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Trump Defends Use Of Tear Gas At The Border; Mississippi Senate Heads To A Runoff The NPR Politics Podcast 26 Nov 23:18
The U.S. briefly closed border entries in Tijuana and used tear gas on the protesters. The president has defended their actions. Plus, the president heads to Mississippi to rally for the Republican facing a formidable Democratic opponent.
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Election Update + Turkey Traditions The NPR Politics Podcast 19 Nov 22:33
This episode: White House correspondent Tamara Keith, political editor Domenico Montanaro and political reporter Asma Khalid. An update on where things stand in Georgia and Florida plus why President Trump is planning some rallies in Mississippi. And a discussion of why turkeys get presidential pardons.
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Who Is Believed and Who Is Blamed? The Daily 10 Oct 09:53

Across the country, the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh has set off a highly personal debate among women about credibility and culpability. We sit in on two of those conversations. Guests: A group of teenagers in Brooklyn, who shared with us their reactions to the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh; and the reporters Susan Chira and Ellen Ann Fentress, who spoke to Lovetta Green...

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Episode 74: Catastrophe Criminal 08 Sep 08:00
In 1993, more than 1,000 levees broke along the Mississippi River, flooding thousands of acres. Most of these cases were accidents due to the river rising well above its usual levels. But in West Quincy, Missouri, there was another culprit, James Scott. His crime? Knowingly causing a catastrophe by breaking the levee. But his motive was not what prosecutors expected. Thanks to Noam Osmand...
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Episode 58: Walnut Grove Criminal 06 Jan 09:00
In 2010, Michael McIntosh's son was incarcerated at the Walnut Grove Youth Correctional Facility in the small town of Walnut Grove, Mississippi. One Sunday, Michael McIntosh went to visit his son and was turned away because, he was told, prison officials "did not know" where his son was. He spent the next six weeks searching for his son, only to find him in the...
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Weekly Roundup: Thursday, April 7 The NPR Politics Podcast 08 Apr 00:21
A look at the race and a new level of testiness, especially among Democrats, as the primary season moves from Wisconsin to New York. The latest on a string of religious freedom laws in states like Mississippi and North Carolina making national news.
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Quick Take: Tuesday Night's Primaries The NPR Politics Podcast 09 Mar 05:51
A look at Tuesday night's primary votes, including a big win for Bernie Sanders in Michigan. It was a good night for him, and a bad night for the Republican challengers to Donald Trump.
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