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#4 Ral-ache + New Upsetty

31m · Quarantine On My Mind · 24 May 19:22

Derrick and Amelie talk about the situation in New York and Raleigh, USA; mental health, music and how being heartbroken might or might not make better art.

The episode #4 Ral-ache + New Upsetty from the podcast Quarantine On My Mind has a duration of 31:02. It was first published 24 May 19:22. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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#4 Ral-ache + New Upsetty

Derrick and Amelie talk about the situation in New York and Raleigh, USA; mental health, music and how being heartbroken might or might not make better art.

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#1 Awkland

Anton talks about living alone, the situation in Auckland, New Zealand- selling clothes, ramen and how falling down a rabbit hole of YouTube content of your niche can keep you sane.

Quarantine On My Mind (Trailer)

Every Podcast » Quarantine On My Mind » #4 Ral-ache + New Upsetty