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United States

TED Talks Daily logo
What makes someone vote against their political party? | Sarah Longwell TED Talks Daily 06 Feb 15:41

Our brains are hardwired to crave community and belonging — a tribal instinct that drives politics in the United States, says political strategist Sarah Longwell. She shares what she learned trying to convince people to vote against their political party in a recent election and shows why telling a better story about democracy is key to bridging the ideological divide.

The Daily logo
The U.N. Scandal Threatening Crucial Aid to Gaza The Daily 06 Feb 10:45
Patrick Kingsley, the Jerusalem bureau chief for The Times, explains what this could mean for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. How it might complicate Israel’s strategy in the war.
Fresh Air logo
What Americans Really Think About Race Fresh Air 05 Feb 19:13
Michele Norris has spent the last 14 years collecting what she calls "an archive of the human experience" She wanted to see how Americans really talk and think about race, so she asked people to share their thoughts in six words.
Morbid logo
Episode 535: Florence Burns and the Murder of Walter Brooks Morbid 05 Feb 08:01
Walter Brooks was found dead from a bullet to the head on Valentine’s Day 1902. Suspicion immediately fell on Brooks’ sometimes-girlfriend, Florence Burns. Despite all the evidence indicating guilt, Burns was never brought to trial for the murder or even formally charged with a crime.
The Daily logo
The Sunday Read: ‘The Great Freight-Train Heists of the 21st Century’ The Daily 04 Feb 11:00
The Los Angeles basin is the country’s undisputed capital of cargo theft. Some 20 million containers move through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach every year. In the era of e-commerce, freight train robberies are going through a strange revival.
The Daily logo
Secure the Border, Say Republicans. So Why Are They Killing a Plan to Do That? The Daily 01 Feb 10:48
Democrats and Republicans were closing in on a game-changing deal to secure the U.S.-Mexico border. Karoun Demirjian, who covers Congress for The Times, explains why that deal is now falling apart.
Planet Money logo
The Chicken Tax (Classic) Planet Money 31 Jan 23:43
German families in the 60s loved tasty, cheap American-raised chicken. Americans were loving fun, cheap Volkswagen Beetles. This arrangement was too good to last. How a trade dispute over frozen chicken parts changed the American auto industry.
Hidden Brain logo
US 2.0: What We Have In Common Hidden Brain 29 Jan 15:00
Hidden Brain is kicking off a new series about how we form our political beliefs. We begin with psychologist Kurt Gray, who studies how we think about our political allies and opponents. Have you tried to talk with someone who disagrees with you about politics? Have you found effective ways to get through?
The Daily logo
The Failed Promise of Police Body Cameras The Daily 29 Jan 10:45
This episode includes strong language and audio excerpts of violence. Eric Umansky, an editor at large at ProPublica, explains why body cameras haven't been the fix that many hoped they would be.
The Daily logo
The Mother Who Changed: A Story of Dementia The Daily 26 Jan 10:53
Katie Engelhart, a writer for The New York Times Magazine, tells the story of one family’s experience. Katie Englehart has reported on dementia for years, and one image of a prisoner haunts her.
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