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009: Healthy Habits // What you want MOST over what you want NOW

1h 2m · Unlocking Freedom Podcast · 05 Oct 05:00

Today your Unlocking Freedom (@unlocking.freedom) co-hosts Kayla (@kayfergdutton) and Allison (@allimom) talk about how to create healthier habits in your life and how to sustain those habits. Reach out to Kayla ([email protected]) if you are struggling with  substance cravings due to addiction and need some support.

Philippians 3:12-16 TPT
Progress is perfect!
You steps may be wobbly at first but those baby steps are crucial.
Your commitment to the process will determine your progress.
Celebrate your little victories!

Focus on establishing new habits! You can improve them as you go. Getting started is the hardest step.
You only have to make 1% progress every day and you will be 37x times better at the end of one year.

“Discipline: what you want MOST over what you want NOW” - Craig Groeschel
2 Corinthians 4:18

Set time aside for YOU. Become the designer of your day instead of the consumer of it. Get out of response mode and tell your day how it’s going to go. Are you on the defense or the offense side of your life?

Plug into a community where your desired behaviors are the normal. There’s accountability there! We mimic the close, the tribe, and the powerful. Who are you surrounding yourself with?

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Craig Groeschel

1 John 3:1-2 TPT
Hebrews 4:16 NKJV

Link your identity to your habits to find lasting results.
Be the type of person that does whatever habit you are trying to pick up.

Reading Recommendations:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
The Abstinence Myth by Dr Adi Jaffe
Winning The War In Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
Soundtracks by Jon Acuff

The episode 009: Healthy Habits // What you want MOST over what you want NOW from the podcast Unlocking Freedom Podcast has a duration of 1:02:38. It was first published 05 Oct 05:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Unlocking Freedom Podcast

014: Your Identity is RIGHTEOUSNESS // As He is, so are you.

Our recovery group meets every Monday night at 7pm CDT online! DM us @unlocking.freedom on Instagram for the link to that group.

We are labeled righteous the moment we receive salvation.
Romans 8:1
We have child of God benefits because of Jesus.

As He is, so are you.
Colossians 2:13-15
Jesus went to hell, grabbed the keys, and publicly shamed the enemy.
Jesus cleared your record.

Your identity is RIGHTEOUS. Refuse to take your identity from your sin and struggles.
Holy Spirit convicts you of your righteousness, not your sin.
Galatians 2:20-21
If you have to work for your righteousness, then why did Jesus go to the Cross?
2 Corinthians 5:21
God is not fair if you still have to work for what Jesus already paid for.

You’re either depending on Jesus or you’re depending on your own strength.
You don’t have a sin problem, you have a sin condition.
Behavior modification is exhausting. Shift your thinking to your righteousness.
Sin-consciousness - guilt, shame, defeat, based on what you can/can’t do
Righteousness-consciousness - victory, authority, based on what Jesus has done

You have to understand that YOU ARE LOVED.
You don’t have to earn God’s love.
Childlike faith is fully walking in your identity and your access as a child of God.
You are God’s favorite. You are the one that Jesus loves.

Seek first the Kingdom and all will be added. — Matthew 6
The Holy Spirit wants to be your helper!

You’re never too far gone.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
When your BEING is secure your DOING will follow.

013: !!!!URGENT!!!! // How's Your Urgency Meter?

Is your urgency radar out of order? Are you surrounded by urgent people?
If you find yourself turning to quick fixes, urgency may be a root in your life you need to address.

Negative emotion can lead to addiction, but there’s also an urgency addiction.
What comes first, addiction or urgency?? Definitely goes back to impulsivity.

Are your thoughts positive or negative? Hold onto hope, you CAN renew your mind!
Boundaries are so important— they bring accountability.

John 11 — The story of Lazarus
Lazarus was sick and Jesus was sent news about it.
V6 - Jesus is in no rush to get there.
When Jesus gets there, Lazarus is dead and He is approached with so much emotion.
Jesus didn’t give into the urgency, and He also wasn’t bothered by it.
Jesus modeled peace in this situation.

John 16:33 — peace is available to you.
The world’s definition of peace is tranquility/quiet. You may not have that in this world. God’s definition of peace is to be at rest. He has overcome and He’s already won the victory.

We recommend the book: To Hell With The Hustle - Jefferson Bethke

What’s the point? If you aren’t connecting with the Holy Spirit and community, does what your doing have a point??
John 14:25-27 — you have a helper, the Holy Spirit
HS gives you peace, not as the world gives, but HIS peace
420 times peace is mentioned in the Bible; peace is important!
Peace is powerful.
Peace is contagious.

Where are you going when you feel urgency?
Are you running to others or are you running to Jesus?

When emotions are high, clarity of thinking is low.
Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.


012: Leaning into GRACE

Grace has placed you on the other side of your troubles because you are on the other side of the Cross. Jesus already overcame what you are facing.

Romans 5:8
He doesn’t just love the best version of you, He loves YOU right now.

Mercy - off the hook for your mistakes
Grace - you get what you don’t deserve
Grace is a whole new level beyond mercy.

Put yourself in the circle of people that need grace. YOU deserve grace too.

— Daily Bread from Season 1 Episode 5 —

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 TPT
The evidence of belief is rest. - Creflo Dollar
There is always a portal for God’s power in your life.. Look for the portal!
Grace means there’s always an open door for God to move in your life.

Don’t miss God in your current season of life.
Stand in faith believing His promises and His faithfulness.
Faith requires TRUST.

God wants you to succeed! He is rooting for you! Grace is FOR you.

Sin-consciousness - guilt, shame, defeat, based on what you can/can’t do
Righteousness-consciousness - victory, authority, based on what Jesus has done

Philippians 4:8 - keep your mind on these things
Recognize the lies that you are believing.

Grace changes everything!

011: Focus // What You're Running TOWARDS vs What You're Running From

In today's episode, your Unlocking Freedom hosts Allison Burke (@allimom) and Kayla Dutton (@kayfergdutton) talk about FOCUS and how important it is to focus on what you are running towards instead of what you are running from if you want to make progress and keep momentum going in your journey. Follow us at @unlocking.freedom so you don't miss the next episode!

Where is your focus?

Titus 2:11-13

Plug into the present.

Philippians 3:13-14

Matthew 6:34
Be present in TODAY
Check out our Daily Bread episode (005) from season 1 for more on this topic.

Ecclesiastes 7:10
“the good ole days”

1 Samuel 7:3
Eyes on the prize — your victory comes from your focus.

Be gracious to the people running their races around you! Your lane is YOUR LANE and their lane is theirs.
You are called to obedience.
You can’t be fully obedient to the Lord when you are comparing yourself to others.

Acknowledge what you’ve done, but the past can’t be your focused.
I can’t change the past, I can’t see the future, but I can be in the present. Focus on reality and where you are at right now.
Your perspective is everything.

Gratitude grounds you to the present and centralizes your focus.

Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14
Jesus didn’t call you to struggle. He called you to SOAR.
Jesus is not going to let you down. He is going to keep you moving forward.

Colossians 1:12
Live in the light and FOLLOW THE LIGHT.

Sin isn’t the issue, SHAME is the issue.
Shame says “something’s wrong with me”
but Jesus says “you’re worth dying for!”

Psalms 121:7-8
He watches over your coming and going.
He will protect you now and He will protect you forevermore.
Follow peace.

Where is your focus??

010: New Year, New Me? // Goals vs Desires

We're back for season two! Follow us at @unlocking.freedom so you don't miss an episode.

New Year, New Me? // Goals vs Desires

Like we continually say, PROGRESS is perfect. It’s wise to look back and see what will benefit you moving forward and what you need to let go over and leave behind.
A fresh start brings HOPE. Embrace the fresh start of January and a new year, but bring your TESTIMONY with you.

New year new me? New year UPGRADED me.
Upgrade the iOS of your spirit.

Hebrews 12:1 TPT
What are the wounds that have pierced you?
What are the struggles you keep falling back into?

Desires vs Goals
Are you setting attainable goals or do you just have a list of desires?
DESIRES are great but they aren’t productive unless you have GOALS to help you achieve those desires.
Desires bring you vision. Goals bring you discipline.

Have you already failed some of your resolutions for this year? Start back up! Reassess every month if you have to, but make your goals attainable. Ask yourself: is this what I want most over what I want now?

Every month, journal these categories:
Personal wins
What you learned
Important goals met
Ways you took care of yourself
Who you connected with
You will remember
Key purchases made
What you are grateful for

Ephesians 4:22-25 TPT
V23 its time to be made new by REVELATION.
Let His revelation transform you.

Psalm 127:1-2 TPT

Let your progress be a blessing to the people around you.
You are gaining ground and building authority by stewarding the season you are in well.

Every Podcast » Unlocking Freedom Podcast » 009: Healthy Habits // What you want MOST over what you want NOW