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Is Self love selfish?

18m · The Cassandra Jay Podcast: Life Evolved · 25 Jul 12:14

Why is it that self-love is seen as selfish arrogant and indulgent- when in reality it's the foundation of a happy fulfilled life. 

In today's episode, I share about outdated old skool collective beliefs that keep us stuck putting others first, and why its important to make the choice to switch to a self-love mindset.

The episode Is Self love selfish? from the podcast The Cassandra Jay Podcast: Life Evolved has a duration of 18:17. It was first published 25 Jul 12:14. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from The Cassandra Jay Podcast: Life Evolved

Aligned & Embodied for 2022: A free gift for you

Hey Gorgeous,

Happy 2022!!
I hope you've had a luscious New Year and are feeling good.  I for one have been slowly sauntering into this new year instead of going full force with all my goals and desires for 2022. Usually, I'd be going from 0 to 100mph on Jan 1st- but not this year.
This year has a different energy to it, do you feel it?
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn means the energy is slower than usual and more introspective. So why not use it to your advantage?

I've created a free workbook and EFT audio to align and embody the energy of your goals and desires for 2022-

you can find it here, download it and save it, work through it and DO the EFT tapping at the end of it to help you bust through any beliefs keeping you from having what you want in 2022.


Download your free Aligned 2022 pack now and set the tone for your most fulfilled year yet!

heaps of love,
Cass xo

Aligned for Your desires for 2022

Are you a 'new year, new me' kinda person?

While that whole vibe is great the sinking feeling of NOT sticking to your 'New Year New Me' goals suck. 

It can be a vicious cycle to get out of. I've been there, and it's so disheartening. 

And this is WHY most people don't achieve their goals. 

Through trial and error, I've worked out how to get into the right mindset and approach for your goals and intentions the High Vibe way.
Listen as I share why the mainstream paradigm doesn't work, and how you can start moving into the new year in a way that will support you.
My wish for you is that you believe that anything is possible for you and that you go after it with arms wide open.
heaps of Love,

How your subconscious mind works pt 2: keeping you small

Understanding the complex process that creates resistance in our lives and how.

Rebrand- Welcome to The Cassandra jay Show

a little snippet bit on why I rebranded the name of my podcast and how the intention of what you're doing affects the ability to show up. I'm leaning into my Lilith in Leo for this one. 

How Your Subconscious Mind works

Ok so this in't the most sexy information I'll ever share- but it's vital to know if you want to change any aspect of yourself, your life or whatever.
I talk all the time about living the life you want, and if you're not loving yourself, your life, your work, or anything- this is important knowledge to have: because isn't everything you've ever experienced is stored right here, in your subconscious mind and you have to be aware of it if you want to make permamnt long-lasting supportive changes to anything in your life.
Happy Listening!