sacrificial God?

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

Learn more about the Voxology Podcast

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

411 - Revelation Part Eleven: Letter to Pergamum

1h 9m · Published 10 Jul 18:22

Letter to Pergamum. This episode, we continue in Revelation and look at a specific letter to Pergamum. What was Satan’s throne? What is the insinuation? What was the temple to Roma? What was the deal with the ‘other’ gods? Balaam? Mouth sword?? Hidden manna??? Who was Jezebel and how did she play into this? How did we mess up Jesus already having blood on His robes? The lamb who has won the battle by being martyred… How did we turn this into a book of war and conquering?

Mike and Tim also recap the 4th of July as well as what therapy looks like for each of them, currently

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

Learn more about the Voxology Podcast

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

410 - Gospel & Gombis: Part Four

1h 3m · Published 03 Jul 15:59

Gospel & Gombis: Part Four. Powers and Principalities. Other spiritual entities as players on the field. Heyo! Nuff said!

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

Learn more about the Voxology Podcast

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

409 - Revelation Part Ten: Letter to Ephesus

1h 13m · Published 26 Jun 15:03

Letter to Ephesus. This episode, we continue in Revelation and look at a specific letter to Ephesus. What was the context of this letter? What was it speaking to? How was it to be understood then and now?

We also spend time discussing the use of AI in in sermons? Is a AI generated invitation to salvation just as good as a human one? Can someone be "saved" by AI? Is that even the right question?

We also discuss women as Elders as Mike share a few Tweets he came across.

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to [email protected], and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV.

Learn more about the Voxology Podcast

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The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio

Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook

Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre

Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

Voxology has 501 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 497:40:17. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 6th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 04:45.

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