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Don Gonyea

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The Ever-Growing 2024 Republican Primary Field The NPR Politics Podcast 23 May 20:14
GOP presidential candidates Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis kick off their campaigns this week. What will contenders need to do to challenge former president Donald Trump and current president Biden?
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At Iowa GOP Conference, Trump Is Still Running The Show The NPR Politics Podcast 24 Apr 20:40
Republican presidential hopefuls flocked to Iowa this weekend for a chance to make their pitch to a key block of primary voters. Former President Trump was still the largest presence in the room.
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A Love Affair: American Politics And Country Music The NPR Politics Podcast 22 Dec 22:27
Politicians have long relied on country music stars to burnish their rural reputations. From Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton to Charley Pride and The Chicks, we look at the relationship between country music and U.S. politics.
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Pelosi's Spouse Attacked, Pennsylvania Senate, Train Labor Dispute The NPR Politics Podcast 28 Oct 21:04
A man broke into the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and attacked her husband. The speaker was not home at the time and her husband is expected to make a full recovery. But, a source briefed on the attack told NPR, the assailant was looking for the Speaker.
In Pennsylvania, a debate challenged Democrat John Fetterman as he continues to recover from...
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Many Trump Picks Did Well Running For Open Seats, But Struggled Against Incumbents The NPR Politics Podcast 08 Jun 20:48
Trump voters largely remain enthusiastic about the former president. Some had a hard time seeing past their affection for the conservative, incumbent politicians he was opposing when casting their primary ballots.
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MAGA Republicans Dominate Key North Carolina, Pennsylvania Primaries The NPR Politics Podcast 18 May 20:55
In North Carolina, Rep. Ted Budd — boosted by Donald Trump's endorsement — secured a decisive win over the state's former two-term governor.
And in Pennsylvania, Trump's pick for governor won the primary contest despite spreading false claims about the presidential election results. The state's GOP Senate primary remains too close to call.
As expected, North Carolina's Cheri Beasley and Pennsylvania's John...
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Trump's Endorsement Helps J.D. Vance Win Ohio's GOP Senate Primary Race The NPR Politics Podcast 04 May 20:57
Vance would join a wave of young conservative lawmakers inspired by Trump who will help to cement the former president's political legacy in the decades to come. The primary race illustrated the state's dramatic conservative turn in recent years.
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Weekly Roundup: April 15th The NPR Politics Podcast 15 Apr 20:56
Sarah Palin is reentering the political arena with a bid to represent her home state of Alaska in the House of Representatives. Mehmet Oz secured Donald Trump's coveted endorsement against Dave McCormick, a fifth-generation resident of Pennsylvania. Will it matter to voters there?
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How Much Sway Does Donald Trump Hold In Republican Primaries? The NPR Politics Podcast 24 Mar 20:45
Tepublicans in the Ohio Senate primary are vying for Trump's endorsement. But Trump's approval doesn't mean an automatic victory. The former president just rescinded an endorsement in the Alabama Senate race.
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Two Very, Very Different Strategies For Winning The Senate The NPR Politics Podcast 23 Feb 21:50
There are 34 Senate races this November and any one of them could decide control of the evenly-divided chamber. Democrats in Pennsylvania are slogging through a crowded primary, pitching similar progressive economic policies and distinct personal brands to voters. And Republican presidential hopeful and Florida Senator Rick Scott put out a blueprint encouraging GOP candidates to double-down on the culture war issues in order...
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