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Ep - 20 Have You Figured Out Where Your Sweet Little Girl is Going? Two New Resources That’ll Help Ease Her Journey into Adulthood

7m · Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast · 02 Feb 12:00

Hey Parents,

Have you figured out where your sweet little girl is going?

That's not a trick question.

But, I'll admit, it can be a little tricky to answer.

When I recorded my first podcast, Episode #1 Are You Wondering Where Your Sweet Little Girl Went? 5 Hints to Solve the Mystery I wasn't sure anyone would even listen to it. 

Though, it seems to be a fan favorite, and I'm thinking it may be because as your daughter:

  • begins to build her tribe outside the family 
  • and emphatically engages you in “discussions” regarding your parenting approach

you’re thinking, “oh boy, what now?”

But I want to assure you that, just like the 5 hints in episode one helped you get a much-needed glimpse into your daughter's teen-girl world, the Two New Resources we’re offering today will help ease her transition into adulthood.

If your daughter is like most teens, you’re likely seeing her: 

  • exploring her true identity 
  • trying out different personas
  • and stretching (or retracting) her wings 

It’s no secret that the self-discovery road isn’t always smooth sailin.’ 

It certainly wasn’t for me.

Though, as your daughter develops a strong sense of self, it’ll make it a little easier and safer to try out new friend groups and activities

And because, simple tools that feel doable promote lasting growth, I'm excited to share today’s two new resources with you:

  • Finding your Flow
  • Ditching Habitual Autopilot

They're designed to help your daughter gather all the great gems on her path to adulthood.

Go ahead and head over to my website, for the full Podcast and complete Show Notes.

Here's to cultivating  a more resilient teen,

Shawna :)

Podcast Resources:

Episode #1 Are You Wondering Where Your Sweet Little Girl Went? 5 Hints to Solve the Mystery

Episode #16 Does Your Teenage Daughter Need a Strong Sense of Self to be Successful in Life?

Article in | Why You Should Talk to Yourself in the Third Person | by Shayla Love | 12.28.2020 | 

YouTube Video | Marie Forleo with Catherine Collautt, Ph.D. | 4 Steps to Overcome a Devastating Setback 

The episode Ep - 20 Have You Figured Out Where Your Sweet Little Girl is Going? Two New Resources That’ll Help Ease Her Journey into Adulthood from the podcast Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast has a duration of 7:56. It was first published 02 Feb 12:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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I feel like we’ve all been there. That moment in time where you want to clearly articulate the thoughts swirling around in your head and release the mixed emotions weighing you down, but the sense of overwhelm creates a frustrating mental block and prevents you from saying anything at all.

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Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!

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Beginning again is simply about tuning in and being honest with yourself. Which, I’ll admit, wasn’t always easy for me. Growing up I was labeled as the ‘shy’ girl. But in reality, my shy demeanor was a byproduct of being highly sensitive.

And, if your daughter is a big feeler, please know that it’s a natural instinct to want to ignore or disengage from life’s challenges, especially if they feel too big and unsolvable.

The game changing point and the first step to cultivating a resilient teen for all her adventures in life is to develop self K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E or a clear sense of self.

This approach helped me embrace my gifts so I could begin again with an open-heart and clear mind and be who I wanted to be and show up how I wanted to show up in life.

That’s why I’m excited to share a fan favorite strategy with you in today’s episode. It’s a strategy that you and your daughter can start using right now – no need to wait until the ball drops at midnight or you open up your 2024 calendar.

You can find the full episode and more resources for parenting your teenage daughter at

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!

Ep - 43 What's the #1 Habit of a Successful Teen? Two Powerful Words: Begin Again

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In today’s episode we’re going to unpack why it’s so important for your daughter to learn how to stop, look and listen so she can become adept at interpreting what each life lesson, each signpost, is offering. Because when she’s tuned in and exercising agency over her adventures in life, she’ll naturally see her significance, that she matters and that see that she has something unique to offer the world.

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!

Ep - 42 Calm in the Storm: 3 Steps to Ease Your Daughter's Exam Anxiety

Is it time to calm your daughter's exam anxiety?

Hey Parents,

Parenting teenagers is no small feat, but being a parent during final exams is akin to stepping into the realm of unsung heroes. I remember thinking that I could write my final psych paper while also listening to Prince’s new album, Purple Rain. I also remember my mom walking into my room, shaking her head, and telling me this approach wasn’t going to work.

Unfortunately, my lack of self-awareness at the time left me sitting with a blank sheet of paper for the better half of my Sunday afternoon until I finally turned off the tape and got to work.

But hey, I memorized all the lyrics – that counts for something, right?

Anyway, the funny - not funny thing is the real issue, what was ACTUALLY keeping me from writing my paper, was never addressed.

The focus was only on time management. And while time management is important, there’s something more important because it’s probably keeping your daughter from doing what she needs to do.

A crucial skill she hasn’t learned – yet.

So, in today’s episode, we’re going to address that crucial skill – mind management. We’re going to dive into 3 Stress-Busting Steps that will prime your daughter’s mind so she can maximize her mind and her time.

You’ll find the full episode and more resources for parenting your teenage daughter at

Links: Ep – 41 The 3 Main Issues That Cause Social Anxiety and How to ‘Grow Through’ These Challenges

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!

Ep - 41 The 3 Main Issues That Cause Social Anxiety and How to 'Grow Through' These Challenges

Hey parents, is your daughter’s social life running her or is she running her social life?

Teenage girls come to me all the time feeling confused, hurt, and distraught by other people’s behavior. When someone says or does something that’s inconsistent with your perception of them, or different from how you believe they’re supposed to behave, it creates internal conflict. And internal conflict turns around and creates anxiety.

As you might imagine, I hear a lot about the daily lives of teenage girls in my 90 Days to a More Resilient Teen Coaching Program. So, if you’re not sure if your daughter’s social life is running her or if she’s running her social life, or why this is even important, stay tuned.

For years my clients, teenage girls, have reported that their social scenarios consume 60% or more of their emotional bandwidth. Meaning, if there’s something stirring within her tribe or there’s a perceived social conflict, it’s really hard to concentrate in class, or be fully present with you at home.

The 3 Main Issues: Rank, Reputation and Rumors

Wouldn’t it be nice if social conflicts were less impactful or just disappeared altogether! I’m here to tell you, as strange as it may sound, that these conflicts offer an opportunity for your daughter to grow through what she’s going through.

Yes, it’s true. With the right tools, your daughter will cultivate her confidence, resilience, and integrity when she sees that she can handle and grow from any conflict.

While there are a zillion social scenarios that can be anxiety provoking, there are three that I repeatedly hear about. Because when they’re active, they turn a mild social
conflict into a scary, intimidating one.

The Entrance Strategy

The good news is, this episode introduces you to an effective, simple strategy your daughter can use anytime and anywhere!

What’s The Entrance Strategy? The Entrance Strategy consists of 3 clarifying and empowering questions that will give your daughter what she needs to ‘grow through’ what’s she’s going through.

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!

Every Podcast » Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast » Ep - 20 Have You Figured Out Where Your Sweet Little Girl is Going? Two New Resources That’ll Help Ease Her Journey into Adulthood