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The Key to Living Your Vision Now

37m · Mind Revolution · 16 Feb 18:05

Our mindset can make a challenge feel like a slow mountain climb or make that same challenge feel like a fun learning opportunity. 


This year, one of the themes for my clients inside Soulful Business Revolution has been ease. Everybody in there is focusing on finding more ease so that their goals unfold in a way that feels effortless. They’re discovering that it’s possible to do big things with grace and ease.


I’m tackling some big things myself, and my goals are getting me up early in the morning and keeping me up late at night — for now. 


As I think of my clients creating the changes they want from the inside out, the image that comes to mind is a pressure cooker. Pressure is applied for a duration of time, and during that time, you can’t tell that anything is happening. You don’t get to see any progress until the pressure is released, and — voila — you have the beautiful, delicious finished product!


It’s much the same way with personal transformations. When we’re in the thick of it, we can’t see the progress. Sometimes all we can see is that it’s a challenging time. But when the pressure lifts, we see the result of work that was happening under the lid all along. 


And as you’re on your journey, a results game-changer is living your vision in your mind as if it’s happening now.  This gives clear instructions to your unconscious mind to follow.


What most of us do is look to the future and count the days and months and years until this thing we want shows up.  The problem with that strategy is that talking and thinking about what you want as if it’s coming someday in the future only trains your unconscious mind that what you want is out of reach because, as you’re thinking about it, it is.


When you stubbornly focus on your desired outcome and feel, inside, as if you’re living it now, you give your brain a chance to gather the resources to bring it to fruition. 


You can learn to stay in the essence of what you want, let it permeate your being, and hold on to it.  This is the key to bringing about transformation with ease.  



Thanks for listening!


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  • Find Brenda on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube

Links from today’s episode:


  • Bridging the Gap Between You and You
  • NLP Money Mindset Rewrite 
  • 21-Day NLP Abundance Breakthrough


To help out the show:


  • Leave a positive review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews help, and I read each and every one.
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The episode The Key to Living Your Vision Now from the podcast Mind Revolution has a duration of 37:54. It was first published 16 Feb 18:05. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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The High Price of Going it Alone

I’m going to cut right to the chase. If you’re attempting something great – building and growing a business, creating content, working through relationship drama, raising kids, tackling personal projects –  you need support. Period. 


And not getting the help you need can make the difference between living a life you love and one you despise. 


Somewhere along the way, many of us adopted the notion that the self-made man is the gold standard, the ideal, that our success will be sweeter if we go it alone. 


This is a big flawed premise. There is no such thing as a self-made man. Or woman (just to be clear.) 


Did you make the device you’re reading this on? Did you cut the trees to get the wood to construct your house? Did you build your car or manufacture your stove? Did you make your shoes? I’m willing to bet no.


We get support in a million ways to live and function in the world. Why do we shoot ourselves in the foot by resisting support when it comes to reaching our goals? 


This sometimes happens among my clients who have already invested in my services. Their impulse to “go it alone” overrides what makes sense: to take advantage of the resources at their disposal.


The go-it-alone tendency can manifest in multiple ways: 

  • Feeling embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help 
  • Feeling not worthy to use another person’s time
  • Not wanting to take up air space in group coaching sessions
  • Feeling hesitant about bringing negative energy or doubts into a group coaching session
  • Missing appointments
  • Not sharing your ideas and strategies so that others can provide feedback 


But here is what I have observed. The fastest way to get from here to there is to put yourself in a supportive environment. Everyone needs support from time to time. Everyone. And encouragement, external resources, and feedback can be the difference between reaching your goals or not. Or it could be the difference between reaching your goals gracefully or exhaustedly.


There are no extra points for going-it-alone or being depleted. None.


But there is a lot of extra that comes with a supportive environment. There are shared resources, shared energy, encouragement, the give-and-take of receiving and providing feedback. 


I am here to support you. Not to make decisions for you or to run your business. That’s your thing. But if you could benefit from support – and can’t we all? – then, I am here for you. From the podcast to Revolution to NLP Sales School to Momentum Maker and Soulful Business with NLP Facebook group, I’ve got many ways for you to plug in and get the support you need. We all benefit when we share our challenges, expertise, and solutions. Join in! Get and give the support we all need. We can do this together!

Thanks for listening!


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When Fear Weasels Its Way into Your Dreams

5 Things that Block Your Flow of Abundance and What to do Instead

My take on abundance is that it’s always here, always available. It’s on tap 24/7, ready to pour into your existence. And it’s our scarcity thinking, old stories, and patterns that stop the natural flow of abundance. And all the years of coaching others and my personal work point to this: 

No, you don’t have to earn abundance, and you don’t have to wait until you deserve it. It just is.


And I’m talking about abundance in all good things – an abundance of health, wealth, time, laughter, joy… Full, unbridled abundance.


So why might you not be feeling abundance in your life right now? 


Old neural patterns, ideas of scarcity, and negative beliefs about money and prosperity divert our focus and keep the abundance-that-always-is out of our awareness much of the time. We get bogged down by our sensory experience and lose sight of all the prosperity and plenty that is around us. 


Want to experience more abundance in your life? Yeah, me too! To do that, you must stop doing the following: 


  • Stop blaming. Stop blaming other people, situations, circumstances, etc. for your life experience. Take responsibility for your outcomes and remember that you’re doing the best you can. And then, focus on doing better.
  • Stop telling yourself that you’re not worthy to have the things that you want. If you’re breathing, you’re worthy. You just are. And so is everybody else.
  • Stop feeling guilty. Guilt serves a purpose in small doses but the way most people guilt themselves serves no one. 
  • Stop feeling shame. Let it go.
  • Stop feeling resentful. Let go of past negative interactions with others.


Guilt, shame, and resentment don’t happen in a vacuum. You have established neural networks that contain these emotions that are triggered by some external event or memory. Be mindful of the events and then follow the suggestions below. 


Instead of doing all the things that stop the flow of abundance, do the following:


  • Cling to self-love. If you find it challenging to feel love for yourself, then imagine what it would be like if you did, and soak in that possibility. This will begin the process of creating a self-love container at an unconscious level.
  • Live your vision of abundance as if it’s happening now. The free 21-Day Money Mindset Rewrite has a clever exercise for helping you do just this. I dare you to try it and see what happens. 
  • Interrupt old patterns. When you notice that you’re feeling uncomfortable with your current life experience, pause what you’re doing, and get in a feel-good state. Then return to what you were doing in that refreshed state. When you feel uncomfortable again, pause again to take time to get into a better state. Those good states will last longer and longer if you practice them. This is how you control your state in your moment-to-moment experience. 
  • Stay in gratitude. Actively look for the plentitude and the goodness that is all around you. 

My 21-Day Money Mindset Rewrite has been creating big shifts for me and for others. Go get this free program! It will give you a big boost towards reclaiming your abundance. 



Thanks for listening!


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  • Find Brenda on Facebook and Instagram

Links from today’s episode:


  • The Radically Different NLP Money Mindset Rewrite


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Creating Positive Habit Loops

You’ve probably heard by now about my Radically Different NLP Money Mindset Rewrite program. It’s a 21-day program that drips encouragement to help you reset your money mindset. 


I’ve been getting some great feedback so far. Here’s what I see the most: It’s difficult for people to stick with the program. It’s hard to create new habits! 


Sometimes we get bored with a new habit. Or we forget why we wanted to install a new habit in the first place. Or we just get tired and want to do something familiar and comforting instead. 


We have to decide that what we want is more important than staying in the same old thinking and behavioral patterns. You know, the behavioral patterns that are comfortable — the ones that got us where we are right now.


To support you in establishing new habits…


  • Clearly identify what you want using only positive language.
  • Ask youself…
    • Who do I have to be to live that way or get that outcome? 
    • What beliefs and attitudes do I need to adopt to make this happen? 
    • What routines would be in my ideal self’s daily experience? 
    • What actions would I need to take to get there? 
    • What am I doing now that doesn’t align with and support what I want?
  • Choose one small habit that you can start doing right now. 


If you’re trying to break a bad habit, identify the triggers that lead to the habitual action. Becoming aware of the triggers is half the battle! When we’re aware of internal strategies and external cues, we can choose to interrupt the old patterns we want to break.


It’s essential to build in rewards for yourself along the way. 

  • If breaking a habit, give yourself a little reward each time you recognize the old triggers and choose a more supportive action. 
  • If you're adopting a new habit and feeling bored or frustrated, honor those nudges. Rather than pushing through, take a brief 10-15 minute break and do something supportive and pleasurable. Decide ahead of time on 3 to 5 different, fun activities that you can engage in during these times. This will interrupt the old pattern and will link pleasure with your new goal. Remind the unconscious mind what it feels like to complete the things you want to do. 


Before long, you will have created the habits that will support you in achieving what you want. You’ve got this! 


Thanks for listening!


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  • Find Brenda on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube

Links from today’s episode:


  • Bridging the Gap Between You and You
  • NLP Money Mindset Rewrite


To help out the show:


  • Leave a positive review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews help, and I read each and every one.
  • Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher or Libsyn

The Key to Living Your Vision Now

Our mindset can make a challenge feel like a slow mountain climb or make that same challenge feel like a fun learning opportunity. 


This year, one of the themes for my clients inside Soulful Business Revolution has been ease. Everybody in there is focusing on finding more ease so that their goals unfold in a way that feels effortless. They’re discovering that it’s possible to do big things with grace and ease.


I’m tackling some big things myself, and my goals are getting me up early in the morning and keeping me up late at night — for now. 


As I think of my clients creating the changes they want from the inside out, the image that comes to mind is a pressure cooker. Pressure is applied for a duration of time, and during that time, you can’t tell that anything is happening. You don’t get to see any progress until the pressure is released, and — voila — you have the beautiful, delicious finished product!


It’s much the same way with personal transformations. When we’re in the thick of it, we can’t see the progress. Sometimes all we can see is that it’s a challenging time. But when the pressure lifts, we see the result of work that was happening under the lid all along. 


And as you’re on your journey, a results game-changer is living your vision in your mind as if it’s happening now.  This gives clear instructions to your unconscious mind to follow.


What most of us do is look to the future and count the days and months and years until this thing we want shows up.  The problem with that strategy is that talking and thinking about what you want as if it’s coming someday in the future only trains your unconscious mind that what you want is out of reach because, as you’re thinking about it, it is.


When you stubbornly focus on your desired outcome and feel, inside, as if you’re living it now, you give your brain a chance to gather the resources to bring it to fruition. 


You can learn to stay in the essence of what you want, let it permeate your being, and hold on to it.  This is the key to bringing about transformation with ease.  



Thanks for listening!


To share your thoughts:


  • Leave a note in the comment section below
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  • Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn 
  • Find Brenda on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube

Links from today’s episode:


  • Bridging the Gap Between You and You
  • NLP Money Mindset Rewrite 
  • 21-Day NLP Abundance Breakthrough


To help out the show:


  • Leave a positive review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews help, and I read each and every one.
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