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Ep 3- Holistic bodywork to relax your body and spirit

35m · Unsaid Conversations · 05 Dec 19:58

A wonderful conversation with Lindai about her unique bodywork practice that involves massage, reiki and aromatherapy.  

Lindai is a multi-faceted bodywork therapist who blends the physical practice of massage with non-physical healing work of reiki. Over the course of her practice she developed a unique healing session which includes a personalized combination of thai massage, reiki and aromatherapy.

Follow along for new episodes on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unsaidconvos/

Learn more about Lindai and her work: https://www.bodyworkny.com

The episode Ep 3- Holistic bodywork to relax your body and spirit from the podcast Unsaid Conversations has a duration of 35:21. It was first published 05 Dec 19:58. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » Unsaid Conversations » Ep 3- Holistic bodywork to relax your body and spirit