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Reconnective Yoga: An Ancient Practice on a New Level

1h 59m · Anita Pathik Law · 20 Oct 16:00

Join us for a Conscious Dialogue with Kelly Woodruff, Instructor, Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®

We are living in a time of major global advances. In just 25 years, we have seen the growth of science and technology that was unheard of 50 years ago. In the last 10 years, the information superhighway has advanced one thousand fold and the speed of global exchange is instantaneous.

At the same time, there is great interest in spirituality and ancient wisdom, including participation in ancient practices to experience transcendence and higher states of consciousness. With a desire for a deeper connection to this higher consciousness, people around the world reexamine ancient spiritual traditions.
In the same way that technology accelerates information sharing across the globe, you can enhance your yoga practice using the new frequencies of Reconnective Healing. There is a natural union between the ancient practice of yoga and these new frequencies of healing. Both systems have independently developed a practice to bring your body, mind and spirit into direct connection with the wholeness of the universe and the information available therein. As a cornerstone of their philosophies, both yoga and Reconnective Healing share the myriad benefits of this universal connection.

The episode Reconnective Yoga: An Ancient Practice on a New Level from the podcast Anita Pathik Law has a duration of 1:59:00. It was first published 20 Oct 16:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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