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24: The Fraps and The Furious

2h 12m · 337 Kids · 30 Aug 22:31

We took a month-long break between recordings, and prepared a really great episode for you. And a new logo! (thanks Devin). We talk about the worst theme park ride of all time, what Devin would do if he were President, Soap Operas that have been playing for over 50 years. PLUS: find out which one of the 337 Kids was the victim of a MONEY SCAM!!! Wow, that sounds exciting. Hold on to your butts fer this one.

The episode 24: The Fraps and The Furious from the podcast 337 Kids has a duration of 2:12:39. It was first published 30 Aug 22:31. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » 337 Kids » 24: The Fraps and The Furious